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Monday, February 1, 2016

Dinar Updates Member Chat 2-1-16   Part 2 of 2

Post From Dinar Updates 2-1-16
Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Member Chat 2-1-16   Part 2 of 2
Holly1 says to subgirl():   Parliamentary check to grant financial state bank "large loan guarantees symbolic"
Author: HH, MJ   Editor: BK, HH 2016/02/01 11:32
Holly1 says to subgirl():   Long-Presse / Baghdad   Finance Committee in the House of Representatives, announced Monday, for the opening of an investigation on the granting of a "big government guarantees bank loans symbolic" and the non-payment of premiums and benefits, while confirming that it would hand over its final report to the Integrity Commission to take appropriate action.
Said Finance Committee member Majida al-Tamimi, in an interview to the (long-Presse), that "the Commission set up a committee under my leadership to investigate the granting of financial loans by some government banks without collateral or symbolic guarantees are not commensurate with the amounts estimated contrary to the instructions approved file," indicating that " The Commission has identified a group of beneficiaries of these loans. "
Holly1 says to subgirl():   She said Tamimi, "The investigation showed that the borrowers did not pay the installments due on them and the benefits of it," pointing to "the existence of corrupted files in this subject starting from the approval of these loans, down to the lack of follow-up to the payment of installments or get benefits, raising signs Many question. "
She Tamimi, that "the investigative committee held a series of meetings with the authorities concerned to grant such loans to determine the circumstances of the file", pointing out that it "cost the Office of Financial Supervision Commission to provide a detailed report on the subject."
Holly1 says to subgirl():   She MP for the Liberal bloc, that "the Commission's investigation is currently focused on a large State-owned banks (unspecified), on the grounds that the disposal of public money", stressing that "the Commission will send its final report to the Integrity Commission to take appropriate action on it."
It is noteworthy that money laundering and economic crime court revealed earlier, for a number of government and private banks to give substantial financial loans without guarantees, as promised, this constitutes a "theft Musharanh", he stressed the many acts against some borrowers and cooperation with the Central Bank to recover those loans.
Holly1 says to subgirl():   01/02/2016 16:11  Central: The government is able to overcome its expenses
Holly1 says to subgirl():   BAGHDAD / Obelisk: Central Bank of Iraq announced, Monday, that the government is able to bypass expenditure for the current year, adding that part of the coverage of these expenditures will be through the issuance of national bonds.
The governor of the bank on the Keywords in a press conference with a number of officials and specialists of financial affairs at the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, said that "the available indicators at the present time analysis on all aspects of liquidity, that the government will be able to overcome this year within the coverages that were agreed upon."
Movack says():   holly can you link the source file ??
Holly1 says to Movack():   I can ... but I wont ... people take my news and use it on other sites .... I work to hard for others that are lazy ... to research there own news .... :)
Holly1 says():   Keywords and added that "within the coverage of the budget will be put national bonds at home to buy them by the citizens at an interest rate similar to the interest that is put forward by foreign bonds", adding that "these bonds will bring good return to the citizen."
The competent officials some financial affairs, announced the failure of the Iraqi government's ability to pay employees' salaries for more than three months to come because of lower oil prices, which impact negatively on the general budget for Iraq, which relies on 95% of these exports.
Movack says():   can understand just like reading the original news ty tho
subgirl says to doing90():   ok :)
Movack says():   it was more fore my own s**** book of events I can't find everything and there are those that find more than I
Movack says():   s****
Movack says():   well you know what im trying to say
Holly1 says():   High external debt to Iraq to 19.4% of GDP end of the year
Movack says(9:20 AM):   s.c.r.a.p
Holly1 says():   BAGHDAD / follow The bank also predicted that up to 21.9% by the end of 2017.
The report said, "The ratio of external debt to Iraq's gross domestic product rose from 14.6% end of 2014 to 16.3 percent at the end of last year."
He predicted Merlnc report, that "the government debt ratio up to the Iraqi GDP to 45.8% by the end of 2016, and continue to rise to 50.8% by the end of 2017".
The Iraqi government debt ratio to GDP has increased from 21.1% at the end of 2014 to 35.9% at the end of last year.
Holly1 says():   The bank predicted that "the fall of nominal GDP for Iraq to 165.7 billion dollars by the end of this year, compared with $ 169.8 billion at the end of 2015, and rise again to $ 174.5 billion by the end of 2017".
