Don't WAIT!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

More News, Rumors, and Opinions Late Sunday Morning 11-29-15


RockyMntLady:  Morning all! OM update from yesterday. Ray received calls from 2 Canadian members who were able to exchange dong, Zim and rupiah. No dinar

More: Rates were good so they exchanged. Zim was double digit. The funds were credited to their accounts...but they have no access for the first 48 hours. Leaving room for lots of rumors and theories...

More: Could it be they have a 48 hour hold to make them wait for the rest of us? Is China pushing activating exchanges.. Canadian decided to jump in? Who knows? Anyhow, congrats to the 2 who had a superfantastic weekend!

JerseyBoysFaninMN: RayRen also said that the person in Canada told him that there is always a 48-hour delay for any transaction over $100,000. That was not something done special because of the exchange.

PKG:  To anyone: i thought the dinar was the basis for the other currencies value increase. How can one exchange dong and zim at high rates in Canada if the dinar hasn't revalued first?

JerseyBoysFaninMN:   Pkg... Are you referring to the person(s) who exchanged in Canada?......RayRen said that the person didn't have any dinar... Not that it wasn't able to be exchanged yet.
Rrrr:  The elite is preparing for something BIG...LINK

[xyz] Keywords: sell the currency will not close the window in the central and will not print the currency as the former regime did  LINK

[xyz] Central Bank puts the mechanics of action to ensure the stability of the exchange rate and prevent speculation LINK

Tishwash:  International experiences have proved successful in changing their national currencies

11/29/2015 0:00  BAGHDAD - Imad emirate  
There are many goals that can be achieved as a result of changing the currency of any deletion of zeros, including the promotion of confidence currency at home and abroad and re-standing regional and international her, and facilitate currency conversion to other currencies process, 

 the heart of the direction of the currency of foreign currencies to local currencies, excluding banknotes high figures and low-value, as well as put Sticky inflationary expectations and currency management reform and re-structure their categories. 

This is what academic d. Abdul-Hussein Ghalibi from the Faculty of Management and Economics at the University of Kufa: Several countries proceeded to change its currency several reasons, and this Germany states that hyperinflation played a role in raising prices to levels not known before in its history as the State proceeded to finance public expenditures for Trbak Securities cash mark which led to the development of inflationary waves from day to day and even from hour to the other with great force. 

resorted German government in 1923 to a new currency issue is Rantmark equivalent Elf billion mark, and the next year, the government issued a new currency named the Reich Mark to replace Rantmark one by one, but the difference is that the second was not capable of exchange with gold.

Read More at:

Dinar Updates: 

wmawhite   ...the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has been selling its most valuable asset, its gold, in order to buy currency off of the streets.

If the CBI was going to LOP/strike the zeros from its own currency why would they use their gold to buy the very notes from the citizens? If the CBI was going to LOP it would just tell the world to forget it...the notes are no longer worth anything.   ...

Stop concentrating on the size of the notes...again, when the smaller notes (LDs) finally arrive on the streets we will be long gone...

When they are distributed, that means the change in value of the IQD has finally brought the costs of goods down far enough that they no longer need large notes and instead they need smaller notes to use.   ...25,000 IQD will always be worth ONLY 25,000 IQD inside Iraq.
The IQD will change in value only outside the borders of Iraq.



Walkingstick:   International Monetary Fund expected to give China's yuan reserve status

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is expected to approve inclusion of China's yuan in its basket of elite currencies on Monday, rewarding Beijing's strong pursuit of the global status.

The IMF executive board is scheduled to meet on Monday to decide on the recommendation by staff experts earlier in November to include the yuan, also known as the renminbi, alongside the US dollar, euro, Japanese yen and British pound in the grouping.

While not a freely traded currency, the SDR (special drawing right) is important as an international reserve asset, and because the IMF issues its crisis loans — crucial to struggling economies like Greece — valued in SDRs.

China, now the world's second-largest economy, asked last year for the yuan to be added to the grouping of world reserve currencies, but until recently it was considered too tightly controlled to qualify.

It is extremely rare that the executive board, which represents the IMF's 188 member nations, opposes the recommendation of its own experts.

IMF managing director Christine Lagarde said in mid-November that she supported the experts' finding that the yuan had met the requirements to be a "freely usable" currency" — a key hurdle for SDR status.

