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Monday, February 22, 2016

Dinar Updates Monday AM Chat  2-22-16   Part 2 of 2

Post From Dinar Updates 2-22-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Monday AM Chat  2-22-16   Part 2 of 2

rcookie says   Working with the World Bank an integrated social protection system in Iraq
February 22, 2016; LINK

Sassy  says   rcookie thank you
tman23 says   BAGHDAD — Iraqi Oil Minister and Member of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq has said that Kurds have been oppressed throughout history, but referendum on independence is not in their favour. Adel Abdul Mahdi stated that Kurds feel oppressed and their allies did not keep the promises they had given to them while forming the Iraqi government.
The referendum on Kurdish independence, however, is not in favour of Kurds since the case may lead to reactions by the central government in Baghdad,” said Abdul Mahdi to Adaleh newspaper.
Therefore, it is better for Kurds to remain within Iraq for another 10 or 20 years to share more economic resources inside a unified country, the minister added........ ((( I agree with Mahdi's statement...... BUT at this point there is only ONE THING that matters...... AND to the Kurds that is........Show me the money !!!!!
rcookie says   A source reveals the causes of the financial challenges and the shortfall in the budget
2016/02/20 17:51 Number of Views: 347
He attributed the government source said on Saturday, the causes of the financial challenges and the shortfall in the budget for the financing of approved expenditures within the financial budget for the current year the law, the political Aaguetsada to represented by conflicts and disputes between the political blocs and parties authoritarian, which leads the state, as well as financial and security challenges because of rampant corruption, and the need to face Daash by the need to increase military spending.
He called the source during his speech for "tomorrow Press", hiring a team of specialists in the economic side to contribute to the development of practical measures to implement the recommendations and follow up on the possibility of their implementation and the preparation of a reform program in accordance with the action plan under
rcookie says    the supervision of the government, and the resolution of the liquidation of outstanding financial accounts of the ministries, including the (account deposit), which contains large amounts of code, and make the settlement of accounts between the state and the private sector, to be settled because it is disabled and without any little benefit, in order to get out of the financial crisis.
The source added that the government committee and parliamentary joint Academy looked at multiple meetings, the possibility of converting consuming governmental institutions to producing, selling and investment of state-owned real estate and turn it into cash contribute to resolving the crisis, or find other means such as raising the rent, with the ability to run the industrial and agricultural sectors and the application customs tariff law at all border crossings.
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rcookie says   The source indicated that the Committee stressed the necessity of activating and encouraging tourism in Iraq, including the religious, and obtaining debt owed by the mobile phone companies that ignore or refrain from paying what Bzmtha of financial dues to the state.
The source explained that the Commission recommended during the meetings, the possibility to benefit from the central bank initiative launched five billion dollars to support the industrial and agricultural sectors, and create a mechanism limiting the chances of financial corruption and waste of funds.
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rcookie says   NOW...READ THIS PART.....
rcookie says   He criticized the manner of the source of fiscal and monetary budget preparation, and work to maintain foreign exchange reserves, and to invite the central bank to change the dinar's exchange rate to reduce the chances of foreign currency smuggling, and tighten controls on the currency auction.

