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Friday, February 5, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 2-15-16  Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 2-15-16  Part 2 of 2

Khatib Juma Baghdad frowns frequent holidays and requiring the government to return the money diverted

14:40:55 5.2.2016 | ( BAGHDAD - Firas Alcirbesa - Photography: Saif cream booed orator and to Fri Baghdad, Sheikh Salam al he said Sheikh Salam al-Rubaie, from the rostrum of Al-Rahman Mosque in the al-Mansur in Baghdad and the religious authority, Sheikh Mohammed al-Yacoubi, said that "passed us over the past days some important events that we should stand up then and statement,
including the adoption by the parliament Iraqi law public holidays, which identified the holidays to 75 days with an additional holidays informal emergency and animation that has become a reality, "pension" Atadh sons of Iraqi society free the days of extreme cold, floods, rain and many others, which means that the days of disruption would reach nearly 100 days or more per year, or nearly one-third of the year.
 " Rubaie said," have you ever thought of putting this law Palmsawi that will inflict this country and will suffer from damage and the loss of large so that the 7-day cost the loss of 30 million, as well as damage to the normal result of delays citizen where he will finish his personal interests, and is thought also what is the volume of waste in the educational system so that will not be able professor or teacher to complete its curriculum prepared for this year. "
he continued," is it fair to Iraq is at the forefront of the stalled countries and these dilatory days that would paralyze the movement it is only traveled to the rational and national challenge because it will make matters worse as crossing Vsyazdad corruption is widespread devastation, does Iraq has become prey to them and willing, was taken to his family's share of it. "
 among al-Rubaie," There is no doubt that the world is celebrating its peoples, religious and national Bmnaspadtha a good and joyful order, but the increase in number of days of disruption and without compensating could lead to a deficit in the fulfillment of state obligations to the citizen according to the economists say, especially since the Iraqi economy is still suffering from a lag because of the security conditions and the crises that beset the country. "
regarding the money diverted to outside Iraq, al-Rubaie said" the time at which commend the request of the deputy in the Iraqi parliament demanded it by the Federal police filed a lawsuit to recover 80 billion dinars smuggled out of Iraq through political parties, companies, we call upon the Iraqi government and strongly review all the money smuggled abroad for recovery and utilization of the country which again rather than take advantage of some countries, including and you do not want Iraq's good. "
the lame-Rubaie on the events in Syria," we heard the conference, which is held to solve the problem of Syria, we the time at which support such a initiative let peace and resolving crises,
 but we record our concern and our reservations on some of the statements made ​​about the possibility of a mini Rubaie stressed that" such a step for the division will not stop at the borders of this country,
of course but beyond to other countries and Iraq it will be in grave danger if this scheme passed to the division and Scott region about this statements and the like means acknowledging and recognizing this serious project, either with regard to invite some Iraqi parties calling for the division of stress that could survive all of deliverance is the unity of Iraq and a united Iraq is to ensure the rights. "
he said al-Rubaie," the religious authority, has warned the Grand Ayatollah Sheik Mohammed al-Yacoubi since the early consequences of the division of Iraq into regions promise part of the diabolical projects prepared for the area
and make a solution for that in granting broad powers to the decentralization of the provinces administration of planning to the projects themselves local governments,
which estimated its priority and need it because they know it and our people to adhere to the national spirit that bind people of one nation and avoid intolerance in all its trends and refuse projects division and fragmentation and weak warring statelets. "
Read more:
tlm724:    that "passed us over the past days some important events that we should stand up then and statement, including the adoption by the parliament Iraqi law public holidays, which identified the holidays to 75 days with an additional holidays informal emergency and animation that has become a reality,
"pension" Atadh sons of Iraqi society free the days of extreme cold, floods, rain and many others, which means that the days of disruption would reach nearly 100 days or more per year, or nearly one-third of the year
shakes head  Evil or Very Mad
the time at which commend the request of the deputy in the Iraqi parliament demanded it by the Federal police filed a lawsuit to recover 80 billion dinars smuggled out of Iraq through political parties, companies, we call upon the Iraqi government and strongly review all the money smuggled abroad for recovery and utilization of the country which again rather than take advantage of some countries, including and you do not want Iraq's good.
since the early consequences of the division of Iraq into regions promise part of the diabolical projects prepared for the area and make a solution for that in granting broad powers to the decentralization of the provinces administration of planning to the projects themselves local governments,
which estimated its priority and need it because they know it and our people to adhere to the national spirit that bind people of one nation and avoid intolerance in all its trends and refuse projects division and fragmentation and weak warring statelets. "
if I was an Iraqi I would stand up and be heard about all this nonsense, just sayin...
Scores in Tahrir Square, calling for the collection of a million signatures to hold accountable corrupt officials

