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Sunday, January 31, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  1-31-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  1-31-16  Part 1 of 2
The arrival of the Kurdish delegation to Baghdad and meet with al-Abadi
31/01/2016 11:56 |   Direction Press / Baghdad
 He met with the Kurdish delegation headed by the Prime Minister of Kurdistan, Nechirvan Barzani, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi event of arrival to Baghdad.
He said the Kurdistan Alliance MP Sarhan Ahmed in a press statement that "the delegation headed by the Prime Minister of Kurdistan, Nechirvan Barzani, and includes his deputy in the cabinet Qubad Talabani, the head of the Kurdistan presidency, Fouad Hussein, the head of foreign relations in the region Falah Mustafa arrived in Baghdad and met with al-Abadi to discuss the outstanding issues ".
The three presidencies and political leaders and leaders of the blocs meeting stressed during their meeting last Thursday on the need to create an atmosphere on the part of the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government to continue the dialogue and solidarity to defeat Daash and terrorism, and receive an official delegation from the provincial government to Baghdad to discuss and resolve the outstanding issues between them. The sa
 [tlm724] and receive an official delegation from the provincial government to Baghdad to discuss and resolve the outstanding issues between them.
[tlm724] this seems like a good place to show you what the Oil ministers site put out yesterday
[tlm724] Oil Minister: There is a national agreement on the re-establishment of the National Oil Company
[tlm724] I'll just show the highlights
He said Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, in his speech at the forum that there is a national agreement on the importance of re-establishing national oil company, according to a deliberate steps legally and economically to return to the normal situation for the oil sector, along the lines of the World countries producing oil and gas, which is run by national oil companies branching out which companies specialized oil.
[tlm724] agreement on the importance of re-establishing national oil company, according to a deliberate steps legally and economically to return to the normal situation for the oil sector
[tlm724] thats very encouraging
Mr. Minister, he said today in the preparation stage of the founding of the company must put our goals to her, them, that the company be first king of the Iraqi people and in line with what came in the Iraqi constitution, and that is every citizen shares in this company, and here we must distinguish between state ownership and property It is a public right holder.
[tlm724] the preparation stage of the founding of the company must put our goals to her, them, that the company be first king of the Iraqi people
[tlm724] in line with what came in the Iraqi constitution,
[tlm724] the people are going to get their share of the oil profits finally !
[tlm724] that is every citizen shares in this company *hallelujah*
The Minister stressed the need to ensure the rights of the provinces to ensure the equitable distribution of wealth and that establishes a relationship (brilliance) between the federal government and local governments of this relationship and be in harmony with the Constitution and the law of oil and gas that will be passed.
[tlm724] and the law of oil and gas that will be passed
[tlm724] awesome to see them move forward !!
Kurdish government delegation arrives today to Baghdad to discuss outstanding issues and to discuss oil and gas law
History of edits:: 2016/1/31 11:11     {Baghdad: Euphrates News} up today to Baghdad with a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government to discuss the files and the outstanding problems between the governments in Baghdad and Erbil.
He said the Kurdistan Alliance MP Ares Abdullah told {Euphrates News} "The government of the Kurdistan region and the delegation will visit Baghdad on Wednesday to discuss the relationship between the province and the federal government's problems, hoping to reach the two parties to the agreement to Halhh all outstanding problems, including the enactment of the oil and gas law."
The meeting of the three presidencies and political leaders and leaders of the blocs said during their meeting last Thursday on the need to create an atmosphere on the part of the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government to continue the dialogue and solidarity to defeat Daash and terrorism, and receive an official delegation from the provincial government to Baghdad to discuss and resolve outstanding Pinhma.anthy issues 1
 [tlm724] hoping to reach the two parties to the agreement to Halhh all outstanding problems, including the enactment of the oil and gas law.

