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Sunday, January 31, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  1-31-16  Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  1-31-16  Part 2 of 2
Parliamentary Finance: sale of property the state budget Sarphi B100- $ 150 billion

30/01/2016 05:00 |   Press direction / follow-up    Called on the Parliamentary Finance Committee member Masood Haider, on Friday, the government sale of property to the state "luxury", including the palaces of former President Saddam Hussein's regime to supplement the general budget, noting that the sale of these properties Sarphi budget by 100 - $ 150 billion.
Haider said that "the government resorting to the sale of luxury real estate properties and the state, including the palaces of former President Saddam Hussein's regime to supplement the general budget and bridging the deficit."
Haider said, that "real estate funds that are sold will be a source of revenue for the Iraqi state and plug the financial budget of the country", noting that "the sale of these properties Sarphi budget by 100, or $ 150 billion."
The religious authority called, earlier on Friday (January 29, 2016), the Iraqi government to engage the assistance of local and international to develop a "contingency plan" in order to cope with the financial crisis ", as demanded by taking austerity measures on"                      non-essential expenses. "
[tlm724] noting that the sale of these properties Sarphi budget by 100 - $ 150 billion
[tlm724] anyone who says this is irrelevant is a fool !!!
[tlm724] this is big stuff and BL has always been spot on when she listens to her gut, that woman can see 15 miles down the road. 10 plus years of studying this stuff comes with it's benefits and we are the recipients of her education
[tlm724] it really could make a huge difference going forward !
Parliamentary Finance calling on the government to implement the customs tariff to "justice"
Baghdad / Muhannad Jawad   The Iraqi ports Directorate, on Saturday, for a reduction of trade movement and the movement of ports after the application of the customs tariff law in the southern ports.
With denied management of border crossings Directorate of points obtaining tariff in the exits of the region, the Finance Committee in the Parliament refused to obey the dealers and excluded from the law, calling for the application of "justice," according to the General Budget Law.
A member of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives Jabbar Abdul-Khaliq said in an interview to ( long-Presse) that "the financial budget for the year 2016 law requiring the application of the customs tariff law in all border crossing points, including in the Kurdistan region."
said Abdul Khaleq that "Our information confirms the establishment of checkpoints at the exits of the Kurdistan region towards the center to check goods entering papers and make sure that they satisfy customs tariff or complete and through those points, "
attributing the delay the application of the customs tariff, which was issued four years ago during the last term to law" not applied in a fair and limiting implemented on other areas without. "
Member of the Finance Committee promised that "it is not possible that the government comply with the dealers who baptized each time to put pressure on the government to exclude them from customs duties," expressing his support of the Finance Committee "to apply the law of customs tariff in all border crossing points, without exception."
For his part, Director inform the Iraqi ports Anmar net in an interview to the (long-Presse) that "the application of customs tariff in the southern ports without the Kurdistan region of outlets impact on the movement of goods in the ports of South and ports," explaining that "the majority of traders will resort to the Kurdistan outlets in the event of the application of law in the southern ports
Only, and this is what happened in previous times. "net and called for" justice in the application of law in all the country's ports, "warning of" affected by the Iraqi ports movement and smooth movement of goods in the absence of application of the law in a fair ". net"
The traders reluctant apply the payment of customs duties pending the government decision to cancel the procedures so that they can lay their goods at ports, "noting that" this stop negatively impact on the movement of goods at ports and blocked the possibility of receiving new vessels.

