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Saturday, February 6, 2016

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-6-16  Part 3 of 3

Post From BondLadys Corner

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-6-16  Part 3 of 3

Harthy: The government is moving to change its economic policy radically

Economy and Tenders   Since 02.06.2016 at 11:57 (Baghdad time)
Special - scales News   The Commission on the economy and investment representative, said on Saturday that the government continues to pursue a new economic policy that ensures the reduction of the economic crisis experienced by the country.
The committee member said Harith al-Harthy's / balances News /, that "there are many treatments of the economic situation the country is going through represented change the economic policy practiced by."

He said Al-Harthy, the "Index of Economic Freedom for the current year put Iraq last mattresses result of the war imposed on us, the economic crisis and lower oil prices, as we are the status of the development and construction of a new economy, according to a scientific strategies", hoping "the transfer of Iraq to the highest economic levels in the periods next. "
He explained that "this indicator does not negatively affect bringing in cash and investment capital and others."
The Iraqi government objected to the international reports on the economic freedom in the country, and called for a parliamentary committee specialized to what it called "rationing mess the economy," and attributed the negative international attitudes to the lack of unification of visions between the state institutions towards foreign issues. Ended 29/38   LINK
tlm724:    hoping "the transfer of Iraq to the highest economic levels in the periods next. "

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a weapon the new king!
 06/02/2016 04:42 | Zaidoun Nabhani    Rumors stop for a moment of the announcement of the truth however; this time kissing and hugging, or a rumor was true, Mohammed bin Salman met al-Baghdadi.
Ideology, projects, objectives and determination, goals and supporters, behavior and means, are similar between the system built Saud and Daash, in this case, the meeting between them and the reality of the case, imposed by the crisis stage, both in big trouble, and both are begging for solutions.
Media leaks revealed recently, for a meeting between Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi king's son, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of Daash terrorist, as the prince is trying to maintain the confidentiality of the meeting, the deployment of location awareness News, the news leaked apparently close to the interior minister, as a result of internal conflict on rule.
Encounters such as these do not necessarily reflect, for something new has just been revealed. The relationship between Saudi Arabia and Daash larger than the shortened meeting, hundreds of soldiers and billions of dollars, in addition to political incubator and Fatwa, make up the simple facilities, provided by Saudi Arabia to Daash.
Timing is important, the meeting was held at this sensitive stage, it reveals the intentions of the new king and his son, Valmaoqat getting them more time to arrange the handover of power, which caused them to us using the crime-Baghdadi, may be that King Sword batsman.
Mohammed bin Nayef, the ancient weapon to be used against him, he is the godfather of al-Qaeda, and has a long history with militant organizations, was preceded by bin Salman to play this paper, using Daash.
Needs converge, and turn out to participants personal, between the future king and the Caliph Muslokh, Fdaash the strongest need for money and weapons, has found the prince young man makes it exploited, in the largest operation of Aleppo funds, which could double the money they already take, from Saudi Arabia as a state.
The other party, hungry flighty, desperately need to end the story of the succession of his father, Bdaash found salvation, hit the Saudi Inside, the explosion of a mosque here and the Shiite shrine there, the signs of decay begins security, requiring the boiling rivals bin Nayef Judge.
Only in this case, they will achieve their goal, both militarily crush and pant rougher false powers, Daash in Iraq and Syria, and Ben Salman in Yemen, the only salvation is the union of the two powers, within Saudi society originally packaged; Aldaasha thought.
Grandchildren harvest to plant the grandparents, for this is the basis Mohamed Abdel Wahab doctrine, the moment of picking fruit, any fruit ?, Yes, it is the fruits of the poison that shall eat the sons of Saud regime, eating and insatiable die came ..
Quoting site awareness News
tlm724:     shakes head
Saudi extremism and the “uncomfortable truths” the West needs to face
Posted by Sajad JiyadDate: February 06, 201    On 4 February, a Saudi military spokesman, Ahmed al-Asiri, announced that the Arabian kingdom is ready to send ground troops to Syria to fight against Daesh/ISIS, should the US-led coalition decide to carry out ground operations against the terrorist group.
It is not the first time Saudi Arabia shows its eagerness to take part in the war against extremist organizations, having been among the first Arab countries to join the international coalition against Daesh.
Another example of the Saudis’ desire to take the initiative in the fight against terrorism was the formation of an Islamic military alliance comprising 34 Muslim-majority countries in late 2015, with the aim of coordinating its operations with those of the US-led coalition.
Saudi Arabia’s keen involvement in such initiatives seems paradoxical, to say the least, given the kingdom’s responsibilities in spreading its official, Wahhabist interpretation of Islam among Sunni Muslim communities throughout the world. Since the country’s oil revenues started to soar in the 1970s, tens billions of dollars were spent in order to disseminate this puritan version of Sunni Islam, which in turn has heavily contributed to the rise of Islamic extremism.
The kingdom’s ideological involvement in the formation of such terrorist groups as Daesh has even been acknowledged by members of the Saudi religious establishment. Sheikh Adel al-Kalbani, former Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, has admitted that Daesh is an “offshoot” of Salafism drawing upon the same books and adopting the same principles as Wahhabi clerics do.
One of the extremist doctrines taught by Saudi scholars is Takfirism, or excommunication, which declares those Muslims who do not hold the same religious principles and interpretations as those of the Wahhabis as Kafir (apostate), thereby making them enemies of Islam and so their lives and property are no longer sacred or protected. In fact, the majority of those killed by Daesh (and other Wahhabist/Salafist inspired groups) are Muslims.
It seems as though there is growing awareness of the pernicious relation between Saudi Arabia’s official religious dogma and extremist Islamist organizations beliefs and practices, and an increasing number of people in the West are coming to realize this.
What is more important is that even some decision-makers are starting to question to what extent the West, and the US in particular, can keep on maintaining friendly relations with the Arabian kingdom, given the implications that unconditional support for the Saudi monarchy can have over the terrorism issue.
A recent example of these changing attitudes could be seen at an event hosted by the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations on 29 January, during which Senator Chris Murphy had the chance to discuss US foreign policy in the Middle East.
While he started his discussion by criticizing Republican politicians who accuse the Democratic administration of having no strategy for defeating ISIS, he soon moved on to focus on what he called the “uncomfortable truths” that the USA – and the West more broadly – must face in the fight against extremism.
The central point of his argument was that the Obama administration does have a plan to defeat ISIS, but its strategy is a short-term one. It does not take into account that the spread of extremist doctrines and practices has been possible thanks to the billions of dollars spent by countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar on Wahhabist religious institutions.
“According to some estimates”, he said, “since the 1960s the Saudis have funneled over $100 billion into funding schools and mosques all over the world, with the mission of spreading puritanical Wahhabism”. He pointed out how Saudi policies can also contribute indirectly to the spread of terrorism.
Such is the case in Yemen, where the political vacuum created by the civil war – in which the kingdom is giving military support to President Hadi through air strikes – is allowing jihadist groups to gain ground in some areas of the country.
Senator Murphy’s ideas as to how to invert this trend were quite clear. “The United States should suspend supporting Saudi Arabia as the military campaign in Yemen, at the very least until we get assurances that this campaign does not distract from the fight against ISIS and al-Qaida, and until we make some progress in the Saudi export of Wahhabism.
And Congress shouldn’t sign off on any more military sales to Saudi Arabia, until similar assurances are granted. If we are serious about constructing a winning strategy to defeat ISIS and al-Qaida, then our horizons, they do have to involve a strategy that looks beyond just the day-to-day”.
Despite acknowledging how the United States can still benefit from maintaining a friendly relationship with Saudi Arabia, the Democratic senator made a bold move by pointing out the uncomfortable truths that the US should start to deal with.
As Josh Cohen recently wrote, other Western politicians have denounced Saudi Arabia’s involvement in the spread of extremism. Senator Murphy’s statements show that criticism of Saudi policies is gaining ground; the West’s responsibilities are becoming more evident, too.
The hope is that such awareness can be translated into measures to limit the kingdom’s entanglement with terrorism; otherwise, the root of the problem will be left untouched.

