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Saturday, February 6, 2016

"Conversation With Inside Financial Warrior" Posted by Ingenius1 at WSOMN  Part 1

Note: (This content is for general information purposes only.  All information given is the opinion of the provider. )


by Rob Potter  Feb 2, 2016


Some time ago I was contacted by a fellow spiritual brother and Kriya Yoga adept who has been involved in the wresting control of the financial system from the control network. The names and crimes are too numerous to recount here but there are many more qualified people out there letting it be known exactly what has gone on. David Wil****’s financial tyranny documents are well documented and profound. 

I know the insider that briefed him and he explained many things to me that are just so wrong with how we have been high jacked as a people.

American Kabuki chronicled many financial arrests and take downs. A person intimately involved in the Reno RV process contacted me who was very optimistic a year ago. I have had no contact with them since last March.
I have also seen supposedly legitimate documents to the Santo Romano accounts. These were the main accounts from Marcos family.  All of these people are sincere and are saying we are close.

As you all know I am a reluctant financial person reporter. I have been schooled kicking and screaming the whole way. I have personally been around big money and some small amounts here and there in my life.

I have issues with money and the extortionist’s world governments and international central banks that steal money and plunder the surface population innocents in their Ponzi schemes. They use money to distract us from their theft by psychologically torturing us through a corrupt Satanist System that burdens the human race. I want it exposed and revealed for the slave system it is so we can heal it and move on.

It is the lynch pin of the control matrix and I want a full on assault of truth fostered by all of humanity to end this madness and take back our sovereignty as people and a planet.
This transcript below (thank you Danell) is a private conversation with names and other personal information redacted.

TR is a good man and is sincere and for real. As far as the veracity of his information I don’t know. But as usual, my opinion is that he is the real deal, sincere and is definitely doing what he says he is. If his group will be successful or if what they are doing is as he states it. . .(?)  only time will tell.

My strong suggestion for those of you who are focused on money more than your spiritual orientation to the divine natural laws of the universal life force and spirit is to stop seeking in the material world for your happiness.

I would urge you to develop your inner life and inner knowing as now more than ever before the time is right to pray and to invoke the light and to meditate on your own divine presence. This soul connection is always here now and inside yourself. Seek the light and truth within so you can be prepared in the moment with your presence on your shoulder to guide you in each and every moment. Use discernment to focus on needs more than wants. 

Without further introduction here is an interesting conversation with TR.


TR – It’s so interesting what’s going on Rob. Absolutely phenomenal. I am working directly with the sovereign committee which is the grandfather Chinese and they control most of the assets of the world that are part of this, let’s say, new system.

Rob –  Are these guys claiming to be hybrid aliens, Reptilians?

TR – No, no not at all.  Where would you have heard that?

Rob – That’s what these royal bloodlines and people are saying. They’ve been in control of the money and they’ve seeded power every 70 years to different bloodlines to rule the world.

Rob – These are the new guys.

TR- It’s very interesting you bring that up because three times I’ve been on the phone with some major, major files. Example: One of them is called the Mei-hua organization. That is the royal bloodline of the elders and we ____?.  Now we’ll consider what you’re talking about. I’ll give you an idea. This one group the Mei-hua.  They have about $500 quad of IQD.  We’ve seen ___?. Some of this I is all asset-backed which is tied into gold and oil and other mineral assets.

Rob – What is IQD?

TR – Iraqi Dinar.  NID.  Iraqi Dinar. The reason I’m focusing on NID because that is the first linchpin of the new system.  When IQD actually gets announced and there is a re-val of this, you will get everything started.  Right now, everything is happening behind the scenes and I’m behind the scenes and every time this group, the Mei-hua, would come in, they have $500 quad of NITD. They have 450,000 boxes of historical and heritage assets.  Now some of these boxes, like the coffin box even.  The gold coffin box is worth between $75-85 trillion dollars. We have files from this of 10-15-20,000 of these, what are called black coffin boxes.  There’s blue red and green. It’s crazy stuff.

Rob – Are these containing bond notes, bearer bonds?

TR-Yes, but they’re all radioactive. A lot of them are underground, under the sea, in caves, mountains and in rice fields.  It’s crazy, crazy stuff. If I wasn’t involved in it, and someone told me this, I would say this is science fiction.  It’s so wild. Every time we come in with this stuff, the people would get on the phone with this and just start trashing the sovereign committee or the Global recovery King. I mean saying unbearable, like “you’re from the dark, this, that, etc.”

