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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Dinar Updates Member Chat 2-6-16   Part 1 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-6-16
Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Member Chat 2-6-16   Part 1 of 3
With Rcookie / poppy3 / BGG
jd says():   If we can get comformation that Shabibi is back at the CBI we should not be waiting much longer.IMO
magnetlady says():   Yes wouldn't that be great. My only concern is "M" eventhough they say he is under house arrest. I an leary about him and his connections.
jd says():   I agree
magnetlady says():   I see him as a mean and vendictive one.
jd says():   The Shabibi and Maliki info is still a little bit uncertain yet.It needs more time to play out.
magnetlady says():   I agree with that.
subgirl says to magnetlady():   this is from our very own Loopback :) in the news articles
subgirl says to magnetlady():   Central believes the pillars of the protection of "electronic dinar" civil and banks confirms its readiness for use
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subgirl says to magnetlady(7:25 AM):   Long-Presse / Baghdad  The Central Bank of Iraq, said Friday that the e-dinar technology facilitates financial transactions and sings for the cash payment and its problems, noting that it has developed a lot of technical and regulatory foundations for the launch and insurance protection in collaboration with the companies "solid", while expressed Association of Iraqi banks, private banks ability to dealing with that technology, particularly that 20 of them have e-services currently.
subgirl says to magnetlady():   A member of the Board of the Central Bank, Ahmed Rehn, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that "electronic payment (e-dinar) technical issue concerned with facilitating financial transactions to the public, and Ngnehm for cash payment, which cause a lot of delays and problems, as well as it reduces costs, "adding that" the Central Bank was attended by a lot of technical and regulatory foundations for the launch and insurance protection in collaboration with specialized and reputable companies. "
He added Rehn, that "private banks suffer several problems, including those related to liquidity, as a result of mistakes in the management of its financial resources and employ them," noting that "the private banks did not anticipate the risks, one of the most important banking controls, which expanded by about more than potential, but Zllk not It prevents them from exercising the electronic payment process of being separate from the availability of liquidity. "
subgirl says to Soonergirlie():   He stressed Rehn, that "electronic payment is not the first step the central bank in the development of the banking system, as it worked since 2004 on the intraday settlement system (RTGS) in settling the high interest payment orders, ‘
where she has electronic trading taking place between the banks and the central bank on the one hand, and banks with each other hand, "pointing out that" the e-dinar step in a series of steps the central bank to develop banking business and to facilitate things citizens. 
For his part, Executive Director of the Association of Banks, Ali Tariq, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), he said that "a lot of private banks are able to move to electronic payment and dealing with the system," noting that "among those banks electronic services developed working on nearly a daily basis, in various dealings. "
subgirl says to Soonergirlie():   Tariq said, "The 20 banks waged operate electronic payment cards for years," she returned to "electronic dinar service will lead to increased competition among private banks by about contributing to the development potential and mechanisms of its work."
In turn called financial expert, on behalf of Jamil Antoine, in an interview to the (long-Presse), to "educate citizens about the benefits of e-dinar, and improve the ability of the banking system and training to deal with the new technology which supports liquidity and reduce cash use of paper and the problems that accompany it," attributing it to "weakness of the banking sector the confidence of citizens."
_firefly_ says    The meetings last Thursday went VERY well. The marker has been set, finger on the trigger. TIMING !!!!!
designbyg says to _firefly_():   i love it when you talk like that.....
Horsegal says():    Which meeting was it, last Thursdy?
_firefly_ says():   Stop looking at your calendars, it could literally happen at any time but NOBODY knows the timing
chickadee says to _firefly_():   I burnet the calendar
_firefly_ says to Horsegal():   I told the room on Monday. As usual ... well ... people weren't paying attention. This was all over the major media sources
Horsegal says():   What specifically are you referring to, Firefly?
_firefly_ says to Horsegal():   Global Economic meeting
Horsegal says():   OH! Awesome!
_firefly_ says to Horsegal():   In New Zealand
Horsegal says():   I see. How do you know? Do you live there?
_firefly_ says to Horsegal():   Guess who was there !!!!!!!
Horsegal says():   Abadi? O?
Cricket22 says to _firefly_():   I don't recall any of this mister! I was most likely working. :|
Cricket22 says to _firefly_():   It's ok...Come here! :-*
_firefly_ says to Cricket22():   Like I was saying, nobody paid any attention
Horsegal says():   Who was there FF?
Cricket22 says to _firefly_():   If I was here, I would. :)
Cricket22 says to _firefly_():   So, who was there?
