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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Mnt Goat Wed. Update - "The Battle for Mosul is about to begin" Part 2 of 2

Update: Needed Laws

We see more payments for oil to Kudistan from the once disputed region of Kirkuk. Remember I just talked to you about this and that this was a major dispute over the HCL. Now lets see if they will announce the completion and passed of the HCL law. See article below.

I quote from the article below – “Kirkuk is deprived of her financial rights obtained from right to petrodollars for years 2013 and 2014 and 2015 as a result of political and economic conditions for all the information. " 

Wouldn’t you be mad too if you had constitutional rights to these oil fields, as Article 140 of the Irai constitution gives to Kurds? Wouldn’t you use this grievance to withhold support for other laws too in parliament to get your way? We are hearing an aweful lot about this Kirkuk oil lately and how it is effecting the HCL law. Can this finally be all resolved?
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Mon, February 1, 2016   

BAGHDAD / Baghdadi News /

Announced the governor of Kirkuk, Najm al-Din Karim, on Monday, that the province received the first batch of dues oil sales from the Kurdistan region, amounting to $ 10 million within the petro-dollar allocations.

Karim said in a press statement received / Baghdadi News /, copy it, that "Kirkuk province received $ 10 million from the first dues petro-dollar down payment."

He added that "the move is good for the continuity of services and work to complete the ongoing projects that stops working out three years ago because of the financial benefits of Kirkuk exchange."

And that "after the agreement between Arbil and Baghdad to export oil through the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Kurdistan Region Government of the Territory have become obliged to pay dues Kirkuk oil source to maintain the fields," adding that "Kirkuk is deprived of her financial rights obtained from right to petrodollars for years 2013 and 2014 and 2015 as a result of political and economic conditions for all the information. " 

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Update: Economic Reforms

I bring you the following article because it is right in line as to what the IMF has asked Iraq to do in payment to contractors outside of Iraq. Do you remember the press release on the MOU dated JAN 12th 2016. I presented this to you and a link to the UN site so you could read this for yourself. Well now we see yet another item being addressed. This is one of the items mandated by the IMF. It includes that Iraq pay (or find ways to consistently pay) all contractor debt for those businesses (i.e. oil companies) coming into Iraq to do business. This was a huge item since Kurdistan was consistently paying Exxon/Mobil late and even had to be sued in international courts at one time to receive their payments. This will become easier for them once they are back to the global online banking system.

By the way Kurdistan was not trying to “stiff” Exxon/Moble in the past. There was some confusion as to the amount owed and records were confusing over this oil from Kirkuk. So now they hope to have the means to clarify their billing process with oil companies in the future and actually make it easier. 

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Information / BAGHDAD /

The Ministry of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government, on Monday, to change the method of payment of financial dues to oil companies operating in Kurdistan.

The ministry said in a statement seen by Agency / information /, said that "monthly payments offered by the Kurdistan Regional Government to global oil production major, will be based on contractual entitlements under production-sharing according to the contract that governs all license as of January 1, 2016, to be replaced replace the temporary payment arrangements in place since last September. "

The statement added that "the company payments for 2016 will reflect the income from each oil field on the basis of net revenue, taking into account differences in the quality of the extracted crude oil compared to prices of Brent crude oil, in addition to the discount applicable transportation fees."

He continued that "in addition to the benefits mentioned above, the Kurdistan Regional Government will pay a further boost, the equivalent of five percent of the monthly income of the net return for each field, to compensate for the international oil companies that did not recover dues from the Government of the province." 

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Update: Fighting ISIS

It is my opinion that the battle for Mosul will not be long. I vase this statement on all the planning I see and my conversations with  many of my friends now stationed in the area.  I can see they plan to move this along as quickly as possible and do not plan on a protracted battle field. They tell me the main objective is NOT to let anyone escape back into Syria or to the other Iraqi regions. Once boots on the ground are established sufficiently, they intend to surround them, cut off all logistics, resupply and communications. Then go for the kill. I believe they are still planning within the end of Feb timeframe for completion of this campaign.

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Newsweek  2/2/16 

BAGHDAD (Reuters) –

The U.S.-led  coalition fighting Islamic State aims this year to recapture Iraq’s second city Mosul, working with Iraqi government forces, and drive the jihadis out of Raqqa, their stronghold in northeast Syria, Arab and Western officials say.

If it succeeds, the coalition will have struck a crippling blow against Islamic State's self-proclaimed caliphate in Iraq and Syria.

The strategy is to regain territory at the heart of ISIS’s cross-border state, take both its "capitals," and destroy the confidence of its fighters that it can expand as a Sunni caliphate and magnet for jihadis, according to these Arab and Western officials, few of whom were willing to speak on the record on a matter of such strategic sensitivity.

 “The plan is to hit them in Raqqa in Syria and in Iraq at Mosul, to crush their capitals,” said an Iraqi official with knowledge of the strategy. “I think there is some speed and urgency by the coalition , by the U.S. administration and by us to end this year with the regaining of control over all territory.”
“Iraqi officials say 2016 will witness the elimination of Daesh (IS) and the Americans have the same idea – get the job finished, then they can withdraw and (President Barack) Obama will have a legacy,” said a diplomat in Baghdad, emphasizing the Iraqi part of the operation. “The day Mosul is liberated, Daesh will be defeated.”

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 Baghdad /
A spokesman for the international coalition Colonel Steven Warren said US special forces would come to Iraq.

Warren said at a news conference in Baghdad that "small special force will come to support the Iraqi forces to secure the border between Iraq and Syria, and its mission to collect intelligence and conduct some raids against Daash in order to prevent terrorists to cross the border."

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One more item today:

Let’s not forget to keep praying for the success of THESE IRAQI AND COALITION SOLDIERS. I believe our prayers are in part some of the acceleration of the process we are now witnessing. 

Remember too to pray to the princess of peace – Our Blessed Virgin Mary. She has the ear of Christ and she can intercede in heaven and bring us the peace we all desire here on earth. We can not do it alone. I believe that if we all make this our daily prayer you will see change. It is already working even in the short time since I have been publishing this prayer section. It does not matter what religion you believe, if you pray then to your oven beliefs entity it is still the same powers and good for all of mankind. Ultimately it is all the same God anyhow.

“Lord, protect Abadi and all who stand with him in righteousness, the Iraq and coalition soldiers who are fighting the good fight against terrorism, that they would be shielded from the enemy and would be victorious against them in the battle for Mosul! We ask that the victory comes swiftly and healing of the Iraqi peoples and all whom have been effected by these evil doers can begin!

We pray for the process of the currency reform, the full implementation of  the Iraqi economy to full  international status and the bringing of prosperity and wealth to its people“  Amen!

Till next time…. Auf Wiedersehen!

Peace and Luv To Ya All, 
Mnt Goat

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