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Sunday, February 7, 2016

Dinar Updates Member Chat 2-7-16   Part 1 of 2

Post From Dinar Updates 2-7-16
Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Member Chat 2-7-16   Part 1 of 2

Loopback says(): New mechanisms for the application of the customs tariff
02.07.2016 at 11:08 (Baghdad time) Special - balances News
The Commission on the economy and investment representative, said on Sunday that the customs tariff law would apply to all of Iraq's ports, and there is no exception.
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Loopback says():there is no exception.
magnetlady says():I like that Loop.

Baxter1243 says():I have looked for days about these tariffs... and here I go again. but I dont think they have collected one dime so far....
Baxter1243 says():I dont believe they will till they have a rate..
Baxter1243 says():you would think... six weeks into this... they would have had at least one article on the amt of money they have collected..
jd says():So Baxter Is the hold up on the RV not implementing the tariffs or the corruption in their government?
Baxter1243 says():could be a little of both.. but the corruption is unbelievable .. the list of names last night was shocking
jd says():If they arrest all the corrupt officials there we be no one left to collect the T&Ts.
Baxter1243 says():and to bring back 4000 US Troops of the 101 st airborne.. is another shocker..
jd says():(lol)
jd says():We may have to have new elections for Iraq to replace the now government.
Baxter1243 says():lets hope not..
jd says():A few more years waiting on this thing cant be too bad.
mudder says():The currency they use has little to no effect on T&T.... The item coming into the country is taxed.... It has nothing to do with the currency... If and when the currency changes it just a simple adjustment... IMO
jeffjane says():With all the people on that list, is it possible they cannot change the rate?
jeffjane says():seems like if most your government is corrupt it would be hard to have the world do business their or let them change the rate
jeffjane says():thoughts
Baxter1243 says():it certainly wont help matters.. thats for sure
jd says():I think corruption may be a normal way of life for their culture.
jd says():We cant use American standards for them.IMO
Baxter1243 says():Probably is... but looks about like every Politician.. banker..Judge..even Generals are on that list...
Baxter1243 says():its no wonder they are broke.
mudder says():Folks... This just wasn't discovered yesterday.... If you don't think they've been working on this for a while now.... As poppy would say.. " Your woods wet"
jd says():They probably think our politicans are all crooks too.
Baxter1243 says():Oh..IM sure they have been working on it.. its just coming out now...
mudder says():We hear it when they want us to hear it.... Always remember that....
Loopback says():Abadi calls everyone to "take responsibility" to tackle the financial crisis and the "fight against the corrupt."
Author: HH Editor: HH, NS
2.7.2016 11:40   Long-Presse / Baghdad   Demanded the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Sunday, everyone to "take responsibility" to support the steps taken by the government and parliament to tackle the financial crisis experienced by the country,
and as he emphasized that the fight against corruption and to prosecute the corrupt and recover public money of the most important steps that achieve real reform in the process of building Iraqi state, praised the role of the religious leaders and the media to "promote a climate of understanding and rapprochement between the sons of the homeland."
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mudder says():Remember too.... It's people on here in dinar land have said something big is happening this week....
Baxter1243 says():Im too grounded to be in that group.....
Baxter1243 says():11 years does that to you
mudder says():Many aren'
mudder says to Loopback():That sound like something out of Obama's
Loopback says():A global crisis to stop lending to emerging economies
02/07/2016 09:50    BAGHDAD / obelisk warned Bank for International Settlements (APIs), which is described as the "central bank of central banks" in the world, stopped lending to emerging economies, which played a key role in global economic growth in recent years crisis.
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jd says():As soon as we can elect new non corrupt officials for Iraq we will be rich.(lol)(lol)(lol)
jd says():Just 11 more years Baxter.
designbyg says(): hey you mean non-corrupt as in like a US govt sort of way? :D
wmawhite says():Just in case some folks did not see this:.... The introduction of tariffs in all border crossing points