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Loopback says(   The names of the three officials Referred to eliminate
02/22/2016 17:49   BAGHDAD / obelisk: A source, on Monday, the names of the three officials who have been referred to eliminate by the Integrity Commission who are ministers of justice and water resources Alhalian and former Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways.
The source said in a statement, said that "the three officials who have been referred to eliminate them and Justice Minister Haider al-Zamili and Water Resources Minister Mohsen al-Shammari, as well as former Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways."
Loopback says   The Integrity Commission, announced Monday, to refer three "senior" to justice officials on charges of inflated money and graft without disclosing their names and their positions, while expressing surprise at parking some attitude "negative" of procedures after it was lifted, "the slogan fight corruption yesterday."
Loopback says    I have seen this story on a few site now. This is the first that named them - Haider al-Zamili, Mohsen al-Shammari, Ruz Nuri Shaways.
tman23 says to rcookie   That statement to change the exchange rate ....... They were speaking on the subject a few days ago and limit foreign currency smuggling devalue the dinar...
In this case scenario to limit smuggling of foreign currency......would not a revaluation of raising the exchange rate of IQD to dollar increase smuggling.....I use less IQD and get more foreign currency......
RickeyT says to tman23   special
rcookie says to tman23   I SAW..AS RE READING...THANK YOU...
rcookie says  Arab League hails Iraq's economic measures
2/22/2016 0:00   BAGHDAD - Farah pumice  praised Chancellor of the Arab League measures the Iraqi government in the face of the financial crisis, calling for an international award for Iraq in order to overcome the challenges caused by the decline in the sale of crude oil prices in world markets.
And saw a consultant of international arbitration Arab League Najat Hussein in a statement »Sabah», that «the government's actions need an international award, especially that Iraq is passing through more than a year of economic crisis. She pointed out that the economic situation facing the additional challenge as a result of the high financial needs to face the terrorist organizations of the security forces, which cost nearly one-third of
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rcookie says   the general budget for Iraq processing costs. She said Hussein, a sovereign Iraqi businessman, said that «the country is not bankrupt, as described by some local media or Arab, as it has the financial reserves of about $ 60 billion, in addition to deposits and property of the bank Rafidain and Rasheed government balance is estimated at $ 300 billion, the highest in the Middle East and the region, she says.
And he praised the expert team of economic advisers working with the Prime Minister, indicating that they see and experience, but they are in dire need of international assignment. He announced the Information Office of the Prime Minister, Dr. Haider al-Abadi Earlier this month,
the government put several measures and decisions concerning the subject matter of the five economic reforms, including the file, noting that the government's past steps to achieve restructuring of the economy in the country. Regarding the rapid and results of the government's measures, Hussein have shown
_firefly_ say    Looks like the CBI changed the wording again ................
sassy says   RicketT rest is healing you know
rcookie says   However Chancellor that the country has confirmed the need for further economic reform, especially since he has a precious natural resources, in addition to the important sectors (industry, agriculture) and the possibility monetize your properly,
as well as religious, archaeological and recreational tourism resource, urging on the investment of these sectors to meet the challenges including the reconstruction of liberated areas, which represents the weight of another, as well as the need to secure displaced persons and bring them back to their areas.    bad link
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_firefly_ says(   Statement ) from the role of the central bank supervisory and regulatory framework, we inform you that there are banks and companies licensed by the Central Bank is providing payment services through cards
_firefly_ says   is providing payment services through cards
sassy says   firefly such as visa?
_firefly_ says   Like I've been saying, don't watch what they say, look at what they are doing
_firefly_ says   most of those articles I've been reading in chat are over a month old !!!!!!
_firefly_ says   January
_firefly_ says to sassy   Visa has been there for yrs. Anybody that thinks VISA would oiperate in a country with a program rate ... well.. time for a reallity check. Visa is in the business of making money NOT losing it
sophie1 says to _firefly   i am confused...are you saying visa is activated in iraq
tman23 says to _firefly   How does the program rate affect Visa ? Visa charges a percentage.....
An example is at the ports when using the card to collect cash there are fees that are charged up to 25,000 dinar which is about $20.50.......
Some port owners charge outside the Visa fee which is why this amount is so high......regardless, Visa collects it's percentage regardless of what the CBI rate is or (program rate)
faith1 says    news has sounded soo good for soo long ,, all i can do is claim it in Jesus Mighty Name ! (v)
faith1 says(   good question tman.... it seems too me that IF the program rate was realistic to their, (Iraqs) worth, then visa would collect more,, because maybe the percents collected remain the same and they are banking on Iraq operating at a reality rate,, just like we are ?! that's IMO and makes sence too ma,, and gives hope for Iraq to come up and out,,, sooner rather than later!! Come on with it!! Love to All (v)
clay says to faith1   :-* hope sooner

