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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

​BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 1-27-16   Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 1-27-16   Part 2 of 2
Association of Banks

Author: Yasser incumbent   01/27/2016  Represented the visit of a delegation of Arab Banks Union to Iraq under the chairmanship of Secretary General Wissam Fattouh, a positive turning point in the history of the Iraqi Arab banking relationships, which is the second in two months on the third Banking Conference later,
and reflects the interest of the Arab countries in the Iraqi market and Taoelha on investment opportunities in spite of the financial crisis this event asphyxiating. Caught my attention signals sent by Fattouh, during a press conference,
accompanied by bitter melon after signing a memorandum of cooperation between banks and the Union Association, which crystallized after the bilateral meetings held by the delegation with the Central Bank and Ministry of Finance, impressions about the government's response represented by monetary and fiscal Balsulttin Conference recommendations aimed at achieving banking reforms.
He told as suggested by Fattouh his call for the expansion of the Iraqi Special converts it to an association of banks and the Association of Banks in order to government banks and all banks operating join in the country.
I can promise this proposal as one of the means banking reform and step leading on the road to create a genuine partnership between government and private banks, and the reason this description lies passage Henk everyone that the gap between the public sector and the private sector in the field of possession and use of modern technology and following the implementation of international standards,
where government banks remained behind in this area, while the private banks, which has made ​​great strides.
 This gap led to the reluctance of the required reforms in keep pace with developments in the world, so I find in the Assembly the right opportunity to benefit from the close cooperation programs that contribute to the development of human capacity at the hands of Arab experts Tstkdmanm Association.
The move comes at a time when banks are preparing for the implementation of development loan program which fired by the central bank, where private banks cut strides in the field of training to ensure the success of the program in public banks at a standstill and find it difficult to force the exception of TBI tbi, hence the importance of the accession of all banks in the Assembly proposed.
lm724] yesterday Bondlady posted an interesting article about the banks and there is a follow up art today, first a bit from yesterday
[tlm724] Memorandum of Cooperation for the construction of an effective banking sector
[tlm724] President of the Iraqi private banks association meek ​​Handal said during a speech during the signing Memorandum of Cooperation collected Association of the Union of Arab Banks, it is the first of its kind initiative in the history of Iraqi banks, returned them the turning point of a new stage in the history of local banks aimed at creating a sophisticated banking sector,
[tlm724] that this step comes to be Iraqi banks closer to the Arab banks, pointing out that the volume of work in Iraq, large and needs to be advanced banking services capable of dealing with large numbers, especially as the volume of work large and in all parts of Iraq, and this needs to be expanded horizontally to the banking sector operates sophisticated technologies for meets the needs of all beneficiaries.
[tlm724] so thats a big deal, onto the follow up today
[tlm724] That MOU is a positive turning point in the history of the Iraqi Arab banking relationships
[tlm724] and reflects the interest of the Arab countries in the Iraqi market and Taoelha on investment opportunities in spite of the financial crisis this event asphyxiating
[tlm724] doesn't matter about the crisis they still have faith in Iraq and so do we  Wink
[tlm724] after signing a memorandum of cooperation between banks and the Union Association, which crystallized after the bilateral meetings held by the delegation with the Central Bank and Ministry of Finance, impressions about the government's response represented by monetary and fiscal Balsulttin Conference recommendations aimed at achieving banking reforms.
[tlm724] the MOU came about after the meeting and their goal is achieving banking reforms
[tlm724] this proposal as one of the means banking reform and step leading on the road to create a genuine partnership between government and private banks
[tlm724] needed for sure
[tlm724] that the gap between the public sector and the private sector in the field of possession and use of modern technology and following the implementation of international standards
[tlm724] where government banks remained behind in this area, while the private banks, which has made ​​great strides
[tlm724] the state banks are not up to snuff but the private banks are, there lies a big problem !
The move comes at a time when banks are preparing for the implementation of development loan program which fired by the central bank, where private banks cut strides in the field of training to ensure the success of the program in public banks at a standstill and find it difficult to force the exception of TBI tbi, hence the importance of the accession of all banks in the Assembly proposed.
[tlm724] the CBI set up a loan program as we all know but the state banks aren't prepared, this makesno sense to me, how can the state banks not be ready, the CBI governor is NOT doing his job ! *slap*
[tlm724] hence the importance of the accession of all banks in the Assembly proposed
[tlm724] so get them all on the same page and get these loans out ! It's a move in the right direction for sure
IMF alludes to the possibility study lend Iraq
Head of the IMF mission for the (long-Presse): There are no negotiations to lend to Iraq
Author: HH, ZJ    Editor: BK, HH 2016/01/27 11:26
Long-Presse / Baghdad   We denied the IMF mission, on Wednesday, the existence of negotiations with Iraq to grant soft loans, and while confirming that the Fund will consider any request of Iraq for this purpose, she noted that the Fund applies the regulatory program for the establishment of follow-up and check on Iraq's economic policy record, in preparation for the system of financial arrangements Where.
The head of the IMF mission Christian Josh response to a question (range Press), on the possibility of lending Iraq from six to seven billion dollars, if so requested, "The Fund is not aware of a request to conduct financial arrangements with Iraq in the form of soft loans."
She said Josh, that "the Fund did not begin negotiations to make such a financial arrangement but it certainly would consider any Iraqi request like this," pointing out that "the Fund shall apply censorship with Iraq is currently a program to establish a follow-up and check on his economic policy record, which would pave the way for system the financial arrangements. "
Iraq had announced in (the 13th of January the current 2016), for the approval of the International Monetary Fund to finance the deficit Bmoisnth withdrawals of hard currency reserves, noting that it means reducing those reserves of $ 59 billion in October 2015 the last end, to 43 billion during the year Present.
The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, during his participation at the World Economic Forum in Davos, expressed the hope that Iraq gets the loans ranging from six to seven billion dollars from the International Monetary Fund, to face the repercussions of the financial crisis being experienced.
The Finance Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, revealed in (the 25th of November 2015 the past), for borrowing Iraq billion and $ 200 million from the International Monetary Fund, stressing that the Fund "has no" conditions in this regard.
The House of Representatives, approved by majority, in (the 16th of December 2015 the past), the draft budget law for fiscal year 2016 the current value in excess of 105 trillion dinars, and the inability of more than 24 trillion dinars.
It is noteworthy that the International Monetary Fund, a specialized agency of the Bretton Woods system of the United Nations, was established under an international treaty in 1945 to work on enhancing the safety of the global economy, and is based in Washington DC, and managed by its members who include all the countries of the world about their number of 188 countries.
The International Monetary Fund, the central institution in the international monetary system, any system of international payments and currency exchange rates, which allow for commercial transactions between different countries, ‘
and aims to prevent crises in the international system by encouraging different countries to adopt sound economic policies, as members can take advantage of its resources, to address what they are exposed to balance of payments problems,
and include the legal objectives of the Fund to facilitate the expansion and balanced growth of international trade, and to achieve stability of exchange rates, and to avoid competitive devaluation of currency values, and a correction organizer imbalances balance of payments experienced by different countries.  LINK

