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Monday, February 22, 2016

News, Rumors, and Opinions Monday Morning 2-22-16

Trading On Eurex Suspended "Until Futher Notice" Due To Technical Issues

While in the US market breaks practically always happen when the market is sharply lower, and are intended to halt any downward momentum, in Europe this simple relationship has yet to be perfected, and for the past hour, following what it announced were technical issues, the Deutsche Boerse-owned Eurex derivatives exchange where futures on such indices as the DAX and Switzerland trade, has suspended trading in its T7 system "until futher notice."   LINK

Emergency Information Market halt

In order to avoid any threat to the functioning of exchange trading, on-exchange trading in Eurex T7 has been suspended until further notice. We are investigating and will keep you informed. Please do not hesitate to call Market Supervision for any questions you may have: +496921111210

Zur Vermeidung der Gefaehrdung der Funktionsfaehigkeit des Boersenhandels ist der On-Exchange Boersenhandel auf Eurex bis auf weiteres unterbrochen. Wir untersuchen die Stoerung und werden Sie informieren. Sollten Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Market Supervision: +496921111210 LINK


TATA WROTE (late Sunday night) ..Just caught up private PM Messages. From couple people This guy has 4 people confirmed exchange last 60 days. But tonight His WM from Chase emailed. Rates First. Time. Ever Dinar $7.22. Dong. $4.89 Zim. Woohoo. .65 CONFIRMED Exactly what Yusuf said 1 of Humanitarian group Leader called tonight Said ABSOLUTELY Tomorrow 800s Special call WSOMN 2 other confirmations Stay tuned.


Beamer: Eurex Exchange Halted Indefinitely, Feeds Rumor of WhiteHats Moving for Global Reset

The international derivatives exchange that is headquartered in Eschborn, Germany, Eurex Exchange, has been halted possibly to prevent downward trajectory as DOW, IPC, and S&P/TSX Composite had been hours ago.

This event further fuels the rumor spreading very recently about some elements of the “Republic Military” that are said to be positioning themselves strategically to “wage war” with corporate mercenaries, among others:

Yosef has developed contacts within the intelligence industry

Last week all major troop movements took place (February 8, 2016)

The US republic military has moved Apache helicopters in place last few nights

This is not supposed to scare anyone

“If you want peace, you have to prepare to go for war” (Republic vs USA Corporation)

The Republic, Pentagon, Chinese, Russia are all coordinating this “EVENT”

Their concern what might stop the flow of this GCR after 16 years of setting this up is another false flag operation carried out by the New World Order.

Last time a major reset was planned, a false flag attack occurred on September 11, 2001

Caller confirms Yosef’s military intel. She saw 3 helicopters last night and a military convoy on Interstate 85 (February 18, 2016 around 1 -2pm est.)

Martha says that troop carrier helicopters in sets of 5, are moving in Florida. Troops confronted said that they are here to protect the American people.

Blondie receives a text and states that Dallas, Texas is also seeing military movement with Chinook Helicopters.

Yosef explains that Wells Fargo is servicing as the new republic treasury

The New Republic Treasury is based out of Reno, Nevada and the Admiral, a former naval submarine commander, is the New Republic Treasurer. The Admiral is the paymaster for the New Republic. Chinese Elders trust the Admiral as he was previously entrusted with guarding nuclear weapons and now is trusted with paying out the new gold back currency known as the United States Notes (USN) and digital Treasury Reserve Notes (TRN).

The USA has not been on fiat currency since April 2015.

Gerry says that the Iraqi Dinar sovereign rate is $80. Yosef says he has a client that owns 8 quintillion dinars. Iraqi Dinar was overprinted and the problems associated with the dinar is staggering in order to fix the overprinting.

The Zimbabwe dollar is a more controllable currency.       The world needs Africa to move forward and help the world grow with the in-ground assets and resources they own.

The US dollar collapsed in 2012. Went to international court and didn’t get resolve till 2014.

In August 2013 in Rancho Mirage, California the USA Corporation surrendered to their largest creditor which was China.       There are pictures of Xi Jinping and USA Corporation President Obama doing a peaceful transition of the United States.

Bankers trying to keep expectations down by providing intel of lower numbers for the gold backed currency.

By the order of the Chinese Elders all banks must settle all bonds in the United States.  

 The Zimbabwe currency is considered a bond. The Zimbabwe currency has jumped up by $.20 cents and now is listed at $.65 cents. The Chinese Yuan is listed at $6.50 which is an interesting correlation to the Zimbabwe dollar.

Chinese is backing the Zimbabwe dollar.

The new banking system and military movement is supposed to protect the people and give the Republic and its people peace of mind. Redemption process is supposed to be safe.
As always, this is just rumor until proven otherwise.  This is posted for your Awareness!


Dinar Updates:

BGG   the CBI auctions are VERY peculiar... HUGE number of "buyers" - lots of different outlets... Low, Low, Low amounts.  

Q:[what does this mean i ur eyes?]

BGG:   it means corruption is leaning out... and they are about to make a change.



Mobius:  Both Sides Can Declare Victory in the War on Cash : European Central Bank President Mario Draghi and former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, calling for the abolition of high-denomination banknotes to (they say) combat crime.

Opposing the plan are skeptics who fear it will lead to abolishing ca​sh altogether. There's a way, though, to reconcile the differences eno​ugh that both sides can claim a win.

Cont- Politicians and central bankers fear that holders of currency could undermine their brave new monetary world of negative interest rates. Why wouldn’t they eventually ban all cash transactions much as they banned gold and silver as mediums of exchange?

Switzerland, for one, says it's not considering getting rid of its 1,000-franc note, worth about $1,000 or almost twice as much as the highest denomination euro bill. But if (and it's a big if) the opponents of big bills are being honest about the limits of their ambitions, withdrawing and then reissuing the notes would punish the criminals without trashing ordinary citizens' freedom to build physical nest eggs.


RacerX:  Are there still qualified ministers locked up in M's prisons unjustly? R they awaiting the Amnesty Law to b set free? If so, I wonder if any of them will b shuffled into the deck as Abadi is resetting his govt?

CBI watchin for the "go" nod from govt to move fwd w the mr.

In the meantime, CBI Directors voting on ousting Allek? Who becomes the CBI Governor then? Dr S or Dr S2?

Would love to see Dr S receive his just credit for what is about to take place in his country,

but I can see how Dr S2 would b a perfect fit to run from here fwd! Who would Abadi rely on then...


PMac:  Well. I for one am on the March 3rd (Thursday) countdown for GO RV!!!

Sure, they could pull the trigger before. Yes.. they could probably go till April into May... but it's starting to get an awful lot of uncomfortable to be a GOI / Parliament member with Maliki ties as of late.

I'm still sticking with my analogy from January....

It was like Indiana Jones opening up the Well of Souls when it came to acknowledging the corruption at the GOICBI.


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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