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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Dinar Updates Thursday AM Chat  2-18-16   Part 3 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-18-16
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Dinar Updates Thursday AM Chat  2-18-16   Part 3 of 3

David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   Its a $500 billion plus ?
subgirl says    was there a number written?
subgirl says   Loopback says(7:10 AM):   He stressed that" the parliament will hold a special session is the host of the integrity Commission and the Office of financial supervision, and representatives from the inspectors general of the Central Bank and the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the judiciary, as well as the participation of finance and foreign affairs committees and integrity foreign,
security and defense and legal relations to provide statistics and information on the money and property and checking their own destiny ".
ohdd on the need to address the cases of officials of dual nationality being prosecuted on corruption charges, in accordance with the laws in force in the countries of nationality, also urged the government and the House of Representatives to work together to follow up on financial transfers and real estate owned to some officials abroad.
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says  I forgot where I heard that but over eight years sound low and it was a $ figure converted from dinars
subgirl says   oh I see. ok :) not sure but I am sure it was massive amount!
subgirl says():   Loopback says   On the other hand showed the call / organization inside / bloc Party opposition to the formation of an Iraqi committee to recover funds smuggled abroad, attributed to link some of the members of the committees of political party involved smuggling.
Said bloc president, Ali al-Badri, in a press statement that "all the money has been converted informally through the Central Bank and the Bank of Commerce auction under the pretext of contracts for the execution of projects. "
I suggest a resolution obliging the government to the United Nations approached to work on the recovery of Iraqi funds smuggled and coordination with international companies specialized in this field. But for the parliamentary integrity Commission confirmed that among the mechanisms proposed for recovery is an account Iraqi funds abroad.
subgirl says   Loopback says   He said committee member Abdul Karim Abtan in a press statement that "the parliamentary integrity formed four sub-committees of its members, and met with each of these committees Central Bank and the Fund for recovery of funds in the Ministry of Finance and the integrity Commission and the judiciary, which is a joint responsible for the recovery of funds."
"The parliamentary committee will present its report to the House of Representatives on its meetings with these joints and recovery of funds in the coming sessions." He said, "Among the proposals for the Parliamentary Integrity Commission is to refund mechanisms, including the use of the Arab League and the Security Council as well as the Iraqi funds and account them abroad after 2003 and before.
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   It solves alot of problems if they can get it back and I dont understand the people who say how close Iraq and Iran are like brother countries . Iran would crush anyone to gain leverage and power. Keep them at arms length. And the Russians (n
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   Can someone just tell me if i am a victim of the US media concernin Iran. Are they net a good thing or bad for Iraq?last question
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   Thanks .MOD subgirlcopy I appreciate it. I am excited and feel like the cat hold onto the tree branch with his or her claws.
rcookie says   Referral of senior Iraqi officials to eliminate corruption charges
Posted: 18.02.2016 | 13:59 GMT  Referred the Iraqi Integrity Commission Vice-President of the former ministers Bahaa al-Araji, Saleh al-Mutlaq and director of the office of former Prime Minister Farouk al-Araji, former Mayor of Baghdad, Naim Abaob to justice on charges of corruption.
The Commission noted in a story posted on its mail Thursday February 18 to "the completion of the first phase of the officials funds inflation File", and refer Bahaa al-Araji, Saleh al-Mutlaq and Farouk al-Araji and Naim Abaob to justice "charges of inflated money and graft."
She added that "the referral to the judiciary are the first stage, and Referred are still defendants did nothing to prove them; the fact that the accused is innocent until proven guilty."
The Committee on Parliamentary Integrity announced in Spettmr / September of last year on the transfer of more than 540 file corruption, stressing its intention to meet the "mafia
rcookie says
subgirl says to Holly1   you lol lol lol
rcookie says   GET YOUR LISTS OUT.....
Holly1 says to rcookie    (F) what list
rcookie says to Holly1   LIST OF 71....
subgirl says to rcookie   the bad guys lol
rcookie says to Holly1   DROPPING LIKE DOMINOES...
subgirl says to rcookie   yyyaaayy!!!
subgirl says to rcookie   we need them out quickly!
Holly1 says to rcookie  Karim Jadou  A statement from the central bank today that the government does not cut spending and we need to Five trillion dinars  to pay salaries Is this  the reason for the deterioration of the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar  6 hrs
Holly1 says to rcookie   Haider al-Husseini   To applicat dinar will come to the emergency after two hours and Dalk injury minor injuries and will recover soon