faith1 says(10:11 AM):    they can't operate International OR Trade with WTO (full assention) , in my understanding ,, without a reality rate operational, in my understanding of WTO requirements... so all this Visa talk and regulations we have been readinf for years,, at this time seems to be getting done ,, step by step is exciting !
tman23 says    The other misconception is the phrase used....... people have to carry wheelborrows of money........ A 25,000 note is equal to $20.00 us dollars......
The 3 zeros on the note doesn't make the paper any heavier...... If I go grocery shopping and pay cash.....and the bill is $200.....I give the clerk ten $20 notes.......
In Iraq in some areas the 25k is scarce but the 10k note is in the Iraqi carries twenty 10K notes to pay....... The use of the card ends the corrupt middle man...... and is an attempt to keep liquidity in the bank and not in the Iraqi pocket.....withdraw cash as you need it.......
jarhead says to clay   58 gm faith dont threaten me w a good time :D
Loopback says   Sadr calls for a demonstration in their millions Tahrir Square to demand reform
Author: HH  Editor: HH    22/02/2016 18:22
Long-Presse / Baghdad   The face of the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr on Monday, "Call Iatzareth despair" for each "jealous of a national" to crawl from all parts of Iraq and to participate in a demonstration Magdy Rady, in Tahrir Square in central Baghdad, on Friday, and warned of a "severe economic crisis and security crisis deteriorating made in a day, "as he emphasized that the aim of the demonstration is" all the corrupt and Daasha terrorism. "
Loopback says   Sadr said in a statement, received a (long-Presse), a copy of it, "aspects of the National divine this appeal and that the eye of the Hebrew and the hearts of apt, aspects of my appeal and despair Iatsrna with this huge amount of corruption, aspects of myself and the people in affluence poverty, fear and hunger, robberies and assassinations." .
He said al-Sadr, "aspects of my words, each national jealous and every lover of his country and for all sentient knows what will arrive to Iraq from a severe economic crisis and security crisis deteriorating, made in a day, for a demonstration in Baghdad and crawl from all parts of Iraq together, brought us blessed this to pretend demonstration Magdy Rady peaceful, even We hear our voices to those who are behind the wall, and Nrab all corrupt and Daasha.
Loopback says   He said al-Sadr, "to be hand in hand with the security forces and the crowd popular fighter and hand in hand with the poor, the sick and the oppressed to lift them out of their reality and bitter," hello "with every Iraqi Sharif wants goodness and wants to live well and safe Abrim, in Tahrir Square, our appointment."
Loopback says
Loopback says   Sadr's calling for a massive protest this Friday to keep the pressure on the GOI.
clay says to Loopback   Good
Loopback says   Want's them to come from all over Iraq.
jimplants says   looks as if Sadar will give them a gentle nudge IMO he will not let up until this is done
CanTWaitwoRV says to Loopback   here we go
Loopback says to jimplants   I believe he is still in Baghdad
CanTWaitwoRV says to Loopback   I think it's around 35 days left or so on his watch for implementation of ALL reforms or else...
clay says to CanTWaitwoRV    hey buddy :) been a while
jimplants says   i have not read where he left 
CanTWaitwoRV says to clay   howdy Clay yea been watchin tho :)
jarhead says   well februrary is runnin thin
clay says to CanTWaitwoRV   well good to see ya friend
CanTWaitwoRV says to clay   likewise buddy
clay says to jarhead   and so is my bank account 8-|
jarhead says   mine is in minus state lol
jarhead says   really
Loopback says   Adel Abdul Mahdi, Baqir al-Zubaidi and Abdul Hussein Abtan, have handed in their resignations to Hakim to give to Adabi.
faith1 says   my husband took me off all bank accounts haha maybe I was the problem (v)
Loopback says to CanTWaitwoRV   Sadr's is going to keep the pressure on them. If he does not they are likely to slip into their old ways.
CanTWaitwoRV says to Loopback   yea he is and if he withdraws from parliment after the time limit he gave to implement reforms then I can only suspect what he's gonna do next
CanTWaitwoRV says to Loopback   imo this Friday protest is just a "warm up"
jarhead says to faith1   my wifes not on the main account
jarhead says to faith1   not anymore
CanTWaitwoRV says to Loopback   and he's been given the keys via Sistani
faith1 says   looks like sadar is giving more than a gentle nudge,, standing his demands,,, this is surly hard on their people,, i look forward to their people being reformed as well as us here... come on up and out Iraq,,, you have soo much wealth un tapped,, it's time to play fair and take care of your own (v)
Loopback says(   Integrity as handed over the file s of Haider al-Zamili, Mohsen al-Shammari, and Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways to the Judicary for corruption.
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