Don't WAIT!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

More News, Rumors, and Opinions Early Saturday Afternoon 1-30-16

Dinar Updates:

Firefly   "(Announcement issued by the Central Bank of Iraq) the Bank would like to announce support for the efforts to rehabilitate the Warka Bank for Investment & Finance and allow him to exercise all banking activities 01/28/2016" 
This announcement is pretty darn BIG.

Q: [what does this announcement mean?] 

Firefly:  Warka is international.  Appears guidelines were met.  I don't have a date but I advise you folks to be READY! 

IMO we are overdue!  I am more excited than I have ever been.

Blondie:  We will be having a "Wingin It Call" this afternoon at 3:30 EST. This will be an update/rehash of info from the Wingin It call of 1-29-16.

We are expanding the number of callers that our lines can hold and we will test that with a saturday call, on Jan. 30th at 3:30 EST , 2:30 CST, 1:30 MT, 12:30 PT

641-715-3580 159453#


BRIDGE LINE 712-432-0075 474730#



Beamer:  Jerzy: Funds released, and transferred in 3 days. Offices open next week. What is going on behind the scenes is HUGE. The projects will restore humanity. Children, seniors, and water are current focus. Royals are signing off. We are on the right track.

Littlewish:  Beamer, was that from the last landa call?

Beamer:  that was a private update.. a friend sent it to me in an email

Beamer:  If all goes well.. based on what I'm hearing from multiple peeps.. we should be extremely happy Monday :)

Beamer:  Whoops.. one more thing.. Huge >>Saturday, January 30, 2016 Un​iversal debt forgiveness and the imminent global debt jubilee



Artneto:  Just watch Bloomberg. CL talking about basket of currencies, being patient, devaluing of currenct, how China will become world reserve currency, etc... never mentioned Iraq, but the it all makes me hopeful

Luvwolfs:  Just found this elsewhere Tennwolf..Wolfy here, any teaser: My banker contact went dark, prior to when he went dark, he told me to keep an eye out for Feb. 1st by or on feb 1st. He told me to watch the first for great happenings!


Tishwash:  Iran, Iraq joint fields increase output by 160,000 b/d

Tehran, Jan 30, IRNA - Iran’s biggest shipping line hopes to start calling again at European ports, with plans for a biweekly service connecting India, Iran and Europe as early as next month, according to people familiar with the matter.

The service would be the first time in five years that ships from the company, Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines, would tie up at European ports. The plan comes just two weeks after the lifting of broad economic sanctions against Iran, part of an international deal to impose limits on Tehran’s peaceful nuclear activities, The Wall Street Journal reported.
Since sanctions have lifted, Iranian officials have announced a host of deals with European companies, including an agreement earlier this week to buy Airbus Group SE jetliners.
Iran borders the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman to the south and the Caspian Sea to the north. It has long been a power in the global shipping industry. The country’s tanker-ship operator boasts the world’s largest tanker fleet by capacity.
IRISL or one of its subsidiaries plans to start a regular service shipping 6,000 containers along a route that would include stops at the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas on the Persian Gulf, Nhava Sheva in India, Istanbul, and European ports, including Felixstowe, UK, Genoa, Italy, and Le Havre, France, according to one person familiar with the plans.
Executives hope the sailings will be the first step in an ambitious plan by the Iranian company to win a slice of the global container-shipping market. The company is also contemplating purchases of giant Triple E container vessels, the largest class of container ships in the world.

SassyD: The World’s Favorite New Tax Haven Is the United States... Moving mo​ney out of the usual offshore secrecy havens and into the U.S. is a br​isk new business. -- January 26, 2016 --   Link

SassyD:  What Happens When Interest Rates Go Negative --- Negative Interest Rates Less Than Zero -- Jan 29, 2016 --  Link

SassyD:  Water resources: There are no signs of the collapse of the Mosul Dam -​- Sat, 30 Jan 2016 07:17:44 -- Link

SassyD:  Corruption terrorism more dangerous than Nazism and chauvinism -- Janu​ary 30 0.2016 --   Link

AnotherMailman:  Declaring bankruptcy and actually filing bankruptcy are two different things. It just shows the level of impatience that the Kurds are having with Baghdad. Like some of the other members of the forum said....."pressure"!!

Frank26:  Exactamundo.

Walkingstick:  Barzani of the Kurdistan region declares bankruptcy

Date: 01/27/2016 11:12 | Hits: 286
Nechirvan Barzani

Information / BAGHDAD / ..

The President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani, on Wednesday, for the bankruptcy of Kurdistan region of Iraq, stressing that there was no money in the region.

Barzani said in remarks reported by "Rouado" and seen by / information /, that "in fact, there are no funds with the Kurdistan Regional Government, is there worse than to have the government money and distribute it?".

Barzani said that "the biggest challenge to the Kurdistan region now is the financial issue."

Barzani pointed out that "all our attempts aimed to secure salaries, our priority is the fight against Daash and secure the salaries of the Peshmerga, then ministries and other institutions and the salaries of insurance." Finished / 25



"Finance Committee and talked about the possibility for the government amounted to $ 150 billion from the sale of real estate State."

