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Monday, February 1, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 2-1-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 2-1-16  Part 1 of 2

Keywords emphasizes the need to resolve the problems between Baghdad and Erbil

31/01/2016 07:16 |     Direction Press Special
MP for the National Alliance on the Keywords that the delegation of the Government of Iraq's Kurdistan, headed by Nechirvan Barzani load up his sleeve a number of outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil, stressing the need to solve these problems for the benefit of the country
Keywords and said in an interview with "Press direction" that the most important issues raised by the Kurdish delegation with the federal government is the issue of the export of oil and the proceeds that can be obtained, indicating that the issue of oil export hub mainly in the talks between the two parties
With regard to the news that talk about the collapse of the Mosul Dam explained Keywords that this Thuellat media exaggerated in spite of the existence of a certain cracked in the dam, but it can not be that up to the breaking point, pointing out that the Iraqi government has formed a higher committee, charged with domestic companies, in addition to they outsource foreign experts for this purpose
It is said that Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi chaired on Sunday a meeting with a delegation headed by the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani, the presence of oil ministers, Planning and Construction and Housing
Information Office of Ebadi said in a statement, it said the Prime Minister welcomed the delegation of the region and stressed the importance of continuing joint meetings down to a common understanding of the challenges and agree on a clear work program takes into account the interest of the country and secure the duties and rights of the province and the provinces
The statement said that it was agreed on the importance of adopting a program of economic reform to reduce dependence on oil as the only source of national income.
And it will adopt a plan to continue to study the reform program and to maximize resources, especially the full commitment levying customs tariff and income tax as the Federal Government financial resources back to the utility region and the provinces alike, according to the statement.
[tlm724] was agreed on the importance of adopting a program of economic reform to reduce dependence on oil as the only source of national income
[tlm724] especially the full commitment levying customs tariff
[tlm724] now we're getting somewhere
Joint meeting with the Jordanian company to regulate the entry of trucks and the Ministry of Commerce to ports and warehouses

History of edits:: 2016/2/1 12:54                                                      
 {Baghdad: Euphrates News} announced that the Ministry of Commerce for a joint meeting with the company {} take Jordan to regulate the entry of trucks to the ministry to ports and warehouses.
The ministry said in a statement received by the agency {Euphrates News} a copy of it on Monday, "based on the invitation of Haitham beautiful Khali, Director General of the General Company for Grain Trade, Ministry of Commerce to the Technical Department of the Ministry of Transport was held at the company's headquarters a joint meeting between the competent departments in the Grain Trading Company represented Boksm calculator, transportation, financial and delegation Technical Department in the Ministry of Transport to discuss the contract with a company {take} specialized process to regulate the entry of trucks to the ports, warehouses, similar to a contract with the Ministry of Transport.
"The statement pointed out that" Samir Mubarak, CEO of force reviewed the stages of work and stages that are applied through which these services through the application of terms of the contract are and which regulate the entry of trucks into the port of Umm Qasr, "noting that" the General Company for Grain Trade can contract with a company to take in coordination with the Ministry of Transport.
"The company {take} of companies Jordanian-active in organizing and recording management and entry of trucks in the port of Aqaba and contracted with the Department of Transportation, which wanted grain trade contracted in force for the exercise of the same activity in Iraqi ports and through the grain.
It is worth mentioning that the General Company for Grain Trade held four years with {force } session to learn the nature of the company's work is not mentioned communication with the idea today was to communicate to re-crystallize the idea Altaaked.anthy
[tlm724] Jordan to regulate the entry of trucks to the ministry to ports and warehouses
[tlm724] discuss the contract with a company {take} specialized process to regulate the entry of trucks to the ports, warehouses, similar to a contract with the Ministry of Transport.
[tlm724] I would say this is a good thing for sure, regulation of the entry points and will help for tax purposes as well
Parliamentary Economy: the formation of the Iraqi market, the Council will serve as the country's companies dramatically
History of edits:: 31/1/2016 17:25                                                      
{Baghdad} Euphrates News Vice Chairman of the Committee on Economy and Investment parliamentary Harith Chanchal stressed that "the formation of the Iraqi market, the Council will serve as the country's companies dramatically."
He said Chanchal told {Euphrates News} on Sunday, that "opening up to the countries of the world process through the formation of the Iraqi market to the private sector a positive gesture, and will give the companies the country's opening-up and enter competition with international companies."
And that, "as we will have a market link international stock exchange own oil and import and export prices, and we hope to form this market in 2016, this next year instead. "
the government officials stressed the importance of the role of the private sector in improving the situation in Iraq, and the advancement of its economy, and revealed the government's efforts to form {Iraqi market Council} during the year next in 2017; as a basis for understanding and partnership between the private sector and government. Ended h
[tlm724] , that "opening up to the countries of the world process through the formation of the Iraqi market to the private sector a positive gesture,
[tlm724] and will give the companies the country's opening-up and enter competition with international companies.
[tlm724] *wolfwhistle* like the sound of that
[tlm724] as we will have a market link international stock exchange own oil and import and export prices, and we hope to form this market in 2016, this next year instead. "
[tlm724] the push in on !
Border crossings start working customs tariff for all the ports, including the provincial system

