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Monday, November 30, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Links With Comments

Post From BondLadys Corner

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Links With Comments

Jubouri canceled his visit to Brussels because he is busy passage of the budget

30/11/2015 11:56 | Direction Press / Baghdad   Canceled House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri his planned visit to the Belgian capital Brussels with preparations for the parliament to pass the state budget for 2016 after a government amendments thereto.
A statement by the Office of the President of the House of Representatives "direction Press" received a copy of it, that al-Jubouri, "canceled his visit to Brussels, which was hoped to be conducted early next December for discussions with the European Parliament on common issues."
He said the "decision to cancel the visit comes to the concern of House Speaker creating the necessary legislation for the remainder of the legislative term."
It pointed out that "the President of the Parliament has sent a number of members of the House of Representatives to hold discussions and seminars with the committees of the European Parliament on important issues concerning the Iraqi issue, as well as for the development of parliamentary relations between the two sides and enhance bilateral cooperation."
It is said that the most important legislation that awaits approval in Parliament a draft financial budget law for 2016 that Parliament ended the discussion last week and approved by the Cabinet last Tuesday to amend the budget to reduce the deficit, estimated at 22.7 trillion dinars, equivalent to 21% of total expenditure compared to the expenses of 106 trillion dinars.
[tlm724] Canceled House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri his planned visit to the Belgian capital Brussels with preparations for the parliament to pass the state budget for 2016 after a government amendments thereto
[tlm724] It is said that the most important legislation that awaits approval in Parliament a draft financial budget law for 2016 that Parliament ended the discussion last week and approved by the Cabinet last Tuesday to amend the budget to reduce the deficit, estimated at 22.7 trillion dinars, equivalent to 21% of total expenditure compared to the expenses of 106 trillion dinars

Monetary policy and the impact of rumors in distorted
11/30/2015 0:00  Abdul Rahman Al-Shaikhly    recently launched a campaign of rumors affected the Iraqi Central Bank and banking institutions operating in Iraq, with many accusations reached the limit counted some are responsible for the economic crisis experienced by the country,
and the light that we must clarify some central policy The Independent that law authorizes the Central Bank of Iraq has maintained the stability of the Iraqi dinar exchange rate against foreign currencies through the balance between supply and demand for the currency.

were not allowed to leave a gap in this individual for adoption (Central) on its reserves of foreign currency in excess of what is destined according to Bank and the International Monetary Fund forecasts, which they considered that (40 Milirdolar) set a record for a reserve currency at the Central Bank of Iraq,
likely arriving at the ($ 60 billion) advanced level in 2017, but Iraq has passed these figures, reaching more than this amount, despite the use of part of it after lack of Iraq's imports from the dollar after the global decline of the price of a barrel of oil produced and exported to overseas, where more than now, the Central Bank reserves (50 billion dollars), in addition to the gold reserves, which indicate the latest statistics him that he was about the (90 tons).
Add to the above the reserve The central bank added its cash deposits in more than discreet international bank with the amount of bonds and international investment.
As the Iraqi local currency is one of the discreet currencies comparing hard currency being covered by 150 percent for the entire money supply in circulation in Iraq's economic arena which amounts to (40 Trliuna) Iraqi dinars (35 Trliuna) of them within the banking framework is limited to 80 percent of them in the Rafidain and good government either the (5 trillion) remaining just outside this framework,
 and that is what the cause of a shortage of cash in circulation, but it nonetheless is the Iraqi dinar from the same confidence Currency high compared to local currencies to some neighboring countries, regional.
Although perpetuate the military momentum requirements in light of the security and military conditions experienced by the country in order to restore territorial integrity and liberation from the grip of terrorism, which seizes a large area of the land of Iraq, but he was able to maintain the exchange rate and the equivalent of almost (1200 dinars) per dollar.
It is worth mentioning that the Iraqi economy with the present is economical Rieia, adopted President on the production and export of oil, which forms the basis for the general budget of the country so that the other 4 percent sectoral contributions only for exceeding the budget constitutes 2.5 percent of them agricultural sector The industrial sector is not more than 1.5 percent.
On this basis activate all sectors are supposed to supplement the general budget Bamadakhal, especially that Iraq has a sound basic ingredients to build a solid economic foundations were used to make optimal cover a large part of the revenues  budget.
 [tlm724] , the Central Bank reserves (50 billion dollars), in addition to the gold reserves, which indicate the latest statistics him that he was about the (90 tons).
[tlm724] 90 tons is a good take
[tlm724] As the Iraqi local currency is one of the discreet currencies comparing hard currency being covered by 150 percent for the entire money supply in circulation in Iraq's economic arena

Parliamentary Finance: We will confront violations of the central bank in the sale of dollar window
Economy and Tenders  Since 11.30.2015 at 12:33 (GMT Baghdad)
BAGHDAD - scales News   He stressed the parliamentary finance committee member Haitham al-Jubouri, on Monday, said his committee will address violations of the central bank to sell the dollar and the decrease in financial reserve window.
Said Haitham al-Jubouri said in a statement received / scales News / copy of it surprised a lot with accusations of the central bank to some critics Baksourih jurisdiction and interference in his work, and the pursuit of the bank to issue a law to prevent the House of Representatives and observers from criticism of its work and its employees,

"calling" Bank management to abide by the constitution and the law and recognition of the right House of Representatives to monitor, assess and evaluate the work of the bank, as well as accounting proof of complicity or deliberate breach of the system and the loss of public money. "
He said al-Jubouri that "the committee will continue to expose the corrupt and manipulators Bakot people where surprised Bmnaqdhat defense of private banks launch and return the announcement of the banks punished for 400 billion dinars van was above reproach, why punishment ??

There is also a specialist in the House of Representatives lawmakers and state commissions have the right to question, evaluation and investigation In any suspicion arises, or any piece of information up and no one is above the law, no institution is not personal.
He said he was "deeply accountable those who want to stop the monitoring and calculation process will be and each will deal with violations, led by fraud in the sale of the dollar and the financial reserve decrease dramatically window." It ended 29 quarters e   LINK
[tlm724] the parliamentary finance committee member Haitham al-Jubouri, on Monday, said his committee will address violations of the central bank to sell the dollar and the decrease in financial reserve window
[tlm724] copy of it surprised a lot with accusations of the central bank to some critics Baksourih jurisdiction and interference in his work, and the pursuit of the bank to issue a law to prevent the House of Representatives and observers from criticism of its work and its employees,
[tlm724] this is what was bothering me yesterday about the recent statements from the CBI and Alak pushing for immunity for the bank and it's staff !
[tlm724] if the CBI becomes completely immune then who minds the store ? Where is the oversight ?
[tlm724] I don't know but something just doesn't feel right with this, just sayin...I know the CBI is sovereign but really ???

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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