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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-2-16   Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-2-16   Part 1 of 2

Captain: It is the first government set up a sovereign fund to save the surplus the previous budgets

02/02/2016 10:06 |  Special direction Press /
MP for the Bloc 'Abdul Karim al-Naqib said of the first government set up a sovereign fund reservation by all financial surpluses from previous budgets.
Said Capt in an interview with "direction Press" that the current financial crisis caused by the fall in world oil prices can not be dealt with only by measures of austerity, pointing to the need to reduce costs to the maximum extent possible, and to increase non-oil revenue that could clog the part of the the gap in the budget.
He stressed the captain on the necessity of activating the private sector to take its role in the promotion of the national industry areas of industry and Alzraahn as well as establishing new controls at auction dollar Iraq's central bank and a review of the exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar, in addition to the conversion of some institutions and make it self-financing, such as the Municipality of Baghdad, municipalities and endowments.
He added that these measures need to be bold and resolute steps and the cooperation of everyone, pointing out that the responsibility that should not be located on the government only, but must be involved citizen and administrator alike, stressing that this crisis intensify with the challenges facing the country, which is facing a war terrorist need a lot of money to go to war spending.
It is said that economists revealed that the crisis cell set up by the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on the economic problems of the country did not give any significant results, stressing the necessity of activating the sectors of agriculture, industry and non-oil find alternatives to bridge the budget deficit.
 [tlm724] first government set up a sovereign fund reservation by all financial surpluses from previous budgets
[tlm724] ya sure that money isn't gone with the wind ???
[tlm724] as well as establishing new controls at auction dollar Iraq's central bank and a review of the exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar
[tlm724] *wolfwhistle* new controls, I say stop the presses
Central Bank calls on citizens to the acquisition of national bonds instead of "Tknez their money."
Central Bank building one independent bodies according to the Iraqi Constitution .. Photographed by Mahmoud Raouf
Author: HH, MK    Long-Presse / Baghdad
Called on the Central Bank of Iraq, on Monday, citizens to the acquisition of national bonds, which will present soon, rather than reliance on "hoarding money", as he emphasized that those bonds will have a "good financial benefits."
The governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords during a press conference in the Green Zone in central Baghdad, with a number of officials in economic affairs and attended (range Press), said that "national bonds would investigate citizen good financial returns," noting that "the Central Bank put interest on the bonds so that compete on foreign interest. "
He called on citizens to "the acquisition of national bonds, which will put it soon rather than the adoption of hoarding money," pointing out that "the central bank wants to bring in the interest of the citizen through internal bonds instead of resorting to asking foreign bonds."
The Central Bank of Iraq announced earlier, take the necessary measures to support liquidity in the banking system, and decided to facilitate the sale of foreign currency "to sustain the exchange rate" procedures.
The Central Bank of Iraq, said in (the 18th of January 2015), that the financial reserve for Iraq equivalent and a half times the weakness of the currency bloc, returned as "best rates" in the countries of the world, and as he emphasized that Iraqi financial institutions are "unable" to cover the fiscal deficit, he stressed the need to reconsider the structure of the budget and spending and to diversify sources of income and achieve the investment more broadly to address the decline in oil prices.  LINK   
 [tlm724] Called on the Central Bank of Iraq, on Monday, citizens to the acquisition of national bonds, which will present soon, rather than reliance on "hoarding money", as he emphasized that those bonds will have a "good financial benefits."
[tlm724] "the Central Bank put interest on the bonds so that compete on foreign interest.
[tlm724] he's telling them they can make some money off their money if they buy these bonds
[tlm724] rather than the adoption of hoarding money
[tlm724] you could make some money selling safes for in the mattress over there lol
[tlm724] take the necessary measures to support liquidity in the banking system, and decided to facilitate the sale of foreign currency "to sustain the exchange rate" procedures.
[tlm724] the new e system will help with liquidity , direct deposit of salareis etc... but without the guarantee of protection they will withdraw it quick like like a bunny, just sayin...
[tlm724] that the financial reserve for Iraq equivalent and a half times the weakness of the currency bloc, returned as "best rates" in the countries of the world
[tlm724] if he can keep and grow the reserves the dinar is covered quite well now give it some power *slap*    
Newspapers Tuesday concerned the upcoming ministerial changes and the restructuring of ministries
Local   Since 02.02.2016 at 10:01 (GMT Baghdad)
