Don't WAIT!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Monday Night 2-29-16

From Recaps Comment Section:

BillK:  Dr. Clarke... IYO once the value increases will there need to be a rush to exchange or will the increased value hold for a while?    Thanks for providing the intel!

Dr.Clarke:  IMO, I'd get in ASAP and weigh your options. You need to learn what the NEW RULES will be, because there are some, nobody knows about, surrounding this event.

You won't know those, till you meet. It's also personal, per individual, so it's not about a blanket type scenario applicable to everyone.

Remember, there are specifics that have been hidden and withheld on purpose, until your actual meeting - especially on this supposed Contract Rate dynamic. It's NOT what you've been led to believe.

It's all positive, but based on world economics, a currency usually increases for a short period, when it hits markets, just like an IPO or stock announcement.

But it's all a gambling game, when based on your gut. For sure, the first 3 days are going to say a lot, hour to hour. These are unknowns, but any event, everybody wins, no matter what. You're a winner.
Happy Camper: Dear Dr. Clarke, I hate it that you're right, but I'm glad our time is finally here. Lol Hmmm... the 22nd puts it about a week to exchange before the end of March. Is this done right here at the end of the quarter so that most won't have time to implement trusts, etc. before our first quarterly tax payment is due in April?

Dr. Clarke:  The end of the quarter has absolutely nothing to do with the timing. This is not a tax driven event, in any way - although, as we've always said - PAY YOUR TAXES. PERIOD.

Ralph:  In response to Dr. Clarke's posted comments, I agree with his statement that it is still not done until the rate ( Iraqi Dinar ) becomes international, then it is done. This statement, is of course, a "no brainer" and does not qualify as intel.

Also, according to all three ( 3 ) of my sources, I totally disagree with Dr. Clarke"s comment, that all other currencies are questionable to be exchanged in the time frame of NO LATER THAN MARCH 22, 2016. Why my disagreement you might ask? I disagree, because the entire R.V/G.C.R. is not just about the re-valuation of the Iraqi Dinar........the re-valuation includes other currencies, thus the name Global Currency Reset.

In conclusion, I realize many viewers to this site were wanting to hear from Dr. Clarke again, well you have now heard from Dr. Clarke, and without being asked you also heard from Ralph

Dr. Clarke:  There is no official GCR. Just a rumor started 10 years ago. Unless of course, you just want to believe there's one. Different currencies are re-valuing as we speak, as they've always done in history - but ONE huge global event, is pure rumor, hype, hope, speculation. Could happen, but not likely - AT ALL.

Can 7 currencies or 5 or 3 or 2 or 12 substantially change their rate simultaneously or even within a few days or weeks of one another. Yes. But there is no global currency reset, as everyone has been defining for so long.

It will be a domino effect, so as to control the world economy with WISDOM.


WSOMN: ( Western States Open Minded Network)

AZMarkman:  There were a few countries that held it up because they were still pegged to the dollar… That was remedied.

Beagleeyes: OK: As some one just said there were 3 countries that were not ready and that is what held it up yesterday. Those issues were allegedly resolved. Allegedly they are going to try again tonight

AgMan: Latest hold up was two more countries had to depeg from usd. It was done yesterday, but not soon enough to restart rv.

Marlog:  saudi depegged joined aiib,,,,,,greece to use drakma at support of russia

Cruiser:  Did anyone else hear. That their were two countries that had to line up and some others depegging

Cindic: Cruiser i  did

AGMan:  we are supposed to be in the last 24 stinking hr window


Dinar Updates: 

wmawhite  I do believe that these next few weeks continue to be super significant...

I believe the IMF back in November 2015 said what they said because they expect certain action on the part of Iraq...and here it is again: "he stressed that Iraq will return to economic market during the first half of next year." 

The spokesperson did not say..."hoped, wished or maybe or looking forward to it"...instead, he said "will" will...not if...but, will...


Monday 2-29-16 CC with Jerry Maguire and more…..

KTFA Monday Night Conference Call

Approx.163 minutes long

The first part is Business Promo and the second part is Dinar/Iraq Intel

PLAYBACK # : 641.715.3639     PIN: 156996#

Walkingstick:   BY REQUEST................

Revaluation of Iraqi Dinar is the Center of Latest Iraq News

By Idrees Khan -February 29, 20169

The infrastructure of Iraq is badly affected by the invasion of US armed forces in 2003. Everything was destroyed because of surgical attacks made by US Army and its alliance. Since then the country is the center of sad news. We hear bad news of killing and bomb blast on almost every day. Moreover the ISISI has become one of the worst terrorist organizations operating in Iraq against the government. Iraq is facing heavy losses because of these attacks on the government machinery and they are therefore the center of latest Iraq news.

Current Economic Conditions

Along with all those critical situations in the country the economic condition of Iraq is improving with the every passing day. Some massive investments have been seen for the last 6 years in the country. The Iraq is now free from international sanctions imposed by United Nation. After free from chapter 7 sanctions 7, Iraq has authority to do any kind of business with the any other country. Oil is the backbone of Iraq economy. Now the country is free to sign any contract with the any other country to search or export their crude oil anywhere in the world. Large number of oil exploring companies is operating in the country in the different areas to find the new oil fields.

Special Authorities to Governor to Sign any Contract

There was a time when making investment in Iraq was more than a tough job. You had to fulfill too many requirements and legal formalities to open a new business in the country. But now the situation is completely different. The government of Iraq has given special authorities to the governor of the province to sign any oil and other business contracts without prior permission of the government. All of these soft conditions are to ensure the foreign investment in the country.

These special authorities have attracted many of the international investors to the country to make heavy investments in different sectors of the country. The cottage industry of Iraq is also improving with the heavy investments in the domestic industry of Iraq. This is one of the biggest point and addition in the latest Iraq news that cottage industry of the country is also improving very fast.

Revaluation of Iraqi Dinar

People have made heavy investments in the Iraqi dinar with the expectations that it will be revalued in the near future and they will be billionaire. The investors in Iraqi dinar include not only common people but the retired army officers of Iraq war. They believe that Iraqi dinar will be revalued in the next few years and they will earn more than anyone else in the world. The best example of Iraqi dinar revaluation is the Kuwaiti Dinar revaluation that occurred in 1990 and people who invested in the Kuwaiti dinar became billionaire over night. Many of the international banks are also interested in Iraqi dinar purchase and they are the big investors of Iraqi dinar as well.

The Noor Al Maliki administration was major hurdle in the revaluation of Iraqi dinar because of dispute with Kurdistan.

Kurdistan has major role in the revaluation of Iraqi dinar and its resolution to pass. The supreme leader of Iraq has taken action against Noor Al Maliki and the government was dissolved. Now new administration is now in the power and they are taking initial steps to complete revaluation process.

This can be very big and latest Iraq news. People are waiting for the completion of this procedure for revaluation of Iraqi dinar in next few months. The dinar gurus believe that revaluation of Iraqi dinar will surely occur at the end of 2016. We must have to wait if we have some dinar to be billionaire in the next few months. ... 23548.html

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No G20 Stimulus Sets The Stage For Structural Reforms


No G20 Stimulus Sets The Stage For Structural Reforms

FEBRUARY 28, 2016     By JC Collins
All Tools Will Be Used as Momentum Builds for Multilateral Framework
“We will not target our exchange rates for competitive purposes.”
The G20 Communique from this weekend’s summit in Shanghai was very clear on the agreed upon multilateral approach which will be required to transition the international monetary framework to a multi-currency system.  

The above quote from the G20 statement is one of many straightforward approaches which is being taken by the largest economies in the world to increase global growth and address vulnerabilities.
he statement itself moves away from the anticipated stimulus and more towards structural reforms. 

This has been predicted here on POM for over two years as we have previously reviewed that stimulus policies, such as QE, would be coming to an end, and more structural framework changes would be taking place. 
One of the repeated themes over the weekend was the fact that multiple rounds of stimulus by central banks and government treasuries are no longer effective.  The need for structural monetary reforms is now a priority and movement towards those objectives should increase in pace over the coming months, and throughout the summer.
Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said in a news conference that the G20 nations will “use all tools – monetary, fiscal, and structural – to boost growth.”  He went on to say that “what each country does will be dictated by its circumstances.”
As such, some nations can afford further stimulus for a period of time, while others, with high debt, will need to move faster on structural economic reforms. The agreement to not implement across-the-board-stimulus is positive for the future of the global economy.  Stimulus is no longer effective and each nation has different requirements and challenges.