If accepted, the decision would not take effect before September 30, 2016, to allow users more time to prepare.

The last time the SDR basket was modified was in 2000, when the euro replaced the German deutschemark and the French franc.

Approval would be major success for Beijing

The entry of the yuan is, above all, a major diplomatic success for Beijing, which will see its money graduate to the inner circle of the world's most important currencies.

The vote of the United States, the largest IMF stakeholder, will be closely watched, as will US political reactions.

US officials have long accused China of keeping the yuan artificially low to gain a trade advantage, making its exports relatively cheaper.

The US Treasury Department, in an October 19 report, said that the yuan "remains below its appropriate medium-term valuation".

Paradoxically, China's unexpected devaluation of the yuan last August received good marks from the IMF because it reinforced the currency's movements with market forces and opened the door to future revaluation.

Beijing on Wednesday announced an initial group of foreign central banks has been allowed to enter the Chinese currency market, which likely will promote further internationalization of the yuan in global trading.

Credit rating firm Fitch says it does not expect the yuan's inclusion in the IMF basket "to lead to a material shift in demand for renminbi assets globally in the short term".

However, it said, over time the emergence of the yuan as a global reserve currency could support China's credit rating.

An IMF decision to include the yuan among its elite currencies risks angering some lawmakers in the US Congress amid fierce manoeuvring for the 2016 presidential election.

Congress, for example, has repeatedly refused to ratify a 2010 IMF reform that would give greater weight to the emerging-market powers, the so-called BRICS — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. ... us/6984464

From Recaps Comment Section:


Awake-in-3D:  These topics and many others are addressed weekly on a live Q&A call-in show where listeners can ask relevant questions and comments regarding all things GCR - including subjects and info typically not allowed on many Dinar-related blogs and chat rooms. :)

GCR / RV Live Series With Deb & Sean……Show #2
Sunday, November 29th @6pm PDT / 9pm EDT (U.S)

See Call-In Details Below
Intel, Rumors, Groups, Dis-info and more!
Open Live Q&A for Dinar Land Not to be missed!

Join hosts, commentators, transitional bridges and researchers, Sean aka Awake-In-3D and Deb P. for a no holds barred, open discussion about all things RV/GCR…including the multi-dimensional energetics, the esoteric AND how this GCR affects the microcosm and macrocosm of the mass consciousness, including humanity’s awakening journey and our transcendence from “the enslavement matrix”!

During this show #2 – First 30 minutes

Deb wants to “Get Into A Time Machine” for the “newbies” who have sent in a lot of questions. We will spend about 25-30 minutes (ONLY) during the first part of the show going back in time to give a brief overview of how and why we’re here, as well as why we are referring to this situation now as the GCR (Global Currency Reset) or RV (ReValuation).
 BUT we will not go too deep into the “rabbit hole” … rather … resources, links and other elements will be provided on this show’s post/page on the WakingUpWithDeb site … that will provide YOU with a the resources so that YOU, the engager has a roadmap to support you on the journey of being a “smart bunny” as you go down this rabbit hole … and please believe me when we say this … it’s an imperative rabbit hole to go down if you are truly desiring the transcend and then ascend this matrix hell hole! :-)

Timing of Q & A: We will open up the Q&A que at 30 minutes into the first hour so that YOU can engage with us. We are looking forward to being with you again …


Many Dinar sites censor information and even forbid open idea and knowledge-sharing on a broad range of GCR topics. This live, interactive call will seek to ring out the information you care about free from censorship, mockery, and forbidden subjects. We are committed to being fully transparent, as well as go beyond Talk and information only.

Help us bring the wealth of knowledge and wisdom from across Dinar Land to the forefront and provide all the news, speculations and conjecture that swirls around chat rooms, websites, and exclusive circles.

We all deserve to know as much as possible while anticipating the final conclusion of this event. This is our mission.

Topics will range from economic, financial, group structures, esoteric, so called conspiracy theories, spiritual aspects, grounded business / life applications, financial structuring, and origins of GCR issues that are important to you. Knowledge is important, but the ability to put that knowledge to work when the time comes to exchange, creates wisdom!

The call will be live
U.S.: 6:00pm PST / 9:00pm EDT on
Sunday, November 29th
Australia: @ 1pm Sydney, Monday, November 30th
This call / show is going to, again, be via a conference line so that you can access via your phone or via the internet.

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