tlm724:    The head of the IMF mission Christian Josh response to a question (range Press), on the possibility of lending Iraq from six to seven billion dollars, if so requested, "The Fund is not aware of a request to conduct financial arrangements with Iraq in the form of soft loans."

She said Josh, that "the Fund did not begin negotiations to make such a financial arrangement but it certainly would consider any Iraqi request like this," pointing out that "the Fund shall apply censorship with Iraq is currently a program to establish a follow-up and check on his economic policy record, which would pave the way for system the financial arrangements.
Tlm724:     No extra money til you prove yourself Iraq
tlm724:   diff source
Head of the IMF mission: There are no negotiations to lend to Iraq
01/27/2016 12:34  We denied the IMF mission, on Wednesday, the existence of negotiations with Iraq to grant soft loans, and while confirming that the Fund will consider any request of Iraq for this purpose, she noted that the Fund applies the regulatory program for the establishment of follow-up and check on Iraq's economic policy record, in preparation for the system of financial arrangements in it.
The head of the IMF mission Christian Josh response to a question on the possibility of lending Iraq from six to seven billion dollars, if so requested, "The Fund is not aware of a request to conduct financial arrangements with Iraq in the form of soft loans."
said Josh, that " The Fund did not begin negotiations to make such a financial arrangement but it certainly would consider any Iraqi request like this, "pointing out that" the Fund applies the regulatory program with Iraq is to establish a follow-up and check on his economic policy record, which paves the way towards a system of financial arrangements, "he said.
Iraq had announced in (the 13th of January the current 2016), for the approval of the International Monetary Fund to finance the deficit Bmoisnth withdrawals of hard currency reserves, noting that it means reducing those reserves of $ 59 billion in October 2015 the last end, to 43 billion during the year current.
The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, during his participation at the World Economic Forum in Davos, expressed the hope that Iraq gets the loans ranging from six to seven billion dollars from the International Monetary Fund, to face the repercussions of the financial crisis being experienced.
He was Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, revealed in (the 25th of November 2015 the past), for borrowing Iraq billion and $ 200 million from the International Monetary Fund, stressing that the Fund "has no" conditions in this regard.
The House of Representatives, approved by majority, in (the 16th of December 2015 the past) , draft financial budget for the current 2016 value in excess of 105 trillion dinars law, and the inability of more than 24 trillion dinars.
It is noteworthy that the International Monetary Fund, a specialized agency of the Bretton Woods system of the United Nations, was established under an international treaty in 1945 to work on enhancing the safety of the global economy , and is based in Washington DC, and managed by its members who include all the countries of the world about their number of 188 countries.
The International Monetary Fund, the central institution in the international monetary system, any system of international payments and currency exchange rates, which allow for commercial transactions between different countries, and aims to prevent crises in the international system by encouraging different countries to adopt sound economic policies, as members can take advantage of its resources,
to address what they are exposed to balance of payments problems, and include the legal objectives of the Fund to facilitate the expansion and balanced growth of international trade, and to stabilize prices exchange, and to avoid competitive devaluation of currency values, and conduct orderly correction payments imbalances faced by different countries.

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