Kurdistan: We will discuss the application of the budget in Baghdad and the oil agreement and the elimination of Daash
Political    Since 01.31.2016 at 11:52 (GMT Baghdad)
Special - scales News  It revealed the Kurdistan Alliance MP Ashwaq dry, on Sunday, that the most prominent files to be discussed by the Kurdish delegation with the Baghdad government is the application of the budget and the oil agreement and the elimination of Daash.
Some politicians believe that the percentage (17%), it is not based on the data and the foundations of true and accurate statistics, how to be determined, while the salaries of the Peshmerga, they are not considered part of the Ministry of Defense Armed Forces General.
She's Dry / scales News /, "The visit has been announced since for quite some time," pointing out that "the files to be addressed by the delegation headed by Nechirvan Barzani is the larger of joint cooperation for the elimination of the terrorist organization Daash".
She dry, that "will discuss the mechanism of implementation of the Iraqi state budget which includes dues Peshmerga and accruals farmers for the years 2014 and 2015, as well as the oil agreement, which became part of the federal budget for fiscal year 2016," pointing out that "all those files will be discussed during the visit of a delegation Government of the Territory to Baghdad and dialogue at the negotiating table. "
Dry and stressed that "the extent of cooperation between the two governments in overcoming obstacles depends on the extent to which both sides of the law and the Constitution," adding that "the" where there is no policy forecasts and now talk going on in the commitment of both parties in the commitments.
The previously announced the arrival of the delegation of the Kurdistan region, headed by Nechirvan Barzani, on Sunday, to Baghdad to meet with the central government, according to the source, a government source told L / scales News / for meetings and consultations on issues and problems of relationship between Baghdad and Erbil. "Ended 29 / P 40     LINK
 [tlm724] "will discuss the mechanism of implementation of the Iraqi state budget which includes dues Peshmerga and accruals farmers for the years 2014 and 2015, as well as the oil agreement, which became part of the federal budget for fiscal year 2016,
544 billion dinars, the profits (TBI) in 2015 and his administration accused of "paid Ofuaha" of seeking to undermine them
Baghdad / term-Presse   The Chairperson of Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) Hamdiya dry, on Saturday, for a net profit of 544 billion dinars over the past year 2015.
As revealed about the intention of the bank launch an initiative to provide loans and consumer of national industries, accused of "paid Ofuaha" of seeking to undermine the bank and management.
She said Hamdiya dry in a speech on the sidelines of a ceremony opening the new building of the Council of Iraqi business, in the Land neighborhood district of Karrada in central Baghdad, and attended (range Press), "The bank is now working on the reproduction of the Iraqi Central Bank initiative to provide the loan to the specialized banks, to support projects Consumer national industries. 
"She added dry that" consumer industries drain away a lot of money the country to import what can industry in Iraq, "revealing that" the coming days will witness the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Iraqi Business Council in order to activate this initiative.
"She stressed dry that" profits Bank over the past year in 2015, and despite the economic lag experienced by the country, but it exceeded the banks' profits in the Arab region a net profit of 544 billion dinars, "pointing out that" the bank is still advanced banks in Iraq and financial situation is still very good in this circumstance.
"and accused dry" mouths paid to those who do not have the information on the work of the bank to seek Nile him and his administration, "emphasizing that" the bank managed greater than that obtained from him in this difficult situation, "noting that" the bank respond to those mouths real work and figures .
"It is said that the Trade Bank of Iraq in December 2015 called, and the media to assume national responsibility and not to be dragged behind the implementation of the purposes of some of the" dealers and corrupt mafia money who persecuted the Jews bank for the purpose of debt discharged Returns ",
and as he emphasized that some of these means waging a campaign countermeasures against the bank, pointed out that it "will pursue amateur appearing on television screens" to sue them. LINK

 [tlm724] "The bank is now working on the reproduction of the Iraqi Central Bank initiative to provide the loan to the specialized banks, to support projects Consumer national industries.
[tlm724] "She added dry that" consumer industries drain away a lot of money the country to import what can industry in Iraq, "revealing that" the coming days will witness the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Iraqi Business Council in order to activate this initiative
[tlm724] some money is about to flow

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2   Thank You

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