_firefly_ says to Cricket22():   it's all good. Probably for the better
Horsegal says():   Im just asking. I believe you
mudder says():   I am convinced Shabibi is involved
jd says():   Good
_firefly_ says to mudder():   a logt of MAJOR players are demanding for his return. Be excited now
Cricket22 says to _firefly_():   I have been searching and I can't find it. :@
_firefly_ says to Cricket22():   You can google it. I'm sure it's on there :)
_firefly_ says to Cricket22():   or go to Bloomberg, CNBC and do a search
_firefly_ says():   World | Fri Feb 5, 2016 6:26am EST
Related: World, Iraq   Iraq's top Shi'ite cleric suspends weekly political sermons
_firefly_ says():    Iraq's top Shi'ite cleric said on Friday he would no longer deliver regular weekly sermons about political affairs, which for years have been a source of guidance for Iraqi politicians and his millions of followers.
Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani did not give a reason for suspending the sermons, which have lately focused on the government's battle against Islamic State militants and anti-corruption efforts.
"It has been decided not to continue this on a weekly basis at the present time, but only as demanded by events", Sistani's aide Ahmed al-Safi, who delivered the message, said in a televised speech from the southern shrine city of Kerbala before reciting a prayer.
_firefly_ says():   Sistani, a reclusive octogenarian, enjoys almost mythical status among millions of Shi'ite followers and wields authority that few Iraqi politicians would openly challenge. His political sermons have ranged over issues such as security, elections and the economy.
He called in June 2014 for Iraqis to take up arms against the Sunni ultra-hardline insurgents of Islamic State after they seized nearly a third of the country's north and west. Tens of thousands of Shi'ites heeded the call.
Sistani then endorsed the sidelining of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
_firefly_ says():   Last summer, he called for an overhaul of Iraq's corrupt political system, emboldening Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to launch a reform campaign which Sistani later criticized as slow and ineffective.
A spokesman for Sistani's office was not immediately available to comment on the decision. A sermon two weeks ago expressed frustration at inaction in solving Iraq's myriad security, political and economic challenges.
"All these issues have been repeated endlessly until our voices became sore," Sistani said at the time.
_firefly_ says():   A Friday sermon was also broadcast live on state television from the main mosque in Ramadi, the western capital retaken from Islamic State insurgents about a month ago following a six-month siege.
Abdul Lateef al-Himayim, head of Iraq's government body overseeing Sunni religious sites, thanked the security services and urged displaced people to return to their homes. More than 3.3 million Iraqis have been displaced by the fighting, most of them Sunnis.
Government forces are still dismantling bombs left by Islamic State in Ramadi, the capital of the predominately Sunni province of Anbar, and much of the city's buildings and infrastructure needs to be rebuilt.
_firefly_ says():   A Friday sermon was also broadcast live on state television from the main mosque in Ramadi,
_firefly_ says():   A Friday sermon was also broadcast live on state television from the main mosque in Ramadi,
chickadee says to _firefly_():   Is the Holy man as they call him?
_firefly_ says():   A few soldiers stood guard as security and local officials listened to the sermon inside the mosque, which was largely untouched by the fighting. Counter-terrorism forces, which spearheaded the recapture of the city, are still pursuing insurgents in a few northeastern districts.
(Reporting by Stephen Kalin and Saif Hameed; Editing by Tom Heneghan)
firefly_ says():
Holly1 says():   Abdul-Mahdi: the absence of an oil law to open the door of jurisprudence and Kurdistan were not accurate in its file management
Author: HH, MJ   Editor: the AT, HH 6/2/2016 18:32
Holly1 says():   Confirmed Iraqi Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, said on Saturday that failure to approve oil and gas law until now "open for interpretations," and caused the creation of Problems between the central government and the rest of the province, including the Kurdistan region,
and while noting that the measures adopted by the Arbil in the management of oil " were not accurate ", he stressed the necessity of activating the national oil company for" exceeds the constitutional dilemmas in the petro-dollar law. " 
rcookie says():   Governor: "140 billion dollars in State institutions including banks
APEC and tenders Since 2016-02-06 at 20:52 (GMT)
– The balance of news
Central Bank Governor Ali al-allaq, on Saturday, more than 140 billion dollars in State institutions including banks, stressing that the increase in the dollar exchange rate is not in the interests of the citizen.
He said the relationship of the balance of news through its participation in a seminar on the economic crisis by ECOSOC that "a strong dollar serves the Central Bank but it affects ordinary citizens through higher prices of essential items in life."
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rcookie says():   He added that "oil sales reached $ 20 billion, and that the budget deficit would come from non-price outlets selling the dollar, stressing that the Central Bank will remain an advocate on the dollar that the Iraqi State paid between 2006 and 2009 trillions to keep purchasing power so if lifting the dollar will force the State to pay the same again the trillions to meet inflation.
He said the relationship when we opened a consolidated account of all State institutions, found that "5.6" trillion dinars from State-funded institutions, and 23.5 trillion dinars for self-financing institutions, as well as 8 trillion dinars belonging to retirement and 5 trillion fiscal safeguards, as well as "42" trillion dinars rounded balances are not recalculated, and total deposits banks "70" trillion dinars.
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Comments may be made at the end of Part 3   Thank You      PART 2

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