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Friday, February 19, 2016

Dinar Updates Friday AM Chat  2-19-16   Part 2 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-19+-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Friday AM Chat  2-19-16   Part 2 of 3

Loopback says to subgirl    The dry, it was "in paragraph 11 of the Act, which speaks of, crimes of bribery, embezzlement, and theft of state funds and crimes of financial and administrative corruption, the Commission proposed a condition, which is to be fined double the six times the amount that was embezzled or stolen,
or that includes actor amnesty clause Estrada amount that was embezzled to the state treasury. " - IF I AM UNDERSTANDING THIS PARAGRAPH CORRECTLY.

jimplants says    JMO how can you activate banking with another country WITHOUT BEING ACCEPTED INTERNATIONALLY?
Loopback says to subgirl   KEEP>
clay says to jimplants    one would think you cant
subgirl says to Loopback   that is interesting! just curious, and not sure what it meant. thank you so much! (F)
larrykn says   is there a difference in the govenor of the cbi and the president of the cbi?
jimplants says   their government looks like the middle east version of the good ole boys
subgirl says to larrykn   Iowa is too lol 60's lol
larrykn says    warming up :)
larrykn says    monday we will be in the 90's lol
clay says to larrykn    wow
subgirl says to Loopback    so they can keep themselves out of jail by paying a fine?
clay says to larrykn   hows the drought...better?
Woodywoodpecker says   GM all.....I love this weather....gonna bwe 80 here today
clay says to Woodywoodpecker   hey Woody :)
Woodywoodpecker says   clay
larrykn says   upper calif is but down here no so much
larrykn says   not
subgirl says to Woodywoodpecker   80?????WOW! would love that! lol
clay says to Woodywoodpecker   wow 80 is nice..Im so ready for it
jimplants says   its a little ironic they can buy their way out of trouble with stolen money that they have not been caught stealing...go figure
larrykn says   we will be in the 80s
Woodywoodpecker says   come on down......I will find you a nice tree to live in
larrykn says    tomorrow lol
clay says to jimplants    too funny
larrykn says    rcookie what is the difference between the president and the govenor of the cbi
larrykn says    President of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Mohsen Keywords
larrykn says    what does that mean
subgirl says to rcookie    Really? Alak? as pres?????
larrykn says    keywords
larrykn says    I thought keywords was the govenor of the cbi
larrykn says    and he would be called keyword too
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says):    Good morning am I misinterpreting the Iranian Rial price .00004? Cheaper than the Dinar and GDP 2X Iraqs ? I know Americans are restricted but what about Europeans?
LLN65 says to David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo    good question
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   Is Alak out???
tman23 says    BASRA,— A new customs tariff increase recently went into effect in Iraq, slowing business at the country’s main port of Umm Qasr in Basra and choking the port with thousands of uncollected cargo containers.
Umm Qasr is already one of the most expensive ports in the world for shippers, and importing firms complain of being asked for heavy bribes, poor service and high handling costs and exorbitant port fees – up to eight times that in others ports around the world.
The new tariff, which went into effect on January 19, imposes a 30 percent customs duty on imported goods coming through Iraq’s crossing points, exempting the autonomous region of Kurdistan.
“The customs tariff on imported goods in Kurdistan is five percent, while it is 30 percent in Basra.
So it’s six times higher.
It is too high and the negative consequences of this will fall on the citizen who will bear the brunt of the taxes paid by the trader – traders will apply the tax they pay to the price of the goods.

