Don't WAIT!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Mnt Goat Monday Update - "Something BIG has POPPED, Something More is About to POP"  Part 1 of 2

(Thank you George for emailing this so Dinar Recaps can post it.)

UU6901 – “Something BIG has POPPED, Something More is About to POP” by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

Parliament is now in session way over a week already and we have not yet seen much on the needed laws we have been waiting for.

Earlier this week we heard confirmation that the Amnesty law is agreed upon by all and ready for a final vote. Will they vote on it soon?

The 2016 budget has also been passed, ratified and in the gazette. It is now open for spending allocations, but no RV (as I said it is NOT any indicator of the RV anyhow, it was not in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and it is not in 2016).

There is just sooooo much good news coming out that all leads down the road to financial independence, a robust economy and finally the end result of free global trade for Iraq (thus the RV we are waiting for).
How can anyone of these so called intel “guru” tell you on their calls there is no new news? I can hardly believe my ears when I hear them tell you that. It breaks me heart to know there is so much news and yet they don’t want to tell you.  Maybe its because they are lazy to dig and find the FACTS or maybe it is just because they are ignorant. Probably a combination of both….lol….lol….

If you haven’t noticed already I do not like to just give short clips of news, news that most can’t fully understand and comprehend. Instead I like to show you the BIG picture and how everything relates to something else. I know my audience and so I am trying to help you not dazzle you with my brilliance.

All these events we are witnessing in all these articles are all interconnected. This is reality and to understand fully what is happening in Iraq you must come down to reality. In doing so you quickly realize there is no mysterious boogy man behind the curtain holding up the RV.

I am sorry again but today’s news letter is extra long. There is just so much to tell. So I recommend everyone to print out the news letter, find your favorite cozy chair and a hot cup of coffee and just relax and read. This is going to be a very long read today.

Today’s News

Today is Monday Febuary 1st  2016  and we made it to Feb already and still no RV.  Oh – but I though all you intel “gurus” told us the RV was imminent. Really? That was back in December or was it October, no- I think it was August….lol….lol…..

Gee Wizz I can remember like it just yesterday some of these gurus bashing Mnt Goat saying she was crazy and the RV would never get past June 2015.

They could not back up their claim as Mnt Goat validated with FACTS her claims as to why she felt it would go way past June as also to a new RV window timeframe for the fall of that year. Then when the fall arrived yet another window for early December popped up and again the FACTS spoke for themselves. Now the late February/early March window, again more FACTS to back up this claim.

NO – Mnt Goat is not saying April or May so please do not put words in my mouth. If my window changes I will tell you and I will JUSTIFY IT WITH FACTS in my coming news letters. So please stop listening to these people.

I also want to say I have absolutely NO connection or affiliation with Dinar Recaps or Dinar Update. George is a very good friend of mine and has volunteered one day to post my news letters over on USA sites and has continued to make the effort for all of you fine people who want the TRUTH and FACTS. Some site in particular could not handle the truth and so kicked George off their forum along with my news letters. Today Dinar Recaps is kind enough to post them for the general public to read. It is okay if you do not agree with my perspectives and news but please bring me FACTS to back up your disagreement. I only deal with FACTS. I know I am not always right and I try to correct myself in these few cases. I gave everyone a window to ask questions in the past. George has asked that I do this once again. I am thinking about it so be patient. 
(NOTE: Dinar Recaps bolded the above section.)

Update: Needed Laws

Today I am going to bring you more amazing news. Can you handle it? Are you ready?

This news is in the form of three articles. Normally you could read these articles individually and brush them aside not thinking too much about them. But putting the timing and sequence of the publishing of these articles along with their content) it becomes apparent of what is going on. So today I will piece them together for you so we can all clearly see the bigger picture. This news is all interconnected if you are paying attention. I will try to explain this picture to you today.

First let me start off by asking a question. Why is parliament not addressing all these needed laws? It has been almost 2 weeks already since parliament has come back in session. I thought these laws were critical?

