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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Dinar Updates Sunday AM Chat  2-21-16   Part 1 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-21-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Sunday AM Chat  2-21-16   Part 1 of 3

ALON says   The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.
designbyg says   laughing is long as you dont point....
designbyg says to DHOLLA(   wow....
designbyg says to DHOLLA   thats low.....

​curt says   wow. I had to register with a new user name to get in. it said it did not recognize flint but it kept bring up flint when I tried to sign in. ;-(

ronda says   >DHOLLA the auction is looking good
DHOLLA says   yes they are

luvmydream says    GM ALL Wow that auction # is nice to see. :)
DHOLLA says    looks like its doing what the guys are saying
designbyg says):   I've been seduced by the chocolate side of the force.
Pablo says to designbyg    Oh, you have that problem too huh?
msdiva says   goodness gracious thats the lowest of the low on the auctions

designbyg says   its been lower..... :)
designbyg says=   once :D

msdiva says   really i just caught a glimspe
joyojoy says(    GM all! Yay low auctions!

sdiva says   GM joyjoy
msdiva says   i wonder how low can they go how low can they go (lol)

Horsegal says   Oh, just missed the auction #. What was it?
joyojoy says to msdiva   me too, its looking better for us.
designbyg says   i will repost....1 sec...

designbyg says
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Horsegal says(    Awesome Digiman, thx!
msdiva says(    yay keep going lower
plowboy says   I woke up with songs in my head and don't know where they came from. April Love and June is Bustin Out all Over
designbyg says   ever get a song stuck in your head so bad you think you might need surgery?
plowboy says   and then, "Why should you believe me when I say I love when you know I've been a liar all my life?"

Loopback says   State law calls for converting the current government to the caretaker government
By Roudao   8 hours ago   Roudao - Erbil
It demanded the MP for the rule of law high Nassif Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to transfer his government to the caretaker government to prevent some of the current ministers from exploiting their positions in the contract and the looting of public money before removed from office.
Loopback says    The high in the statement quoted by its press office and received Roudao network media a copy of it: "The on-Abadi accelerate the conversion of the existing government to the caretaker government, Resolution,
which was adopted in the House of Representatives and approved by the Abadi stipulates that the cabinet reshuffle comprehensive and beyond the scope of the quota system, and this the resolution creating a race in contracts and looting of public money quickly among some ministers who know that they will leave their ministries in the coming days, while converting the government to the caretaker government will prevent them from exploiting their powers. "
Loopback says    He confirmed Nassif on the need "not to accept any dual citizenship minister both in the security ministry or non-security in order to Ataatkrr mistakes of the past," emphasizing "the importance of the reservation to the ministers who will be removed from office and not allow them to travel only after completing patents Zmmanm, especially since there are ministers they deport their children abroad in preparation to flee the country once and for all. "
jd says    Does Iraq really need a government in place to RV their currency??(lol)
Loopback says    State law: Prime Minister will present the new Ministers within 30 days
2016/06/20 22:40    Range/Baghdad   Block claimed Prime Minister Haider Abadi, yesterday, the latter obtained oral authorization a radical change to his Cabinet, likely to be providing new line-up within 30 days.
The State of law bloc revealed the agreement between Al-Abadi and deputies to form a parliamentary Committee with Government Committee to agree on the new CAB members.
But mass citizen uphold conservative stance, and insisted that "radical change" and thousands of agents and general managers.
Loopback says    Chief of Cabinet, called on 9 February to conduct the reshuffle "and" out of national responsibility. Revealing the finished plan of ltrshik ministries, and that the Government "succeeded in crossing the toughest stages" during the period.
Attorney says Messenger Abu Hasnah, a member of State of law bloc in a statement for "Prime Minister" Haidar Al-Abbadi House grant carte blanche on the application of the new reform programme which would include changing all his booth current ministerial people new technocrats ". He claimed that the "Al-Abbadi was supported by grant political carte blanche but verbally."
Abu Hasnah expects that "the reform project ready within 30 days in order to submit it to Parliament for a vote of confidence," grant, subject to the need to consult the political blocs in any prospective change. "
Loopback says   And likely a member of State of law that "the size of the new ministerial convey 18-15. But he noted that "the final size of the new Government is up to the Government vision and immediate need to some ministries expected to merge with each other."
And stresses the mp Haider Al-Mawla, a member of State of law Coalition, "Abbadi agreed with deputies to form a parliamentary Committee comprising all political blocs to work in consultation with the Intergovernmental Committee to submit the new Cabinet before being presented to Parliament.
Sire, said in a statement to (term), "said change would be radical and comprehensive review of all current Ministers Ministerial cab by merging some ministries and convert each to independent bodies.
He noted that the Prime Minister would present during 30 days the names of new cab for a vote in the House.
Loopback says    Member State law stresses that "any change not only through consultation with political blocs with operating two months full of specific mechanism to apply the new reform project." He noted that "the Parliamentary Commission will cooperate with the Commission to avoid any unilateral decision of the head of Government."
Either block citizen Coalition, which still adheres to the conservative stance of Al-Ibadi, believes that government reforms won't work if maintaining the Prime agents and general managers.
And Aziz Kadhim Alwan, mp, (range) that "there is one block ruled Iraq more than 12 years and did not provide anything to the country after he turned independent bodies to bodies exploited as applies to Ministers agents and general managers.
Loopback says    Drew Alwan there 4000 General Manager and more than 700 under-Secretary and difficult for the Minister to deal with these technocrats. "
He is a member of the block "as a block does not agree with the reforms but that change is comprehensive so the Prime Minister and his booth and the agents and general managers.
From a. Mohammed Sabah
Loopback says

