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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wealthwatch Tuesday Night Chat 11-17-15 Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  11-17-15
New With Links & Discussion

Wealthwatch Tuesday Night Chat 11-17-15 Part 2 of 2
chattels: " Land is the only thing that matters. It is the only thing that lasts. " - Gerald O'hara
TxBrand: long time ago   TxBrand: ‹@chattels› like that one
 Donnie: i bought in for an increase in value. 20% would be great. like those that bought when 4000 Dinar = $1 and now have all that profit stored with only 1166 Dinar = $1. hats off to those people!!!!
BOBBY: I remember the first time i heard the IQD TEAM call...... did not know how to react
TxBrand: Rhett Butler: No, I don't think I will kiss you, although you need kissing, badly. That's what's wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.
 faith: Scarlett: I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow
TxBrand: "Scarlett: I only know that I love you. Rhett Butler: That's your misfortune.
BOBBY: Al Bundy..... death can't be this slow ... lol
faith: So what happened to the IQD Team?
Donnie: ‹@BOBBY› lol
Donnie: ‹@faith› they cashed in already lol LOL
TxBrand: "Mammy: It ain't fittin'... it ain't fittin'. It jes' ain't fittin'... It ain't fittin'.
TxBrand: yeah i sure would like to know what they think now
BOBBY: Faith.... they put the calls on hold till things get going. ... the site is still posting news daily
Donnie: i feel good that i bought some from a vet of Iraq 2003 war so he could put his daughter through college.
chattels: ‹@faith› LJ and the group burned out on the calls. Still a news site.
faith: Popeye: That's all I can stands, cuz I can't stands n'more!"
TxBrand: Scarlett: Fiddle dee-dee! Ashley Wilkes says he likes to see a girl with a healthy appetite. Mammy: Well, I ain't see Mista Ashley asked for to marry you.
TxBrand: here is all of that one you posted chattels : Gerald O'Hara: Do you mean to tell me, Katie Scarlett O'Hara, that Tara, that land doesn't mean anything to you? Why, land is the only thing in the world worth workin' for, worth fightin' for, worth dyin' for, because it's the only thing that lasts.
faith: I still read the IQD site, but would also love to hear them "weigh in" on these dinar articles of late.
BOBBY: Faith.... was curios if they were gonna do a end of the year show
 faith: If the dinar thing doesn't work out....I think I'll mosey over to Oak Island and do some treasure hunting! :ninja:
faith: Wish they would Bobby.
TxBrand: ‹@faith› lol
BOBBY: Faith..... see you there lol
TxBrand: ‹@faith› i could not watch it tonight... gets  me to antsy when they dive
faith: Oh my gosh...I am hooked on that show!
TxBrand: im extremely claustrophobia
BOBBY: TxBrand..... a few of my friends are underwater welders..... not one is right in the head lol
Shnozzle: Watching it right now...
faith: Me too Shnozzle!
TxBrand: ‹@BOBBY› omg makes me feel ill
Shnozzle: Other than Viking... This one has me hooked
faith: Scarlett: This war talk is spoiling the fun at every party this spring
BOBBY: TxBrand...... one of them lives on a house boat..... cant be on dry land for long spells lol
TxBrand: Scarlett: Tara! Home. I'll go home. And I'll think of some way to get him back. After all... tomorrow is another day.
TxBrand: ‹@BOBBY› wow
faith: They need the Tidy Bowl Man to jump down that well and swim to the bottom and tell them what's down there. Oak Island mystery solved!
BOBBY: Shnozzle..... Vikings is a good show
Shnozzle: ‹@BOBBY›
TxBrand: here is the one i tried to quote : "Scarlett: As God is my witness, as God is my witness they're not going to lick me. I'm going to live through this and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folk. If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill. As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again.
faith: Yep...when the dinars rv...Scarlett will never be hungry again.
TxBrand: "Scarlett: Sir, you are no gentleman. Rhett Butler: And you, Miss, are no lady.
TxBrand: guess its time to pull that movie out again
TxBrand: "Scarlett: Great balls of fire. Don't bother me anymore, and don't call me sugar.
Shnozzle: But Miss Scahlet... I don't know nothin' bout birthin no babies...
TxBrand: ‹@Shnozzle› i was just thinking about that one lol
faith: The most famous lines of them all! :grin:
TxBrand: nite
Shnozzle: CUL
chattels: As to the assertion that the HCL is contained in the budget, one need arguably read no further than this article posted by OOTW in the forum - Differences between Erbil and Baghdad keep oil and gas law .......... on the shelves of the House of Representatives NOVEMBER 17TH, 2015
chattels: " oil and gas law is one of the important laws that did not acknowledge during the previous legislative sessions, despite its great importance, and the main reason for the survival of this law on the shelves of the House of Representatives to the differences on the proposed clauses between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government. "
chattels: " that many developments have taken place since the drafting of earlier drafts that were not successful, including the deep financial crisis in Iraq following the fall in oil prices and rising oil provinces voice and deepen the differences between the two governments,
chattels: ................ "the preparation of the draft law will not be easy at the present time due to the depth of differences between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government on the one hand and between the center and some parties of the National Alliance on the other. "
chattels: " " ........... as a result of political conflicts between the blocs It will lead to the postponement of the law to a later time and not addressed in the current circumstances that beset the country. "
chattels: " ........... the postponement of the law to a later time ......... "
chattels: Might there be an agreement on oil and gas set forth in the budget to operate for the next year ? Very likely, but that is not THE HCL.