Rob – How dare you take over what we have control of, what we’ve done the last 1,000 years.  We are your Lords and masters. How dare you! laughter

TR – One guy said, I’m on the phone with some compliance officer of the sovereign committee and he says, “We own every asset on the planet. All of it. There isn’t anything in the bank, there isn’t any IQD, dinar, currency. We own all of them.  All of them.”

Rob – Is he the guy called the Mei-Hua?

TR- No, this is another group.  I’ve had three different conversations with groups representing these historical and inherited assets in the IQP. Wild people. Say you come in and you try to buy the IQD. You’re using our money and we’ll have you arrested. What? And the compliance officer starts laughing and says, “If this is true and you control all the money in the world and you have all the assets and own everything, why are you talking to us?  Seriously, why are you talking to us?”

Rob – I have a question for you, just historically from what I’m looking at. The way that the big people make a lot of money on the wars is when they go into a country and make the wars artificially and they know they’re going to be created. The first things to happen are they go to World Bank and NATO and they say, “We’re going to devalue these countries’ money like the dong or the dinar.” And when the war’s over, they revalue the money up and they all make a lot of money.

That game has been played a lot and it seems the military was involved and it seems they got ahold of these plates and they’re creating so much Iraqi Dinar. So much of it is fake.  It’s like stealing.  It’s devaluing the money of the people of Iraq who deserve to have the money to rebuild. How do we validate that all these NID’s are actually real and not created falsely and that they actually have the backing of the sovereign Iraqi government?

TR – That is actually fairly rudimentary. That is not really a difficult thing. And, first of all, what you are describing is not exactly what is happening. What is happening is they’ll go into a country and they’ll tell whoever’s in leadership, “Look, we’re targeting your company. You have assets that we want. You’ve got a choice. We’ll either make you very rich and we’re going to take care of your family and we’ll . . . . “

Rob – You hand it over to us or we’ll create war.

TR – Yea, “What we’re going to do is, you cooperate with us and do what we ask or we will come in and we’ll bring in the Academi, or the old Blackwater, now Academi, or XE or regular army and we’re going to create chaos in your country and then we’re going to put in another regime and we’re going to kill everybody in your family and you and all the people in the government.  Are you going to play ball or not?”  And that’s basically how they do it.

Then to go back to your question, how do we know which is real and which is not?  It’s that simple. Central Bank of Iraq has . . . they have all the documentation of how the Iraqi dinar . . . basically what happened . . . In fact I’m writing something right now to someone who has a file of $620 quad.  And this is the question. This happens to be someone in the military in the Philippines. Dear Mr. ___, Please forgive my assumption. As a member of the military, an officer who’s task with the safekeeping, we need to establish that the ownership of the NIQD has been legally passed on to you. I understand the  IQD and the military must have orders to verify that you are the signatory holder.  The questions are as follows:

1  Global transaction which caused the Central Bank of Iraq to be shifted from NIQD. This will be on the shipping documents.  These will be on the spring instructions. Do you have these documents?  If not, do you have papers like a bill of sale, bank accounts showing deposits, SDR?  In all these cases, documents have to show where the clients bought the IQD.  Please note that the SDR’s are always signed by a bank with numbers, not executives. Another possibility is that the title was passed to the military and the military to document the ownership has been transferred to these military documents for safekeeping. We need to document the ownership being transferred to the officers.  In essence what we are doing . .
Rob – Tracking down the Iraqi government actually OK’d the purchase of these notes.

TR – That’s correct. And then you think of bar codes and tax codes. When people trying to blow this past us . . .We don’t want to give you our pin codes, bar codes and pass codes. We don’t want to, because we’ll take it and use it in a trade___.  That’s a lie because the US is not allowed any historical assets or any currencies that are tier 1 to go into a trade file. All of these are obfuscation. 

These are people that . . . I just had a call from a Princess who’s part of the Spanish King Collins and the Romanoffs, the Russians, and she came in and said her name is Princess E.  She comes here and says, “I need to know . . I’m dealing with the elders since I was 13 years old. I’ve been ___ and this and this. Now I’m 71 and I look like I’m 30.” All this crap. “I want to go directly to the sovereign committee and talk to them. You need to get out of the way and take care of me.”

