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Friday, February 5, 2016

Dinar Updates Member Evening Chat 2-4-16   Part 2 of 4   

Post From Dinar Updates 2-4-16
Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Member Evening Chat 2-4-16   Part 2 of 4   

CanTWaitwoRV says to rcookie():reminds me of the sovereign wealth funds set up in Norway I think for citizens payouts on their oil over there when I read about the NOC setup

CanTWaitwoRV says to rcookie():I'll have to research that again..think it's Norway
popeye7 says to CanTWaitwoRV():My sister lives in Alaska with her family, and they receive a certain amount every year from oil profits... So in essence she receives two tax returns...

 popeye7 says to rcookie():Thanks for the news RC, and loop... Thanks for you analysis as well RC...
CanTWaitwoRV says():STRIKING IT RICH  Norway’s gargantuan sovereign wealth fund, by the numbers
Jason Karaian August 21, 2014 Only 5 million people live in Norway, but thanks to the country’s careful management of its oil wealth, the country runs the largest sovereign wealth fund in the world. Everything about the fund is big. Very big. click here for more:
CanTWaitwoRV says to popeye7():Nice Alaskan perk (y)
popeye7 says to CanTWaitwoRV():Oh yeah.. Here hubby just retired from the Air Force last year... Big time hunter, and fisherman... They plan on living up there permanately for the time being... I believe I have Norweigan blood... :D What a great setup for their people... Very wise... They seem to always do well in the Winter Olympics...
popeye7 says to CanTWaitwoRV():Guess it is their fish diet...

popeye7 says to CanTWaitwoRV():Her..


rcookie says to popeye7():YVW..(y)
scarby says to rcookie():(y)
popeye7 says to rcookie():Good for the Iraqi's... (y)
rcookie says():I GOTTA GO READ THAT AGAIN....
foxmulder says():popeye 2400 to 2500 is the average amount residents of ak receive
foxmulder says():per yr
rcookie says():"The main idea presented by the Parliamentary Committee on oil is based on the possibility of ownership of oil and gas wealth to the people, and the day if the creation of this company and this paradigm shift within the legal framework, which provides for a fair proportion of people for all its citizens."
rcookie says():"the process of establishing a national oil company, owner of the wealth and income of the holding producing and exporting natural resources not only in the drafting of the Bill retains two pillars and maintains administrative and financial autonomy and moral, will be essential to develop the wealths of oil and gas in Iraq"
rcookie says():"national oil company would be the largest operational arm for extractive companies operating in Iraq and attending oil marketing company also becomes exporter company and produced and marketed at the same time."
"The absence of obstacles stand in the way of establishing an oil company so that all parliamentary blocs agreed to pass the smooth law, which stipulated in article 111 of the Constitution regarded oil and gas is the property of the Iraqi people."
CanTWaitwoRV says to popeye7():lol
rcookie says():THAT IS HUGE!!!.....
CanTWaitwoRV says to rcookie():"which stipulated in article 111 of the Constitution regarded oil and gas is the property of the Iraqi people."
Hutch says to rcookie():Very Big
Hutch says to rcookie():And here we thought that they were all sitting around doing nothing !
CanTWaitwoRV says to Hutch():oh yea those dayz are over
Hutch says to CanTWaitwoRV():(y):D have been for awhile. They have been busy
CanTWaitwoRV says to Hutch():and the intensity just went up several notches too lol
quicktolegit96 says():CANTWAIT WHATS THE BIG HEADLINE?
CanTWaitwoRV says to quicktolegit96():the Rockets are Mavs?
CanTWaitwoRV says to quicktolegit96()::D
CanTWaitwoRV says to quicktolegit96():from an economic standpoint I'd say what rcookie just posted on the NOC
quicktolegit96 says():MAVROCKS NATION
quicktolegit96 says():NOC?
CanTWaitwoRV says to quicktolegit96():ya
CanTWaitwoRV says to quicktolegit96():went off the screen
quicktolegit96 says():I GOT IT NAT OIL COMPANY
CanTWaitwoRV says to quicktolegit96():yep that's it..but jmo tho
CanTWaitwoRV says to quicktolegit96(1:04 PM):(y)
quicktolegit96 says():WENT OFF THE SCREEN?
CanTWaitwoRV says():he posted the entire article
CanTWaitwoRV says():so you may not see it
rcookie says():YES..THATS IT....
rcookie says to Hutch():WOOO HOO!!....
quicktolegit96 says():THAT WILL BE ONE THING I INVEST IN
Hutch says to rcookie():Progress BIG TIME !!
CanTWaitwoRV says to quicktolegit96():fo sho
Hutch says to rcookie():7&8 Ithink
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says():One simple thought why is Iran doing hige deals all over the world five minuts after sanctions are lifted. Then they recieve obver 100billion in frozen assets. I guess the government wasn't looting the country during that time.
I am giuess 70% of Abadi's party was involved in theft so now the amnestuy law passes giving the smaller thieves a free pass from jail but must return what the stole. Good deal. Why give 18% on deposits from so called banks that would have net margins of negative 25% .
What if thet issued the small denoms set a drop dead date on the old currency but had a $3 plus rate in place before. To simple to obvious. No CBI head Abadis party members were all stealing.
By allowing Maliki to rule the US turned the government inta bunch of losers that ahave to be cornered like rabid animals to return their wealth. That sounds very reasonable. No guru ever deals with this embedded rot and the story gets worse in hundsight makes no sense.
CanTWaitwoRV says to David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..]():I had to copy/paste that and almost took a shot of vodka and it's still morning
CanTWaitwoRV says to David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..]():(lol)
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says():Tequilla works better.
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says():LSD really works pre RV
CanTWaitwoRV says to David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..]():lol one thing I learned in College is Jose always wins :D

