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Sunday, November 29, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News / Links & Comments 11-29-15

Post From BondLadys Corner 11-29-15
BLC Admin Tlm724 News / Links & Comments

Central Announce The Imposition Of Fines On Offending Banks

28/11/2015 08:16 |   Press direction / follow-up    The Central Bank of Iraq, on Saturday, for the imposition of fines on banks for violation of instructions worth 400 billion dinars, stressing that the Bank Act authorizes the imposition of fines on banks that are contrary to his instructions.
 The governor of the bank on the Keywords in a symposium on monetary policy in Iraq was held at the Institute of the progress of financial policies in Baghdad, said that the 'Bank Act authorizes the imposition of fines on banks that are contrary to his instructions', noting that' the amounts that were imposed on these banks amounted to 400 billion dinars '.
 Keywords He added that the '80%, which is estimated at 40 banks out of 50 private banks were having problems in relation to the purchase of foreign currency from the central bank before placing conditions and new instructions in 2012 for the sale and purchase of currencies ', noting that' these problems relate to the fact that their documents incomplete or false '.
He added that 'some problematic transactions not only documents but suspicions in money laundering and has forwarded to eliminate related', pointing to 'the existence of a cooperation agreement between the Central Bank of Iraq and Jordan in this regard.'
The Keywords announced in the third of last March that the new regulations set by the Bank is that the auction is no longer a daily window of operations for the sale of currency auctions, pointing out that the new mechanisms developed to sell this currency especially that of its functions to provide currency for foreign trade.
[tlm724] as much as I don't trust ole Ali ALak it would appear the IMF is on his azz about regulations etc.. which is great !
[tlm724] so 80% of the banks prior to 2012 were doing slim shady crap
[tlm724] remember there wasn't the right paperwork being filed for them to make purchases of the dollar yet the CBI sold to them anyway
[tlm724] 'some problematic transactions not only documents but suspicions in money laundering and has forwarded to eliminate related'
[tlm724] pointing to 'the existence of a cooperation agreement between the Central Bank of Iraq and Jordan in this regard.'
[tlm724] The Keywords announced in the third of last March that the new regulations set by the Bank is that the auction is no longer a daily window of operations for the sale of currency auctions,
[tlm724] yeah and the 3rd of March he also gave the greenlight for the deletion of the zero's *slap* chop chop
Iraqi Central Bank building in central Baghdad Imaging (Mahmoud Raouf)

Central Bank Decides To Continue To "Work Orientations And Mechanisms" And Demanded Legal Immunity
Author: AB, ASJ   Editor: AB, HH 2015/11/29 14:06       Long-Presse / Baghdad
Decided the Central Bank of Iraq, on Sunday, to continue to "orientations and working mechanisms" to ensure "stability" exchange rate and the adoption of "transparency" in the sale of currency operations, confirmed the adoption of a study to maintain relationships as "a general framework for his work," while the student to enact clear legislation to protect decision-makers from affiliates and give them legal immunity.
The central bank said in a statement received (range Press), a copy of which, "The expanded meeting under the chairmanship of the Central Bank Governor Ali Mohsen Ismail held, today, in the presence of an economic advisor to the prime minister appearance of Mohammed Saleh and Ahmed Rehn Ali member of the Board of Directors and Directors-General of the Bank and a large number of academics and relevant experts in the fields of economy, finance and business. "
The statement added, "The meeting discussed the study presented by the conservative entitled (international reserves and a window foreign currency sale at the Central Bank)," noting that "the study took up a number of pressing issues that the central bank is facing in light of the tense climate in Iraq of the deterioration of oil prices and the decline in revenues , and the high cost of the confrontation with terrorism. "
The statement pointed out, that "the motive for the preparation of the study was the face of arbitrariness and the accusations made against the work of the Central Bank by some of the non-professionals, which found its way into the media and involved a great deal of inaccuracies and misunderstanding and may entail negative effects on the stability of questioning campaigns the market and the expectations of investors, which can be extended to damage to the financial and banking transactions at home and abroad. "
The statement continued, "The study touched upon the review of all the options available to the central bank for the management of international reserves positives each and disadvantages," asserting that "everyone praised the high performance of the Bank's management and to strive to maintain the high reputation and Rsanth and professionalism acquired and that made him at the forefront of government institutions that have not Thanks to address corruption laws and regulations and strict controls that govern his work. "
The statement stressed that "the meeting took a series of recommendations including the continuation of the central bank in its direction and working mechanisms to ensure exchange rate stability and to prevent speculation and the removal of the big differences from the official price and the adoption of full transparency in the sell-through window sell the currency."
The statement stressed that "the recommendations of the meeting also included the adoption of the study submitted by the governor, as well as a press statement published in the new morning newspaper on the tenth of November 2015 as a general framework for the work of the Central Bank and the options available to him and distributed to professionals and the media in order to shed light on the facts and dispel the image blur for mechanisms