The nominal GDP of Iraq has declined from 232.5 billion by the end of 2013 to 221.1 billion dollars by the end of 2014.anthy 21 / N
Holly1 says():   Governor of the province of Kirkuk, announces receipt of the first batch of the Kurdistan region as receivables oil sales
Movack says():   do i have a message some were ??? or u understand
da58 says():   did you guys see where Sistani is now calling to replace Abadi?
Movack says():   never happen
Holly1 says():   BAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. announced the governor of Kirkuk, Najm al-Din Karim, on Monday, that the province received the first batch of dues oil sales from the Kurdistan region, amounting to $ 10 million within the petro-dollar allocations.
Karim, said in a press statement received / Baghdadi News /, copy it, that "Kirkuk province has received $ 10 million from the first dues petro
He added that "the move is good for the continuity of services and work to complete the ongoing projects that stopped working out three years ago because of the financial benefits of Kirkuk exchange."
Movack says():   US is to pleased
da58 says():   suprised me..
Holly1 says():   And that "after the agreement between Arbil and Baghdad to export oil through the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Kurdistan Region Government of the Territory became obliged to pay dues Kirkuk oil source to maintain the fields," adding that "Kirkuk is deprived of her financial rights obtained from right to petrodollars for years 2013 and 2014 and 2015 as a result of political and economic conditions of the information for all. " It ended 21 / g
da58 says():   Mr. Sistani nominate "Fayad," instead of Abadi for prime minister http://translate.googleusercontent.c...NfJFUZ2-7MY0ow
Movack says():   eek
Holly1 says():   Finance Committee rejects the government's attempts to use the cash reserve
Holly1 says():   BAGHDAD / JD / .. the parliamentary finance committee revealed, for the federal government to try to use the cash Balaanaat of hard currency the central bank to face the current financial crisis, stressing rejection of all attempts that would affect the amount of the reserve.
A member of the committee MP Ahmed Sarhan told / JD /: that there are serious attempts by the federal government with the help of cash Balaanaat to face the economic situation that the country is currently going through.
Holly1 says():   He added that his committee rejects all attempts that would lead to a decrease in the size of monetary reserves because it will affect the local currency exchange rate, noting that the Finance Committee met with the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords confirmed last to maintain the reserve, whatever the size of the pressure it receives.
Iraq has suffered from a major financial crisis due to lower world oil prices.
Holly1 says():   And world oil prices recorded a significant decline over the past days where Brent crude reached $ 27 a barrel. And oil revenues make up 93% of federal budget revenues from Iraq. / End / 8
Holly1 says():   Details   Warning .. Iraq is heading for bankruptcy with the continued sale of treasury of the dollar    01/02/2016    Holly1 says():   :)
Movack says():   well if he does replace abadi it will be in the next elections to hlod true to there constition and by then this will be over
Holly1 says():   BAGHDAD / JD / .. warned a number of experts and specialists in the financial and economic affairs of decreasing the amount of cash reserves of hard currency with the Central Bank at the continuation of the sale of the dollar in the auction under the low fiscal revenue of hard currency for the country because of low oil prices, while noting the central bank that the continued selling of the dollar comes to keep the Iraqi dinar exchange rate in the domestic market.
Movack says():   they will not impeach him at this juncture
Holly1 says(9):   The economist said Salam al-Quraishi, the reserve cash foreign currency with the Central Bank is a sovereign balance for future generations as well as a haven safe of the national currency, it can not be manipulated once, indicating that the depletion of central bank balance of hard currency through the continued sale of the dollar will reverse the This thing is a threat to the economic and financial situation of the country.
Movack says():   it would be to k-otick now
da58 says to Movack():   perhaps his purpose is to apply more pressure at this point
Holly1 says():   He said Quraishi told / JD / A reduction in financial revenue of the state of hard currency in light of the low world oil prices this means that the central bank began to draw on cash Balaanaat when it is sold to the dollar in the auction and this is a violation of the law, stressing that the continuation of the central bank sold the dollar will lead to a decrease in size monetary reserves and this will lead to the bankruptcy of the state altogether.
For his part, the financial expert David Zayer warned of the bankruptcy of the Iraqi state in the event of continued central bank selling treasury of the dollar.
da58 says to Movack():   cuz he was in total support just a month or two ago..