US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew stated the following:

“We need to redouble our efforts to boost global demand, rather than relying on the United States as the consumer of last resort.”
This shows the American willingness to work alongside other G20 nations on implementing structural reforms and moving towards a multi-currency reserve system. 
All G20 members agreed to avoid “competitive” devaluations of currency, but we need to remember that any adjustments to the exchange rate of the USD will be considered agreed upon structural reforms. 

A dollar depreciation is still on the agenda for later this year, as it will mark the next major phase in the multilateral monetary transition.
This point will also be marked by an appreciation of the Chinese renminbi.  POM is one of the only sources predicting this RMB appreciation.
The G20 Communique is what I was expecting.  They have planted seeds for later in the year but have come to a base agreement on structural reforms and the need for the monetary transition.  The full statement can be read here.  Don’t take the doom and gloom interpretation of this communique at face value.  Read it for yourself.  Much more to come.  – JC

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Tlar: "History Will Show Us If This Was The Right Thing To Do"

Post From Currency Chatter 2-29-16

​Tlar Comments On Iran Oil Production and More

JC May:    Iran pushing forward with plans to ramp up oil output
Iran will push forward with plans to pump an additional one million barrels of oil per day into an already oversupplied global market, a senior Iranian oil official told CNN in an exclusive interview.
"Iran is not the cause for this turmoil," Deputy Oil Minister Amir Hossein Zamaninia told CNN's Fred Pleitgen on Sunday, referring to the slump in oil prices. "We do not intend to sanction ourselves again after coming out of the sanctions."
Oil producers have been watching nervously as Iran prepares to bring its supplies back to the global market after economic sanctions on the country were lifted as part of a landmark nuclear deal with world powers.
"We want to increase our production to the level we used to produce prior to the sanctions," Zamaninia said. "And at that time, then we can get together and discuss and strategize for the future."

The global oil market is drowning in excess supply. The price per barrel has nosedived around 70% since mid-2014, punishing the economies of many of the big producers.
Related: OPEC president says oil output freeze will work
Iran's return has further complicated the picture. Its bitter rivalry with Saudi Arabia, fueled by geopolitical factors like the wars in Syria and Yemen, has exacerbated tensions over the oil industry.
Saudi Arabia led OPEC in a fierce battle against other producers for market share that helped push down oil prices.
Amid mounting concerns about the impact of the price plunge, five of OPEC's 13 members -- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the UAE, Qatar and Venezuela -- plus Russia, agreed earlier this month to keep output steady at January's levels.
But Iran has refused to join the production freeze. Last week, Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zangeneh called it a "joke," according to state media.
Related: Iran calls Saudi oil production freeze a 'joke'
Zamaninia was more diplomatic in his comments to CNN on Sunday, although he made it clear Iran considers the onus to be on other countries to tackle the supply glut.
"That was a small step in the right direction," he said of the output freeze. "We hope that they [OPEC] can get together to decrease their production."
Zamaninia said a "silver lining" of the sanctions is Iran is less dependent than many of its neighbors on oil revenues.
The country doesn't need foreign investment to ramp up its production by one million barrels per day, he said. But it is interested in overseas funding to help finance longer-term increases.
"We have no doubt that we can attract at least $40 billion to $45 billion per year investment," he said.
CNNMoney (Tehran, Iran)   First published February 28, 2016: 10:55 PM ET
Tlar:    Oh what a shock and surprise.  RIGHT.  Iran was the reason the Saudis backed out of the potential OPEC deal again.  Iran always screams at anyone who produces more than their agreed quota which they were grey shipping oil everywhere. 
They are one of the main reasons POEC disintegrated in the first place.  They can't be trusted.  Any government that knowingly counterfeits another countries currency for gain is a pariah country. 
These guys claim to be religious invoking god in everything they do, but break every international and human law on the books  Counterfeiting, smuggling, drugs, terrorism, blackmail, illegal executions, assassinations, anything is fair game for these 14th century barbarians who sit in judgement of everyone else. 
Human rights, womens rights, gays, infidels, or anyone who is not a true believer in their kind of Shiite religous dogma world are targets for this outlaw regime.  They don't mind killing Muslims or their own people. 
Their ayatollah is a wacko and will make deals with the worst scum this planet has ever brought into existence.  He befriends the likes of Kim (that great Korean leader) who also does not value any life but his own.  We can debate whether or not the recent deal with our administration was good or not good. 
Views I am sure vary even in this group.  History  will show us whether or not this proves to be a terrible mistake or the right thing to have done.  I for one think it was the wrong thing to do because this regime, I am sure they take the Koran literally. 
In the Koran it specifically states that if you are at war with your enemy and you are losing, it is ok to temporarily make peace with the enemy while you rebuild you army to attack again latter. 
This regime is very close to the very same belief as ISIS.  If the jerk-off leader of ISIS had not made two strategic mistakes, declaring he was the Caliph, putting himself above all ayatollahs, which was an insult to all those in power in the middle east, I question whether or not Iran would be supporting ISIS instead of fighting them. 
Also ISIS first target was Syria putting them at odds with the Iranian regime whose goal was to see a strong Shiite crescent consisting of Iran, Iraq (Maliki) and (ASsad) Syria.​​
Yes, it is my opinion that even though we will see temporary benefits by letting this snake out of the bag, in the long run we will have to atone for our mistake.   I know many will disagree with my thoughts and that is your privilege.
 IMO debate beyond presenting your side of the story nothing will change my views.  I invite anyone who wants too, to tell us why this is a good thing and I promise to listen and try to understand but I won't debate this issue.  History will show us if this was the right thing to do, not arguing points.  Respectfully, tlar.

JD BLUE:   Absolute agreement here. That said. I am hopeful that during this phony period of "peace" that the economy of Iraq can be figured out, and this currency  play can get done in the small window before Iran goes off the rails. - That said... I would be thrilled if the good people of Iran would somehow gain control and end the rule of the mullahs.

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 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-29-16    Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-29-16    Part 2 of 2
Central Bank calls for the success of the donors' conference and criticizing defamation banking sector

[rtl]Direction Press / Baghdad[/rtl]
[rtl] The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords, on Monday, the importance of the role of the banking sector to support efforts to ensure the success of the donors ' conference for the reconstruction of areas affected by the terrorist attacks in Jordan , scheduled for next April, criticizing the operations of defamation against the banking sector .
[rtl]Keywords and said in a statement during the meeting of the Central Bank of Iraq headquarters in Baghdad received a "trend - Presse , " a copy of it today, "we hope that the participation of this sector and wide in this national action to be an important point in his record holds all meanings benevolent ."[/rtl]
[rtl]Keywords and he pointed out that "heavy load withholds him , but his family, so we expect the banking sector initiatives in this area , " explaining , "We abreast of preparations for the conference , both at the local level through the costly task of the Committee, chaired by the President of the Reconstruction Fund , Dr. Abdul Basit Turkey and through international organizations ,

"noting that" the conference is an opportunity that will contribute to creating a state of stability in our country, pointing out that we are in need in this particular circumstance . "[/rtl]
[rtl]He predicted the central bank governor to "be participating in the conference to be held the Dead Sea on 16 and April 17 and a wide area, from the other hand , between the Keywords that the central bank a clear position regarding the auction sell the currency , " pointing out that "he had held meetings with the Financial and Economic Committee in the House of Representatives However other official bodies to clarify this issue . "[/rtl]

[rtl]Turning to the "reasons for defamation and accusations faced by the banking sector in general campaign, especially Maitalq window sell the currency," he said , "at the forefront of these reasons , the absence ofpublic banking culture on the work of banks and the nature of the functions of the central bank Mai_khas sell the dollar in particular ."[/rtl]

[rtl]He called for "to take the media role in educating people the functions of the banking sector in general, adding that the response to the attack easy if it is made ​​by specialists, because they understand easily and reality of the situation, while the issue is difficult when it comes to by others do not have a banking culture ."[/rtl]

[rtl]Portfolios of private banks and urged the general to "not to give the opportunity to attack it by closing loopholes and full compliance with the instructions of the Central Bank and to focus on not be the dollar sale process of a target for speculation , " and urged Association of private banks that " will be the topic at theforefront of their concerns in this particular circumstances . " .[/rtl]
[rtl]So called head of the Iraqi private banks association Wadih Handal to "increase support for the central bank to the banking sector to be able to contribute to any national action, also stressed the support of private banks to the efforts of the Central Bank in the framework of cooperation, enhance mutual trust between the two sides ."[/rtl]

[rtl]He said Handal to "Private Bankers Association initiative to establish a legal committee to be the voice of thebanks before the judicial authorities and to pay the accusations directed to it by legal means , " stressing " theimportance of the humanitarian role played by the private banks toward our people displaced explaining that liberalization Salahuddin and Anbar of terrorism It would contribute to reassure the capital that our country is on the road to recovery , especially after the start of preparations for Tharirmhafezh Nineveh . "[/rtl]

