Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Mnt. Goat Update 11-15-15: "Happy Thanksgiving" Part 1

Thanks GeorgeH for sending this to us today:

UU6839 –“ Happy Thanksgiving “  by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

First I want to wish all my Dinarian friends in the USA a Happy Thanksgiving Day. Please do not forget all the blessings we have and how fortunate we really are to be living in this time of history in the making.

Today’s News

Today is Wednesday November 25th  and just a little less than a week away from the early to mid December timeframe. I have described the significance of this timeframe to you many times already.

Have you been listening?
I want to clarify all the talk about the IMF and the FACT they are working closely with Iraq to resolve their economic issues,  one of which is the currency reform. I firmly believe this is the reason we are seeing the recent push to get everything completed in a timely manner.

So what is their target date? I will tell you so keep reading.

The article below could not have said it all any clearer. NO Hype, NO Rumors, just the FACTS.

I quote from the article – “Discuss Iraq, with the United Nations how to take advantage of IMF experts monitoring program (Staff-Monitored Program) to strengthen public financial management”

I quote from the article – “how to take advantage of the Fund's surveillance program (SMP) to strengthen public financial management and strengthen CASH MANAGEMENT and provide the STABILITY OF THE FINANCIAL SECTOR in the country."

Article Begins


Discuss Iraq, with the United Nations how to take advantage of IMF experts monitoring program (Staff-Monitored Program) to strengthen public financial management.

The Finance Ministry said in a statement, "The Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari met, today, representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in Iraq, Jan Kubiš and discussed relations between the two parties and the political and economic situation in the country."

The ministry said in its statement that "the meeting saw a review of the consultations and meetings held by the government delegation with the International Monetary Fund in Amman recently, and how to take advantage of the Fund's surveillance program (SMP) to strengthen public financial management and strengthen cash management and provide the stability of the financial sector in the country."

She explained that the two sides discussed "issues of common interest and the efforts by the United Nations efforts to help Iraq after the liberation operations of the areas occupied by the Daash terrorist organization, as well as the humanitarian situation of the displaced people in the country and to provide assistance in the reconstruction of those areas."

It is noteworthy that Iraq agreed, in (November 11, 2015), with the International Monetary Fund to monitor the latest financial and economic policies in the country, with the Iraqi side confirmed that the agreement was not aimed at exposure to government financial obligations over the salaries of employees and retirees.

Article Ends 

For all those people putting words once again in Mnt Goat’s mouth let me clarify the news to you. I DID NOT say we are waiting for the RV and it is imminent.

What Mnt Goat did say is to tell you the process they are undertaking for the project “to delete the zeros” and where we are in the process. I hope to keep you informed as they proceed through this process. I will not guess at where they are and only show you proof in the news, as THEY release the news and tell us.

And so the question still many have doubt- Where are we is the 50k notes, are they launched and are they are collecting the 10k and 25k notes? Yes, yes and yes….lol…lol…

They are beginning to realize that they are not collecting the 25k notes in the quantities they anticipated and at the rate they anticipated. So what is the answer?

I am telling you they will have to launch the LOWER DENOMINATIONS very soon along with a significant increase in the rate of their currency. Why? Because the need to collect these 3 zero notes and they need to do it now thus must give the citizens an incentive to do so.

The incentive is to make them worth more than the US dollar.

The plan is to increase the value to 90 cents - $1.14.  You will probably not see this rate at the exchanges as it will happen suddenly and IS NOT THE RV. Did I say this clearly enough? THIS IS NOT THE RV !

Okay do I need to say it again for all you hard headed, thick headed people out there. NO Hype, NO Rumors just the FACTS – THIS NEW RATE IS NOT THE RV nor is it a FLOAT. It is simply the CBI determining to raise the value of the dinar and is an in-country rate increase. It is a temporary measure as the full RV will follow 4-7 days later.

The rate can not and will not stay for long and is only an incentive to turn in the 3 zero notes in exchange for the NEW lower denoms. At this time they will announce a CUT-OFF date also and the 3 zero notes will no longer be legal tender in the Middle East. 

I SAID IN THE MIDDLE EAST….again for all you thick headed readers – I SAID IN THE MIDDLE EAST and not the rest of the world. They also want to convert over to the lower denominations (the new Iraq permanent currency) prior to the full blown RV as much as possible.

As I have said many times over and over to watch for the project to “delete the zeros” and other signs and our RV is close at hand. Now we are witnessing the most significant sign of all these signs as it is the final stage of the implementation of the process for their plan. Never since 2012 have they made such an announcement. 

Questions and Answers Begins Here

So today I want to also answer some questions raised by readers from me recent previous news letters. I am doing this to help while we wait for the CBI to take the next step and launch the lower denoms. I am doing this for one reason. I have listened to many of these so called intel calls and the answers I am hearing are very confusing and not telling you the entire story and just leaves you more confused. So I hope to un-confuse you….lol….lol….

I will address questions now that were raised in reply to my Monday 11/23 news letter.  All are very good  questions. Thanks to GeorgeH for forwarding them to me. Hope you all are reading today’s news.

