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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Dinar Updates Saturday Member Chat 1-30-16  Part 2 of 2

Post From Dinar Updates 1-30-16
Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Saturday Member Chat 1-30-16  Part 2 of 2
CanTWaitwoRV says():   Barzani to Baghdad to meet with officials and the Ambassador
1/30/2016 0 Comments
Twilight News / HEADS Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani to Baghdad tomorrow to hold talks with government officials about the financial crisis and the Convention on the export of oil.

The foreign relations official in the Kurdistan Democratic Party dominated Hawrami in his tweet, the president of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani heads tomorrow to Baghdad to meet with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and the US ambassador and senior official.
CanTWaitwoRV says():   The Baghdad and Erbil have teamed up last year to be the first to export 550,000 barrels of oil through the pipeline Turkish Kurdish daily average for the benefit of the Iraqi oil marketing company SOMO, including 300,000 barrels of Kirkuk oilfields and the rest of the fields of the region, that are second to send the region's share of the budget public, amounting to 17% of them, is that the two sides often accuse each other of failing to honor the agreement
anTWaitwoRV says():   https://translate.googleusercontent....sEPhSTcLArJOYA
Savannah says to subgirl():   the BETTER go back on Monday... lol
tman23 says to CanTWaitwoRV():   They all had their chance to do the right things before the end of June 2015........ The hate ends in self destruction, but sadly it is the common people that suffer the most......
And the Mosul Dam now appears a major issue......If this dam collapses it will be worse then anything they have experienced.....
B_Dee says to wvchsr():   for what its worth ..the USA has been bankrupt since 1933 < --- not sure of date
wvchsr says():   wow. i didn't know that.
CanTWaitwoRV says to tman23():   I think Sistani agrees with your assessment
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CanTWaitwoRV says to tman23():   and now the citizens might get their chance at the rate this is going if they don't speed this up
CanTWaitwoRV says to tman23():   looking for an article on this but another dinarian mentioned that a someone placed a bomb in one of the cars of one of the ministers of parliment
CanTWaitwoRV says to tman23():   "that someone"
CanTWaitwoRV says to tman23():   folks on edge
wmawhite says():   Folks,..........many people refer to a traffic light as a "red light" although the traffic light is green 50% of the time. Why not refer to it as a "green light"?
Again this morning I see information that supports my belief that this investment is coming to a close this year....and sooner than many think. but still, so many folks choose to watch the drunks in the stands than watching the ball.
CanTWaitwoRV says():   To encourage citizens to deposit their money in banks .. government raises interest rates to 18%
Section: Business & Finance Views: 553Published on: Today, 17:46;LINK

CanTWaitwoRV says():   So the 3 presidents meet on Thursday due to the demands of Sistani a week ago, Sistani speaks again yesterday. Sistani is the most powerful cleric/individual in Iraq who single handedly got Maliki removed
CanTWaitwoRV says():   he's definitely not in the cheap seats drunk that's for sure
CanTWaitwoRV says():   in the same breath when I mentioned to watch the auctions, IMF/WB when peeps said neither carried much weight...well I'm rolling with Sistani got much weight on this outcome just as much...mosul too..personally I like pressure...they don't do anything over there in Iraq without it
CanTWaitwoRV says():  it may not be rainbows and unicorns happy stuff but to me it all speeds up the process from an urgency standpoint
David says to rcookie(10:47 AM):   I have worked on wall street at big firms the last of which was Lehman Brothers. I sold the analysts industry and company research to large fund managers. I have been following your analytical work and you are a talented analysts. Did you ever consider forming a group that covers developing countries that will have their currencies reset over time.
 It's legitimate in country fundamental research with could include economic analysis, capital market views, company stock  selection. etc. The currency component could be a small part of the research product. They say there are over 100 countries qued up over some period of time and with the right people I could get capital to form a research broker dealer.
David says to rcookie():   If you have any interest I can forward my CV if you like.
subgirl says():   this is from Holly1 :) $ 312 billion of money looted from Iraq's value
subgirl says():   BAGHDAD / JD / .. revealed the Committee of Martyrs and Political Prisoners parliamentary member Zainab Arif Basri, said Iraqi funds looted by the mafias administrative and financial corruption of up to $ 312 billion.
The MP Zeinab optic in a statement received / JD / copy of it: that Iraqi funds looted by the mafias financial and administrative corruption over a decade ago found in international banks and the names of senior mafias of corruption that still exists under the shadow of political addresses political cover in the political process.
Basri added that these mafias stolen $ 312 billion but are looking for more entitled quotas and sale of ministries and government positions, saying that the current Iraqi government bears full responsibility for the recovery of the money looted through the embassies of Iraq and the legal institutions and global Interpol because it funds the Iraqi people who are suffering from the economic crisis in While sumptuously spoilers Iraqi oil money w
subgirl says():   While sumptuously spoilers Iraqi oil money without the expense or punishment, as long as the quota system and the political consensus to protect the corrupt. / End / 22 /  FROM HOLLY :)
tman23 says():   Drunks in the stands........LOL !! Up to this very point and time.....those drunks in the stands have been right and we including myself have been wrong......
Certainly the news provides evidence that Iraq is moving forward in a positive way for change......
That being said........the rate change that leads to 3 zero IQD notes being worth tens of thousands in foreign exchange is still only speculation ........AND we have no MORE PROOF TODAY then we had 5 years ago that the 3 zero notes will be worth tens of thousands of dollars in exchange......
What we have is speculator opinion and hope...... And the only change we see so far regarding IQD is the rate going from 1166 to 1180 (devaluing) and the introduction of a 50,000 note into circulation......
B_Dee says():   thank you wmwhite and tman23 ----... tell it like it is you two... knowledge is power ...we dont know which way its going.. but better to know all alternatives
wmawhite says to tman23():   I am still interested in the drunks in the stands being correct..........I have not seen anybody in the room stating anything about a huge value for the 3 zero notes.
However, those notes that state "Cenbtral Bank of Iraq" and as Iraq enters those markets with the blessing of the IMF and the value of those notes reflect the true value, whether they have one zero, two zeros or three is the same....huge value.
buck says to subgirl():   is there a current opinion on the significance of the new websit?.....a few years back we thought it would bring the rv very quickly...
subgirl says to buck():   I just know MD mentioned it last night that there was a new site up of the CBI And she wanted everyone to know about it... I am sure she will talk when she comes in... :)
tman23 says to wmawhite():   IMO.....The facts are that the CBI and Iraq have initiated the project of lifting the 3 zeros and the projects green light was given at the end of February 2015 by the CBI....
Given the facts of the project to lift the 3 zeros was approved to begin.....the fact remains that we do not know how the 3 zero notes will be treated in accounting and exchange........
My intentions are not to discourage the possiblity and chances that we all may profit tremendously but rather to state the facts that there is no evidence that suggests the 3 zero notes will be worth tens of thousands in foreign exchange....
And quite frankly there are no facts that remotely suggest otherwise, other than IQD speculators.....SUCH AS MYSELF... that believes that the possibility exists and that the chance for huge gains on 3 zero notes exists....... But the reality is, it is still all "novice" speculation and opinions.......