[rtl]He called Handal boards of directors of banks to "more effective humanitarian contributions, and assign Matmralamanhan scheduled to be held in Jordan in April next year , " explaining the importance of the "going success of the conference the efforts of the first two - way encouraging the human side and the second search States and international organizations to provide its capacity of support for Iraq for the reconstruction of cities ravaged by terrorism . "[/rtl]
[rtl]On the nature of the relationship between the central bank and the private banks between Handal "It's dominated by the language of trust and mutual understanding is important in the face of challenges that include everyone," .anthy
[tlm724] criticizing the operations of defamation against the banking sector
[tlm724] there he goes again defending himself
[tlm724] pointing out that "he had held meetings with the Financial and Economic Committee in the House of Representatives However other official bodies to clarify this issue
[tlm724] Turning to the "reasons for defamation and accusations faced by the banking sector in general campaign, especially Maitalq window sell the currency,
[tlm724] at the forefront of these reasons , the absence ofpublic banking culture on the work of banks and the nature of the functions of the central bank Mai_khas sell the dollar in particular
[tlm724] really ?? and why is that ??? Because you didn't do your job !
[tlm724] how can he blame the functions of the CBI when he is in control of the CBI ???
[tlm724] and if I am not mistaken the banking sector is part of that !
[tlm724] culture this *slap*
[cat] lmao
[tlm724] the CBI has laws to cover the whole banking sector including the private banks but they have not enforced the law !
[tlm724] and another thing if he were so good at his job then why do they need international experts to run the cash system ?? lemme show you from yesterday
The Central Bank's contract with the International Office to control the movement of cash
Date: 10:38 2016/06/28 | Visits: 128
Information/Baghdad/... Central Bank Governor Ali al-allaq, Sunday, hiring international Audit Office to develop procedures to sell "the dollar" to control the movement of cash.
He said the relationship was quoted in the newspaper "morning" and seen by agency/information/that "Central Bank hired an auditing office develop procedures to sell" the dollar "to control the movement of the dollar exchange.
"The central focus on financial inclusion for its positive role in the economic life, the pursuit of development financing for small and medium-sized enterprises that we will have an integrated legal framework, as well as to stimulate the field of Islamic banking, which is expanding in Iraq."
He stressed the "necessity of relationship establishment guaranteeing deposits in banks, as we are close to passing a law it passed in the House," pointing to "continue efforts to develop universal banking system which represents a major shift for Central Bank action." Finished/25 t
[tlm724] see what I mean ??
[cat] uh huh
[RCS1947] Amen!!
[tlm724] I think he is outta control but thats just me  Suspect
Tobyboy:     Timmy I agree 100% and been saying he does not know what he is doing. This Maliki puppet does not know anything about accounting banking, he has screw up the CBI royally. I feel he is following what Maliki wanted to destroy the economy and help in the stealing of funds for the crooks.
Tlm724:     Your right Toby !! He is a puppet , heres what I said in response to that article yesterday
For those people who believe Ali Alak is a capable governor or that he should stay in charge here is a strong argument against that ! It is pretty pitiful when a country needs the assistance of an international entity to control their system of cash.
Perhaps this is the best thing to come down the pike in almost 2 years. At least it won't be a bubbling idiot in charge of the money. This is probably part of the IMF's plan in overseeing the financial sector and it's a good dayum thing they are there.
There is much work to be done to rid the system of corruption. This also explains, to an extent, the reduction in the daily auction of the dollar, too many eyes upon them !  Suspect
Central: the absence of banking culture in the cause of smear campaign over the sale currency window
12:49:48 29/02/2016 | (Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad confirmed the central bank, on Monday, that the absence of banking culture cause of the smear campaign on the sale of currency window, and at the time , who pointed out that these statements do not come from specialists,
stressed the importance of the role of the banking sector in supporting efforts for the success of the Conference donors. the governor of the central bank on the Keywords in a statement Alsumaria News received a copy of the "reasons for defamation and accusations faced by the banking sector in general campaign,
especially regarding window sell the currency, is the absence of public banking culture on the work of banks and the nature of central bank functions with regard to selling the dollar in particular. " he added that" the overall private banks not to give a chance to attack it by closing loopholes and full compliance with the instructions of the Central Bank and to focus on not be the dollar sale process of a target for speculation ,
"explaining that" the response to the attack easy if it is made ​​by specialists, because they understand easily and the reality of the situation, while the issue is difficult when it comes to others Aimitlkon culture of banking. " 
on the other hand called on the governor of the bank to" a wide participation for the success of the donors ' conference to be held in April in the Kingdom of Jordan , "and expressed hope that" be the participation of this sector and wide in this national action to be an important point in his record holds all meanings benevolent. "
he Keywords that the conference is an opportunity that will contribute to creating a state of stability in our country," pointing out that "we are in need in this particular circumstance." the governor of the bank Central on the Keywords announced on the third of March 2015 that the new guidelines set by the bank is that the auction is no longer a daily window for operations for the sale of currency auctions,
noting that the new mechanisms developed to sell this currency, especially that of its functions to provide currency for foreign trade.
and founded the Iraqi Central Bank bank independent under the law issued on the sixth of March 2004, as an independent body, which is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies are being daily sessions for buying and selling currencies. Add comment
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BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-29-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-29-16  Part 1 of 2
Deputy for the National: Abadi, will present the new ministerial his booth during the next two weeks

29/02/2016 02:32 |  Direction Press / Baghdad
He favored the National Alliance MP Ali Safi said the new Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi ministerial cabin offers during the next two weeks, adding that "there can not be hidden obstacles related to the ministerial change to the unwillingness of some political blocs to abandon ministries subordinate to it."
Safi said in a statement received "direction Press" a copy of it today. "The prime minister in constant contact with the leaders of the National Alliance and with other political blocs to break formulas fruitful fit the challenges faced by the country without any override the provisions of the law or the Constitution."
He added that "al-Abadi being regular meetings with the leaders of the National Alliance on the one hand and with the leaders of the coalition of state law and the political blocs on the other hand, to coordinate the actions that need to coordinate and follow up with legislative power."
"The Prime Minister and in the framework of the evaluation of the performance of ministries and complete the reforms plan packages, specialized technical committee of experienced and efficient professional figures to assess the work of the ministries" shape.
"The Abadi pending the results of evaluation of the technical committee for the selection of candidates for ministerial cabin and a change of government," while likely to "be the date of submission of the new ministerial cabin during the next two weeks."
 [tlm724] he is saying 2 weeks baby and you will have ministerial reform
Parliamentary Finance exclude government had resorted to borrowing from the central bank stocks

Economy     Since 02/29/2016 14:38 pm (Baghdad time)

Special - balances News   Parliamentary Finance Committee ruled on Monday the government had resorted to borrowing from the central bank stocks at the moment, as pointed out that foreign loans repaid in a manner deferred payment by the government to the donor countries.

The committee member said Abdul Qader Mohammed's / balances News /, that "it is possible for the government to borrow from the central bank stocks, but it is causing negative returns where he will work on inflation in the currency market."

He added, "The government did not resort to borrowing from the central bank, but if it is forced and did not get foreign loans," noting that "foreign loans repaid like a way Palmrihh by the state where the negative impact does not affect the economic situation, so to get this type of loan is due the achievements of the current Iraqi situation. "

Little Onedo parliamentary Finance Committee Magda Tamimi stressed earlier, the need to resort to collect taxes out of the financial crisis that Iraq is going through at the moment, while expressing its refusal to resort to the stock of the Central Bank to remedy the crisis. "Ended    LINK      From: Nur al-Din Wahba     
[tlm724] "The government did not resort to borrowing from the central bank, but if it is forced and did not get foreign loans,
[tlm724] whew
The launch of a unified economic bloc to represent the private sector
2/29/2016 0:00   BAGHDAD - Hussein al - Tamimi Tgb the  form of a number of private organizations and associations concerned with economic affairs of a preparatory committee in preparation for the declaration of an economic bloc unified management of the private sector affairs and unification of orientations in international and local forums, advertisers establish gathered under the name of the Iraqi Economic Forum.
The conferees issued a statement saying with bone responsibility placed the responsibility of the private sector and their representatives to be supportive and active partner of the Iraqi government and the private sector contributes economic decision - making proper , which would build and rebuild Iraq and guarantee the right of the Iraqi people , present and future.
the statement to a meeting of a number of councils and the unions that represent the sector of the Iraqi Aacial complement the first step Founding Conference , which held in Amman last year that the Forum be a voice true to the private sector aims to rebuild Iraq and keep intruders and users and traffickers of corrupt opportunists.
President of the National business Council , the Iraqi Dawood Abdul Zayer said: the government today has inter reforms you want to apply , and the peer to apply it is the private sector, noting that the organization the relationship with the private sector and one interface (Forum) has become a necessity to implement reforms.