Video From Council on Foreign Relations: Published    2-1-16
Jubouri: next week's deadline for a legal resolution of the Federal Court, amnesty
06/02/2016 11:43 | Direction Press / Baghdad
 It gave Parliament Speaker Salim al-week legal representative to resolve the legal (and amnesty of the Federal Court).
A source for "direction Press" that "the head of parliament's legal committee face legal decisively (and amnesty of the Federal Court) and to find solutions on the points of contention to be presented to Parliament and vote on them."
He added that "al-Jubouri, stressed that this week will be the last to deliberate on the laws."
It is said that, political differences have prevented reaching a point a private agreement on a range of important laws and legal federal court her head and amnesty.
tlm724:    that "the head of parliament's legal committee face legal decisively (and amnesty of the Federal Court) and to find solutions on the points of contention to be presented to Parliament and vote on them."
He added that "al-Jubouri, stressed that this week will be the last to deliberate on the laws
Jubouri says enough is enough *slap* 
tlm724:   diff source
Jubouri determine next week's deadline for the resolution of a legal amnesty Federal Court
02/06/2016 11:23
Select the parliament speaker Salim al-Jubouri, Saturday, next week the date of last resort to resolve a legal amnesty of the Federal Court, with the Council voted on a draft of the First Amendment to the law of insurance on personal responsibility for the staff of government departments and public sector law.
Jubouri said in a parliamentary session held today, that " the legal Committee deliberating on legal and amnesty of the Federal Court this week, which is the deadline for the completion of their wording and resolve the contentious points of the submission to parliament for a vote on them. "
for his part, a parliamentary source said" the House of Representatives voted on a first draft amendment to the law liability insurance law personal staff of government departments and the public sector No. 47 of 1990, "noting that" the council also voted on a draft law amending the insurance Act compulsory incidents of car No. 52 of 1980 ".
the Council of Representatives, earlier on Saturday, its fifth chapter legislative second legislative headed by Salim al-second year and the presence of 240 deputies, the meeting is scheduled to witness the first reading of the proposed ownership of low-income housing land law and discuss Mousua Astradja money smuggled out of Iraq.

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