ol lar says to tman23():   actually I recall an article about 6 months ago where Najiba Najib specifically stated that part of the process of the deletion of zeros project was removing of the leading zeros off the exchange rate
ol lar says to tman23():   I will see if I can find it later I have to leave now
buck says():   i clearly remember reading a while back that the sanctioning body that caused the decrease in the dinar value has an obligation to restore its value.....i was awake at the time....lolm
wmawhite says to tman23():  Since you state there are no fact concerning the project to lift the three zero notes. It would be helpful for you to explain to the room the entire project known as the "lifting of the three zero projec."
wmawhite says to tman23():   I state this because at no time has the CBI, the GOI nor Parliament explained to the public the many facets to this project. This project in of itself is NOT the RV, RI nor the change invalue. It is neither.
tman23 says to wmawhite(11:45 AM):   Never said there was no facts concerning the project to lift the 3 zero notes....... The lifting of the 3 zeros is in play......the green light was given.......
How this affects the 3 zero notes.......we do not know........other then the CBI saying they would run along side the "new currency" (lower denoms) in the marketplace for a period of 2 years (estimated) until the CBI withdraws them......and be honored for a period of 10 years........ That is the ink !!!!!
wmawhite says to tman23():   You continue to write as though the 3 zero projects id one entity...instead, it is many inter-related.
puffdragon says to rcookie():   Did you read there back and forth coments, and do you have anything to add cookie !   
tman23 says():   We just cannot ignore this statement.......THE NEW CURRENCY MUST COME FIRST AS A PRELUDE TO LIFTING THE ZEROS FROM THE 3 ZERO CURRENCY NOTES.......
What is the new currency they were referring to.....lower denoms ?? or is it the 50,000 IQD note and the 100,000 IQD note they are referring to ?? Recall some folks saying that the 50,000 note was for intra-banking only.....not for citizens daily use.......
Well the 50,000 note is in circulation and being used by citizens...... So a new spin on the 50k notes........
I ask real questions and bring up the finer points....... If no one wants to discuss these issues and say......
Go back to start......Drunks in the stands..... So be it !! I prefer to keep an open mind with the facts available........And there is not one thing I said wrong other then it makes you think and ask questions...
 jtank says():   tman u got a good point of the 50 k--
jtank says():   if the citizens are using the 50k is it to remove the lower bills?
horsegal says():   you're not suggesting they would further reduce the value of the Dinar, are you? that would be suicidal.
jtank says():   then the 200k note?
BGG says to tman23():   This 50k being used meaning something bad for us as investors is "not a real issue" that needs talked about... for them to take their currency that direction would spell DEATH FOR IRAQ... think what you like - it is MHO the IMF is in charge and won't let that happen.

jtank says():   they really cant afford to stay at 1166 or lower - not enough money at that value

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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