The central bank action and function of the international monetary reserve and its relationship to both the general budget and the sale of foreign currency sales window. "

The statement said, "The recommendations also included regular meetings along the lines of the current meeting as needed to discuss emerging and important issues concerning the work of the central bank."
The statement pointed out, that "the recommendations stressed the need to work to enact clear legislation that unambiguously to protect the decision-makers and those with the powers of the employees of the Central Bank of the charges and conjectures that are harmful to their reputation and the reputation of their institution ancient and issued by some of the parties either because of ignorance or political self-interest motivated and give them immunity Legal enjoyed by their counterparts in the world's central banks. "
The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed, in (November 22, 2015), to continue the investigation in the late National Congress leader Ahmad Chalabi, files, and as pointed out directing inquiries to government agencies each sent their answers, he pointed out fining banks reported files Chalabi after investigation.

The Supreme Judicial Council announced, in (the tenth of this November), for receiving the documents Chairman of the Finance Committee of the late Ahmad Chalabi, submitted by the head of institution-range of information, culture and the arts, Fakhri Karim, as decided the composition of the investigative jurisdiction to consider those documents, he noted that the public prosecutor will appear before the investigative panel to express his requests and follow-up.
Referred to the institution (range) have begun to (the seventh of November 2015), disclose the files of corruption, which was the leader of the late National Congress, Ahmad Chalabi, intends exposed to public opinion, also published a new file for a money transfer companies that deal with the Central Bank of without being registered in the Ministry of Commerce.    
 [tlm724] Decided the Central Bank of Iraq, on Sunday, to continue to "orientations and working mechanisms" to ensure "stability" exchange rate and the adoption of "transparency" in the sale of currency operations
[tlm724] the motive for the preparation of the study was the face of arbitrariness and the accusations made against the work of the Central Bank by some of the non-professionals, which found its way into the media and involved a great deal of inaccuracies and misunderstanding
[tlm724] so now the CBI wants legal immunity  Suspect
[tlm724] "the meeting took a series of recommendations including the continuation of the central bank in its direction and working mechanisms to ensure exchange rate stability and to prevent speculation and the removal of the big differences from the official price and the adoption of full transparency in the sell-through window sell the currency.
[tlm724] ummm I am not sure if this legal immunity thing is good or not
[tlm724] Chalabi, files, and as pointed out directing inquiries to government agencies each sent their answers, he pointed out fining banks reported files Chalabi after investigation
[tlm724] yep we just read the fines are 400 billion dinars
[tlm724] also published a new file for a money transfer companies that deal with the Central Bank of without being registered in the Ministry of Commerce.
[tlm724] well things are moving in the right direction   
[rsp1] That's nice to see. And about time, too.
Although, I must say, they've made a ton of progress over the past year or so...

