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Friday, November 27, 2015

More News, Rumors, and Opinions Late Friday Morning 11-27-15

Emailed to Recaps:

Martha:  It seems that the only concern now is date and rate.  I have heard that the plan is in motion and that those of us in Dinarland have the opportunity to be first in …..before the whole world see this.

Also hearing that the forex isn't going to change until the 30th/12/1,when the Renminbi  is announced officially.

Bruce mentioned the 29th…. of course depending on the time zone….The 29th would normally be the day to release new money and move money.

Hearing that Iraq was told to move the LD's sooner.

With all these minor glitches, today 11/27 is the full moon, a sign of completion and hopefully we will be at the bank shortly.

I am hearing that we will be given the honor, before the rest of the world to receive this blessing.

The basket of currency has been in place and moving since the beginning of November. Also note that the Rial is not available for 48 hours after the RV (11/30) is (hopefully) officially released.

 Realize that the RV dates will differ in the history books but the 20th- 22nd will be the day of month.

We have been full of could have, should have, and didn't have for various reasons.

We lived this history and I for one am ready for a change.

Elmerf123456:  Gold dipped to its lowest level in nearly six years on Friday and was heading for a sixth straight weekly decline under pressure from a firm dollar and prospects of a U.S. interest rate rise next month. Spot gold hit $1,055.99 an ounce, its lowest since February 2010, and was down 1.6 percent at $1,054.50.

Clemsonfan:  It's always darkest before the dawn.......let there be light.

freedomboomer :  ... Russia adds yuan as currency reserve.

Iko Ward : Freedom...that's our ace in the hole. China, China, China.

freedomboomer :  Hope so..Iko –

Iko Ward :  freedom...not hope...the entire Asian continent is lining up to **** slap the US and Europe clear across the room.

kue911 : Forex back to 1165

okrocks : maybe forex had to go back in order to do the big jump... IDK... just a thought
Iko Ward : ok, that is my take. Forex has to follow the CBI eventually. This may actually be a good thing.

Orgsen:  This morning a member told me to divide what FOrex shows by 1, but is not working for me. How do you figure the amount FOREX shows?

Iko Ward:  Divide what Forex show into 1. 1 / .2500 (Forex Rate) would be $4.00.

Imaginary: IKO should we still be looking forward for this to happen this weekend? I am trying to keep hope alive.

Iko Ward:  Imaginary...tonight after 6PM est


[xyz] Progress of development policies Institute is hosting tomorrow's central bank governor to discuss monetary policy "will be hosting the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords tomorrow in the Institute building at 10:30 am to talk about monetary policy and the existing reserve and other files relevant". Link

[xyz] Economic parliamentary: the currency of the 50 000 dinars does not affect the value of the Iraqi dinar/- the importance of the printed 50 000 dinar coin being ineffective on the value of the currency in general.

She said Najib told / information /, "The printing of 50 000 dinars category soon and put on the market will not affect the value of the Iraqi currency at all." "The goal of printed at the present time in order to avoid carrying large amounts always Mataatard to steal," adding that "the value of the Iraqi currency remained the same and no need to fear." She noted that "probably put a small metal coins Kmeskukat as is the case in all countries of the world 

[xyz] Russia adds yuan as currency reserve   Link


[xyz] Rest up, because next week is going to be huge for stock markets Critical intelligence ahead of the U.S. market’s open
Bask in the afterglow of that turkey feast, then entertain yourselves by watching Black Friday shoppers rip vegetable steamers from the hands of small children. Or, marvel at that China stock market, which plunged 5.5% on news authorities are cracking down on big brokers.

Whatever you do, get some rest because next week promises a doozy of a lineup. On Thursday, the European Central Bank is meeting and President Mario Draghi and the gang have all but promised to further ease monetary policy. That’s keeping the euro pinned down. Is the market ready for a surprise here? It does draw a straight line to our call of the day, which says there’s another stock market you should think about while Wall Street analysts try to muster enthusiasm for the S&P 500 next year.

On Friday, it’s OPEC’s turn to meet, and the cartel has got everyone on pins and needles about whether it will hold firm to current supply levels in the face of weak oil prices. As well, Friday brings the monthly jobs report, including gains in nonfarm payrolls, the last big piece of data before the Fed meeting in December. Like this column said the other day, it’s worth considering the possibilities for these events if all doesn’t go to plan. Link

[xyz] Federal Court appeal Najafi given the abolition of the posts of Vice President of the Republic Link
[xyz] M is in big trouble imho

Frank26:  "Can we talk?"


I made this post for those not able to join us in TEAM CHAT tonight.

The cooperation of THE CITIZENS is a KEY for DECEMBER.

What IF You could talk to DRS?

Months with us have shown You TEAMS do.

What IF You could talk to THE CITIZENS?

Then You would have SERIOUS understanding of .......... DECEMBER.

What IF You could talk to M?

Then You could talk to the animals.

M was dismantled in 2015.

This is not Custer's Last Stand.

It's M in Iran that will tell him ............ You now have a ticket to ride to the ICC ....... USA paid for it....... BOZO !!!

LOL !!! .......... Can You tell it's been 72 PLUS hours since I have last TALKED. MUCH as been files with our TEAMS. Our cheeks are loaded like a squirrel preparing for a winter in ............... DECEMBER !!!

We are done with #3 and #4 ............. Hence we go in the next direction of DRS's MR for DECEMBER next with some SERIOUS ......... Talk and Walk.

KTFA   Frank


Walkingstick:   Progress of development policies Institute is hosting tomorrow's central bank governor to discuss monetary policy

2015/11/27 14:15 •  [Baghdad-where]

the progress of development policies Institute hosts on Saturday Governor of the Central Bank for the purpose of discussing monetary policy.

According to a statement of the Institute received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it "will be hosting the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords tomorrow in the Institute building at 10:30 am to talk about monetary policy and the reserve is located, and other files related."

He added that the symposium which will join the elite of finance and economy experts. finish ... ryid=22458

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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