2/2/2016BAGHDAD - A morning of border crossings began working tariffs to all ports and airports, including the Kurdistan region system to provide other resources for the budget, and among source at border crossing points Directorate that all imported materials had included the tariff system, he noted that the southern ports received sums very good to Treasury State since the implementation of this. resolution.
wmawhite says():And then, read this:...... the source said: "the border crossings began work applying the tariff system on imported goods in all ports and airports, including the Kurdistan region outlets since the 16th of last month."
he added that "customs tariff included all subjects without exception, where were previously exempt clothing and cigarettes through customs, "adding that" all the articles today included tariff system such as clothing and cigarettes and materials cars, alcoholic beverages of all kinds, cosmetics, air conditioning, toys, juices and other other materials. "
wmawhite says():
wmawhite says():This was five days ago.
sagecanyon8 says():The news is just awesome! Thank You Wma White!!
wmawhite says():and there is more......follow up: New mechanisms for application of the customs tariff

Economy and tenders
Since 2016-02-07 at 11:08 (GMT)– The balance of news
Commission on the economy and investment, on Sunday, the Customs Tariff Act would apply to all ports of Iraq and there is no exception.
And TRA llkmark publish static patrols at entrances to Baghdad and other provinces to ensure the application of customs tariffs for cars from the border.
Committee Member said Hareth al-Harthi l/balance of news, "the new mechanisms on all border crossings, including Kurdistan, to inspect the goods and materials entering the country from neighbouring States.
Harthi added that "there are tight quality to apply the Customs Tariff Act and fees for goods at border crossings without excluding, formed as the Directorates and committees will start its work soon.
It is worth noting that a number of traders and representatives of civil society organizations in Basra held a sit-in before the days of
wmawhite says():protest against the decision of the customs tariff apply on new ports, not applied in Kurdistan. Ended 29/38   broken link
wmawhite says to sagecanyon8(9:13 AM):yw
_firefly_ says():To / licensed banks all ( allocations and guarantees to meet credit granted)
monique13 says to _firefly_():yessssss.......???
sagecanyon8 says():( allocations and guarantees to meet credit granted) Interesting! Thanks Firefly! You are so Appreciated!
Hutch says():Exchange of currency" contribute to the lifting of the economy 2016-02-07 at 19:00
Member of the Investment Committee and the parliamentary economy Nicole, on Sunday, the private banks and Government grants the right of sale and exchange of currency will help lift the economy.
Al-kinani said l/balance of news, "the Central Bank has a mechanism for the preparation of plans for new and old banks" governmental "and granted the right of sale and exchange of currency".
He said a member of the Investment Committee and the parliamentary economy, that "the commitment of these banks to help the Central Bank will raise the economy."
This "misdemeanor Court integrity and money-laundering and economic crime in Baghdad starting private banks to repay what the outstanding fines and delay benefits to the Central Bank of Iraq, noting that under the roof of the timeline ends early next year and 10 billion dinars monthly." 
Hutch says  LINK
Hutch says():The dollar began leading discussions with the parliamentary Finance Central Bank of 2016-02-07  Baghdad balance news  The Finance Committee met with a delegation from the Sari Faleh Central Bank headed by the relationship during the meeting discussed several topics including the subject of the customs tariff and the Central Bank's role in developing appropriate mechanisms to ensure their application.
He said in a statement received in force/balance of news copy, that "during the meeting with Al-allaq was emphasized the theme of dollar selling and discussing the issue of import and export and how to promote our industry and re-establish the slogan in Iraq."
Force confirmed "on the issue of money supply in the banking and trading speed and discuss deposits Protection Act".
It is worth noting that Iraq is suffering from a severe economic crisis due to falling oil prices, which led alahakomh to activate the application of customs tariffs and taxes.
Hutch says():  LINK

sassy says():Hutch yeah exchange that currency lol
Hutch says():The parliamentary vote to exclude legal amnesty law in tomorrow 07/02/2016
The parliamentary legal Committee, ruled out Sunday, the vote on the amnesty law during tomorrow's meeting, with the Committee to continue its work to find a mechanism for the adoption of the anti-terrorism Act.
The Vice-Chairman of the Committee, said Muhsin Al-Saadoun told the press that "the General Amnesty Act for the final stages of approval for having some discussions about legal materials among members of the Committee" ruled out "vote on the amnesty law during the next meeting to be held on Monday."
"The members of the legal Committee still continue their businesses to create a special mechanism to approve anti-terrorism bill because of objections among the political parties about certain paragraphs.;LINK

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