faith: Another postponement.  :sad:
chattels: ‹@faith› Not really. It is just that the pundits constantly assert that the HCL is DONE, and it is not !
faith: I think it will take a long time for that agreement.
chattels: ‹@faith› and likely some involvement of the Judiciary in interpreting the constitution and / or the Parliament in amending the constitution, IMO.
chattels: If one reads the oil and gas provisions of the constitution then it is apparent that the control of oil can depend upon the location of the well(s) and when the well(s) were drilled / developed
chattels: the overarching principle that oil belongs to all of the Iraqi people leads to arguments over who contracts and sells or manages the production and collection of monies
 chattels: the Kurdish experience is that if the money goes through Baghdad then the " share " of Kurdistan never gets paid to them
 chattels: add to that the arguments over what government expenses are deductible from the Kurdish share and / or the definition of a net / gross
chattels: it is all a part of the dysfunction that is the hallmark of government and in Iraq and the inadequacies of a quickly drawn and unclear constitution
chattels: Sorry to " talk" on and on. My sense is that most people just want to know when we will be rich, but absolutely no one knows whether and when we may be and what conditions there are precedent or attendant to that liquidity event, IMO
faith: I think it is a wonderful learning opportunity. The difference in government, philosophies, etc has been a welcomed education for me. There have been many a days when I have listened to the main stream media about Iraq and smile because I understand the difference between the factions and have at least some knowledge of how their government works (or doesn't at times.).
Regardless of what happens to the dinars the entire process has been an awesome learning opportunity. One for which I am most grateful.  faith: Thanks Chattels for the education! :cheerful:
chattels: great attitude :)
BOBBY: have to admit..... alot of people have learned from this
chattels: it has given me a more fundamental insight and understanding of the wonder of our own experiment in democratic ideals
chattels: we should never take for granted the value and difficulty of a government " of the people, by the people and for the people "
BOBBY: always believed this would make or break people...... pre and post
faith: So true. I must admit it saddens me when I come into the chat room and I read such disparaging remarks about the president. Regardless of political affiliation I have always been grateful of our democratic government where the people's voice is heard through the vote.
 I don't care if the president is a democrat or a republican or an independent for that matter. They are there because they were duly elected by the majority of U.S. citizens.
That is something that we should never take for granted. There is one president and one UNITED States of America. I jump in look for Iraq related information, stay for that, but leave when I read President bashing. Anyway...I guess everyday I learn a lesson... some good...some not so good.
BOBBY: faith..... i just cant reason folks following guru's. ... even when there track record speaks volumes 
chattels: ‹@faith› as you probably know the people do not elect our president directly by a popular vote. the electoral college elects our president. at least one candidate won the popular vote and was not elected.
chattels: actually there have been four.
chattels: In 2000, George W. Bush was declared the winner of the general election and became the 43rd president, but he didn’t win the popular vote either. Al Gore holds that distinction, garnering about 540,000 more votes than Bush. However, Bush won the electoral vote, 271 to 266.
chattels: In 1824, John Quincy Adams was elected president despite not winning either the popular vote or the electoral vote. Andrew Jackson was the winner in both categories. Jackson received 38,000 more popular votes than Adams, and beat him in the electoral vote 99 to 84.
 Despite his victories, Jackson didn’t reach the majority 131 votes needed in the Electoral College to be declared president. In fact, neither candidate did. The decision went to the House of Representatives, which voted Adams into the White House.
chattels: In 1876, Rutherford B. Hayes won the election (by a margin of one electoral vote), but he lost the popular vote by more than 250,000 ballots to Samuel J. Tilden.
chattels: In 1888, Benjamin Harrison received 233 electoral votes to Grover Cleveland’s 168, winning the presidency. But Harrison lost the popular vote by more than 90,000 votes.
chattels: Which makes us more of a republic than a democracy.
chattels: Arguably.
faith: Absolutely. I remember the night I went to bed and Gore was the winner...woke up and Bush was the president. Your point is well taken...,however, regardless still makes me sad to read such hateful comments about the President of the greatest country in the my humble opinion....again regardless of the party.
BOBBY: I remember Gore on a talk show saying he was president....... for about an hour lol
faith: There was a show called "Queen for the day". I guess his show would be "President for an hour"!
faith: Well as we say here in Southwest's time for me to go do-do ! (pronounced dough-dough). Good night.

BOBBY: Faith .... good night

faith: Night Bobby! Pleasant dreams!

BOBBY: Another incident in   

Woman blows herself up, man killed, in massive Paris assault
Paris (AFP) - A woman blew herself up and a suspected jihadist was killed during a huge police assault in Paris Wednesday targeting the suspected mastermind of last week's attacks in the capital.

A monitoring group said the French and Russian air strikes had killed at least 33 IS jihadists in the last 72 hours.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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