Movack says():   could be who knows but our fatheer
da58 says to Movack():   true
larrykn says():   da58 that is what I'm thinking too
Holly1 says():   Zayer said, "The depletion of central bank balance of the dollar will arrive to the bankruptcy of the state, after he crossed the stage of the bankruptcy of the government, because this depletion leads to yellowing of the bank balance of hard currency."
He explained that "the bankruptcy of the state leads to an inability to economically deal with other countries, stressing that the sale of the Central Bank foreign currency violation of the law, because he does not have a law to sell the currency and can buy the currency, but is justified as buying the Iraqi dinar and this is illegal."
da58 says to larrykn():   mornin larry.. probably...something has to give pretty soon imo
Holly1 says():   Zayer said he "supposed dollar money that comes from the oil riches of other investment and project management, and not turn them into consumer products, because the financial reserves in the world where more than, more than economic weight, but that happens in the country that we alter this hard currency local Iraqi dinar, which does not benefit beyond its borders. "
The parliamentary Finance Committee has to resort to the use of central bank cash reserve of hard currency to sell the dollar Bmzadeh ruled out, calling on the central bank to maintain the exchange rate of the dinar, without prejudice to his cash balance.
Holly1 says():   calling on the central bank to maintain the exchange rate of the dinar, without prejudice to his cash balance.
luckyone says():    BofA: Oil Crash Sparks Landmark Wealth Transfer
Holly1 says():   Said committee member Ahmed Sarhan told / JD /: "We do not believe that the central bank monetary manipulation Balahiat or use of it in the process of open sale to the dollar in the auction because this process can not be used as a harm the public economy and the financial situation of the state."
He added that the central bank must take serious action to keep the dinar exchange rate against the dollar without prejudice or manipulation of the cash reserves of hard currency.
Holly1 says to rcookie():   you reading this :)
Holly1 says to subgirl():   For his part, said Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords that the continuation of the central bank to sell the dollar in light of reduced state financial revenues comes to keep the dinar exchange rate against the dollar in the domestic market, denying at the same time manipulating the cash reserve.
Keywords and said that the cash reserve and can not be present to any party manipulated the final because it is a cover for the local currency, indicating that the central bank continued to sell the dollar in its daily auction comes to keep the dinar exchange rate against the dollar in the domestic market.
Holly1 says to subgirl():   The official document of the Finance Committee in Parliament revealed that the central bank sold the amount of the US dollar in the past year more than in 2015 and Iraq's imports of foreign currency obtained from the sale of crude oil in the same year.
The document showed that the country's oil revenues for the year 2015 amounted to $ 38 billion, while sales of the bank in the same year was more than $ 44 billion, a difference of more than five billion dollars, that is what sold Iraq of foreign currency more than its imports from them.
Holly1 says to subgirl():   Iraq is facing a financial crisis due to the sharp decline of oil, in terms of financial budget for this year with a total expenditure of more than 105 trillion deficit accounted for 22.8%, reaching a total revenue of the 81 trillion and 700 billion dinars, the oil revenues, of which 69 trillion and 773 billion dinars The increase of 85.1% from total revenues, while non-oil revenues amounted to more than 11 trillion and 927 billion dinars The increase of 13.6% of total revenues. / end / 8 /
tman23 says():   President Masoum, PM Abadi, Nouri al-Maliki, US and UK Ambassadors received the Kurdish delegation......... SO WHY WOULD BARZANI MEET WITH MALIKI......WHY ??????? MUST HAVE SOME INFLUENCE....LOL.......
Movack says():  Holly I would like to point to something and I hope I affend no one - our lord gave us an example of humility by washing the feet of the decipals during the last supper knowing there were those that would betray him and in so our lord set the example of humillity and serves to all. i thank you for your service and say if there are those that visit other sites like my self and bring info from other sites, it is a service to our fellow brothers of man kind that we do so. Love ya
larrykn says():   tman23 isn't Maliki still thinking he is the VP but in reality he is not
Movack says():   I am guilty of what i stated
kayb says(9:39 AM):   Why would the US and UK ambassadors be meeting with the Kurds, Masoum and Abadai? It is a curious group, to say the last.
kayb says():   Maybe Maliki is trying to cut his deal!! LOL
templejc says to tman23():   HEY BRO I HAVE A FEW QUESTIONS
Holly1 says to subgirl():   Work confirms the granting of soft loans to raise the capacity of the private sector   01/02/2016
Holly1 says to subgirl():   BAGHDAD / JD / .. confirmed that the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs to grant soft loans to help job seekers and marginalized groups in society who are able to work, which would contribute to raising the capacity of the private sector and not to total dependence on oil exports.