chairman of the economic Commission parliamentary Jawad al - Bolani he said: We as a council deputies are working to encourage and sectors , production and service of the private sector in order to achieve real economic development, and are working to create the conditions that contribute to the achievement of a genuine partnership the private sector.
Executive Director of the Association of Iraqi private banks Ali Tariq expressed hope that an economic grouping of the private sector against the government at a time when we desperately need to unite economic visions comes this assembly to represent important segments of the private sector play a big role in the economic life and will have a positive impact in them.
The President of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce Jaafar al - Hamdani has pointed to seek to activate joint work with the government , international organizations and the formation of a real vision for investment in human resources in order to achieve economic viability of Iraq.
tlm724:    under the name of the Iraqi Economic Forum
The President of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce Jaafar al - Hamdani has pointed to seek to activate joint work with the government , international organizations and the formation of a real vision for investment in human resources in order to achieve economic viability of Iraq.
The Independent: Barzani Maliki ignored warnings and Najafi and refused to help the Kurds to prevent the fall of Mosul
translation: Range Prominent figures to tell the government of Nouri al - Maliki has ignored urgent appeals were requesting assistance to prepare for the attack , sudden, and reveal frustration in the detailed warnings were ignored.
In such a month two years ago warned Ahmed Hamidi, director of intelligence in the northern city of Mosul, Baghdad government that Daash group was planning a big order.
But since then , the warning in February 2014 until his call for the Air Force to bomb Daash fighters who were Athacdon the eve of the attack, been repeatedly ignored his warnings in addition to the warnings of prominent political figures.
Section publication of the official parliamentary report focused on the fall of Mosul , to a large extent on the repeated military failure Daash allowed to quickly take over the city when the attack five months later, at the beginning of the liberalization of a number of extremists prisoners and then on the tenth of June to impose full control and fled paranoid Iraqi army without a fight.
But the certificate is not published on the investigation and stories told by prominent figures of the Independent at the time, reveal another failure. The Prime Minister Nuri al - Maliki then ignored repeated calls urgent to prepare for an attack Daash. Certificate also reveal frustration Hamidi from the Baghdad government ignored the warnings.
The first time the flag Hamidi Daash planning an attack in June was arrested by members of the group. February 25 - According to his testimony in the investigation - informed his superiors in Baghdad, then soon discovered what he described as "something abnormal happens toward Mosul and the establishment of training camps", according to the leaked testimony.
In March of Baghdad provided a wealth of information on the six training camps for Daash outside the city, but despite the fact that the Iraqi air force missions monitor and confirm the sites camps, they did not respond to a request by Mr. Hamidi bombing.
18 of the same month received new information that Daash was preparing for an attack on the right side of the city of Mosul, and contact telephone charge of military operations commander in the city to warn him.
A few days later I learned that the attack will begin at six o'clock at dawn on June 6, warned against Baghdad again and said Daash was planning to change its efforts to Nineveh , Anbar province. I told them so in the name of the operation launched by the extremists on the next process , a "wedding."
He said they got wheels and weapons and established new positions "All top leaders will participate in the process because they plan it for a long time."
He sent warnings to more than ten times over the weeks and months through documents and phone calls to the military intelligence in Baghdad, and to the office of Mr. al - Maliki, and to the local council in Mosul and the military commanders in Mosul and Baghdad, but even so it has the commander of military operations in Mosul went leave on June 3 - the three days of the attack is expected before .
Mr. Hamidi called him and begged him to come back, later told the inquiry , "When I told him why, he was apparently shocked", though he only personally told him about Daash plans two days ago.
On June 5 , according to information Daash was planning to enter Mosul the next day from two different two destinations morning on the banks of the Tigris River, employing between 700-1000 fighters, including nine foreigners bombers. Attackers will wear - from different nationalities - a military uniform similar to the uniforms of the Iraqi army.
Send intelligence director a final report to his superiors and informed the military commander in Mosul that terrorists now congregate in Sheikh Younis village six miles away from the city. Tell investigative committee said , "given the village coordinates but no one was any action taken, and I told them that the attack would be at five o'clock on June 6 ....
There will be four car bombs on the right side of the river and four on the left side and nine suicide attacks on the right side of the city . he added , " the attack happened in the day in question and the places that I mentioned, if cared for only ten percent of my words , what we need to battle."
so why has ignored the Baghdad government information rather than be used to prevent the attack? in addition to being prime minister, Mr. al - Maliki was in charge about two ministries two tasks are the defense and interior; the second was responsible for domestic intelligence.
cast a parliamentary commission of inquiry most of the blame for the fall of Mosul , Mr. al - Maliki, but it also cast some of the blame on the governor of Mosul wearer Liberation of Iraq , who was sacked from his position since then.
 Mr. Najafi said his office in Irbil , where he fled when the fall of Mosul , " the Committee reported six points against me , only two of which are directly related to the fall of Mosul. They say I have not informed the Prime Minister that the fall of Mosul.
But at the same time Chief of Staff of al - Maliki said in his testimony that I am the only one who contacted him by telephone to tell him that Mosul was on its way to fall and because I needed more weapons. Re - Maliki that this is not the duty of the governor. "
Najafi blames sectarian tensions between Shiites and Sunnis in the absence of communication between his office and the Baghdad government. Even he says that al - Maliki told his group not sharing information with him.
Yet he says he knew from its own sources , including plans his Daash but it also was not able to secure any help. the reason, he says, is that he was reluctant appeared to render aid to the politicians Sunnis who may have been linked to the Baath party, "Maliki was believed to have connections to the Baath party . If what he gave me his support van Baath be a big force in the city. "
I believed Najafi al - Maliki and his followers were afraid of the Baath Party to the point where they prefer Daash" they knew the existence of Sunni political power center in Mosul, no one will help them in their fight - but with Daash, the whole world will help them. Any Sunni power acceptable to the international community was for them more dangerous than Daash. "
Najafi said it is clear that some Allowahmin of former Baathists were active in Daash But Maliki was believed that they do not constitute a major force" for him was the politicians Baathists more dangerous. "
Based on his contacts with the Iraqi military command in Mosul and the plans that he heard about the bombing of the city when it falls , however Daash, Najafi said Maliki believed he meant monument trap, "Al - Maliki wants the fall of the right side of Mosul ,
however Daash Ki pinned down and Iqcefh later to the belief that all who remained says the ones with Daash. Did not think lives are being lost, he wanted the fall of Mosul , because that will give him an opportunity to reorganize the policy, and that people would need more after that. "
Bashar Kiki, president of the Kurdish National Council Mosul and member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, believes it is possible that al - Maliki had imagined that the fall of Mosul will political interest in order to present himself as the savior of her,
but Mr. Kiki prefers to blame ignorance, "politicians commanders and leaders in Baghdad did not realize that the threat was real, where he did not take the vast amount of information seriously because they were not professional enough , " he says.
before the fall of Mosul month, Mr. Kiki also provided information on Daash activities to military commanders, but he said , " have not shown interest so much because they were preoccupied with other things , " a reference to the notorious army extort money from civilians and receiving bribes and receiving astronauts soldiers ' salaries.
Finally , in the reaction of all messages that were sent to him, al - Maliki sent two senior officers - Abboud Qanbar Ali Ghaidan - from Baghdad to Mosul , where he managed Mr. Kiki of their meeting, Kiki says , " They assured me that everything is under control, but in fact the opposite was true . " .
Mr. Kiki it was known that the extremist groups - some linked to al - Qaeda and then Bdaash - were active in Mosul years ago and it took control of the surrounding villages indicates.
A lot of Mosul year residents were upset by the changes that have occurred in Iraq after the fall of Saddam has led to the provision of some of them support for extremists.
Chief of Staff Fuad Hussein , President Massoud Barzani said the Kurdish authorities also provided information to the government in Baghdad and the warnings and offered to help and passed information to US officials , too. He says , "Call President Barzani by nearly eight months of fall and talked with all of Ammar al - Hakim and US Ambassador in Iraq.
A month before the fall Contact telephoned Maliki to tell him that the situation in Mosul was dangerous. Maliki did not take it seriously and told our president , you can take care of Kurdistan and I will take care of the rest. "
just days before the attack, the President Barzani to send troops from the Kurdish Peshmerga to assist in the defense of the city after appeal their portfolios Najafi, according to Mr. Fuad Hussein. And again rejected al - Maliki.
On the night of the fall of Mosul when Mr. Fouad Call an co - Maliki trusted to repeat the offer , but he had received no response, Mr. Fouad "Maliki believes that he has all the power and that his officers and soldiers who were strong enough to defend the city. He did not want to help us out of fear that he says We consider Mosul Kurdish region. "
each interviewed by The Independent considered mistrust Maliki and other aggregates is a big issue. He did not trust the director of intelligence Mosul , although he was working for the intelligence of Baghdad. Mr. Fouad "The prime minister runs ( an offer for one man) he was making all the decisions, and he trusted the reports of others more than confidence in our reports."
 He says may be one of the reasons is that they believe that the little Daash actually want to seize Mosul. According to Mr. Fouad, the impression was that the group was only wants to release its members from Badush prison.
Gave al - Maliki blamed the fall of Mosul , a conspiracy is possible Kurds working with Daash for control of the city, where he wrote on his page on Facebook says , "What happened in Mosul was conspiracy was planned in Ankara and then moved to Erbil.
Apart from that, the deputy in the Iraqi parliament Khosro Goran says , "al - Maliki became very arrogant and thinks that the military were right leaders and inform them , everything. He wanted to become a hero is, this is the only plot. "
This is also what revealed by the Commission on Security and Defense parliamentary, where he says chairman of quitting" We have achieved with almost a hundred people and did not discover any conspiracy.
The only obvious conclusion is that there was a lack of professionalism and lack of the right people in the right places. The choice of leaders , non - professionals the main reason for the failure of the Forces duty, randomly selected was based on their loyalty. "
The report , which was adopted by parliament in August of last year, cast the blame on Mr. al - Maliki , in addition to the 30 officials, including the former governor of Mosul and Saadoun al - Dulaimi , deputy minister the defense in a timely manner.
report found that Mr. al - Maliki were not to have an accurate picture of the threat of Mosul because he chose leaders involved in corruption and the failure to hold them accountable.
the conclusion of the Commission President is to Mosul fell because of the military operation did not have a clear leader. army did not fit in sound of the battle, and when the leaders fled followed the soldiers the same. 
However , the Commission did not focus on the missed opportunities for a series of intelligence warnings that were ignored. Maliki 's office refused to answer the request of the Independent - through phone calls and mailings repeated - to comment on any of the allegations that have been made ​​against him.
as Maliki criticized the earlier revelations achieve the Iraqi parliament, where he said "no value for the result reached by the parliamentary Committee on the fall of Mosul, where it was dominated by political differences and a lack of objectivity."
as Mr. Zamili blamed the Americans for the lack of their response with the information they received, he said "under the agreement strategic with Iraq had to prevent Iraqi forces from the loss in this way, and they had to provide Iraqi forces with all the information that they have and protect them."
Was Mr. Maliki would agree to the Americans bombed the camps Daash questionable? Zamili "He had to approve says. But at least they had to provide information."
Mr. Fuad Hussein is confident that the Americans passed the information that they have, but he says they have not been able to act without a request from the Iraqi government, and again - says Fouad - Mr. Maliki It is to blame , "al - Maliki said he was telling them come and helped us, but he did not do."  LINK

