Don't WAIT!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Late Sunday Afternoon 11-29-15


Iko Ward :  Forex will open at 5 EST but probably not post till 7:30 or 8.

Iko Ward :  We, as in TNT peeps, know what to do and we'll be fine, but as for the other six million.. I remember when it was less than 3.5 mill total not so long ago…. Its the American way...survival of the fitest...only the strong survive....etc. etc.

Turkeyhtr :  Those who have paid attention and learned what has been taught will be fine! Knowledge is power!

Iko Ward :  Turkey...exactly…. everything will be fine. Remember your training and you'll walk away fine.

Iko Ward: The next 48 hrs are gonna get rough. Try and help those who are panicked to stay calm….

We are going to hear all kinds of rumors, some we have never heard. There are entities out there dying. They will not go quiet into that good night.
gizmosmom :  IKO this is just insane.

Iko Ward :  Giz, it's supposed to be. Sit back and enjoy the show

apexdinar : I cancelled a meeting for the call tomorrow, expecting fireworks!

Iko Ward :  Apex, not Tony call

Apexdinar: I think the next 48 hours will be stupendous - the 11/30 date is so critical

Pieeyedpop:  IMO...When IMF announces China is a reserve currency the process starts immediately...It will take until Sept 2016 to complete the change over from 4 reserve currencies to five reserve currencies...This will entail countries selling the 4 present reserve currencies to make room for the Yuan.

Ohema IKO, since China is getting the votes they need in the IMF, what are the chances that they would rock the boat and maybe force the RV by revaluing the VNN?

Iko Ward :  Ohemo...great minds think alike.


Elmer123456:   I am pretty much in agreement with IKO. Just got off an Intel call and it lines up with what all we are seeing, IKO's summations also.

Whether we get 800# or not or Tony does a final call ahold not concern anyone. Like Pam has mentioned a hundred times before, you know more than you think you do.

Once you have money, you’r going to have to trust your own judgements so make it your plan to act alone if we have too. You know what to do! Have confidence folks.


ECC1519:  Think about it...If banks have spent $millions on call centers and staff over the years, the last thing they want is Chaos. The Bank's Foreign Currency 800# will be sufficient. The only Chaos will be dinarians freaking out cause they THINK they don't know what to know what to do

OKRocks:  When you call the foreign currency depts at banks they could still send you to an exchange center


[freeway2] ninnypickles LAS Tony has always said that if he doesn't hear about the RV from the U.S. side, he will get it first from the other side. So we should know right away when it happens, one way or another. IMO

[ninnypickles] freeway2 Yep. I'm not really concerned about it. It wont be hard to figure out when it happens

[freeway2] ninnypickles That's my thinking. I have everything ready, know the Bank I want to use, and if we don't get 800nbrs. then I'll call their currency department
[ninnypickles] freeway2 I am curious though if the dong will go before the dinar. That's what it sounded like they were saying. Who knows at this point

[ninnypickles] freeway2 Me too

[Lindar] Chaos is beginning, isn't that what is ? supposed to happen

[ninnypickles] Lindar That's what we've heard, yes

Lindar] We just need to hang on for the ride

snickers] I always said it would end in a way no one would have thought. The way they finally decide to do it is totally out of our control. Exciting stuff. We'll see.

OfCourse13:  wow! ​-1-percent-will-exceed-that-of-the-rest-of-humanity-in-2016?detail=ema​ ilclassic

Starchild:  CNN World markets tonight about 8:00 PM - Watch China >>>

AzGirl:  Bloomberg: Did Yuan really pass the IMF Currency Test? You will know soon: International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde and some two dozen officials on the fund’s executive board will gather Monday at headquarters in Washington for one of the most-anticipated decisions outside of actually approving loans for nations in crisis.


Dinar Updates: 


Wood Group has won a new contract worth approximately $90 million to deliver services to one of the world’s leading blue-chip international oil companies (IOC) in Iraq.  Article quote "Terex Port Solutions (TPS) has received an order from a subsidiary of International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) in Iraq for two Terex ship-to-shore cranes (STS) and three Terex rubber-tyred gantry cranes (RTG)." 


RickLibby:  Just for general information, the UN operational rate is not a bearing on the value of a country's currency. it basically is what the UN uses to figure the dues a country is assessed by.

Irak has been assessed at 1170 since 1 March 2010 at 4 pip in value lower than Shabibi set it at on Jan ,17 2012[1166].

Dr S was having trouble with the street rate or vendors charging too much and hurting the general public at this time. the UN in its business of having the GOI do what was necessary had not up dated the operational rate [which helped Irak in finances /less dues] since 3/1 /2010.

it appears the UN is either satisfied with Irak's actions in handling the sanctions [ completing the steps appointed in their reviews] or is preparing for something they are privileged to know .[that we are studying]

in essence the UN only has power over sanctions but not over the monetary value of a nations currency beyond recommendations . just thinking out loud. Rick


Moneytalks1:  Sunday, November 29, 2015 16:21

Parliamentary Economy: Cabinet approved the budget amendments and voting upon the first parliamentary sessions

BAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. The Commission on economy and investment representative, on Sunday, the Cabinet approved the amendments that were sent to him about the law going forward, and will be voted on first parliamentary sessions.

Said committee member Najiba Najib in an interview with / Baghdadi News /, he said that "after Parliament sent the budget bill to the Council of Ministers in order to make some adjustments on the day (11/23/2015), has Cabinet approval of the amendments, a day after being sent by the Parliament any date (11/24/2015). "

She said Najib, "Everyone knows that Parliament now an official holiday for the performance of decrees forties visit, and will meet on (06.12.2015), and during the first sessions will be discussed and drafted by the Finance Committee and then be presented to the House of Representatives for a vote."

Referred to the House of Representatives found some notes on the 2016 budget that law, for next year, prompting him to return to the Council of Ministers for ratification and modified, so that later it voted on by Parliament .anthy 21 / l ... kYO-AkNeEA

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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