tman23 says   Safi said the new tariff law, which was approved by the Council of Ministers, impacts all imported goods, including foodstuff, and criticised the government for not applying the law to the Kurdish region.
“The new tariff was imposed on all kinds of goods without exemption.
This is unjust because essential goods and foodstuffs must be excluded from these tariffs. Safi said goods containers have piled up at ports as a number of traders refrain from paying taxes, thus hampering the unloading process of vessels calling at port.
“Some are saying Iraqi ports are empty and vessels and ships have stopped calling at them, but this is untrue.
The port is full of vessels, but cargo containers have piled up.
Ships continue to call at the port and unload their cargo, but containers sit idle with their goods on yards.
subgirl says to Woodywoodpecker   :D
clay01 says to clay   what the latest, had to go over to MS to take my mother to a doctors app. missed news last couple of days
subgirl says to clay   Last night BGG came in and said we are having a newstime tonight! :) not sure what time but will be a great one
rcookie says to larrykn   CBI MANAGEMENT
Article 10 Board of Directors and committees1 The Board shall be responsible for conducting the business, and carrying out the responsibilities of the CBI, as further described in this section.2 The Board may, as it deems necessary, establish committees composed of members of the Board to consider particular issues and to make recommendations to the Board, and to grant such committees executive authority to take decisions, within guidelines established by the Board.
rcookie says to larrykn   Article 11 Composition of the Board
The Board shall consist of nine members as follows:
a. the Governor as chairman of the Board;
b. two Deputy Governors;
c. three Senior Managers of the CBI, including Branch Managers on a rotating basis;andd. three other individuals with suitable monetary, banking or legal expertise and who have not been employed by the CBI in any capacity within one year of the date of their nomination to the Board.
clay says to clay01   Im so with ya
subgirl says to clay01   actually I do hold on I'll send it by email lol
clay01 says to subgirl(   MMMMMM, good, mountain grown, ahhhhhhhh
larrykn says   ty rcookie :)
subgirl says to clay01   :D(y)
rcookie says to larrykn   Article 12 Eligibility for appointment and service
1 The Governor, the Deputy Governors and other members of the Board shall be persons of recognized integrity who hold a university degree or who have extensive professional experience in a field related to banking, economics, finance, commerce, or law.
2. A person shall be ineligible for appointment to serve on the Board if, in the judgment of the Appointing Authority:
a. the person is not a citizen of Iraq;
b. the person is not a fit and proper person; or
c. the person, or any person who is related to the person by marriage, blood or kinship, including adopted children or foster children of the person, and any other person residing in such person's household, holds direct or indirect business interests that would make it necessary for that person to refrain, to an unacceptable extent, from taking part in the decision- making of the Board.
jimplants says   well that disqualifies keywordds
rcookie says to larrykn   3. The Governor, the Deputy Governors and other members of the Board shall not, during their tenure:
a. hold any employment other than with the CBI, whether remunerated or not, except that they may engage in a limited amount of lecturing and other academic activity so long as such activity is not remunerated and does not interfere with the performance of the individual's duties and responsibilities at the CBI;
b. hold any position, other than with the CBI, in public service, except as nominee of the CBI;
c. be a member of the Legislature;
d. be an employee or official of the Government; ore. be a director, officer, employee or shareholder of any bank or other entity subject to the supervision of the CBI.
clay01 says to subgirl   yes it was, :):D(F)
rcookie says to jimplants   AMEN..
rcookie says    Article 13 Appointment and terms of service of Board members
1. The Governor, the Deputy Governors and the other members of the Board shall be nominated by the Appointing Authority and confirmed by the Legislature. The Appointing Authority shall consult with the Governor and his two Deputies with respect to the nomination of Senior Managers as Board Members.
All members of the Board shall have a five-year term of office and may be re-appointed upon the recommendation of the Appointing Authority and confirmation by the Legislature, provided that, in order to achieve staggered terms of office, the initial terms of office shall be:
(i) for the Governor, five years;
(ii) for one Deputy Governor, four years and, for the other Deputy Governor, three years;
rcookie says    (iii) for one Senior Manager five years, for another Senior Manager, four years, and for the third Senior Manager, three years; and (iv) for two of the Board Members appointed pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (d), three years, and for the other Board Member appointed pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (d), two years.
larrykn says    the thing is they don't even have a permament govenor , they still need to elect one
rcookie says   1 Any vacancy on the Board shall be filled by the appointment of a new member of the Board to serve the remaining term of the Board member replaced.2
The Governor shall determine in advance the order in which the Deputy Governors shall succeed the Governor during any period of the Governor's absence or disability.
3 The Appointing Authority shall establish the terms and conditions of service of the members of the Board. When establishing the remuneration for the members of the Board, the Appointing Authority shall be guided by need to attract and retain highly qualified individuals to serve as members of the Board.
4 The remuneration and other terms and conditions of service of a Board member shall not be rendered less favorable during the term of office for which the Board member has been appointed.
rcookie says   HERE YOU GO...
rcookie says    Article 14 Resignation and removal of Board members
1 The Governor, a Deputy Governor or any other member of the Board may resign his office after giving at least one month written notice to the Appointing Authority, if such resignation is accepted. If the Appointing Authority does not accept such resignation, the
relevant member of the Board may be required by the Appointing Authority to serve not more than three additional months from the date of the member's original resignation notice.  
rcookie says    2. The Governor, a Deputy Governor or any other member of the Board shall be removed from office by the Appointing Authority only if the person:
a. has been convicted by a criminal court of an offense for which the person was or could have been sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine unless, in the judgment of the Appointing Authority, such sentence was motivated by his religious or political views or activities;
b. has been declared bankrupt by a court of law;
c. has been found guilty by a court of law of conduct involving a lack of probity in financial matters or other serious misconduct; rcookie says   d. has been disqualified or suspended by a competent authority from practicing a profession on grounds of personal misconduct unrelated to his religious or political views or activities;
e. has been declared unfit to manage a company by a court of law or under an order issued by a competent agency;
f. has taken up any office, position or employment in violation of paragraph (3) of Article 12 or paragraph (3) of Article 21;
g. is suffering from such mental or physical infirmity which , in the opinion of the Appointing Authority, renders him unfit to discharge his duties under this Law;
rcookie says    h. has been found by the Appointing Authority to have violated the provisions of paragraphs (1) or (2) of Article 15;
ori. has been absent from meetings of the Board for a consecutive period or more than three months without approval of the Board.
rcookie says   2 No member of the Board shall be removed from office on any ground specified in paragraph (2) without first being given the opportunity of hearing before the Appointing Authority.
4. Any decision on removal from office under paragraph (2):a. shall be made public along with a statement of the reasons for removal, and any written response received from the Board member concerned; andb. may be appealed to the Court of Cassation within two months of service of the decision.
rcookie says    3 Any member of the Board having been removed from office shall continue to receive remuneration and other benefits applicable under the terms and conditions to a member of the Board until such time that any hearing or appeal in the matter, whichever is later, has been decided.

Comments may be made at the end of Part 3    Thank You  Part 2

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