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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Dinar Updates Excerpts & Highlights Member Chat 1-29-16 

Post From Dinar Updates 1-29-16
Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Member Chat 1-29-16 

Millionday:   Whoopow   CLICK ON RIGHT HAND SIDE OF >>>
>>>>> WOW GO LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mce:   Im not sure what is different? And thanks for what you bring Millionday.

Foxrun:    It is the data that is now being MD suggested go click the orange box that now shows transparency which was not done before....hence whoopow !!!!!
tman23 says():  The Office of Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi, Iraqi Central Bank to review its policy on "foreign currency smuggling".
And the Office's spokesman Saad Al-Hadithi, told the media that "the policies of the Central Bank as an independent Government cannot be a party to the details of the operation and management of fiscal and monetary policy, it is within the competence of the Central Bank as the sale of foreign currency outlets",
noting that it "policy established by the World Bank as an independent body."......... 
The document showed that State revenues from oil for 2015 totalled 38 billion dollars while sales of the Bank in the same year more than 44 billion dollars, far exceeding five billion dollars, that is what Iraq currency sellers more than imports.
tman23 says():   I think what people are missing is it is not the CBI that is MIA but rather the GOI that needs to close some loopholes and tie up some loose ends.......There really has not been any BIG names that we have seen that have been "indicted" for money laundering........ IMO......
The GOI may just pass the amnesty law first and those involved in criminal activity can just STOP.... get a get out of jail free card for everyone........And then anyone caught, regardless of position or status will find themselves being indicted.... I think it wiser to do it this way.....
the amnesty law and then the currency revaluation.......Now go ahead and steal....past secrets of who did what will be useless for will all be "what have you done after the amnesty law".......
clay says to tman23():  makes alot of sense start over a new clean slate
larrykn says():  tman23 when are they going to be back to vote
jtank says():  so everyone lets steal alot before amnesty laws is done--lol
larrykn says():  jtank I thougth you were already doing that :D   larrykn says():jk
jtank says():   free for the robbers- I can see these guys carrying 50k and 100k notes around the country- not
_firefly_ says():  Here's something to wet your whistles_
firefly_ says():  The CBI is now linked to what many thought was the new CBI... Orange box, right hand side.;
JD1 says(5:48 PM):RIGHT ON
_firefly_ says():  IMF Announces 2010 Reforms Have Come into Effect
January 27, 2016   IMF’s Managing Director Christine Lagarde welcomes the 2010 Quota reforms which have come into effect on Jan 26, 2016.
_firefly_ says():
cjquade54 says to _firefly):  That's a biggie!!
Papatom says():  I agree!
cjquade54 says to _firefly_():  been workin' on that a long time
_firefly_ says to cjquade54():  Many years !!!!!!!!!!
cjquade54 says to _firefly_():  I guess the USA finally gave in
_firefly_ says to cjquade54()  and I mean MANY
cjquade54 says to _firefly_(): give in or we go to plan B
_firefly_ says): Ok, here is a tidbit from th IMF you won't find in Dinarland
_firefly_ says(): Well a part of it
john09 says(): doubled funds from around $355 billion to about $700 billion
_firefly_ says(): C. Foreign Exchange Policy
_firefly_ says(7): 18. The government will maintain the peg with the U.S. dollar. The peg provides a key nominal anchor in a highly uncertain environment with policy capacity weakened by the conflict with ISIS.
19. The government will gradually remove remaining exchange restrictions and multiple currency practice (MCP) with a view to eliminating exchange rate distortions. Such a move towards acceptance of the obligations under Article VIII of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement will send a positive signal to the investment community that Iraq is committed to maintain an 1
_firefly_ says(): WOW
monique13 says to _firefly_(): that's awesome!!
_firefly_ says(): See Country Report No. 15/235. Iraq: 2015 Article IV Consultation and Request for Purchase under the Rapid Financing Instrument
ol lar says(): Question is are they talking about Iraqs reforms?
subgirl says to _firefly_(): WOW!!!!! THANK YOU!!
_firefly_ says(): Not finished ... hold on :)
ol lar says(): in the video
monique13 says to _firefly_(): k
Risk says(): imf reforms
_firefly_ says(): IRAQ
exchange system that is free of restrictions and MCPs for current international transactions and thus facilitate creation of a favorable business climate.
_firefly_ says(): As a first step, the government will, by end-February 2016, amend the Investment Law, or issue clarifying implementing regulations, to remove the limitation on transfer of investment proceeds that gives rise to an exchange restriction, as recommended by a recent technical assistance mission of the IMF.
_firefly_ says(): The government will implement reforms on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT).
This will improve the integration of the domestic financial system into the global economy and lower transaction costs, improve governance, and reduce the size of the informal sector.
As a first step, the government will, by end-February 2016, draft, with the help of IMF technical assistance, and adopt a by-law to set up a mechanism to comply with the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions related to terrorism financing and Recommendation 6 of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF)