larrykn says   so they are looking at a 30 day timeline
larrykn says   I was thinking he would have to put in a temp govenment or they would steal him blind

Loopback says to larrykn   THere is this article from Rudaw that indicates that they may be going to a caretaker Gov to stop the current Ministers from stealing more and leaving country. State law calls for converting the current government to the caretaker government
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larrykn says    yes I read that, make sence, I wonder if he will do that right away
larrykn says   to me , the longer he allows them to stay the more they till take
Loopback says   Jubouri discussed with al-Sadr's reform government and the authorities to persuade people to performance    Author: AHF, MJ   Editor: AHF
02/21/2016 16:04   Long-Presse / Baghdad   Search Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, on Sunday, with the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's political, security and economic situation in the country, and among he discussed with al-Sadr changes intended Abadi made in the next government, he stressed the need to convince the parliament and the government of the Iraqi people Bodaihma.
Loopback says    Jubouri said in a press conference held at the headquarters of the political body of the Sadrist movement in central Baghdad after meeting the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr and attended (the long-Presse) that "we are delighted that we meet the leader of the Sadrist movement in Baghdad and had our meeting with him frank and we discussed with him the political and security situation and the future visions of Iraq in light of the challenges large faced both with regard to the security reality and the political and economic. "
He said al-Jubouri, "We also discussed the issue of forming the next government with al-Sadr and the importance of convincing the Iraqi people that the parliament and the government must submit to the concrete reality service to the citizens."
Loopback says    Jubouri said that "it is very important to move toward reforms, but they must be uniform and acceptable vision," noting that "if there was an effort to create a new government have been mentioned in a speech by Dr. Abadi House Fsnqubl on this aspect positively but must at the same time be there are programs and vision does not stop at switching people, but to meet the demands of the public. "
Jubouri said that "the Iraqi people were injured during this period the status of dengue nor must we feel hopeful," noting that "the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr has a vision on that side and we found it useful to listen to his opinion."
Loopback says    Jubouri and pointed out that "if the political blocs agreement to develop a convincing program we have no objection and we will change and find a new government cabins."
The cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's feet, in the February 19, 2016, a list of independent Iraqi figures whose mission would be to form a committee to choose a new ministerial cabin, while warning that the political blocs not to accept this proposal will be followed by "other steps".
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Loopback says    Moqtada al-Sadr's feet, in the February 19, 2016, a list of independent Iraqi figures whose mission would be to form a committee to choose a new ministerial cabin, while warning that the political blocs not to accept this proposal will be followed by "other steps".
Loopback says    not to accept this proposal will be followed by "other steps".8-|
Loopback says    MadDScout posted this article early this morning.

