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Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday Mnt Goat Update - "Its Déjà vu - Again"  Part 1 of 2

(Thank you for emailing this George so Dinar Recaps can post it.)

UU6903 – “ Its Déjà vu - Again” by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

Many of you have expressed the lack of interest in “ready a book” each time for Mnt Goat news letters. Seems all you want is a quick date and a rate. All I can say is then go to the other calls, forums and blogs that will hype you up and give you the everyday / anyday / imminent scenarios with the Monday morning disappointments.

This news letter is simply not for you and so stop reading it!  It should be apparent by now Mnt Goat news letters are intended for an inner circle of friends and speculators only. The public was allowed to read these news letters only by the generosity of my good friend GeorgeH,  who volunteered to post them in the other forums. So be thankful you are even reading them at all.
I do not believe in the GCR as I know for a fact it was a long misunderstanding and of twisting the facts to suite the purpose of selling more currency. I know for fact many of these so called “gurus” were pumping currency sales and this is how they were doing it.

As time passed the GCR turned into what it is today as any rumor will if you say it enough over and over again.  It is but mere gossip and yet more rumors. It sounded so good people were gullible enough to believe it. Oh – but where are the 190+_currencies that were supposed to RV? Really? Oh – but now it’s down to only a handful, Really?. Oh- but what about saving the world from financial disaster….etc..etc..Really?  Give me just one shred of evidence after 5 years of the GCR info to prove it.  Please give me facts and not more rumors that justify more rumors.

So you can stop wasting your time thinking about any currencies other than the Iraqi dinar revaluation. You wanted Mnt Goat’s opinion….well then there it is.

So George tells me many want me to tell them about  this guy named Dr Clarke. As far as I am concerned if this is what you want YOU can go and research him/her for yourselves. Are you lazy and want Mnt Goat to do the  work for you. Who do you think I am? Shame on you! You read my news letters about my information yet you want me to tell you about news of some other person’s viewpoint or information? Go fetch this other person’s information and viewpoint for yourselves. Shame on you again!  I don’t know Dr. Clark nor do I care to know him/her. I have listed out who you can trust to give you reasonable information regarding the Iraqi dinar revaluation in my past news letters and I will not repeat them again. Stop being so lazy and go and read my past news letters (LINK). Oh- but they are too long to read?

When are many of you going to learn there is NO ONE  who knows any secrets about when this RV is going to happen. Read my lips NO ONE !

I personally believe not anyone, not even the top leaders and officials or IMF planners know of a date since this date does not yet exist. I say this because contrary to your short sided belief, there is NO set predetermined date because no one can project when Iraq will be ready. Do they have targets? Sure but does Iraq meet them on time?  Just look at what they are doing right now. Does it look like they can revalue their currency tonight or even in the next week?

My only guess for a future RV is when they will have political and physical stability and finally they can settle down to behaving like a rational, responsible developed nation that is ready to play with the BIG BOYS.  Right now they are a “closed”  economy restricted under Article 14 of the UN charter (left over sanctions).

As a member nations status they will someday take off their training wheels and move to Article 8 but not until they are ready. China does not and will not have any say in this process. Nor does this NASARA make believe organization that I keep hearing about.  We are still waiting for the day when Dr Shababi will come back to the CBI ,  as he is the only one who will make this RV happen when the time is ready.  Do you think this might be something to watch for? What about the “basket” of laws they promised us back in December? Do you think this might be something to watch for?

So as I keep placing emphasis over and over again on the areas of our concern. Not what some other so called “guru” is saying or some stupid idea of “saving the Republic” that is holding up the RV. How utterly ridiculous of a notion!  You simply have to be mentally handicapped  to EVEN BEGIN TO BELIEVE there might be some validity in all this stuff.

Today’s News

Today is Friday February 5th  2016. Still no RV. Oh- but the I thought the “gurus” way back in December were telling us the RV was all done and we are “just waiting our turn to exchange”. Do you now see just how foolish these statements are? Can you see just how lame and uninformed their so called “high level” sources are? Why do you even take the time to bother listening to all this crap?   

We must watch Iraq and the CBI, Finance Ministry and Parliament. Only these establishments will give us  CLUES as to when we can expect any significant increase in the value of the Iraqi dinar.  The CBI actuall told us out straight that they plan to inform the people on an ongoing basis the next step in the currency reform process. They seem to be doing just that.

The fate of Iraq is in the hands of Iraq. So if a date and a rate is truly what you want – then here is the way to get it. There is no other evidence. Go to the source (the real source….lol…).

