Don't WAIT!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Late Wednesday Night 2-17-16


Moon:  Yosef on Dinar Chronicles   (LINK)

We are very close. Immanent even. And moving irreversibly closer by the hour. 

Still waiting on the private group bank redemption 800# release. 

This weekend US bank memos were handed out telling executive staff to be ready to exchange as early as Wednesday 2.17 through Sunday 2.21.

5,500 off site redemption centers and select banks are ready to receive redeemers, growing to 40,000 bank branches publicly after the private group redemptions are complete.
New ATMs were delivered. 

New USN physical currency was delivered and is currently available.
New digital gold backed TRNs are live worldwide (back screens).

Old USD notes will be exchanged 1:1 for new USN currency (front screens).

Current back screen rates (WF brokerage screens as of 8 PM, Tuesday):

1 ZIM = 0.65 USN
1 VND = 4.89 USN
1 IQD = 7.22 USN

ZIM redemption face value adjustments: 

Trillion notes lop off 6 zeros (then multiply by rate)
Billions notes lop off 3 zeros (then multiply by rate)
Millions notes no zero lop off (then multiply by rate; i.e. redeem at face value)

There are no limits to how much you can redeem. 

Higher contract rates are available if you're willing to leave your money with a redemption bank for a period of time. The longer you leave it with the bank, the higher the contract rate. 

Also, the more currency you are redeeming, the higher contract rates you will be offered. Non Disclosure Agreements will accompany all contract rate terms. So there are a few negotiating variables. Be prepared.

As mentioned in previous updates, the longer the public was made to wait the higher the Chinese drove up starting redemption rates. Guess it paid to be patient:)

Bank redemption 800#s will be sent out via email and tweets. Please wait for the 800#s to come out before approaching the banks, most tellers and branch managers just don't know. 

Trust that you'll have plenty of time to redeem, so take your time. Go slow. Pray for guidance if you get lost. Stay quiet after your redemption appointment. Choose your core professional team methodically. Remember humility is strength, and most of all protect your redeemed principal and live off your earned interest!

Best of luck. Pay if forward. Service over self.


Cruiser:  Funny. Thing my son just informed me that DINAR means Money…. Never thought about it

Beamer:  Today's Landa CC REPLAY by phone: 641-715-3589 Access Code: 484959# enter another # for the latest CC…… I would highly suggest you all listen to that last Landa call.

If you all listened to the Landa call.. then you would know that we won't know in advance.. It doesn't matter who the guru is.. or what you are following.. it's going to be quiet .. at least at the beginning.. Landa/Doug/Zap saying first quarter of this year.. I would not listen to any Hopium
Dinar Updates:

wmawhite   The IMF, Goi and CBI all have signed a Letter of Intent in which it is stated paragraph #19 that the government "will" move away from the MCPs which are in place because of the auctions.

Remove MCPs, i.e. no auctions, means IQD must have international acceptance.   ...the IMF stated in November that their expectation was for Iraq to enter the economy market the 1st half of 2016...

Never before in 6 years do I remember the IMF making such a statement.

All of this activity is IMO in support of Iraq's move into the international currency/commercial markets.

In order for Iraq to survive it's financial institutions must be able to operate both domestically and internationally...thus all of what we are seeing. 
If their intention was to do nothing and continue to live off of the USD...then why bother with all of these changes... why sign agreements with the IMF...why bother telling the world that they are ready for their investments?

Why?  Because they are working towards a definitive date to make huge changes in their monetary system. 

Cutebwoy:  Just now on presstv news full report on Iran entering market with exchange rate to attract investors

SassyD: Congress Is Wary of Chinese Deal for Chicago Stock Exchange -- Feb 17,​ 2016 --


Sabickford:  You can't always control who walks into your life, but you can control which window you throw them out of.

"Money doesn't buy happiness?" "Okay give it to me and I'll show you how it's done."

You know you drank too much if you have to wait until your court appearance to find out what you did.

Sometimes late at night I dig a hole in the backyard to keep the nosy neighbors guessing

The phrase "Ignore is and it will go away." does not apply to being chased by a dozen cop cars. Trust me on this one.

Not only is my short-time memory horrible, but so is my Short-term memory.

I hate it when you offer someone a sincere complement on their mustache and suddenly she's not your friend anymore.

I don't think I could ever "Complete" someone - But driving someone "Insane" sounds doable

I do have a serious side you know. I keep it out on the back porch in a cage and feed it crackers.

Might wake up early and go running. I also might win the lottery. Odds are about the same.

Sometimes the best revenge is to ignore them and be super happy instead.

Here's my resignation from adulthood. From now on all decisions will be made by rock, paper, scissors, and all arguments will be handled by sticking my tongue out at the other person.

It's a SCIENTIFIC Fact: Never tell a woman that she's crazy unless you really want to see crazy.

Children are often spoiled because no-one will spank Grandma

There's nothing scarier than the moment when you lose your balance in the shower and think "Oh God they're going to find me Naked!"

Next time a stranger talks to me when I'm alone I will look at them shocked and just whisper "You can See Me?"

I may be a bad influence but darn I'm Fun!!!!

My girlfriend thought it was rude for yawning while she was talking. I wasn't yawning, I was trying to say something.

Caution When someone tells you to get a grip, Apparently around the neck is not what they meant…Who Knew.

It upsets me when I plan a conversation in my head and the other person doesn't follow the darn script.

If I make you breakfast in bed, a simple "thank You' is all I need. Not all this "How did you get in my House?' business.

Do you guys ever get a shooting pain across your chest like someone has a Voodoo Doll of you & they are Stabbing it? No? How about now?

I've got to stop saying 'How Stupid can you be?" Too many people are taking it as a Challenge.

I have been putting a lot of thought into it and I don't think being an adult will work for me.

A true friend is someone that knows how crazy you are & is still willing to be seen in public with you.

Lead me not into temptation….Who am I Kidding follow me I know a Shortcut.

A true friend is someone that knows how crazy you are & is still willing to be seen in public with you.

It's going to be one of those days! The voice's in my head are fighting. My Imaginary friend is running with scissors and at one point one of my personalities wandered off

If you Love Someone you should set them free, If they come back it means nobody else liked them. Set them free again.

I forgot to go to the Gym Today… That makes three years in a row.

I think I have the urge to get up and clean the house - wait no false alarm

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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