A spokesman for the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Ammar Menem in a written statement / dinars / received a copy of it: that the ministry, confirmed the granting of micro-credit income-generating in order to raise the private sector capacity and not rely on private oil exports after lower prices and the state of austerity we are going through.
Josie says():   good grief...
Holly1 says to subgirl():   He added that the Board of Directors stressed during the meeting the need to activate the hot loans to the provinces, especially the province of Nineveh, as well as the importance of concerted efforts through coordination with the provincial councils to urge citizens to apply for soft loans to set up small income-generating projects.
tman23 says to larrykn():   Maliki met with Barzani separate.......not in any settings with GOI officials...... Maliki has no role in the GOI.......So why would Barzaini meet with him ?????? The only answer I have is Maliki is a major force........
Holly1 says to subgirl():   He explained that the ministry has since lent to embrace the granting of loans within the fund to support income-generating projects for the period from 01/12/2012 until 12/31/2015 (18190) micro-projects in Baghdad and the provinces except the province of Kurdistan and (10250) micro-projects in Baghdad and the provinces except the province of Kurdistan Within the national strategy for poverty alleviation during the same period.
Holly1 says to subgirl():   And between Menem: that the Fund's Board chaired by the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs and consists of seven members of the rank of director general of the ministries (labor and social affairs, finance, planning, industry, minerals, trade, agriculture, and the Directorate General for Industrial Development) and the Council may enlist the expertise and competence in issuing its decisions.
wilson6060 says to Movack(9):   It is all good my 
Holly1 says to subgirl():   The fund to support small income-generating projects grants loans to set up small businesses for job seekers registered at the base of the ministry data covered by the program Industrial Services No. 30 of 2000, inter alia strategy of poverty alleviation of the poorest groups in society and they (the widows and divorced women heads of households, and persons with
Holly1 says to subgirl():   disabilities of the poor, unstable families and places in the landfill, and those released from prison who ye profession in prison, and the beggars of the people of the province without the other, and researchers working poor especially breadwinners for their families, and displaced people returning to their home areas). / End / 22 /
subgirl says to tman23():   INteresting!
Holly1 says to subgirl():   Abadi's office announced a plan to overcome the financial crisis Today, 12:02
Holly1 says to subgirl():   The official spokesman for the office of Prime Minister Saad al-Sabri revealed that there is coordination with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to deal with the financial crisis in Alarac.wachar that these two institutions have experiences in this regard, and we can take advantage of A_i_arathma.
Holly1 says to subgirl():   Sabri added that the prime minister Haider al-Abadi met in Switzerland Head of the World Bank, focused on the establishment of workshops, and providing counseling for Iraq; for the purpose of restructuring the Iraqi economy, and management of financial resources of the state, and diversify sources of income+
Holly1 says to subgirl():   The governor of Najaf investment opens the door to international companies and prepared by a global "center of attraction"
Holly1 says to subgirl():   Declared the governor of Najaf Luay al-Yassiri, on Sunday, that the doors of the province is open to international companies to invest in the economic, agricultural and urban area, as pointed out that the province is the first financier in Iraq for crops of wheat and rice as well as with its tourist and economic benefits "universal."
he said Luay al-Yasiri in an interview with the (long-Presse), on the sidelines of a meeting with a delegation of investors and businessmen from the Republic of Poland, "The province of Najaf is a world-class economic and tourist city and opens the doors of cooperation and investment with all countries of the world in various economic, agricultural, construction and tourism sectors," noting that "local government is seeking to network communication and cooperation with the countries of the world for the benefit of the province and developed by expansion."
Holly1 says to subgirl():   Yasiri He added that "there is a possibility for joint cooperation with the Polish side to develop the sector and the introduction of modern technologies in agricultural work '' asserting that" Najaf is considered funded the first to harvest rice and wheat in Iraq and the agricultural sector requires his rehabilitation in line with global developments in this sector, '' he said, adding that "the doors of the province is open to all international companies for investment banking and development."
The governor of Najaf, Luay al-Yassiri has been renewed in (the 6th of December 2015) demanding the federal government and ministries to increase allocations for the province in 2016, pointing out that the lack of allocations will create a problem in the lack of insurance services, calling on all companies to invest in the province as a result of security and stability enjoyed by.

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