So in mid December of 2016 Jabouri (the house speaker) gave a press conference. We read an article from this press conference and it seemed that parliament was going to hit the ground running on Jan 19th once they arrived back from Christmas recess. The article also talked about all the critical and urgent laws and they actually told us what these remaining laws where. So no more guessing games. This was an amazing article for us. It clarified so much.

But we see that none of the needed laws have been on parliament’s schedule. Why? It is already almost 2 weeks since the new session began in 2016. I thought they told us these were CRITICAL and URGENT laws. So what going on here?

So as a result, I was keeping an eye out for information to guide us as to what was going on here.

Now in today’s news letter I would like to tell you what I have found. The articles bring it to us. Oh – but you can’t be bothered to read the articles?  Too much for you to do? Didn’t learn to read and pass the third grade?

But you have to read the articles and be smart enough to piece them together to see this ongoing saga. It is not easy but I my best today.  This is intel gathering and analysis at it’s best…lol….

NO Hype, NO Rumors, just the FACTS !

Okay- so let me tell you the saga. It’s a long read but please stay with me and don’t fall asleep. You don’t want to miss this one…lol…lol..

In my 1/29 news letter (LINK) I presented an article (presented again below article #1). In that article it stated that a meeting was planned for over the weekend between the three presidents, religious leaders and the leaders of the political blocs, “on the need to urge  to ban extremist rhetoric and to encourage religious discourse moderate and tolerant, while agreed on the need to expedite action on the executive and legislative actions that contribute to overcome the economic crisis, which include retrenchment to reduce the budget deficit, stressed the need to create the atmosphere to continue the dialogue between Baghdad and Erbil to resolve the outstanding issues between them”. .

I quote from the article #1 – “And on stalled legislation, the Office explained that the "meeting stressed the approval of legislation that have been agreed upon under the political agreement which formed the government or what was presented in the government program, or display in a paper voter reform by the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives."

"The meeting stressed the interest multiplier for the completion of the basic legislation to the process of the completion of the state institutions and to ensure resolve outstanding, including:

the draft oil and gas law problems, and
the law of the Federal Court, and
the law of the Federation Council, and
the law of the distribution of imports and control, and
the law of the National Guard and
other laws,"
explaining that "it was agreed to form a sub-committee of the three authorities to follow up on the adoption of such legislation ACCORDING TO A SPECIFIC TIMETABLE." (see article #1 could this be the meeting they are talking about?)

So once again they are telling us the needed laws and telling us they are NOT yet passed. They told us earlier in the week the General Amnesty law is ready for a final vote and this is probably why they did not include it on their list now.

Then what happens? …keep reading, keep reading the next articles below since it gets very interesting.

Article#1 Begins


Special - scales News

We arrived at the presidential palace on Thursday, many of the leaders of political blocs to attend a meeting of the three presidencies convened by the President of the Republic in preparation for the start of the meeting.

A reporter / scales News / "Many of the leaders of the political blocs began arriving at the presidential palace in the Green Zone."

The correspondent added that "among the dignitaries who arrived Judiciary Chairman Medhat al-Mahmoud and head of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim, the head of the renewal of Mahmoud al-Mashhadani and the Secretary General of the Islamic Party, Iyad al-Samarrai, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi."

He explained that "one of the other characters that have reached the palace head of the competencies and Education Minister Hussein al-Shahristani and MP for the rule of law Abbas al-Bayati and director of the Office of the Prime Minister Mahdi Keywords First Deputy Speaker of Parliament Hamoudi and others,

Article #1 Ends.

Okay- so they told us they wanted to have this BIG meeting and now they are having this BIG meeting. Then who shows up the next day? See article #2.

Okay maybe a side meeting afterwards but in real close proximity to the meeting on Saturday. Too close to be  coincidental?

Article #2 Begins


Twilight News /

Arrived US Secretary of State adviser on Iraq and Syria Brett Mac Gork, on Sunday, to Baghdad, is scheduled to meet with both Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and head of the Kurdistan Regional Government Naچervan Barzani.