Central Bank Puts The Mechanics Of Action To Ensure The Stability Of The Exchange Rate And Prevent Speculation

29/11/2015 01:02 | Press direction  - Follow-up   Central Bank of Iraq, announced on Sunday, for his quest to enact legislation to protect the decision-makers of the accusations, stressing continuity in the working mechanisms to ensure exchange rate stability in the markets.
The governor of the bank on the Keywords in a statement on the sidelines of a meeting with a large number of academics and relevant experts on international reserves and window sale of foreign currency at the central bank, that the meeting of the meeting was to face questioning random and the accusations made against the work of the Central Bank by some of the non-professionals, which campaigns It found its way into the media and involved a great deal of inaccuracies and misunderstandings, and may entail negative effects on the stability of the market and investor expectations, which could be extended to damage to the financial and banking transactions at home and abroad.
He added that "the meeting took a series of recommendations, including work to enact clear legislation that unambiguously to protect the decision-makers and those with the powers of the employees of the Central Bank of the charges and conjectures that are harmful to their reputation and the reputation of their institution ancient and issued by some parties, either because of ignorance, or political self-interest motives ,. and give them legal immunity enjoyed by their counterparts in the world's central banks. "
"The recommendations approved the continuation of the central bank in its direction and working mechanisms to ensure exchange rate stability, and to prevent speculation, and the removal of the big differences from the official price, and the adoption of full transparency in sales by selling the currency window", adding that "Among other recommendations adoption The study submitted by the governor, as a general framework for the work of the Central Bank and the options available to him, and distributed to professionals and the media in order to shed light on the facts, and dispel the image blur on the work of the Central Bank mechanisms. "
 [tlm724] stressing continuity in the working mechanisms to ensure exchange rate stability in the markets.
[tlm724] stress away   
[tlm724] I will say that if the legal immunity for the CBI is structured correctly it could be a good thing, protect them from false accusations etc...
[tlm724] I just hope it doesn't prove to be immunity from responsibility
[rsp1] CYA is what it is...
[tlm724] rsp1 yes could be !
[tlm724] "the meeting took a series of recommendations, including work to enact clear legislation that unambiguously to protect the decision-makers and those with the powers of the employees of the Central Bank of the charges and conjectures that are harmful to their reputation and the reputation of their institution ancient
[tlm724] "The recommendations approved the continuation of the central bank in its direction and working mechanisms to ensure exchange rate stability, and to prevent speculation, and the removal of the big differences from the official price, and the adoption of full transparency in sales by selling the currency window

International Experiences Have Proved Successful In Changing Their National Currencies
11/29/2015 0:00   BAGHDAD - Imad emirate   There are many goals that can be achieved as a result of changing the currency of any deletion of zeros, including the promotion of confidence currency at home and abroad and re-standing regional and international her, and facilitate currency conversion to other currencies process,
the heart of the direction of the currency of foreign currencies to local currencies, excluding banknotes high figures and low-value, as well as put Sticky inflationary expectations and currency management reform and re-structure their categories.
This is what academic d. Abdul-Hussein Ghalibi from the Faculty of Management and Economics at the University of Kufa: Several countries proceeded to change its currency several reasons, and this Germany states that hyperinflation played a role in raising prices to levels not known before in its history as the State proceeded to finance public expenditures for Trbak Securities cash mark which led to the development of inflationary waves from day to day and even from hour to the other with great force.
resorted German government in 1923 to a new currency issue is Rantmark equivalent Elf billion mark, and the next year, the government issued a new currency named the Reich Mark to replace Rantmark one by one, but the difference is that the second was not capable of exchange with gold.
He Ghalibi in an interview for »Sabah»: The Reich Marc characterized this feature was pulled Rantmark of trading in 1948 and was re-mark the issuance and continued to deal until 2002, when the euro, which is released the fourth-largest international reserve currency, where Germany has been at the forefront of leading EU countries.
He then comes the State of Bolivia, which was characterized by historically political coups and economic collapses, explaining she did this state during the sixties of the last century to replace its currency Bolivian was changing its name to the peso at a rate of 1000 thousand bolivianos versus the peso, and the reason is the low value of the Bolivian, and continued inflation escalate where the dollar exchange rate in 1963 is equal to 6.11 pesos and in 1972 came to 20 pesos,
and in 1979 he continued his downward fast as it arrived in the dollar price per one million pesos in 1985 then to 2 million in 1986, and after conducting economic reforms stabilized the exchange rate at 8.1 and 9.1 million pesos in the same year was issued the new currency the old in its name any replacement of every one million million pesos and one unit of the new currency, called Bs.
He Ghalibi that the political and economic conditions experienced by the Sudan was one of the main payment factors to change the Sudanese currency issued for the first time in 1957 on behalf of the pound, which lasted into circulation until 1991 as it was replacing the currency and change its name to the dinar, so that every dinar equivalent of ten pounds.
In 2006 and based on political agreements between the Sudanese transitional movements Central Bank of Sudan adopted a program for the issuance of a new currency during the transitional period under the Sterling name to replace the dinar by 1 pound equivalent to 100 dinars.
The most important question is whether that Iraq needs to change its currency? This is what we will leave for discussion at a later topics.
  [tlm724] There are many goals that can be achieved as a result of changing the currency of any deletion of zeros, including the promotion of confidence currency at home and abroad and re-standing regional and international her, and facilitate currency conversion to other currencies process
[tlm724] The most important question is whether that Iraq needs to change its currency? This is what we will leave for discussion at a later topics.
[tlm724] no don't wait chop chop
[rsp1] What??? Really???????  *slap* em silly
[shunshine] ask me Iraq, I'll tell ya.
[tlm724] lol
[rsp1] I guess they didn't see that article.
[shunshine] Ask!!!!
After The Federal Court's Decision To Uphold His Dismissal From His Post: Maliki Enters The Leadership Of The National Alliance Line   