BAGHDAD - scales News   Cared issued today press statement a spokesman for the prime minister, that the government is considering restructuring some ministries to save money for the state, and understandings Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi with leaders of political blocs to conduct a cabinet reshuffle in his government, and the resumption of the House of Representatives today held its meetings, and other topics relevant to the Iraqi issue.
Newspaper has highlighted (Zora) issued by the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate news of the resumption of the House of Representatives on Tuesday, holding regular meetings to vote on the draft University of Defense Military Studies law, the first reading of the final accounts of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2007.
The newspaper pointed to the parliamentary committees confirm that the final accounts have not been sent to the House of Representatives until 2013, and for the period from 2005 to 2011, which was referred to the legal and financial advisers in the Parliament to express their opinion.
The newspaper (Orient) Independent cases: a statement Saad al-Hadithi, a spokesman for the prime minister, that the government is considering restructuring some ministries to save money for the state, and the face of sagging career in the ministries.
The newspaper quoted him as saying that "there is coordination with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to tackle the financial crisis in Iraq, noting that the prime minister Haider al
Not far from this atmosphere, the newspaper said (the world) Independent "locked Prime Minister Haider al
The paper, "The opponents of those calls, from the House of Representatives ruled out a comprehensive change in the ministry, and awaits those members replaced five ministers of the various components consultations, as you say informed sources in the Prime Minister's Office, said that al
Also in political affairs, the newspaper focused (morning) issued by the Iraqi Media Network to confirm the President of the Republic Fuad Masum, that "there is no universally agreed between the Kurds to declare independence of the province of Kurdistan project, stressing that it is very reassuring that Iraq will not be divided."
The newspaper reported Speaking in a televised meeting that "Iraq is not in the Russian Alliance
In the developments of the war in organizing Daash terrorist, touched newspaper / time / independent to the conference convened by the international coalition against al Daash in Rome on Tuesday with the participation of Iraq, in order to "review the progress made by the military operations and air strikes against the organization, as well as ways to intensify their commitments at all levels in order to weaken and defeat Daash, and the possibility of intervention against Daash in Libya, in light of reports extensively spread there. "
The paper pointed out that the bilateral meetings to be conducted by Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari with a number of ministers and officials on the sidelines of the meetings series "comes in the framework of strengthening cooperation and coordination on issues of common interest and provide more support for Iraq in the war against terrorists Daash and the reconstruction of the liberated areas," according to a statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ended 29/4 e   LINK
tlm724    issued by the Iraqi Media Network to confirm the President of the Republic Fuad Masum, that "there is no universally agreed between the Kurds to declare independence of the province of Kurdistan project, stressing that it is very reassuring that Iraq will not be divided.
An electronic system to simplify the procedures and the fight against corruption
2/2/2016 0:00   Workshop government develop infrastructure levies and reduce costs
BAGHDAD - morning and placed a workshop governmental specialized, perceptions and mechanisms to activate the payment system and collection-mail to eliminate corruption and to reduce operational costs and financial exchange, said Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords:
that the intention is to deposit all salaries in banks government and private and connecting millions of citizens banking network, and stressed that the mechanisms to allow the organization of transactions and procedures away from the bureaucracy and corruption and exposing the money to the looting.
He Keywords confidence b «the possibility of the government to go beyond the economic crisis this year by some of the measures that have been agreed upon, and one of them bond offering national and encourage citizens to acquire, as will achieve a good return for them instead of being money stacked have »,
adding that« the central put interest on those bonds comparable to what exists of external benefits, because Iraq needs the local currency and not to the dollar, which is received from oil imports ».
In turn, the chairman of the economic and investment commission in the House of Representatives Jawad al disclosed that the parliament will put the plan to form a speeding channel to accelerate the legislation of laws in order to keep up with the reform steps undertaken by the state-sponsored institutions and with dedication.
adding that« the central put interest on those bonds comparable to what exists of external benefits, because Iraq needs the local currency and not to the dollar, which is received from oil imports ».
In turn, the chairman of the economic and investment commission in the House of Representatives Jawad al disclosed that the parliament will put the plan to form a speeding channel to accelerate the legislation of laws in order to keep up with the reform steps undertaken by the state-sponsored institutions and with dedication.

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2   Thank You

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