"He denied media of Iraqi ports," Director of the existence of the accumulation of goods at the ports ", stressing that "the commercial traffic in the ports are no longer as before after the application of the customs tariff law, which is committed by a small number of traders as traders luxury materials and simple goods."
In turn, the director general of the Interior Ministry's border crossings, Major General Sami Sudanese said in an interview to the (long-Presse) "The Directorate began to apply the law of customs tariff at all border ports in the south and center of the date of the 16th of January of this, except for the outside of the Kurdistan region of our control."
Sudanese added that "any goods will not be allowed to pass in the absence of customs such fees are met," he "The points that have been installed at the exits of the region toward the center is affiliated to the Directorate, and managed by a subsidiary of the leadership of the border Customs Directorate of Police, in coordination with those of the provincial police headquarters."
The Iraqi Council of Ministers in the, decided, (13 December 2015) the introduction of points in the approved border crossing points shall check and make sure customs tariff are met, and the development of standardization points of quality control.
The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Thursday the (6 August 2015), the postponement of the introduction of new customs tariff, attributing this to ensure the readiness of border crossing points to be applied away from the "corruption and double standards."
 The customs tariff is a tax levied on goods imported by the State on the other, and used several customs tariff countries to protect the industry from foreign competition by raising prices of imported goods, so the customs tariff encourage local industries to increase their production,
Citizens are forced to pay higher prices if they wish to imported goods, and adopted the Ministry of Finance fees new Kmarkip on imported goods, and this procedure has raised mixed reactions acts among economists, investors and traders in the area of its effect on the reduction of the entry of imported goods and high prices.  LINK

the director general of the Interior Ministry's border crossings, Major General Sami Sudanese said in an interview to the (long-Presse) "The Directorate began to apply the law of customs tariff at all border ports in the south and center of the date of the 16th of January of this, except for the outside of the Kurdistan region of our control.
The customs tariff is a tax levied on goods imported by the State on the other, and used several customs tariff countries to protect the industry from foreign competition by raising prices of imported goods,
now get it even across the board *slap*
Prime Minister Dr. Haidar al-Abbadi heads a meeting with the Kurdistan Regional Government delegation headed by Mr. Nechirvan Barzani
Mr. Prime Minister, Dr. Haider Abadi, chaired on Sunday a meeting with the Kurdistan Regional Government delegation headed by Mr. Nechirvan Barzani, was attended by oil ministers, Planning and Construction and Housing. 
Mr. Prime Minister, welcomed Mr. Barzani and his accompanying delegation stressed the importance of continuing joint meetings down to a common understanding of the challenges and the agreement on a clear work program takes into account the interest of the country and secure the duties and rights of the province and the provinces. 
He also noted sovereignty that the common enemy and wants to destroy all occupied areas, and it must continue the armed forces efforts, including the Peshmerga forces, and look forward to sustaining this communication in order to liberate Mosul and other areas.
For his part, Mr. Nechirvan Barzani stressed the importance of holding regular meetings emphasized by Mr. Prime Minister, as Park great victory fighters to liberate the city of Ramadi, and therefore the moral and social importance.
The exchange participants to talk about the challenges faced by the financial situation after the collapse of oil prices. It was agreed on the importance of adopting a program of economic reform to reduce dependence on oil as the only source of national income.
 And it will adopt a plan to continue to study the reform program and to maximize resources, especially the full commitment levying customs tariff and income tax as the Federal Government financial resources back to the utility region and the provinces alike.
Information Office of the Prime Minister    31 January 2016
Abadi and Barzani agree to levy tariffs in favor of Baghdad
31/01/2016 04:05 | Number of Views: 798
Direction Press /  Chaired by Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Sunday, meeting with the Kurdistan Regional Government delegation headed by Nechirvan Barzani, the presence of oil ministers, Planning and Construction and Housing.
Information Office of Ebadi said in a statement, said the Prime Minister welcomed the delegation of the province and stressed "the importance of continuing joint meetings down to a common understanding of the challenges and agree on a clear work program taking into consideration the interest of the country and secure the duties and rights of the province and the provinces."
Abadi said that "the common enemy and wants to destroy all the territories it occupies, and it must continue the efforts of the armed forces, including the Peshmerga forces, and look forward to sustain this communication for the liberation of Mosul and other areas."
For his part, Barzani stressed "the importance of holding regular meetings emphasized by the Prime Minister, as the Great Park victory fighters to liberate the city of Ramadi and therefore the moral and social importance."
And exchange meeting to talk about the challenges faced by the financial situation following the collapse of oil prices.
The statement said, "it was agreed on the importance of adopting an economic reform program to reduce dependence on oil as the sole source of national income."
And it will adopt a "plan to continue to study the reform program and to maximize resources, especially the full commitment levying of customs tariffs and income tax as the Federal Government financial resources to back its utility territory and the provinces alike," according to the statement.

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