tlm724:     Prominent figures to tell the government of Nouri al - Maliki has ignored urgent appeals were requesting assistance to prepare for the attack , sudden, and reveal frustration in the detailed warnings were ignored.
In such a month two years ago warned Ahmed Hamidi, director of intelligence in the northern city of Mosul, Baghdad government that Daash group was planning a big order.
But since then , the warning in February 2014 until his call for the Air Force to bomb Daash fighters who were Athacdon the eve of the attack, been repeatedly ignored his warnings in addition to the warnings of prominent political figures.

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2   Thank You

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More News, Rumors, and Opinions Late Monday Afternoon 2-29-16


Catalina:  Bonds moving today, tonight means RV is done...I think we are having a syncing problem. Greece now on board. Historical Bonds moving in Philippines. Chinese Bonds moving in Switzerland...was told yesterday from my own sources involved in the process.

Catalina: Bonds moving means RV is done...I think we are having a syncing problem. That's all. Hopeful this week. Very fluid. Very Close!

Jazzfan:  Catallina is correct. Historical bonds moving means RV is done.

Wiz:  Catallina- the best thing I heard last wed on the Landa call: "we're just wating for this thing to finish. most people are looking for something to start, and I think they're lookng at it the wrong way"

Thunderhawk:  Great Find nanny1 blessings to you






nanny1 Alert   Pacific Commander: China Heading Toward Operational, Tactical Control of Major U.S. Trade Route

If China continues to arm all of the bases they've reclaimed in the South China Sea...they will change the operational landscape in the region," Admiral Harry Harris, head of U.S. Pacific Command, told a news conference on Thursday.

"And short of war with the United States, they can become -- they can rise to the level of having operational control, tactical control of the waterways and airways in the South China Sea, which today, involves about $5.3 trillion of trade, over a billion of which -- over a trillion of which is destined for the United States.

"There are enormous I.T. infrastructure in the...undersea cables in the South China Sea. It's a principle shipping lane, as we've discussed.

"And I think that, again, short of war with the United States, China will exercise de facto control of the South China Sea, if they are -- if they continue to outfit the bases that they've reclaimed there."

Harris said China, in the past few years, has reclaimed almost 3,000 acres of land from the South China Sea, turning many of the islands into military bases.

"I am of the opinion that they are militarizing the South China Sea," Harris said. "And when they add their advanced fighters to Woody Island, and when -- up in the Paracels -- and when they put their advanced missile systems on the Paracels, and when they build three 10,000-foot runways in the Spratlys on the basis that they've reclaimed -- when they do all of that, they're changing the operational landscape in the South China Sea.

"So, that is what has changed. The United States and our patrols -- military patrols, air and maritime in the South China Sea haven't really changed. We have a consistent presence in the Western Pacific, and we have had that for decades. So, I would say it's China that has changed its behavior."

Harris said the U.S. will continue to "exercise our rights of freedom of navigation in international waters and airspace, and encourage others -- encourage that like-minded network of nations to do the same.

"And I think we must use diplomacy to influence China. And finally, we have to ensure that we continue to modernize that (U.S. military) force, in order to go back to the first element of maintaining a credible combat power."

"But you're not stopping China from militarizing these islands," a reporter told Harris.

"Well, you'd have to ask China why they're not stopping," Harris responded. "I mean, the military component is just one tool in the -- in the tool chest that our national leadership has, so, you know, I think we're doing what we have to do in the military sense.

"There are -- there are many other components of national power that can be and probably will be brought to bear in this."

Harris noted that the U.S. maintains a continuous presence of naval ships in the South China Sea and flies regular surveillance patrols in the region as well. "So, we're there all the time, I would say."

"We must exercise our freedom of navigation, or we risk losing it." ... l-comments

Mountainman:  AWESOME Article Nanny 1.................As The (WATERS OF TRADE) "TURN".........So too WILL COUNTRIES like CHINA Set "UP" a CITADEL/FORTRESS of BARRIERS as they "SEEK" to (CONTROL) what THEY/CHINA deems as "THEIR" PROPERTY!!!!!!!!........IMO

GreatlyBlessed:  CBI official: Int'l credit cards to come to Iran

Central Bank of Iran (CBI) is in talks with foreign financial companies for the introduction of international credit cards in Iran, said the director of the CBI's Payment System Department on Monday
"JCB International Credit Card Company of Japan, following negotiations with Central Bank of Iran, is planning to introduce credit cards to the Islamic Republic market from the next Iranian year (to begin March 20)," Davood Mohammad-Beigi told IRNA.
Following the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the CBI held talks with international credit card companies, including JCB and the Chinese card organization China Union Pay (CUP), to address the need of the customers, Mohammad-Beigi said.
He said that central bank officials expect JCB credit cards to be introduced in Iran by late September.
"The JCB credit cards are used in 130 countries and almost 30 million shopping centers," he pointed out. This, he added, constitutes half of the coverage provided by the Visa credit cards around the globe.
The JCB cards can be used by customers in Europe and Southeast Asia, but, their penetration coefficient remains low in North America

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News, Rumors, and Opinions Monday Afternoon 2-29-16


RE Sunday Night: : "Frank26:  There is a WORD that Iraq does not use too often ............. i wish to TEACH You this WORD and it's definition in Iraq.  Why?   Because IMO .............. They are about to use it .......... Again."

Frank26:  BTW FAMILY ..... LOVE Your postings with guesses ....
Allow me to help in Your Fun .......... The Word starts with an .......... "E".

