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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Dinar Updates Sunday Member Chat 1-31-16   Part 1 of 2

Post From Dinar Updates 1-31-16
Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Sunday Member Chat 1-31-16   Part 1 of 2

plowboy says to Savannah    I went to bed early last night, so I'm rested and ready to RV
Savannah says to plowboy():   excellent
Savannah says to plowboy():   did you bring it with you? lol
plowboy says to Savannah():   actually, I think I'd be ready to RV even if I were sleep deprived
Savannah says to plowboy():   oh for sure! Me too lol
Savannah says to plowboy():   I would be wide awake at that point.... :D
plowboy says to Savannah():   there are no millions of text messages on my phone nor are there a butt load of emails and the board is not burning up, so no
Savannah says to plowboy():   darn... sigh
Savannah says to plowboy():   some day.... :D
plowboy says to Savannah():   soon
Savannah says to plowboy():   hoping and praying :)
plowboy says to Savannah():   I'm thinking soon, we may have to wait till June (first half of 2016), but imo the world needs it so bad why wait?
Savannah says to plowboy():   I've been wondering "why wait" for years now lol
designbyg says():   The views expressed here do not necessarily represent the unanimous view of all parts of my mind.
plowboy says to designbyg():   hi digi, nice disclaimer
 Savannah says to designbyg():   is that kinda like all the voices in my head? lol
designbyg says to plowboy():   gm plow
 designbyg says to Savannah():   kinda like that yes :) it helps them to agree with you :)
Savannah says to designbyg():   ok lol
designbyg says to Savannah():   i must have more voices than normal this morning..they all want coffee.. lol
Savannah says to designbyg():   well do it!!!!! lol
cjquade54 says to Hutch():   sure looks like they're trying to get things done
Hutch says to cjquade54():   Theyre making progress, much more than the news is telling us. This year has so much more accomplished than any other time in history. IMF, Banking ....
buck says():what do you make out of warka bank...if they are ready for international currency exchange then the new rate should be about ready as well dont you think???
Pablo says():   That's what I'm wondering, expecially if they and Iran are hooking into SWIFT today.
clay says to Pablo():   heard Iran was not Iraq did I miss something
Pablo says(2):   Iraq isn't hooking into SWIFT yet?
cjquade54 says():   Iraq's been hooked up for awhile already
mudder says to Pablo():   Both have their codes.... The question is are they active??
clay says to Pablo():   not that Ive read
clay says to mudder():   got ya thanks thats what I meant
clay says to cjquade54():   but what will they do with it
cjquade54 says():   wait
clay says to cjquade54():   lol yes more waiting
kevin311312 says():   Also on Sunday, the UN Security Council removed the Iranian bank Sepah and its global subsidiary from the UN sanctions blacklist. Ted Cruz of Texas said on Fox News Sunday. The nation took several steps to curtail its nuclear program - which it insists are for peaceful purposes only - and will submit to monitoring by the International Atomic Energy Agency for up to 15 years.

kevin311312 says():
kevin311312 says to clay():   Iran rising  BY Spearhead Research
And potential benefits for Pakistan
Post sanctions Iran is on the move. It has sparked investor interest and is being keenly watched by the corporate and business world
kevin311312 says to clay():
JETSET says():    Warka bank is making a come back... Timing is intriguing! Thanks to MadScout for the article...
DHOLLA says():
buck says to JETSET():   that mentions international currency echange...doesn't a value have to change for that to happen???
buck says to DHOLLA():   death sentences, not amnesty lol interesting article
subgirl says to DHOLLA():   Iraq
Iraqi president signs execution orders for convicted terrorists
subgirl says to DHOLLA():   ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Iraqi President Fouad Massoum on Sunday execution orders for offenders convicted of terrorist offenses, his spokesman announced.
Khalid Shwani, the official spokesman of Iraqi president, explained that this was the third batch of executions that Massoum had signed for terrorist offenses, but did not disclose how many were endorsed.
subgirl says to DHOLLA():   “Fouad Massoum, President of Iraq, signed the third waves of capital punishment,” Shwani said.
He added that the orders are for “all offenders who have been convicted of terror-related offenses.”
Shwani said that signing the orders mean that the death sentences imposed on the offenders now moves into the implementation stage.
He assured the Iraqi nation that the decisions came after a special committee had investigated the cases.
Last year, Shwani told Rudaw that from 2006 to 2015, Iraqi courts issued execution orders for 667 individuals, of whom 170 were convicted of terror-related offenses.
subgirl says to DHOLLA():   Hutch brot in yesterday an article about Sistani and how he is having a fatwa... and now look at what is happening... death sentences ...not sure if that is related or not but just interesting timing wise... :) thanks DHOLLa and HUTCH!! :)
Caravaggio says():   The fatwa is for political corruption.
subgirl says to Caravaggio:   ok well I was thinking about the terrorists and how quickly they are working on getting Iraq free from corruption... but maybe not in the political sense... so it probably was not related just thot about the timing of it all... :)
angus says():   you know the saying keep your friends close but your enemies closer..... Maybe that is why they have kept M where he is at..... Just maybe his name is on that list....
subgirl says to angus():   yep I imagine so. cuz he is a very corrupt man...
subgirl says to Caravaggio():   that was a great article that hutch brot in yesterday about the Sistani!!!
mudder says():   Hope Alak's name is on that list too... Very soon we will
subgirl says to mudder():   I think so too! He is another one that should be on that list!
mudder says to subgirl():   (y)
buck says():   well maybe but right now he is in charge of our rv.....
buck says():   i can not imagine what else could delay it we are right at the door.
subgirl says to buck():   Guess time will tell!!! :) 
buck says():   warka is approved to do international currency website.....iran and swift codes.....all good news
subgirl says to buck():   yyyaaayy!! :) thanks for the info!!!
scarby says():   whaat do the swift codes actual mean?
subgirl says to buck():   isn't it for wire transfer from bank to bank?
buck says():   swift is
subgirl says to buck():   Iran and Iraq are both trading partners... right buck?
Hutch says to buck():   Where does it say International currency exchange about warka?
subgirl says to Hutch():   hey you made it lol
buck says():   read it in the article about warka
Hutch says to buck():   The one Jet just brought in?
buck says():   He added that the bank "Warka Bank will be allowed to exercise all banking activities, including entering the sale and purchase of foreign currency window, similar to other banks operating in Iraq to improve its resources and service the Iraqi economy."
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Comments may be made at the end of Part 2   Thank You

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