KTAF FAMILY ............ Look at Your CC NOTES from W ............ Now that THEY tell YOU what we prepared You with it is time to UNDERSTAND this move. Do You honestly THINK Iraq wants to sell these PROPERTIES? Like USA sold our soul to JAPAN in the 90's?

NO !!! !!! !!!

So WHO is doing this and WHY?

Tell You what ....... If You come to Your MONDAY CC ............ I will RESERVE You a seat.

KTFA   Frank

Walkingstick:  Officials expect revenues exceeding $ 100 billion from the sale of 600 thousand state-owned property

Editor: 01/27/2016 23:21 N

Long-Presse / Baghdad
The Iraqi government is considering the disposition of more than 600 000 drug thereof, to turn it into cash within its plan to cope with the financial crisis due to falling oil prices.

The Finance Committee and talked about the possibility for the government amounted to $ 150 billion from the sale of state property. It expresses its concern over the acquisition of parties and influential figures on the property at low prices.

On the other hand warns Deputy for the Sadrist movement of prejudice to the presidential palaces, saying it belongs to the people. It proposes converted into museums instead of selling them.

Finance Committee submitted earlier, several ideas to the government to get out of the financial crisis, including the sale of state property.

The size of the state Real Estate
In turn reveals a government source familiar with (long) condition of anonymity, was not authorized to declare, that "the state has about 600 000 real estate across the country."

The Finance Committee revealed, the end of last year, about 15 government proposals include a paragraph to provide 400-500 million dollars to the state treasury.

He described the members of the Commission proposals as "practical and realistic", pointing to the possession of the Municipality of Baghdad about 38 000 drug that will support the federal budget.

For his part, predicted Masood Haider parliamentary member of the Finance Committee, in connection with the (long) "to achieve about $ 150 billion from the sale of state property."

The government is facing a real crisis with the decline in oil prices to below the US $ 30, before returning this week to exceed the threshold of $ 38.
And passed the House of Representatives, the end of last year, the budget of 2016, which exceeded 105 trillion dinars, and a deficit estimated at $ 20 billion.

And Masood Haider MP warns of "the loss of the amounts that will be realized from the sale of real estate if you go without a rational management of the funds also calls for the prime minister Haider al-Abadi."

Presumably member of the Finance Committee that "the government establish mechanisms for sale in a way that does not allow parties and influential figures from the acquisition of such property pittance".

But Kurdish lawmaker did not expect to be sold this large amount of real estate in a short time, due to the lack of state to inventory and evaluate these properties before selling them at auction.

However, the property of the parties
And holds a number of political parties and currents on a large number of government property. Parliamentary Integrity Commission is of the view that "70% of the state property sold during the past years in a way is not clear."

So called MP Majda al-Tamimi, a member of the Finance Committee, in an interview with the (range), the government has to issue lists the number of real estate and the nature of the people who occupy some of them rented.

The informed sources revealed, last August, a government decision to limit the duration of the leases real estate green and around the region, the duration of not more than three years.

The sources said at the time that the government has decided to be "the conclusion of leases in the green and its surrounding area for only one year, renewable for two years that the term not exceeding three years."

And stresses MP Majda al-Tamimi as "the government would monitor the sale of such real estate or lease of fear displayed at below-market prices."

She said a member of the Liberal bloc "I'm not selling government with huge villas and buildings or shops, but with the intervention in the process of investment and rent, rather than the loss of money."

Tamimi expects to "go sell state property returns to the salaries and expenses of a private security ministries will not enter into investment."
The fate of Saddam's palaces

And member of the Finance Committee warns of the "former regime palaces sale", saying it "properties of the people and can be converted into museums and get a daily imports of visitors."

Estimates of Saddam's palaces in Iraq, according to specialists, about 1000 Palace 0.200 of which only inside Baghdad, turning mostly to the offices of party and government.

The government confiscated after 2003 about 3 thousands of real estate property of symbols and officials of Saddam's regime who were occupying high positions in the military command or organizations of the Baath Party and the security services.

In the meantime, we expect Hossam Ghorabi MP, member of the Finance Committee, that "the move amounts derived from the sale of state property and help banks withdraw funds chunky among the citizens."

The oil minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, recently spoke about the existence of critical mass ranging from 30-40 trillion dinars However citizens.

Abdul-Mahdi promised that money as a "hoarding" What did not enter the economic cycle or banks, and called on the government to entice citizens to enter the money supply in the economic cycle.

The Minister of Oil, in an article he wrote recently, that "the state owns the assets of tens and hundreds of trillions of dinars from in-kind assets, and real estate assets, and land and plants are idle, and buildings experience and assets of the neglected, and the investments lost to mismanagement."

And confirms Ghorabi (range), that "the sale process Akart state needs to transparency and display property is just for advertising in different ways."

Student and member of the Finance Committee the government to "identify areas of property and the disclosure of those who exceed some of them, whether they are citizens or parties."
Wael from grace .. ... D8%B2-100-

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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