Bravesfan:  Execute Even Eventually Exactly End

Cinderella1906: ENFORCE..... ENACT...............

Venustw:  The word start with an 'E' that means ''END'' That is the best word at this time.
Ransom:  EXIT    END...

Pragmatist:  Hmmm, since security and laws seem to be in place or are supposedly being instituted, I think it now becomes the time for all good Iraqis to speak of...ECONOMY!

Indyguy:  Frank  Are we having a CC tonight about an"E"mergency in Iraq?   INDYGUY
Frank26:  To be perfectly honest with You i was just about to GIVE You all the WORD so You could be prepared for my part of tonight's CC Family ............... BUT WOW ............ INDYGUY just guessed it.

i have used this Word with You FAMILY .......... Twice.

Iraq has used it ....................................... Twice.

The KEY is now to know this WORD and it's definition as Iraq does ........... Not as You do.

This will be a Powerful point tonight ............ As was the pattern we SHARED with You last week on Th CC. 

Our Energy Level tonight will match the heights of Mt Everest tonight !!   KTFA:   Frank


CsHessman: Arab States Face $94 Billion Debt Crunch on Oil Slump, HSBC Says

Monday, 29 Feb 2016 07:59 AM

Gulf Cooperation Council countries may struggle to refinance $94 billion of debt in the next two years as the region faces slowing growth, rising rates and rating downgrades, according to HSBC Holdings Plc.

Oil-rich GCC states have to refinance $52 billion of bonds and $42 billion of syndicated loans, mostly in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, HSBC said in an e-mailed report. The countries also face a fiscal and current account deficit of $395 billion over the period, it said.

Expectations that these funding gaps "will be part financed through the sale of sovereign U.S. dollar debt will complicate efforts to refinance existing paper that matures over 2016 and 2017," Simon Williams, HSBC’s chief economist for the Middle East, said in the report. "With the Gulf acting as a single credit market, the refinancing challenge will likely be much more broadly felt" and "compounded by tightening regional liquidity, rising rates and recent downgrades," he said.

GCC states, which collectively produce about a quarter of the world’s oil, are taking unprecedented measures to shore up their public finances as crude prices struggle to rebound from the lowest levels in 12 years. The countries, which include Saudi Arabia and Oman, have also been hit by a series of rating cuts, while billions of dollars have been drained from the region’s banking system.

Sovereign Debt

Gulf countries have about $610 billion outstanding in FX-denominated bonds and syndicated loans, HSBC said. This includes financial and corporate debt, as well as sovereign debt, mainly in the U.A.E., Bahrain and Qatar, it said.

HSBC is confident that the funding gaps will be covered and expects a "raft" of foreign sovereign bond issuance to fund budget deficits. Any new issuance will have to compete with upcoming refinancing needs, the bank said...........( )........*NOTE BELOW COMMENT*.....!!!

Almost half of the maturities due in the next two years are in the banking sector, HSBC said, "suggesting any increase in costs at refinancing could quickly feed through into a broader monetary tightening." ... r=xqi4lv6k

Mountainman:  AWESOME CS..........( So "WHAT"....they Are Saying is......"THE DEBT"......Will (ALL) WORK OUT as the "NEW GOLD BOND/S"......"Not" JAMES......LOL..... (VALUES).....take "CENTER STAGE"..........IMO....ALSO....The CENTRAL BANKS "Will" be Able to PRINT FIAT $$$ Because of These NEW BOND VALUES(COUNTRIES)CURRENCY......Are Like "HAVING GOLD"....thus WHY and HOW they can PRINT More $$$).......IMO

Walkingstick:  28 February 2016

Muhammadawi we hope to strengthen the Iraqi economy to maintain the monetary policy Since the publication of Day 1

PTP / Baghdad   Sabri Nazareth

He said the parliamentary energy committee member Jamal Muhammadawi We hope to strengthen the Iraqi economy to maintain the monetary policy with the launch of the Strategic Plan of the Bank for the years 2016-2020 . "

He called Jamal al - Mohammadawi during his participation in a seminar held by the progress of the development policies of the Institute "to discuss" strategic Central Bank of Iraq , "said the central bank strategies into practice are not limited to the theoretical level because the country is the problem of the lack of enforcement mechanisms and the application"

Among Muhammadawi "It 's still the general policy of the Central Bank and its role in the Iraqi economy is not the level of ambition, and the failure of the central bank in promoting a culture of savings related to the Optional citizens because the common culture is a culture of compactness and not rely on the banking sector of the physical trading"


Dinar Updates: 






BeagleEyes:  Tank; I always heard that the RV had tog o first and then the bonds would go. I'm really thinking the RV HAS occurred and it is just we are waiting our turn, just saying




Catalina:  Yes!  I have contacts that have been working to getting bonds redeemed for Asian countries for the past 5 years..... Chinese bonds, Farmers bonds, and Historical bonds.


Catalina:  I believe humanitarian projects will begin being funded starting tomorrow. I know, because I have one myself.

Wizofog:  do we parallel the humanitarian funding or are we after

Mieze:  I am working since years with historical Chinese bonds, these bonds and the RV are interconnected, locations for closure are: NYC, Zürich, HK, Philippines…. the bond payments depend on the RV

Catalina:  mieze: Glad to know you are also working on getting this thing DONE!

Cookie04:  So Mieze - RV first and then bonds?

Mieze:  RV and then bonds……I think that the whales are paid first because they have Billions and Trillions of IQD….. and I am sure also the groups will be paid first and then the public

Starlight:  So that would mean we should be going soon!!!

Mieze:  accordingly my information is the funds for the bonds will be free tomorrow


Beagleeyes: Tank: Think about it. If "they " are buying bonds for Billion, Millions...doesn't there have to be stabilized currencies in the countries involved?

Wiz:   please clarify something for me. When you say 'bonds are being paid out/redeemed'.. are you talking about public bond holders- like regular people that have bonds.. OR are you referring to soverign nations funding their treasuires with Bonds via payment in assets from the Global Collateral/Matrix funds?

Mieze:  to be honest I don`t know if there is any connection between the gold and the historical bonds …but many of the bonds are gold backed… others are backed by land


Lightswitchone: BRICS bank's HQ in Shanghai All ready to Go- 2-29-2016!

Have to believe they (CHINA) had to get the banking situation all set up before release of the RV. Especially with news that the reserves for the BRIC banks are now in the trillions and not billions as initially set up by the BRICS nations to start the bank.