watchman42 says():Great find firefly
_firefly_ says):Straight from the IMF folks !
Papatom says():wow on the peg thangy....set rate....
horsegal says():was that latter part done?
cjquade54 says():first step already done ... wonder how many more to go
Papatom says():  amazing catch firefly!
_firefly_ says():  ok biab, time to wash up and eat :)
_firefly_ says():  It's coming folks !!!!!!!!
john09 says(): amend the investment law and aml already passed?
horsegal says():yes, right?
_firefly_ says to john09):They just did that :)
_firefly_ says to john09():2nd ammendment
horsegal says():what about the third part?
misterq says to _firefly_():According to my reolection!!!!!!!! March 06, 2016 is the cutoff of ALL Multiple Currencies to be USED!!!!!!
cjquade54 says():a month ahead of deadline
_firefly_ says to misterq():Give or take my friend :)
john09 says():1 month ahead on those 2 items (lol)
misterq says to _firefly):I'LL TAKE!!!!!
_firefly_ says():Remember, we see it when THEY want us to see it !!!!!!
misterq says to _firefly_():I don't think so.... They have always been up front w/US?????
_firefly_ says to misterq():Anyhoo .... something to chew on and go to bed with a smile on your faces
Papatom says():  it was so good..... here it is again....":
Papatom says():The government will maintain the peg with the U.S. dollar. The peg provides a key nominal anchor in a highly uncertain environment with policy capacity weakened by the conflict with ISIS.
19.The government will gradually remove remaining exchange restrictions and multiple currency practice (MCP) with a view to eliminating exchange rate distortions. Such a move towards acceptance of the obligations under Article VIII of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement will send a positive signal to the investment community that Iraq is committed to maintain an
exchange system that is free of restrictions and MCPs for current international transactions and thus facilitate creation of a favorable business climate.
_firefly_: As a first step, the government will, by end-February 2016, amend the Investment Law, or issue clarifying implementing regulations, to remove the limitation on transfer of investment proceeds that gives rise to an exchange restriction,
diane1 says to subgirl():  i would also like to have everyone come to The big cat sancutuary and see my big kitties up close
Papatom says():  as recommended by a recent technical assistance mission of the IMF.
_firefly_: The government will implement  reforms on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT). This will improve the integration of the domestic financial system into the global economy and lower transaction costs, improve governance, and reduce the size of the informal sector.
As a first step , the government will, by end-February 2016, draft, with the help of IMF technical assistance, and adopt a by-law to set up a mechanism to comply with the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions related to terrorism financing and Recommendation 6 of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF)
_firefly_: Straight from the IMF folks ! Remember, we see it when THEY want us to see it !!!!!!
watchman42 says(): This is exactly what rcookie was telling us that needed to occur yesterday. Or was it wmwhite? Regardless huge
diane1 says to subgirl(): did i hear somewhere that iraq had some ISIS trouble this week I sure hope not 
misterq says to Papatom():  That is like all the news wrapped in 1 Article!!!!
watchman42 says():  MCR & MCP
Papatom says():  i just keep reading it over and over
watchman42 says()  Thanks Papatom
Papatom says():T he government will maintain the peg with the U.S. dollar. The peg provides a key nominal anchor in a highly uncertain environment with policy capacity weakened by the conflict with ISIS. ....... don't look for a float!
misterq says to Papatom():Me TOO.... Thatis why my new glasses are350 power
Papatom says to misterq():mine are only a 283 .... i'm old
puttright says():I like that line a bunch! Maybe the rate will be back over 3+
misterq says to Papatom():Nah !!!! Got ya beat!!!
watchman42 says():  The only float that you should be looking for is a Coke Float. LOL :D   
puttright says():  I would rather see it pegged to the USD than gold even though that could be a gamble...Either way we win!!!
Papatom says to misterq():i prefer ROOTbeer
diane1 says to watchman42():i love rootbeer floats with vanilla ice cream yummy!
subgirl says to watchman42():   lol
misterq says(): I like inner tubes!!!!
subgirl says to Papatom():  (y)now your talking lol a root beer float lol
Papatom says to misterq():with REAL vanilla Ice Cream!!!! yummmmmmmmmmm
Papatom says to misterq():a currency wouldn't be pegged to gold .... it might be backed BY gold but not pegged to gold
_firefly_ says():  Currency can't be pegged to gold. Gold is ALWAYS neuteral. What effects the price of gold is the value of the USD
_firefly_ says():  Even the SDR is based off the USD
Papatom says():  firefly ... cuz oil is priced in dollars....
watchman42 says to diane1():   RV at $5.10?
daytrader says to rcookie(8):  Yes. Printed it out and hilited the key points. You covered them all. Thanks
diane1 says to misterq():  no originally from Queens New York
daytrader says to rcookie():  Was also the first time I saw confirmation that Alak was ACTING Gov.
watchman42 says to diane1():LOL
Papatom says():  rcookie ... i've been gone more than a month so I wouldn't have known that....

diane1 says to watchman42():  I wish dinar was $5.10 that would be extraordinary but hey it could happen, i say DO IT ALREADY

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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