 November 29, 2015 9:11   Revealed the National Alliance MP Ali al-Badri, Saturday, for the entry of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on the coalition command line, while noting that the blocks do not agree on a candidate has a full admissibility.,
Said al-Badri told I followed news agency Buratha "The political gains and electoral benefits advocated by affiliated political blocs within the alliance crashes functioning on a regular basis, as well as the absence of lack of the National Alliance to leadership that find appropriate solutions to the crises experienced by the parties, "pointing out that" the incident MP Kazem Sayadi and leader of the Bloc citizen eloquent Abu tirelessly worked to deepen the differences between the political blocs.
"al-Badri, who is president of advocacy organization inside the block, and added that" there is a candidate for the assumption of the presidency of the National Alliance figures such as the President of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim, and a leader Ali al-Adeeb, as well as the candidacy of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for the position and entry to the coalition command line " noting that "the political blocs that fall within the coalition could not agree on a specific person to be the admissibility of all parties, so far."  
 [tlm724] good one Bondlady !!! lol
[tlm724] VP's are outta there 
[shunshine] *hallelujah*
[tlm724] indeed
HistoryThe UN Has Updated The IQD For The First Time Since 2010


Iraq IQD Iraqi Dinar 1170 01 Dec 2015
[ireneg] Currency Code Operational Rate Effective Date
iqd 1170 01 dec 2015

iqd 1170 01 mar 2010

iqd 1175 01 nov 2009
iqd 1180 30 jun 2009
iqd 1175 01 jun 2009
iqd 1170 01 mar 2009

iqd 1175 31 dec 2008
iqd 1178 01 oct 2008
iqd 1187 01 sep 2008
iqd 1190 01 aug 2008
iqd 1195 30 jun 2008
iqd 1198 01 jun 2008
iqd 1200 01 may 2008
iqd 1210 01 apr 2008
 qd 1214 01 feb 2008

iqd 1215 31 dec 2007
iqd 1226 01 dec 2007
iqd 1235 01 nov 2007
iqd 1240 01 oct 2007
iqd 1243 01 sep 2007
iqd 1252 01 aug 2007
iqd 1270 01 may 2007
iqd 1276 01 apr 2007
iqd 1285 01 mar 2007
iqd 1310 01 feb 2007

iqd 1385 31 dec 2006
iqd 1469 01 nov 2006
iqd 1475 01 oct 2006
iqd 1480 01 mar 2006
iqd 1478 01 feb 2006

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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