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Dinar Updates Sunday PM Chat  2-28-16    Part 3 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-28-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Sunday PM Chat  2-28-16    Part 3 of 3
Loopback says(    So Sistani's is telling them that they made their bed and now it's time to lie in it. And this is just the start. IMO the religious authority is not going to let up until the GoI does some major spring cleaning.
Loopback says to magnetlady(     (y)
Baxter1243 says(    Dare I ask... How long is this gonna take?
Baxter1243 says(    I know.... " S O O N".... :D
Loopback says to Baxter1243(    None of this does anything to address their liquidy woes. IMO this shake up is not goes to stop the economic reforms, they are to badly needed. The shake up is icing on the cake and needed for the long term survival of Iraq.
wmawhite says(    Folks,.....most of what we are seeing now, such as what Loop posted, are the Iraqis building the foundations of institutions (banking, educations, public works/government) that will enable Iraq to be successful in the years to come. It has very little to do with the process of the CBI moving the IQD into the world markets.
Royal says(    Any news time tonight
wmawhite says to Royal(    We have news all day long. You can find it at anytime in the forum.
Baxter1243 says(    Thx WMA.... MD had some articles this month about article 8 happening by March 1... any updates on that?
Royal says(    sorry , will Millionday be in
Baxter1243 says(    not tonite
SoonRV says(    ooooooh no more dates please
Baxter1243 says(    tomorrow night   Baxter1243 says(    MD
wmawhite says to Baxter1243(    I disagree with any specific date. The CBI nor the IMF has given us a specific date. However, they did give us a timeframe...........remember, first half of?????????2016.
Baxter1243 says(    Yeh... I remember that... but she did have some articles about it
Pablo says(    Yes, quite a few as I recall.
Baxter1243 says(    yep
wmawhite says to Baxter1243(    But the articles do not stated that the CBI is moving into Article 8. However, many of our posters have given us articles that support the believe that the CBI,GOI, IMF are pushing very hard toward an event somewhere out in front of us.
wmawhite says to Baxter1243(    did not state
wmawhite says to Baxter1243    sorry......belief
Baxter1243 says(    Thats OK.... thx
SoonRV says(     dates thrown out there have been like picking lotto numbers
Baxter1243 says(  SoonRV... I agree.... not much faith in dates period...
jeffusa says(  ( Anbar – The spokesman of the Emergency Regiment of Anbar police First Lieutenant Saud Harb Obeidi revealed, that the security forces are preparing to storm Heet and Kabisa Districts, while called the people of Heet and Kabisa Districts to leave their areas during the coming 48 hours.
Obeidi said in a press statement followed by, “The security forces advanced to the entrances of Heet and Kabisa areas and informed the residents through loudspeakers and leaflets to leave their towns and stay away from ISIS gatherings.”
Obeidi added, “The security forces completed all the needed preparations to storm Heet and Kabisa, after mobilizing military and police forces in all axes backed by the tribal fighters and emergency police regiments, as well as international coalition aviation.”
wmawhite says to Baxter1243(    I do believe that these next few weeks continue to be super significant.................I believe the IMF back in November 2015 said what they said because they expect certain action on the part of Iraq........and here it is again: he stressed that Iraq will return to economic market during the first half of next year.
Baxter1243 says(    WMA.... by June 30 it is.... no longer (y)
wmawhite says to Baxter1243(    The spokeperson did not say...."hoped, wished or maybe or looking forward to it"......instead, he said "will".
wmawhite says to Baxter1243(     (y)
Baxter1243 says(    If not by end of June... the spokesperson had better run like h....
Baxter1243 says(    I have about heard it all in 11 years... believe me...
Loopback says to jeffusa(     (y)Thanks for the news.
wmawhite says to Baxter1243(    All of this ought to give comfort in knowing it will.........not if........but, will. Stop looking at dates and enjoy the activity that we see without the non-sense of the gurus.
cjquade54 says(    can someone smarter than me please have a look at this one talks about moving to market economy next year - I'm not able to translate
thomas1 says to Baxter1243(    ME TOO .. 2012 DEC 2015 AND NOW FIRST PART OF 2016 . WE CAN HOPE AND WAIT .
wmawhite says to thomas1(    The IMF never said anything about 2012..............only the gurus were.
jeffusa says(     ( Anbar- The commander of Anbar tribal fighters announced on Saturday, that the security forces were able to repel ISIS attack using six booby-trapped cars on the security headquarters west of Ramadi (110 km west of Baghdad), while indicated to the death of nine members belonging to ISIS.
Falah Qaraghuli said in a press statement followed by, “The security forces were able to foil ISIS attack on the security headquarters in the areas of Kilo 18 and Hamdaniya west of Ramadi, using six booby-trapped cars,” pointing out that, “The security forces managed to detonate the car bombs, killing the suicide bombers on the spot.”
Qaraghuli added, “The security forces also managed to kill nine ISIS elements who tried to sneak to target the military troops in those areas,” indicating that, “ISIS is trying to carry out attacks in open areas in the axes of Ramadi.”
wmawhite says to cjquade54(   If you can not translat it how do you know what it states?
SoonRV says(    poppy posted may times about march 1st
cjquade54 says(    I saw a headline only - in English
Baxter1243 says(    SoonRV... I know....
Baxter1243 says(    I cant translate it either....
SoonRV says(    and you baxter said if no RV by March you pay us all in here a 1000.00
Baxter1243 says(    I said that.... (lol)
Pablo says(    I thought it was 10 000 :D
SoonRV says(    oops yeah 10,0000
templejc says(   MARCH OF 2017 (lol)
SoonRV says(   :@
wmawhite says to cjquade54(    All of those articles are 2014 and older.
jeffusa says(    ( Nineveh – A local source in Nineveh said on Sunday, that the so-called ISIS executed 35 of its elements on charges of treason by firing squad west of NIneveh.

The source reported for, “Today, ISIS executed 35 of its elements by firing squad at Gazlani Camp west of Nineveh,” noting that, “The execution was carried out after the sentencing of the so-called legitimate judge in Nineveh Court,” adding that, “ISIS handed over the dead bodies to the forensic medicine department in Nineveh hospital.”
wmawhite says to cjquade54(    Here is the title of the most recent article: english
Italy congratulates the Iraqi people elect a president and parliament
clay says to jeffusa( heads rolling lol
Loopback says to cjquade54(   Here it is.
Loopback says to cjquade54(   Consultant Abadi: 8 million Iraqis have paid from the State Council stressed opening up the country to the "market economy" next year
News Source: Ali Abd al – Salman   February 28, 2016 8:27
The government confirmed the presence of some eight million Iraqis receive their salaries from the state institutions as employees and retirees and beneficiaries of the social welfare network, pointing out that it cost the budget 41 trillion dinars per month, as I talked about measures taken in order to reduce these numbers by relying on the private sector, it reported that year the next will see the opening of the Council aims to reach a market economy.
He says the appearance of Mohammed Saleh , economic Adviser to the Prime Minister in an interview with "new morning", " the number of workers in state institutions variable due to increased associate to the security ministries, but no more than 4 million employees, in addition to the 3.75 million retired. "
Loopback says to cjquade54(    Saleh said that" such a large number , which is close to 8 million people in addition to the covered social welfare network. "
He added that" both of these sponsors at a rate of 4 members, this means that the state is responsible for granting all Iraqi families salaries . " the
government consultant and regrets that the " salaries and benefits take the budget large proportions of up to 41 trillion dinars annually. "
He pointed out that" support their so many one of the negative results of the rentier states that rely on oil as a key resource to them, and be their economic situation linked to the global market and not an internal decision. "
magnetlady says(    cjquade54 My google chrome translated it for me, but I don't know how to put it in the news. Someone want to help me.
Loopback says to cjquade54(    Saleh pointed out that" families are also no income other than the salary that you get from the state and therefore affected by what is happening in the oil market. "
He noted that" the Iraqi government , which ends its application in 2030 , private - sector strategy included a number of points to get rid of the adoption of citizens file almost entirely on state salaries. "
He added benefit that" reaching an advanced stage requires the development of real companies and the elimination of the informal sector , which accounts for 70 percent of the Iraqi market. "
magnetlady says(   Good I see Loop already did it. Thats great. Way cool. Thanks
Loopback says to cjquade54():   It was to be" market regulation will be activated taxes and apply them right and procedures that consumer protection, as well as the provision of soft loans to support the private sector. "
And goes on it , " according to the plan it will retire unite with social security in a single box gives the salaries of all Iraqis over the age of 63 years , according to his contribution to it. "
Saleh revealed that" next year will see the opening of the market Council , which includes representatives from the public and private sectors. "
concluded favor by saying that" it aims to reach a market economy , according to what exists in the private sector support strategy the government has reached an advanced stage at this level. "
Loopback says to cjquade54(   for its part binds to the Committee of economy parliamentary Najiba by Najib "adoption of the State on the staff by about a big failure in the economic and financial file management."
She Najib, an MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, that " the previous budgets , and because of not having a clear vision to promote the reality of economic was allocated a large proportion of the money to functional grades."
She pointed out that " the decline oil prices forced us during the past two years to lower grades to the lowest levels to include all the security ministries and crews educational, medical and is expected to pull this thing to the next year. "
Loopback says to cjquade54(   reported Najib that" the decline in scores came in conjunction with the increasing number of graduates , and it displays the state to the problems of unemployment security and social. "
She called for the activation of the private sector in order to absorb the unemployed, especially from the certificate owners and face a new crisis began to appear in the horizon."
The world oil prices have experienced an unprecedented collapse what make Iraq take a number of austerity measures to cope with the crisis.   Source
wmawhite says to cjquade54(    When I opened your link and translated it I found old articles.
cjquade54 says to wmawhite(   ok so it's probably an oldie then ... thanks
wmawhite says to cjquade54(   also, the subject of the article that was just posted is about their welfare system and the belief that it will not is improvement until later well after the monetary reforms.
wmawhite says to cjquade54(   see improvement
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Dinar Updates Sunday PM Chat  2-28-16    Part 2 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-28-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Sunday PM Chat  2-28-16    Part 2 of 3

thomas1 says(   poppy you do the best you can ! we have 60 % chance they are lairs and 40 ℅ they do as they say
thomas1 says(    it is was what it is ! just china and Japan .they say one thing and do the other?
thomas1 says(   in 1970 my family put up 5 million on business machine venture with Japan ,cause my dad to have a heart attack and passed away at
thomas1 says(    46 !!!! same as those Muslim s word mean nothing
jarhead says(   we shall see
thomas1 says(   amen to that
thomas1 says(   lol
thomas1 says(   this week will be the brake point for many I am afraid. me I own my dinar it paid for it it happens great is not   thomas1 says(   will wait ,but will keep living
jarhead says(   well if theybreak now its their own fault
jarhead says(   patience in its truest form imo
thomas1 says(   jarhead yes ,but many this is the last hope and those will burn that money and be broke again
jarhead says(    im sure they will we just gotta pray theyll make the right decisions
jarhead says(    i'll have plenty from this and plan to live as humble as i can
thomas1 says(   you all take care
maine says(    Statement by Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew on the Signing of the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015
2/24/2016   WASHINGTON – “Today’s bill signing marks a major step in this Administration’s goal of moving countries towards more market-determined exchange rates and preventing currency devaluation to gain a competitive advantage.
jarhead says(   really ??
jarhead says(   how many days   jarhead says(   huh huh    jarhead says(   :D
quicktolegit96 says(    AT LEAST 2 WEEKS
jarhead says(   darn
quicktolegit96 says(   WHICH MEANS SOMETHING IS "HIDING"
jarhead says(    like....elusive ?
clay01 says(   1106 or 1186
quicktolegit96 says(    1106
clay01 says(   exchange rate?
maine says(     (*) Parliament passes the optimistic "general amnesty" and the Federal Court over the new chapter   01/15/2016   