02/05/2016 16:13   Dozens of citizens, civilians and activists systems, on Friday, a demonstration in Tahrir Square in central Baghdad to demand the government to the implementation of further reforms, while protesters called for to sustain the momentum of the protests and the collection of a million signatures to hold accountable corrupt officials.
He Almsderfa Baghdad, dozens of citizens and activists of civilians demonstrated, this afternoon in Tahrir Square, the center of the capital to demand more government reforms, noting that the demonstrators called for the perpetuation of the momentum of the protests and the collection of a million signatures to hold accountable corrupt officials.
He added that the demonstration saw the banners included claims to the government for the release of innocent detainees, as protesters editorial stressed the need for debt amortization for industrial borrowers.
the Baghdad and other provinces experiencing weekly mass demonstrations to protest against the rampant corruption in the government institutions, and to demand accountability embezzlers and corrupt and the implementation of government reforms.

Law: There are no reforms, and the government neglected proposals to resolve the crisis economy

Political   Since 02.04.2016 at 09:46 (Baghdad time)
Special - balances News   Criticized the MP for the rule of law Hisham al-Suhail, on Thursday, the government not to implement the program correctly and transparent and there is no self-styled as "reforms."
And most of the House of Representatives indicates that the government's reforms prosthesis and Atertqa required level.
Said Suhail's / balances News /, that "the government curb this moment did not perform its duties properly and there are internal and external circumstances govern the issue of implementation of the government program, including the financial crisis and the security situation,"
 adding that "the talk about reforms and its presence on the ground, there is no such so ordered and that the prosthesis and found he did not live up to the advancement of this country. "
He pointed to al-Suhail, said that "the government did not serve the Iraqi economy and the reform it, because taking advantage of this matter, including the sale of the currency group and is still ongoing waste of money and corruption eats from the shelf of the Iraqi economy and its collapse."
He said al-Suhail, said that "a lot of proposals submitted and through every means, but the government did not take all the proposals, the most important of which float the currency and raise the value of the Iraqi dinar,
and activate the collection of money, such as electricity, water and a system of taxation and customs tariff," stressing that "Alcomerakih tariff imposed but in practice and it failed on the ground, being in the Kurdistan region revenue moved into the region and the first beneficiary and the latter is the province alone. "
The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi had announced in his government committed itself to the government develop a transparent platform for performance evaluation and diagnosis of the strengths and weaknesses in the process of work of the ministries in different areas and at ranges of time quarterly and annual as part of a vision of a serious and strong, and achieving the goals and aspirations of the Iraqi people in all its components to build Iraq is safe, free and prosperous. / ended 29/40 P      LINK   
tlm724:    "a lot of proposals submitted and through every means, but the government did not take all the proposals, the most important of which float the currency and raise the value of the Iraqi dinar,
come on Iraq you can do this !

Balsourh..mosalion using birds to transport cigarettes after their prohibition by Daash

Since 02/04/2016 19:03 pm (Baghdad time)

Special - scales News    Witnesses, said on Thursday that the people of the city of Mosul, have resorted to the use of birds for the transfer of cigarettes, including after issued a regulation Daash decision to stop her, which was confirmed by the Council of Nineveh member Hossam Alabbar, noting that Daash ordered flog each of smokes 70 lashes with the imposition of fines.
Witnesses said residents of Mosul's / balances News /, "The people of Mosul have resorted to birds to transport cigarettes and the number of daily needs that prevent al Daash circulation among the people." 
Witnesses said, that "the people have gone all strange to transport and secure their ways, but the members of the organization quickly Maaki_voha, prompting young people to resort to the bird, which is difficult for the members of the organization to control it."
For his part, the Nineveh provincial council member Hussam Al Abbar's / balances News / "The people living in a quandary in securing their needs after they harassed Daash them culminating in the prohibition of everything in life," noting that "many young people choose to birds and other exotic to move things needed by their families. "
Alabbar pointed to, that "the organization Daash issued a fatwa prohibiting cigarettes and skin covered from the 70 lashes with a fine of 250 thousand dinars, which prompted Balohala to use birds to transport cigarettes."
It is said that "on 10 June 2014 managed to organize terrorist Daash control of the city of Mosul, north Iraq fully" .anthy 29/33 h  LINK
Tlm724:    now we have seen it all BL , wonder if those birds collect the tax

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