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Monday, February 22, 2016

More News, Rumors, and Opinions Monday Afternoon 2-22-16


Aggiedad77:  Wild find WS....thank you sir  (see article below)

If I may attempt to put my spin to this....the translation is not the best it would seem

Appears that PM Abadi MAY be seeking an "independent" type individual to head up the governorship of the CBI.....he's looking for someone with an "economic" background....and whose experience level would be "commensurate" the position of Governor of the CBI....

Do any names come to mind for you......maybe Dr. S.....or perhaps....Dr. I'm not crazy.....

Dr. Shabibi, is the obvious possibility....but I still hang on the hinge that Dr. Saleh could also quite handily step into this role.....he's been a long time protege of Dr. Shabibi and now serves as Abadi's most able Economic Advisor......

As for a vote by Parliament.....this would merely be window the final say needs to come from the IMF I believe......interesting times ahead of us.....just around the corner it would seem.  Aloha   Randy
Walkingstick:  Deputy: the Abadi not compliment his independent personality and the nomination of the Central Bank

History of edits:: 22.2.2016 14:54 • [Where - Baghdad]

called on Deputy Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi National Alliance to an independent person to the post of central bank governor, who is currently run by acting on the Keywords nomination.

Awad said Al-Awadi told all of Iraq [where] "We expect the prime minister to have an economic asking commensurate with the stage, him to end the central bank crisis and away from the courtesy call and the State of Law party and be the central bank away from quotas and party and sends the nomination of an independent national Iraqi figure professional and economic next week the House of Representatives for a vote to be the central bank governor. "

he added that" the central bank works very large continuity in reducing the monetary reserves because the state withdraws from the central bank. "

it is said that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi plans to hold a ministerial change in the government and called for to the formation of a government of technocrats away from quotas, but failed to get a mandate from the Council of Representatives, which hosted its session last Saturday to carry out this change.

it calls most of the political blocs prime minister consulted and parliamentary approval for any change of government. ... ryid=30932

Aggiedad77:  Hi Family…Look at your notes....what is the word for this   Phagocytosis 
Aloha   Randy

Walkingstick:  The names of the three officials Referred to eliminate

BAGHDAD / obelisk: A source, on Monday, the names of the three officials who have been referred to eliminate by the Integrity Commission who are ministers of justice and water resources Alhalian and former Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways.

The source said in a statement, said that "the three officials who have been referred to eliminate them and Justice Minister Haider al-Zamili and Water Resources Minister Mohsen al-Shammari, as well as former Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways."

The Integrity Commission, announced Monday, to refer three "senior" to justice officials on charges of inflated money and graft without disclosing their names and their positions, while expressing surprise at parking some attitude "negative" of procedures after it was lifted, "the slogan fight corruption yesterday." .



MAOakes12: Bankers Story: After the funeral of one of my wife's cousins this A.M. a woman banker came up to me and with that smerky grin asked if the dinar had revalued.

The day I opened an account with her bank she and the wealth manager of the bank said I should stay as far away from the dinar as I could because it was a "SCAM".

I looked her in the eye and asked her if she listened to Donald Trump's speech Sat. night after he won the S.C. primary. She said no that she didn't like Trump.

I said he looked at the pundit news reporters and told them they didn't know what they were talking about. I then told her when the RV occurred I was going to do the same to her.


Walkingstick:  Iraq revives $2b bond plan, may seek IMF aid

Opec’s second-biggest oil producer may tap international bond markets in the second half of 2016
Published: 15:50 February 22, 2016

Dubai: Iraq, struggling with low oil prices and a war with Daesh (the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) militants, may raise $2 billion (Dh7.34 billion) in Eurobonds this year, and probably will ask the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for more aid.

The second-biggest oil producer in the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) may tap international bond markets in the second half of 2016, Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari said in a telephone interview on Monday. A planned sale was halted last year because investors demanded yields that the government deemed too high.

The debt auction “is on the agenda,” he said. “We are in a better position this year to issue than last year, when interest rates were too high.”

Iraq raised oil output last year by 20 per cent to make up for lost revenue after crude prices plummeted. The government, which has forced Daesh militants from some key cities and has pledged to attack the group’s Iraq stronghold of Mosul, has agreed to an IMF staff-monitored programme that may eventually pave the way for more aid from the Washington-based lender.

The IMF provided $1.25 billion in emergency assistance to Iraq last year to plug the country’s budget deficit.

Authorities and the fund will hold more talks, and Iraq will “likely consider” asking for more assistance, Zebari said. It was too early to decide on the size of the possible loan, he said. ... -1.1677382


TANK: MARTHA SAID: We are at parity today with Iran and Iraq coming out together in the market. ALL THE CARDS ARE USEABLE INTERNATIONALLY. This is the date they agreed upon. Everything else going on has been show and tell. Today was agreed date and remember the original RV was 4/22/15.


Snickers:  It's now 6:39 p.m. in Baghdad. Still nothing from anyone about cards loaded? Their work day is about over.

Plastitub:  snickers, wolfy announced this morning, 2 + confirmations of cards loaded $3.71 and are being used

Wolfy:  snickers--yes the cards are loaded at 3.71 and in use now

Transporter:  wolfy has there been confirmations to of the cards loaded.....

Wolfy:  Transp yes…. Martha was on earlier and say the same thing


Wiz: - had you seen this? Maybe the Iraqi's are celebrating something o​ther than what is reported here

Bluebird:  The positive thing I can see about Christine Legardes "robin hood​ tax"................ It must mean we are very close to recievin​g our blessing............. ​r&utm_medium=aplication_chrome&utm_campaign=chrome
One11Freedom:  Safes Sell Out In Japan, 1,000 Franc Note Demand Soars As NIRP Trigger​s Cash Hoarding,
Emailed to Recaps:

Ben Fulford:  February 22, 2016

Did a Chinese banker just announce the biggest event in human history

Last week Zhou Xiaochuan, the head of China’s central bank, announced, in a jargon filled technical interview, that China would no longer be pegging its currency to the US dollar. Instead, the Chinese yuan will be linked to a broad basket of currencies, Zhou said.

This seemingly arcane shift could trigger a collapse in the US dollar, which, as economist Peter Schiff put it “will be the single largest event in human history.”

The fact is that 84% of the US workforce is in the service sector (banking, government, retail etc.), meaning they do not actually make anything. In other words, the Americans do not make enough stuff to pay for the stuff they are getting from the rest of the world.

The corporate propaganda media still cling to the lie that the US is the world’s biggest economy and China is number two. That is outright fiction.

The Chinese, for example, produce 11 times more steel than the US and, in the last 3 years alone, have produced more concrete than the US used during the entire 20th century. The Chinese have decided enough it enough and demanded real payment for their goods, not so-called US dollars.

The significance of the shift has been underlined by the double digit collapse in world trade in January and the shutting of US ports. Chinese exports in January fell by 11.2% year on year while imports fell 18.8%. Most of this was related to the US. The message was clear, the US was not going to be allowed any more to pay for stuff with money printed out of thin air.

This Chinese move is what prompted US Corporate Government Presidential spokesperson Barack Obama to ask Chinese elders and the Rothschild family for permission to devalue the US dollar, which was, as reported here last week, denied.

The failure to get permission to devalue the US dollar prompted Obama’s handlers to call an unscheduled emergency summit meeting of ASEAN heads of state last week in California.

In fact, the real meeting that took place in California was between General Joseph Dunford, head of the US military and General Mulyono, chief of staff of the Indonesian armed forces.

The rest is for paid members only:

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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