Mac Gork wrote on his page on the social networking site (Twitter) tweet in which he referred to his arrival to Baghdad, noting that the meetings will be customized to meet the organization "Daash" terrorist by the Iraqi army and Kurdish forces Alپeshmrگh.

And Mac Gork's visit coincides with a visit by the provincial government delegation led by Barzani is expected to hold a meeting between Gork and Barzani at the US embassy in Baghdad.

Article #2 Ends

What happens next? See article #3

Then low and behold it appears Barzani and Abadi decide to cooperate. Why? Is this coincidental again?

We know why because article #2 above tells us.

But the other main point I need to bring out is this - Why is it so imperative to get all these new laws get  completed and get the completed ASAP that a USA delegate had to come all the way to the middle east from the USA to broker a meeting?

Does this seem really strange to you that the USA secretary of state advisor has to come to this meeting?

Was it really that urgent? What is going on here?

Sometimes it’s not so much WHAT THEY SAY but WHAT THEY DO and the sequence of the news as it is given to us that paints the picture we need to see.

Article #3 Begins


By Ahmed Rasheed

Jan 31 A delegation from Iraq's cash-strapped Kurdistan region agreed on Sunday with the government in Baghdad to cooperate on reforms aimed at dealing with an acute economic crisis afflicting them both.

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and federal authorities in Baghdad rely heavily on oil export revenue and have been hit hard by the global slump in crude prices.

Relations between the two sides have been strained in recent YEARS BY ONGOING DISPUTES OVER REVENUE SHARING, THE BUDGET AND THE AUTHORITY TO EXPORT OIL.

The Kurdish delegation, led by the region's Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani, met with Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and other senior government officials.

"We think the meeting was positive considering the nature of the problems and contentious issues still lingering between both sides," Abadi's spokesman Saad al-Hadithi said after the talks.

Further meetings would now be held on a regular basis, he added. The previous such meeting was last July.
Kurdish officials have warned in recent weeks that their region faces an economic collapse.

Kurdistan enjoyed an economic boom in the wake of the United States-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003, receiving a share of the revenue from Iraq's rising oil exports.

But Baghdad cut funding to the region in 2014 after the Kurds, in pursuit of economic independence, built their own pipeline to Turkey and began exporting oil without federal government approval.

The KRG has since increased independent oil sales to more than 600,000 barrels per day (bpd). But with depressed prices and a bloated public payroll, it is now five months in payment arrears and deeply in debt.
Baghdad has projected a budget deficit of 24 trillion dinars ($20.41 billion) for 2016. As a sovereign state, however, it has more options than Kurdistan to deal with an economic crisis.

Iraq's Finance Minister Hoshiyar Zebari told Reuters last week the crisis was forcing Kurds to consider reviving a deal with Baghdad to reinstate the region's budget share in return for exporting oil under state auspices.

Spokesman Hadithi gave no indication that was discussed in Sunday's meeting. ($1 = 1,175.9000 Iraqi dinars) (Additional reporting by Isabel Coles; Editing by Tom Heneghan)

Article #3 Ends

Okay now that I put the pieces together to draw this picture. Can you see it now?

So what else is important in this news?
Let me explain.

The real juicy stuff is in the last article #3 in this sequence of three articles because it ties together so nicely with everything else. 

I have been saying in my commentaries during all these recent months about the articles I presented to you. Remember my commentaries are mostly just my OPINIONS until I prove them as FACTS.

So now I am PROVING to you much of what I have been saying about these laws all along have been FACTUAL.

So what have I been saying?

1)    that the laws are needed prior to any RV, if not then why would a delegate fly all the way to Iraq to meet Barzani and Abadi to broker the issues between them and get an agreement on these issues that are holding up the needed legislation? 

2)    for the urgent legislation I will quote from the article – “Relations between the two sides have been strained in recent years by ongoing disputes over REVENUE SHARING, THE BUDGET AND THE AUTHORITY TO EXPORT OIL

Now do I have to hit everyone over the head again to make you understand that these laws are needed or NO RV!