History of edits:: 1/2/2016 11:19                                                       
 {Baghdad: Euphrates News} began to border crossing points, on Tuesday, the work of customs tariff for all ports and airports, including the Kurdistan region system.
 According to an informed source told {Euphrates News} today that "border crossings began working to apply the customs tariff system on imported goods in all ports and airports, including the Kurdistan region outlets since the 16th of this month."
 He added that "customs tariff included all subjects without exception, where He was previously exempted clothes and cigarettes from customs ", adding that" all the articles today included customs tariff system such as clothing and cigarettes and materials cars, alcoholic beverages of all kinds, cosmetics, air conditioning, toys, juices and other other materials.
" He noted that" the southern border crossing points and received good amounts quite to the state treasury since the implementation of this resolution. "
 the supreme religious authority had called earlier to support the private sector, and to provide jobs for all the commentators community, stating that" the country is going through economic problems, and material, and having difficulty in solving it, and the government has to go towards the private sector, and support; to provide jobs for all the sons of segments of society. "
the head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim, has called for the necessity of activating the role of the private sector, and the attention to the investment in a realistic way, referring to the importance of benefiting from the economic segment, in order to speed up the submit projects that serve the citizen. Ended and
 [tlm724] Border crossings start working customs tariff for all the ports, including the provincial system *kickA* *wolfwhistle* *hallelujah*
[tlm724] began to border crossing points, on Tuesday, the work of customs tariff for all ports and airports, including the Kurdistan region system.
[tlm724] *slap* Basra
[shunshine] The beginning of something beautiful. Lets get it done boys.  
[tlm724] shunshine *hallelujah*
[tlm724] that "customs tariff included all subjects without exception, where He was previously exempted clothes and cigarettes from customs
[tlm724] all the articles today included customs tariff system such as clothing and cigarettes and materials cars, alcoholic beverages of all kinds, cosmetics, air conditioning, toys, juices and other other materials.
[tlm724] oh man that is sweet 
[shunshine] Indeed it is
[tlm724] I am happy, sure took a long time getting there but get there they did !

Finance Committee rejects the government's attempts to use the cash reserve
01/02/2016    BAGHDAD / JD / .. the parliamentary finance committee revealed, for the federal government to try to use the cash Balaanaat of hard currency the central bank to cope with the current financial crisis, stressing rejection of all attempts that would affect the amount of the reserve
A member of the committee MP Ahmed Sarhan told / KD /: that there are serious attempts by the federal government with the help of cash Balaanaat to face the economic situation that the country is currently going through.
He added that his committee rejects all attempts that would lead to a decrease in size of the monetary reserves because it will affect the local currency exchange rate, noting that the Finance Committee met with the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords confirmed the latter to maintain the reserve, whatever the size of the pressure that it receives.
Iraq has been suffering from a major financial crisis as a result of the decline in world oil prices.
And world oil prices recorded a significant decline over the past days, where Brent crude oil reached $ 27 a barrel.
And oil revenues make up 93% of federal budget revenues from Iraq. / End / 8 
 [tlm724] the federal government to try to use the cash Balaanaat of hard currency the central bank to cope with the current financial crisis, stressing rejection of all attempts that would affect the amount of the reserve
[tlm724] rejection whew
[tlm724] rejects all attempts that would lead to a decrease in size of the monetary reserves because it will affect the local currency exchange rate,
[tlm724] Central Bank on the Keywords confirmed the latter to maintain the reserve, whatever the size of the pressure that it receives
[tlm724] well at least he did something right

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