Update: Currency Reform

So here is an interesting article. Seems parliament  now too is getting fed up with the inaction, mismanagement and ineptitude of  the CBI in being able to control the currency of Iraq and to ensure domestic price stability and foster a stable competitive market based financial system..

The primary objectives of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI)  - “ to ensure domestic price stability and foster a stable competitive market based financial system. The CBI shall also promote sustainable growth, employment and prosperity in Iraq” .

Do you believe the CBI is successful in meeting their mandate under the current leadership?

Article Begins


Wednesday 03-02-2016

Parliament meets with the Central Bank and banks to discuss financial crisis

The Iraqi parliament on Wednesday, with the central bank and managers of banks government plans to overcome the current financial crisis.

This came during Vice President of Iraqi Council of Representatives Iaram Sheikh Mohammed, a meeting with the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords and Mohammed Hadi Karim Director General of the Agricultural Bank and Kazem Mohammed fistula Director General of the Industrial Bank, During the meeting, which was attended by heads and representatives of Kurdish blocs in parliament and members of the parliamentary finance committee DISCUSS THE PROCEDURES AND PLANS TO ENSURE SUPPORT FOR THE IRAQI GOVERNMENT TO OVERCOME THE FINANCIAL CRISIS.

He said Sheikh Mohammed, in a statement on the importance of the central bank seeks to secure liquidity and prevent the creation of the beneficiaries of the crisis on the market and the expense of the economy.

"We old fiscal policies exceeded, methods and work hard it possible to provide aid and loans to citizens in all governorates of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and the financing of their projects to the recovery of the domestic market, and encircle the repercussions of the economic crisis that caused the drop in oil rates in the world."

For his part, on the Keywords that the Central Bank has taken all measures in order to support the citizens and the private sector, especially in this period, adding that the bank launched a $ 6 trillion Iraqi dinars for agricultural, industrial and real estate for banks and granted to citizens by small, medium and small-sized enterprises, in order to move the market and create new opportunities to work.

Participants in the meeting agreed on the need to take practical and serious steps to support the citizens, as has been discussed a number of files, PARTICULARLY THE IMPORTANCE OF MAINTAINING THE STABILITY OF THE IRAQI DINAR AND SUPPORT AGAINST OTHER CURRENCIES, AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BANKING SYSTEM AND THE CONTROL OF THE IRAQI DINAR EXCHANGE RATE.

Article Ends
Update: Needed Laws

 Here we go again more publicity on the oil and gas law.  But when will they bring it up for a vote. That is what we want to know. We know HCL is all ready as this article is telling us below. 

I quote from the article – “the government to complete the project of oil and gas law and send it to the House of Representatives for approval, in a step towards resolving the economic crisis”. “as we are still waiting to be incorporated into the agenda acts of the House of Representatives. "

Incidentally does this article sound familiar? Déjà vu time…lol..!  Didn’t we see a similar article about the General Amnesty law not too long ago. So when is it too coming up for a vote? 

Article Begins


Special - scales News

Said the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary member Tariq friend that approval of oil and gas law Siqsam afternoon differences between Baghdad and Erbil, referring to the need for approval through the new legislative term.

He called the National Alliance earlier, the government to complete the project of oil and gas law and send it to the House of Representatives for approval, in a step towards resolving the economic crisis.

The committee member said Tariq friend's / balances News /, that "the federal government withdrew before more than 115 period a draft bill from the parliament for reconsideration based on the reforms and the measures to which they belong, including the draft oil and gas law, as we are still waiting to be incorporated into the agenda acts of the House of Representatives. "

The friend added, "This law will solve the existing problems between Baghdad and Erbil because he hurt the interests of both parties in terms of commitment to the rights of all of them."

He pointed out that "we also need a national oil company law and rounds licenses and a lot of things to facilitate oil and energy issues, as the beneficial licensing rounds for people in financial terms, but there are some things that need to be adjusted by the Iraqi legislature on some of the conditions in these tours with companies foreign and domestic, since it after more than 20 years will change the oil and the needs of Iraq and the global market prices, so it should reconsider its order to fit with the current conditions and the great burden on the government. "

He explained, "we have established a seminar two weeks in the oil ministry before to discuss this subject, and suggested some members of the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary mechanism to prepare a draft law of the national oil company, but it should be enactment of the oil and gas law first and then other corporate legislation of laws."

And concealed the previous sessions of the House of Representatives in approving the oil and gas law as a result of the growing differences on many of the main paragraphs.

Article Ends

Soon Link to PART 2

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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