Okay -so what are these revenue sharing disputes?  Revenue from what? Could it be revenue from oil?

Okay -so what are the budget disputes?

BINGO! How is Kurdistan going to pay for the National Guard when Kurdistan is strapped already paying to fight ISIS? This is the last thing they need (so they feel). Also the enforcement of the new Tariffs (to help fill the budget deficit gap) is also more of a burden for them right now to collect these revenues for Baghdad.  Many points of contention.

Okay so what are the “authority to export oil” disputes?
BINGO! Could it be what I have been saying all along about Article 140 issues. I mean to pump and sell oil from Kirkuk region exceeding the budget quotas? Kurdistan needs this money to help pay for the war against ISIS. They even agreed to take 13% instead of the 17% royalties if they can sell and retain the profits from ALL the oil from this region.

Remember the other laws may not have issues. But in not solving these issues as I explained from above, the Kurdish representatives in parliament refuse to vote and pass the other laws. Get it? Get the hold up? They stall parliament and use this tactic until they get ALL their issues and disputes resolved.

It is my opinion this is politics at its best. So now that they agree to settle these outstanding issues lets see how quickly the other laws get to parliament and voted on. The coming weeks will tell us. Maybe even this week? 

Now let us go even further in our analysis.

Remember the IMF Forum Annual Meeting 20-23 January 2016 in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland ? Remember we witnessed  Prime Abadi’s  meeting on the sidelines with the WTO president Jim Yong Kim.  We know that Mr Kim told prime minister Abadi that Iraq is ready to switch over the global economy and wanted him to move forward on it and do it quickly.

So now Abadi is in the HOT seat. Do you wonder why they had this latest Erbil/Baghdad conference so soon after the Davos conference? (see article #1) Folks this is not coincidental. One conference sparks the need for the other conferences and so on. Abadi had to bring the pressure back home and more forward with it. 

However Abadi can not move forward with currency reform until the USA is happy that all needed legislation is in place (meaning passed by parliament) and everyone is happy. This is why the USA had to send a delegate to Iraq for this latest conference last weekend. So now we see who had the baton.

Many of these so called intel “gurus” can tell you over and over again that the RV is imminent but this is simply NOT true. They have been telling us this for months now with nothing to back up their claim. I do not know who is telling them this but we all know better and we all know now what to watch for. All of these critical laws DO MATTER!  So don’t let anyone lie to you telling you Mnt Goat does not back up her claims with FACTS.

Update: Economic Reform

The problem of a huge deficit for 2016 still lingers as Abadi and parliament try to find ways to fill the gap. Now they are beginning to tell us their solutions. See articles below explaining the solutions to the citizens.   

Article Begins


BAGHDAD / Hassan Shammari:
A government source revealed on Saturday that the government decided to raise the interest rate on deposit money in banks to 18%, attributing this to help the government in overcoming the financial crisis.

The source said in an interview with "Sky Press," that "the government has issued several proposals to address the financial crisis experienced by the country, and decided to raise the interest rate on deposit money in banks to 18%."

He added that "this step will encourage citizens to deposit their money in banks, which will make it easier to deal with the crisis that hit the country as a result of lower oil prices
But the parallel detection of citizens and traders for "Sky Press," for "Dar Al Salam Bank Ahli" failure to extradite Mbalghm deposited with him under the pretext of state austerity experienced by the country, and among appealed to the Ministry of Finance to intervene in order to money exchange, warned of the disruption of their businesses.

The religious authority called on Friday, the Iraqi government to engage the assistance of local and international to develop a "contingency plan" in order to cope with the financial crisis, which amounted to "a dangerous level", as demanded by taking austerity measures against "unnecessary expenses" for the ministries and not the general public right.

It is noteworthy that Iraq is going through an economic crisis because of lower oil prices, and Anfaqath in the war against al "Daash", as he emphasized Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, in the November 18, 2015, that Iraq will emerge from the financial crisis in a stronger, adding that he found offline to strengthen the economy and not total reliance on oil.