Holly1 says   Iraqis Economists
Holly1 says   Organized crime in the Central Bank:  Page, a professor Abdel Halim Darwish
Did you know that the dollar exchange rate today is $ 1.224 for 1 Did you know that the foreign remittance aspiration of 1234 of $ 1
The central bank sells to domestic banks (of the parties) each day an average of 7 to 10 million dollars !! and companies more remittance than a million dollars
Holly1 says   and the rate of the Central Abann of $ 1 1,116 Iraqi dinars
The group sold 1.224 b inside Iraq and outside Iraq remittances for 1234  Trouhlhm and anyone who wants to buy them, but at a price Money Maabon Also .. note that the central bank sells 200 million a daily rate of foreign Khawwalh   even want Nhsabha Arabs account aspiration of the profits of each bank a day 1,134,000,000 billion
Holly1 says   And Hessian Njie corporate remittance and foreign money order, Elly 1260 and Mathol shift at a price of central bank Faiser profit rate daily 126,000,000 million Iraqi dinars, because of the poor share PS1 million dollars a day !!
The latter Njie paragraph (corporate banking) Estphadon Bs 50,000 per week promises Shui Derna Balnh them
Lech Maaabie Central Bank and by the government banks to traders direct foreign remittances and the same price and Aaama susceptible price Elly is  1.224, and the same price for the citizens  here go back Nhsabha
How will the state and the central bank, especially in this financial crisis will be able to state that supports service projects or for the crowd and the army ..
Holly1 says   Say a daily rate of the Central Bank sells $ 200 million at a price of 1,166 Hessian and Ahnh we proposed Llano sells approaches    1,234 banks without means Brackets current price  21,600,000,000 !!!   
Amauddddan 12 billion text Allowaaaaahd day. !!!!!!   And Anto of Imkm Adharboha month except four collection becomes 561 billion a month
If cite * 12 means output becomes frightening 6,739,000,000,000 trillion annually !!!!!
If Aolon banking group's financial and conversion Ahnh depositors money the central bank (Deposit)
Holly1 says   zb because all the banks and financial transfer takers speech formality to ensure that his main concern using these amounts deposited in the Central Bank to buy the daily ration of the dollar means brackets (Maadhm and bankrupt Central Bank Bs ink on paper) Hai manna banks, businesses and Money Hai Wen Dtrouh !!!   lost Yum God
Holly1 says   cares seen him millions of dollars in disaster Jay Trouh bellies parties and they agree on the theft of the central bank as the auction of the currency ... notorious ...
 who wanted him as it was immediately after the benefit of the state to sell to traders .. and now has become Almassar are benefiting exclusively .....  .... !!!    it is a country upside down
Some of the figures have been adjusted to conform to the dollar today
Holly1 says   ALi Yaseen AlDelemi Bs sure of the sales price of the banking companies expect 1195  mu in 1116   the price by Jean true
Holly1 says    Zachar   I think now 1180
Holly1 says   Iraqis Economists   Yes, our teacher Aziz topic published months before the old price .. 1116 .. There have been changes in 1180
Holly1 says   Hamza Alrubaie   1180 1118 Mo!    This exchange, which is currently being sold for domestic banks to the dollar rate
Holly1 says   Samir Fakhri   I wish to refer to the point in the very important subject of the auction is linked to conditionality of the IMF and the central bank can not control the decision of this auction,
but the bank that can be opened parallel window for the currency auction to sell dollars at the parallel market minus ten dinars per dollar, providedLarge amounts of not less than one hundred thousand dollars note that this window will serve as Boaisalh market real dollar and the passage of days will end the speculators on the dollar, ‘
but if the central bank was ready for it brokers and users of these differences in exchange rates, and I hope the reply from the owners of the site on this analysis

​Holly1 says   Hamza Alrubaie   Words can not be achieved  because Maadenh state banks omitted best tributaries Rashid an agro-industrial all banks operate beyond pen and paper mildly banks p CKD withdraw and deposit  which is without everything Clearinghouse Daily scandalous form of Rafidain Bank, Rasheed or .. Returned Easyway money order Amanm! ??
Shi brother, my government bank as possible bear the amount of remittances huge the Daily mu less than 50 money order, each bank of banks Iraq Private course you know Vuk 50 Ahli Bank exists except Bedoon remittance  my government bank dissatisfied bear Do amount of remittances 
Holly1 says   Adel Adel   Speech This is all true Bs can not be applied only after the reforms within the banks themselves ,, because banks today opens its doors to people at 8:30 am and close at 12:00 pm so that the doors are shut and not walk anybody after this time and a lot of people complaining about this caseOf ... maybe so and so says Come Look bank works late ...
 Ajaopk and tell you true number could be very simple Almlenzmh banks ... because most state departments is committed to your timeshare to work and use the laws according to their mood and they consider their work ..
Constitution intended this talk this way they're they can not achieve sufficient time to sell a large amount of the dollar and thus create and invent new methods of ambience and profit outside the law and their interest ... with sincere thanks and apologized on stretching .... Iraqi engineer Sharif
Holly1 says   waiting Fatlawi   If a homeowner duff hitter, Vmachimh his family ... Menen answer honor and fear for this country oppressed! If the director of the Bank of embezzled money, how afraid the country
Holly1 says   Fares al-Maliki  This talk is an accurate and Mo wants to buy a bank draft existed in 1200 at a price of reasons exist with the Securities and delivery a week later
Holly1 says   Hayder Mohsin   Traffic brother without you clarify the possible means more bank transfer from banks or from the central bank
Holly1 says   Hamza Alrubaie   A brother Knight is currently priced at central bank money order, parked all the banks it means Maku money order, now with the price of 1200 ..  became km before 6 months and saw her become problematic in the above auction Anlgt
Holly1 says   Hamza Alrubaie Hayder Mohsin 6 months ago or more, the central bank came down the decision not want converts outside Iraq, of course (bank commercial) Troubled transforms if to central bank rate Bs p condition answer permits Kmarkip and Mnafistat certificate Mnchae Is the whole sideburns  and saw her stopped Is money order, after 3 months of circulation ceased
Holly1 says   Mohsen Abu Ali   Why poor financial and economic planning because those leadership things into their own hands, not just partisan politicians and statesmen
Holly1 says   Salah al-Ameri   Currency auction is the way of party funding
Holly1 says    (F) thats it for now on comments :)
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