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Saturday, February 20, 2016

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-20-16

Post From BondLadys Corner

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-20-16

Sadr announced the list of the names of independents to form a committee to choose a cabinet of technocrats cabins

20/02/2016 09:15 | Direction Press / Baghdad

He said the cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, a list of names of independents in order to form a committee to choose a cabinet of technocrats cabins, while noting the independent Baltknuaqrat proceed despite the fact that all the political blocs do not like.
Sadr said in a statement received "direction Press", a copy of it, "after reaching the entire political process without hand exception or given into the abyss party, after the escalation of the authority's voice and the people called by the real root does not mock Prosthetic reform,
and after that we announced a comprehensive national reform project and to ward off the evils in the joints of the state, and the exclusion of Mhassat partisan and sharing the bounties of Iraq and the looting, it was decided to form a committee headed by the brother Haider al-Abadi. "
He said al-Sadr, that the Commission "is characterized by full neutrality without leaning to a certain point of working independent act without interfering with their work at all, and that we stipulated it would not be sympathetic with us and not close to us or anyone just Iraq, it bears the nomination cabins ministerial national independent technocrats at a rate of three to five people each ministry. "
He pointed out that candidates must be "independent not entered them Balhzbah and partisanship, and to be of Iraqi nationality campaign exclusively under multinational and be with good national reputation, and to be with span and experience of administrative chores, and be of specialists and extensive professional "he is pointing out that" it all without regard to ideological affiliation (sectarian) and without regard to their party or their gender, all of those scales that claimed to destruction in Iraq and the work of government corruption. "
And it made clear the chest, that "the Commission are the judges: Abd al-Qadir al-Hamdani and Sami al-Mamouri and Aso Sophie, academics: Firas Kamal Nazmi and Faleh Abdul-Jabbar and peace Sumaisem, politicians: Sami Al paste and Abdul-Amir Allawi, Amer Hassan Fayyad, employees independents: Shabibi and Ghazi Cka and Jabbar Laibi" .
He said al-Sadr, "as well as the Advisory Committee to the Committee to be consulted by binding to them, and they are: Ghazanfar Hamoud Hassan Humairi and Haidar Saeed Asaad al-Janabi and Abdul Redha Jawad Riaz minister Qasim care."
The leader of the Sadrist movement, "we will go ahead despite the fact that all the political blocs do not want independent Baltknuaqrat, and with the lack of success of this project will be ours and other steps, then repeat that this applies even to the inner mass of us, without exception," noting that "after the success of cabinet reshuffle will be presented to the Iraqi prime minister puts it in the hands of the Iraqi Council of Representatives for a vote within 45 days that we noted previously have. "
Al-Sadr called for in the (February 13, 2016), to the formation of a technocratic government that includes a team with experience to manage the affairs of state, and pointed out that the government should be without tendencies to the "party of power", and gives out the years in order to achieve reform.
This came after a call by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in (February 9, 2016), to make a cabinet reshuffle "substantially" technocratic featuring characters, called the House of Representatives and the political blocs in the government with the support that.
 [tlm724] al-Sadr, a list of names of independents in order to form a committee to choose a cabinet of technocrats cabins,
[tlm724] proceed despite the fact that all the political blocs do not like
[tlm724] ata boy
And it made clear the chest, that "the Commission are the judges: Abd al-Qadir al-Hamdani and Sami al-Mamouri and Aso Sophie, academics: Firas Kamal Nazmi and Faleh Abdul-Jabbar and peace Sumaisem, politicians: Sami Al paste and Abdul-Amir Allawi, Amer Hassan Fayyad, employees independents: Shabibi and Ghazi Cka and Jabbar Laibi" . He said al-Sadr, "as well as the Advisory Committee to the Committee to be consulted by binding to them, and they are: Ghazanfar Hamoud Hassan Humairi and Haidar Saeed Asaad al-Janabi and Abdul Redha Jawad Riaz minister Qasim care."
The leader of the Sadrist movement, "we will go ahead despite the fact that all the political blocs do not want independent Baltknuaqrat, and with the lack of success of this project will be ours and other steps, then repeat that this applies even to the inner mass of us, without exception," noting that "after the success of cabinet reshuffle will be presented to the Iraqi prime minister puts it in the hands of the Iraqi Council of Representatives for a vote within 45 days that we noted previously have. "
[tlm724] after the success of cabinet reshuffle will be presented to the Iraqi prime minister puts it in the hands of the Iraqi Council of Representatives for a vote within 45 days that we noted previously have. "
[tlm724] works for me