David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says():those were the dys

CanTWaitwoRV says to David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..]():yep
Abby says():guys, you do know it is 5 oclock somewhere
CanTWaitwoRV says():Masum suffer a heart "surprise" and sources confirm: his condition is stable
Political landscape sectionViews: 2232Published on: Today, 13:30
BAGHDAD / Noor Alhatri: Informed political sources, on Thursday, said, President Fuad Masum, suffered a heart "surprise" revealed as he emphasized that his condition is stable so far.
The sources for "Sky Press" that "the president of the republic suffered health crisis" surprise "this morning, noting that he was transferred to the private hospital."
The sources added that "the case of the president is stable and currently competent medical team being necessary to determine the possibility of being transferred to overseas examinations."
The medical sources confirmed that Iraqi President Fuad Masum, suffering from chronic diseases and it is difficult for him to carry out his duties for the year continuous continue uninterrupted source, adding that 76 year old Masum, the youngest of the former President Talabani to one year
CanTWaitwoRV says():; LINK
CanTWaitwoRV says():interesting times
CanTWaitwoRV says():obviously we need to see more articles

faith1 says():just read Millionday Ink from last salaries ,,,Millionday: WELCOME TO NEWSTIME
Millionday: Ministry of Labour and Social / Department of pension affairs, social workers and security called for creditors of the campaign cards of "Ki-Card" and "manual exchange" to receive pensions for the months of January and February will be held on the seventh and eighth of this February.
Millionday: A spokesman for the Ministry of Labour Ammar Menem, in a written statement / KD / received a copy of it: that the workers pay the salaries of creditors of the card holders of the "Ki-Card" will be on Sunday of next week (the seventh of February will), what would be the salaries of employees exchange (exchange manual) on Monday (February eighth of this).
Millionday: Menem said that the amounts of pensions transferred to the General Administration of the Rafidain Bank for the purpose of distribution in
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says():Nothing would make me happier, but they can't even incarcerate Maliki. Maybe Sixty minutes should interview with the Grand Ayyatollah atolla Al-Sayid Ali- Husseni Al - Sistani. Charlie Rose;s forst question you empowered the citizens of a country to force a government that was entirely corrupt. Did you not. Well Ayattolla with all due respect was that logical ii hind sight. Well Chjarlie if I had an Army I might have been able to clean house.
CanTWaitwoRV says():David...Clerics have their own Army tho
CanTWaitwoRV says():seeing Zebari's actions, Massum, MP Jabouri and CBI/Parliment Integrity all in action somethings afoot imo
rcookie says():Interior arrest five officers and staff for issuing permits illegal market
Friend: oil and gas law will snap back to disagreements between Baghdad and Erbil
Economy and tenders Since 2016-02-04 at 11:23 (G
– The balance of news  Member of the Parliamentary Committee on oil and energy, Tariq said the adoption of the law on oil and gas will snap back to disagreements between Baghdad and Erbil, referring to the need for adoption during the new legislative term.
Called the National Alliance earlier, Government to finalize the draft oil and gas law and sent it to Parliament for approval, in a step towards resolving the economic crisis.
Commission member Tarek said a friend l/balance of news, that "the Federal Government withdrew before the more than 115 law draft to Parliament for reconsideration on the basis of the reforms and their actions, including the draft oil and gas law, as we are still waiting for inclusion in the agenda of the House."
rcookie says():He said a friend, "this law will solve existing problems between Baghdad and Arbil because it hurt the interests of both parties in terms of their respective rights.
He noted that "We also need a national oil company law and licensing rounds and many things to facilitate oil and energy issues, as the licensing rounds are useful for people in financial terms but there are some things that need to be modified by the Iraqi legislature on certain conditions on tour with foreign and domestic firms, as it more than 20 years after the change of oil prices and Iraq's needs and global markets, so should be reconsidered in order to fit with the current conditions and the considerable burden on the Government."
rcookie says():He said, "we established a symposium two weeks ago on the oil Ministry to discuss this topic and suggested that some members of the Committee on oil and energy parliamentary mechanism to prepare draft law on the national oil company, the oil and gas Act legislation first and then other legislation".
And concealed the previous sessions of the House of representatives to approve oil and gas law as a result of growing differences on many of its Statute.;LINK

 Read More :
jeffusa says():"Our operations are hurting this enemy. We've hit their finances... we've shrunk their so-called caliphate... we have decimated their ranks and shaken their leadership... we have seen an uptick in reports of desertion, and more importantly, we have seen ISIL execute its own fighters for fleeing the battlefield."
- Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman, U.S. Army Col. Steven Warren, commenting on the effects of the Coalition’s progress to defeat the terrorist group, ISIL.

Comments may be made at the end of Part 4   Thank You   Part 3

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