Article Ends

Article Begins


The company must be owned by the people by giving every citizen shares the N inheritable.
All provinces have rights in the company in proportion to its population.

Baghdad announced Iraqi Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, the parliament and the government agree to the revival of the national oil company, which was abolished in the eighties of the twentieth century, with expanded to include oil and gas, in a move aimed at reaching a solution to the crisis between the federal government and the province of northern Iraq relating to the mechanism of the export of oil. 

Abdul-Mahdi said in a symposium held by his ministry Saturday, at the headquarters of Oil Cultural Center in central Baghdad, "There is a parliamentary government agreement on the revival of the national oil company, and be expanded to exercise its functions relating to the production of oil and gas."

The minister pointed out that "the company must be owned by the Iraqi people, through the stock system that gives each Iraqi citizen shares in the company N inheritable," adding that "the experience of the establishment of oil companies in the provinces achieved great success by increasing production."

He continued that "all the provinces will have the rights in the company according to population ratio."
National Oil Company was founded in the sixties of the twentieth century, and in the eighties canceled the decision of the former Iraqi regime during the Iran-Iraq war.

In turn, MP Mohammad Kaveh member of the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary Saturday said that the Iraqi parliament will begin in the next legislative term, to discuss the legal oil and gas, and the national oil company, to regulate the relationship between the federal government and local governments and regions on oil wealth.

He said Kaveh said that "oil and gas legal legislation and the national oil company, will have an important role in ending the existing differences between the federal government and the government of the territory of northern Iraq on oil export mechanism," adding that "members of the National Oil Company will be representatives from all the provinces, including the northern region Iraq".

And honest Iraqi Council of Ministers on 2 December / December 2014 on the oil agreement between the governments in Baghdad and Erbil, which ensures that the territory of northern Iraq to hand over at least 250 thousand barrels of oil a day to the federal government for the purpose of export, the export of 300 thousand barrels per day of by the federal province of Kirkuk fields of government through oil pipeline in the territory of the north.

But the oil agreement was stopped once and for all the summer of 2015, the region began to export its oil independently of the federal government in Baghdad, which in turn decided to stop paying the region's share of the federal budget amounting to 17% because of what it considered "a breach of the agreement the region's oil."

Article Ends
Next we see yet another leader, this time a religious leader, speaking out about supporting and activating the private sector. See article below.

In reality this is already accomplished as Iraq just passed in parliament the needed changes to the Investment law, as Qabbanji is referring to that were needed. This was also a mandate by the IMF between the IMF and Iraq. I showed you the MOU press release last week. Part of the MOU talked about three items necessary to move forward to free the Iraq currency from all exchange restrictions. Do you remember that this was one of them? 

Article Begins



{Najaf: Euphrates News} to Fri Najaf, Mr. Sadr al-Din Qabbanji called on the government to lift restrictions on investment and support the private sector.

Mr. Qabbanji said during Friday prayers at the Grand Husseini Fatimid Najaf Ashraf was attended by the correspondent of the agency {Euphrates News} today that "the financial crisis is the reality in Iraq and other countries and to Iraq to support the private sector and supporting the sectors of agriculture, industry and open the door to investment to address the economic crisis."

And between "We have to open the door to investment which is almost up to zero in Iraq because of the restrictions and conditions, and the state is called upon to make way for investment and the development of agriculture and industry."

On the other hand praised "the progress achieved by the armed forces in all its different forms in the cleansing and edit all regions and villages of gray," stressing that "our victory is the result of the moral dimension and the link in God", praising "the presence of scientists and whistleblowers in mounds front."
In a separate affair pointed out that "the position of Al-Azhar to cancel the contest had called her scholars of Al-Azhar on how to counter the threat of Shiism," hello "to this position ".

He pointed out that" Al-Azhar between Wahhabi pressure and inviting the mind of moderation enjoyed ", and wished him to maintain and Stith and moderation, and instead of mobilizing public opinion to confront the Shiites must confront the threat of terrorism, beheadings and mobilize public opinion against Israel and extremism,"

Article Ends

Link to PART 2

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