I’m going, “Oh, gee, that’s really nice, thank you very much.”

Rob – Oh your so young Can you send a photo and who does your make-up?  (ha ha)

TR – All I do is, I just say, “This is great.  Here’s the deal; here’s our package. When you fill it out, you give us the bar codes, int codes and pass codes.”  She calls me back and says, “I can’t give you this.  I’ve been talking to the elders and the elders say I should never do that.” “Bring it to ____ …” “I see so you want us to go to someplace where you designate.” “We don’t know what you have. We don’t know where you got it. We don’t know if you own it. We have no confidence.  We don’t know what it’s worth.”

Rob – I can see the pin, the secret codes being reluctant to be released, but if they can give enough evidence.

TR – Fine. It’s (THE PINS)  are not worth anything, Rob.

Rob – Then you tell them, in your fact sheet  Obvious you don’t know enough about it.”

TR – Understand what’s going on. Why are we buying this stuff? This stuff has a lien on the gold and the heritage and the historical assets. By us buying it, we’re removing those liens. That’s all that’s happening, but the currency itself has no value.

TR – So you’re basically trying to clean up the world’s financial mess.

TR – That’s exactly what we’re trying to do

Rob – Pay up all the debts that are supposedly owned, but does that give these criminals more money?

TR – No! no. Here’s what’s happened. She’s sitting there telling us that her grandpa was part of the old federal reserve system. I’m thinking to myself, lady, do you think that I would do anything to help you? You’re part . .
Rob – You’re part of the criminal activity on the planet. We’d like to know where your uncle is so we can arrest him soon. Absolutely. That’s what I was thinking. That’s how I am. If someone is shady and I call them on it right up, and I’m willing to listen to your story why you’re not shady, and if you’ve been shady, you step down and you have to abdicate because of your past criminal activity. We’ll forgive you, but hand over the keys.

TR – Here’s the really crazy stuff.  We’re doing some secret __ bonds. And these bonds are worth $20B. We have 111-583 that . . . In HSEP. You know, take that times by $20B and we’re in the $2.2 Quad number. Now how can we fill a transaction like that when the US is saying, the Fed is saying, that the float is $11 trillion.  That’s how much money is in the system floating around. We’re going to do a transaction $2.2 quad. How can they keep the lid on that if that transaction goes through? They can’t. 

And that’s been the problem. I’ve done several transactions and you know what they do – you can have $200 million in your account but everything else has to be off-balance sheet. Then when you try to access with funds that you’ve theoretically made. They won’t let you. They fleece you. That’s what’s going on.

Rob – You need to record them when they say that and get them in positions and someone needs to hold the screws to these guys – some honest people. I guess they just pay – pay the head of the FBI $2 million and he’ll send his henchmen out and arrest you. That’s how they run it. They use strong arm.

TR -That’s exactly what they’ve done in the past and now the Chinese are saying, “Nope, we’re going to do these transactions anyway.” As the sovereign committee, we have our own sovereign bank and we’re doing these transactions – right now. We’re telling this C C, “You show us how you got this, and we’ll fund this deal by the end of the week.” That’s what we’re doing.

Rob – Who have they funded so far or not yet?

TR – Oh yea, they’ve funded people.

Rob – Are these people kind of like you, doing good with them now? Are movements being made?

TR – No.  Who do you think got funded? Do you know how much money Obama has in Europe right now?

Rob – You mean him personally. (Yea.) Why would they fund him?

TR – Because they will let it happen

Rob – That’s a Khazarian/Jewish . .
TR -Yes, it is the Khazarian/Jewish Zionazi. Yes.

Rob – So they gave it to him so he’ll be a good boy and do what they want.

TR- Yes, yes. That’s why they’ve done it  How’s he going to explain how he got it. If he gets out of office and he steps out of line. How will he explain how he got the money?

Rob – They just throw him to the wolves if he gets out of line.

TR – Look what they’re doing to the Clintons. The Clintons are out there to the max. Neo-Nazi. They have their Foundation and if they even blink that they’re doing something that they don’t want, they’ll throw them to the wolves in a heartbeat.

Rob – I’ve always said that he’s mind-controlled. It’s very sad.

Link to Part 2

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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