Loopback says   Said Salah al-Obeidi in the OT statement, "We salute step head of the Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim and his position on the reform project announced by the cleric Muqtada al-Sadr," noting that "al-Sadr sees the importance of implementing all project axes and not just the application of one of them part of a government of technocrats."
He said al-Obeidi said "al-Sadr and the arrival to Baghdad came to monitor the implementation of the reform project put forward by a week ago."
And he reached the cleric Muqtada al-Sadr earlier on Saturday (February 20, 2016), to the capital of Baghdad from Najaf.
Link   Read More :

magnetlady says   join the crowd DIGI

Loopback says   According to this article Sadr is staying in Baghdad to make sure everything stays on track.

jimplants says   SADAR staying is very good can we say a little extra security
larrykn says   so Sadr wants to make sure adibi gets it his way :) I likey
magnetlady says   Sounds very good to me. Very good planning.

JETSET says   hello to all! just sitting in my office getting ready for church this morning!
Loopback says to jimplants   I love Sadr's not so veiled threats. Get this done or we will follow "other steps"!


Loopback says to larrykn   We could ship a load of coal to Parliament and get a bunch of diamonds the pressure is so intense on them to not get in the way of this.

larrykn says   I bet
larrykn says   big changes are a coming :)
Loopback says to larrykn   and fast..
larrykn says   yep
larrykn says   its so exciting watching this happening right in front of us :)

larrykn says    amen Jimplants

JETSET says   optimism continues and rightly so! let's go rv!
Loopback says    The central bank sells $ 97 million lowest level of sales since the beginning of this year
Sunday, February 21, 2016 16:16   BAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. central bank announced, Sunday, selling $ 97 million in the opening of the weekly auction for the sale of foreign currency, while the longer those sales is the lowest level since the beginning of this year.
The bank said in a press statement received / Baghdadi News /, a copy of the "size of the amount sold today reached 97 million, 20 thousand and $ 500, priced at 1182 dinars exchange rate against the dollar, and with the participation of 28 banks and 18 financial transfer company."
"The amount of remittances and credits amounted to 84 million and $ 500, while the quantity sold was $ 13 million in cash, and 20 thousand dollars."
Loopback says  The statement pointed out that "the amounts transferred to the accounts of banks selling abroad is priced at 1190 dinars per dollar, and the cash sales price shall be the price of 1182 dinars per dollar." It ended 21 / g
Read :

Loopback says   Auction amounts are continuing to be for lower
Loopback says   This just came acrossed the wire.
Loopback says   Integrity stresses near the disclosure of the names of other officials within the funds inflation file

larrykn says   what are the inflation file
Loopback says   Looks like more heads are getting ready to roll.
Loopback says to larrykn   Money inflation = Stealing funds
larrykn says   ooo cool ,, let the heads roll :)
larrykn says   so they must know where the money is at, maybe they can recover some of it
designbyg says   Chat Copied ~~~~~~~~~~
God created cats so that men could learn to understand women.

tman23 says   As posted last week the inside chatter on a "caretaker government", we are now seeing articles on such an event. Saturday in Parliment Abadi asked for more power.
Although a caretaker government may not be formally announced, political blocs would like to use the legal definition to road bloc and delay reforms, thus more power to Abadi would bloc this legal avenue to the courts for the political enemies to the reforms......
Other then the GOI watch for the signal from Kurdistan and the KRG......We need to see the KRG Parliment in session.....This has been promised to the international community to be resolved by March 1st.......
None of this means currrency revluation but rather government stabilization AND the liberation of Mosul will place a larger burden on the GOI to provide for those citizens/
JETSET says   they better get to gettin' - they have ONE week!

Comments may be made at the end of Part 3  Thank You   Part 2

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