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quicktolegit96 says(     THERE ARE TOO MANY UNKNOWNS PERIOD.
jarhead says(    (lol)
magnetlady says(    evening rcookie, quick, jar, maine clay01
jarhead says(    wow
quicktolegit96 says(    RCOOKIE EVEN BETTER TY
rcookie says(    India asserts that the trade exchange with Iraq during 2015 amounted to $ 15 billion
rcookie says(    Jubouri looking with the completion of the parliamentary legal amnesty law
02/28/16  Parliament Speaker Salim al - Jubouri met Sunday lawmaker Mahmoud Hassan , head of the parliamentary legal committee and discussed with him the completion of the general amnesty law.
dalawr30 says(    Is Millionday going to be in tonight with news?
rcookie says(    A statement by the Office of the al - Jubouri said in a statement, " The meeting discussed some important laws, and ways to speed up the approval, most notably the General Amnesty Law, because he confirmed the Speaker of Parliament on the importance of the convergence of views between the political blocs, and an end to all the points of contention about the law; for presentation to the Council for a vote ".
Loopback says to magnetlady(    But rcookie is a little slow!
rcookie says(6    He said al - Jubouri , the price of the parliamentary legal committee 's efforts, and its role in the follow - up laws, and fleshed out as you serve the public good.
wilson6060 says to rcookie(    I Like
dalawr30 says(    As long as we don't have to wait till the 30th as that would be a long long wait
Loopback says to rcookie(    I hope that all the pressur from Sadr gooses Parliament into passing Amnesty.
Loopback says(    Tax supporting the productive sectors
2/29/2016 0:00   BAGHDAD - Imad Emirate
Economic Academy of the Faculty of Administration and Economy said Mustansiriya University: Many countries resort to protect domestic industries that no longer be able to compete with imported industries, which leads to raise the prices as there are conditions that rival the best of manufactured goods locally.
He said the academic d. Ammar Majid Kazem in an interview with «morning» used a number of tax countries as a means to encourage economic sectors such as tourism, industry or agriculture, so she exempting those activities from taxation.
Loopback says(    Revitalization of the economy
Kadhim said that the tax is one of the important tools resorted to by the state to stimulate the economy in each of the cases of inflation and deflation and recession.
 In periods (recession and deflation), which are a feature of the modern economic system attributes, with less purchasing and consumption and piling products, the government is increasing the purchasing power of the people with low incomes, by reducing the income tax rate in the first of their parts,
and raising the amount of the tax exemption, increase family exemptions and reduced rates of indirect taxes, particularly relating to the basic needs of citizens such as bread, tea, milk and dairy products.
Loopback says(    He continued in a period of prosperity and inflation could use tax economic means, by reducing government spending and raising taxes on incomes and goods to ease the purchasing power of individuals and to curb private spending, and lower taxes on capital and savings to give impetus to projects production would contribute to lower prices, these measures should be be part of an integrated economic policy, but not isolated tax measures.
Loopback says(    Encourage investment   He stressed the possibility of imposing a tax in order to encourage investment in certain sectors or reduce it in other sectors, if the state deems that there is a need to encourage a particular sector, they resort to fully relieved of the tax rate or reduce the tax ratio on him.
Loopback says(    The importance of taxes
And: this in turn works to stimulate investment in this sector, because the cancellation of the tax or reduction of working to increase the interest earned by the investor, and the contrast could resort state to impose a high tax rate on sectors that feel increase investment for the needs of society, leading to a decline in investment these sectors and direct them to other sectors less investment, for example, raise taxes on luxury industries and reduction in return on industries     
Loopback says(    Special taxes    He pointed out that taxes are used to prevent the concentration of economic projects that has become characteristic of this era, particularly the capitalist system, and the emergence of multinationals, but a manifestation of economic concentration,
explaining can use the tax as a way to fight this concentration, and this is done by imposing a special tax exposure at each stage of production in the flying companies around the bloc, which increases the cost of producing this item, and limits the phenomenon of concentration.
He concluded d. Ammar used Alastosmaralamala tax to encourage saving, and this is done when the state exempt development revenue bonds issued by the state taxes to encourage such bonds, or tax on deposits reduction in provident funds or any other financial investment supports the national economy.  Source
Loopback says(    Sistani refuses to block submission of corrupt officials to eliminate
Writings   Sunday , February 28, 2016
As the Iraqi Integrity Commission continues to take action to refer the senior officials to justice on charges of corruption has received support from top Shi'ite cleric Sistani today stressing stand with them in their efforts to expose corruption and called investigators to pursue legal avenues to expose the corrupt and squatters on public money and bring them to justice to receive their just punishment.
Loopback says(    Received Iraqi public integrity Commission in support of top Shi'ite cleric in the country , Grand Ayatollah Ali al - Sistani to its procedures in the fight against corruption and the assignment of officials ,
including senior to of judges on corruption charges , where Mr. Ahmed net certified reference Supreme Friday sermon preacher , Karbala President Hassan al - Yassiri told to support these actions and describe them courage. He said parking highest religious authority with the employees of the Authority and investigators on their side in their endeavors Avenue to detect citizen corruption.
Loopback says(    Net and described the recent investigators of measures to announce the first and second phase of the officials money inflation and the formation of field teams and mobile phones to follow the remaining courage file.
He assured all employees of the board of fairness that all true patriots are standing by their side, "and asked them to continue to follow the legal avenues to expose the corrupt and squatters on public money and bring them to justice to receive their just punishment, stressing the parking supreme religious authority on their side , " he said a press release of the Commission reviewed the text "Culture" Sunday.
Loopback says(    The integrity Commission has referred the last week of six senior officials to justice on charges of inflated money and graft .. she According to the authority vested in the law referred the second group of defendants claiming inflated money and graft to eliminate
indicating that the procedures investigative led to the existence of signs of inflation money each of the Vice - President of the former ministers Bahaa al - Araji, Saleh al - Mutlaq and director Nuri al - Maliki , Prime Minister 's Office commander in chief of the armed forces formerly Farouk al - Araji , the Mayor of Baghdad , Naim Abaob and the Ministers of Justice Haider Zamili and water resources Mohsen al - Shammari and former Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways.
Loopback says(    These measures have been met with threats of the accused to sue the Commission for defamation and launched a scathing attack against the procedures and questioned the legality of which crossed his body astonishment of "delinquency some to accusations it at the time of exercise a part of their competence commissioned by law her while she was these sounds themselves and others disgracing them in previous years slow procedures and put them in the position of the charge. "
Loopback says(    The Commission confirmed that it continuously work an escalating pace, particularly through inflated money and graft file despite the difficulties they face and the lack of helpers have an advocate national and national media to stand by her side and distance for distorting the facts she says. ,
and earlier this month said Walid al- Hilli MP for the Islamic Dawa Party , adviser to Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi said Commission on public integrity has coped during the last period with 15 thousand the issue of anti - corruption and referred more than 18 ministers and 100 General manager ,
and is responsible to the Iraqi judiciary. He noted that "there is a development in the elimination of financial and administrative corruption , but it needs the cooperation of ministries and regulatory bodies" .. calling for political blocs to provide ministers of qualified professionals in the expected amendment of Ministers.
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Loopback says(    The Criminal integrity Court announced on the fifth of January (January) the past 642 for resolving the issue over the past year in 2015 while confirming that the issues included ministers and directors of two years .. while the parliamentary integrity Commission announced on the first of September (last September) on the transfer of more than 540 file corruption to the integrity Commission.  Source
Loopback says(
magnetlady says(    Awesome Loop. Thank you

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