Rasheed Bank
The completion of 90% of the stages of the restructuring of the Rafidain and Rasheed
Author: AB, ASJ    Editor: AB 20/02/2016 14:25    Long-Presse / Baghdad
It revealed that the Ministry of Finance, on Saturday, announced the completion of 90% of the stages of structuring bank Rafidain and Rasheed, and confirmed the restructuring project to proceed through a global mechanism to support Iraq's financial situation.
The general director of the Bank of Rasheed Mohammed Abdel-Wahab said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The restructuring process of bank Rafidain and Rasheed began years ago in order to give greater support to banks through the credit mechanism globally."
He said Abdul Wahab, that "90% of the stages of the restructuring of the two banks has so far," stressing that "the process of a restructuring of the two banks to support the Iraqi financial situation."
He had revealed the governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords, in the (November 2015), for a proposal to restructure the bank Rafidain and Rasheed to the large number of administrative and technical their problems, as he pointed to the possibility of putting some of their shares to the private sector.
The Rafidain Bank confirmed, in the (November 2014), demanding that parliament was restructuring with Rasheed Bank, does not mean separated from the Ministry of Finance, but come to improve and Aqahma and increase their efficiency and automation of their work along the lines of international banks, noting that cases of breach, which recently witnessed stimulated with the Central Bank of Iraq, to ​​reconsider the system of electronic clearing of controls "tougher" to control it almost completely.
The banking system in Iraq consists of 43 banks, as well as the central bank, and are distributed according to the property between the seven state-owned, and 30 waged, including seven Islamist, as well as six foreign banks.   LINK

 [tlm724] oh thats a beautiful thing Cool  The completion of 90% of the stages of the restructuring of the Rafidain and Rasheed
[cat] hmmmm
[tlm724] that "90% of the stages of the restructuring of the two banks has so far," stressing that "the process of a restructuring of the two banks to support the Iraqi financial situation."
[tlm724] He had revealed the governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords, in the (November 2015), for a proposal to restructure the bank Rafidain and Rasheed to the large number of administrative and technical their problems, as he pointed to the possibility of putting some of their shares to the private sector
[tlm724] confirmed the restructuring project to proceed through a global mechanism to support Iraq's financial situation
[tlm724] well there ya go, almost complete , looks like linking to the global mechanism is all that is left 
[tlm724] link them to the world baby 
[cat] uh huh 
[tlm724] *hallelujah*

Financial launches loans for the purchase of residential buildings and cars for all citizens
02/20/2016   [rtl]BAGHDAD / Karim Jassim al-Tai / .. The Ministry of Finance announced the launch of loans across the Muslim Mesopotamia Bank for the purchase of residential buildings and modern cars.[/rtl]
[rtl]The general director of Mesopotamia Bank Abdul Hussein Ali Mundhiri in a statement singled out by the agency / KD / economic that the bank received approval from the Minister of Finance to begin work for the implementation of the credit plan for the current year 2016 through the granting of loans to the general citizens who wish to buy residential buildings or cars, '

indicating that the bank allocated 130 billion dinars out of the share capital of 150 billion dinars, the bank to grant the purchase of cars and real estate loans and financing small and medium enterprises within the credit plan for the current year 2016.[/rtl]
[rtl]He Mundhiri that the bank will grant these loans through four branches after they have been contracted with five companies specialized for cars and origins German and Korean and Japanese and an Iranian, indicating that the value of loans that will be granted for those wishing to buy cars of up to 30 million dinars and increased this amount will be borne by the beneficiary.[/rtl]
[rtl]He noted that instructions to grant Murabaha auto loans included taking 15% of the value of the car and by Murabaha up 14% and the duration of the payment of four years and a guarantor one if the loan value of less than 15 million and exceeded this amount would be Bkivalin with the car booked to calculate the bank will raise the booking if the badge repay the full amount the beneficiary.[/rtl]
[rtl]He Mundhiri that the bank also began granting Murabaha loans to purchase residential role for all citizens in Baghdad and the provinces, to Agueta that the bank identified the mortgage loan value of 100 million dinars,

that is who wants to buy the house residential submit an application with a photocopy of the property bond underwriter and sponsor in order to do Commission conducted to detect and evaluate the house and ensure the safety of Almstmscan until the purchase of the house and detained in favor of the bank.

He explained that the bank identified for the payment of the mortgage loan with 10 years and by 38% Murabaha, a sponsor, underwriter Stressing that the practice of this activity is the bank in order to contribute to solving the housing crisis in Iraq.[/rtl]​
[rtl]He pointed Mundhiri that the bank is seeking to expand its activities by offering industrial loans, and studies that include funding for housing projects, roads, bridges and cars, as well as the issuance of Islamic Sukuk and investment funds.[/rtl]
[rtl]He stressed that Mundhiri Mesopotamia Islamic Bank is the first Islamic bank in the government of Iraq works within Islamic law. / End / 22 / [/rtl]
 [tlm724] Mesopotamia Bank in a statement singled out by the agency / KD / economic that the bank received approval from the Minister of Finance to begin work for the implementation of the credit plan for the current year 2016 through the granting of loans to the general citizens who wish to buy residential buildings or cars,
[tlm724] well will ya look at that, loans to buy real estate, I knew BondLady was right about that real estate !!!
[cat] big stuff huh
[cstacy]   Very Happy
[tlm724] yep

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