Question: Steven T : Hello Mountain Goat, I'm hearing you tell us that you expect the RV to happen prior to launching the 2016 Budget and this should happen in early December. But what does it mean when they commonly refer to "by mid 2016" This almost looks like the RV will happen sometime in early 2016? I need help on this issue.

Answer:  Don’t know where you heard this. I never tied the RV to the passing of the budget. I did say it was my “opinion” it would only make sense to RV prior to the budget being opened in 2016. I personally believe they want to target 2016 as a fresh start and attempt to get on this new currency with a new value. At least all the factors we are now seeing with the project to delete the zeros is telling us this. In fact I was very explicit in saying there was NO mandated tie to it. Please go back and re-read my news letters.  Thanks.

Question: Tom: I wonder if it would then be best for Abadi to prosecute Maliki instead...

Answer: Remember Abadi is a Sheite. Maliki is a Sheite. Maliki was heading up the Dowa party and nominated Abadi as his replacement for prime minister thinking Abadi would continue doing Iranian dirty work as Maliki did in the past. Maliki also thought that Abadi would be his puppet and he would work behind the scene telling Abadi what to do. We all know that Abadi changed his attitude once he truly learned the level of corruption going on. He saw that Iraq was heading for disaster and soon felt that the only way was to clean up the corruption and split from Iran. We see his reforms and his outward aggression towards Iranian influence in Iraqi affairs. I know this is a long answer but it needs to be.

So how do you hang someone like Maliki with still hundreds of thousands of followers without causing yet more sectarian violence and maybe a civil war? Meanwhile the USA and the UN are saying that either Abadi deals with him or they will. They gave Abadi a deadline and so this deadline has passed. So now how do they deal with Maliki. The best alternative is to have a NEUTRAL entity come into Iraq such as the ICC and take him to a global tribunal. This way Abadi is clean and can say its not my fault its all Maliki’s fault for what he did. It does not look like a sectarian act as Abadi seems to favor now more the Sunnis than Sheites. 

Question: Rational Thinker: The Dinar can never be of ANY BENEFIT if it RVs at a 1:1 ratio
or at 1.19 or at 3.21 or even at $4.00 for every one IQD. The RATE will be much larger than 3.21 or 3.28 !!

 Answer: Hi Rational Thinker. Hope you are reading today’s version of the news letter. Simply not true in what you say.

Okay so I can see some confusion in your mind about the coming out at a low rate. First let me say go back and re-read my 11/16, 11/17, 11/19, 11/20 and 11/23 news letters. I did not say not even once at anytime in these news letters or any news letters that they RV would come out to 1:1 ratio or something like 1.19 or even 3.21 for you and me to exchange.

This is what I DID say: I quote from my news letter – “I am telling you they will have to launch the LOWER DENOMINATIONS very soon along with a significant increase in the rate of their currency. Why? Because the need to collect these 3 zero notes and they need to do it now thus must give the citizens an incentive to do so. The incentive is to make them worth more than the US dollar. The plan is to increase the value to 90 cents - $1.14.  You will probably not see this rate at the exchanges as it will happen suddenly and IS NOT THE RV. Did I say this clearly enough? THIS IS NOT THE RV ! “

“Okay do I need to say it again for all you hard headed, thick headed people out there. NO Hype, NO Rumors just the FACTS – THIS NEW RATE IS NOT THE RV nor is it a FLOAT. It is simply the CBI determining to raise the value of the dinar and is an in-country rate increase. It is a temporary measure as the full RV will follow 4-7 days later.”

So please go back and do your homework, put on your reading glasses and read what I said. You can read, can’t you? I could  not be any clearer. The 1:1 is for Iraq IN COUNTRY ONLY! They are exchanging US dollar and dinar for dinar. Get it ? We are exchanging old 3 zero notes for US dollar, Canadian dollar and Euros. So the exchange rates must and will be very different. This is how it works.

Question: Still Confused:  Simple math tells you that one 50,000 note is equal in money to two 25,000 notes...therefore the money supply is NOT reduced. Could you please clarify your statement ?

Answer:  We are talking about the drawing in the 3 zero notes. The note count will be less. That is all this new rate is about. It is all a numbers game. A 50k notes is one this replaces two of the 25k notes. They decrease their liability in having less paper currency in circulation. I know the value remains the same technically but the decrease in liability along with asset appreciation justifies the new rate change.

Popping out the higher rate of 1:1 is to create an incentive to the citizens. Would you not want to trade in (exchange) a note for one of higher value if the new note is now worth 90 cents or $1.14. Even the 3 zero notes will be become the new value but here is the clincher - they will put an expiration date on the 3 zero notes and after that date they will be just like the old Saddam Hussein notes – illegal tender. They have to do this and do it quickly after any rate increase since the terrorist have large stashes of the 3 zero notes. This is why they are slowly collecting the 10k and 25k notes now in small batches before a rate increase. Get it ?

But the real benefit to the 1:1 increase is to get off the US dollar out of Iraq which is up to 90% of the currency being used today. They must go back to the dinar and stay within the IMF mandate. I know I gave you more than you asked but it is not a simple answer to explain unless you see all the factors for the rate increase. It is not just less physical currency.

Question: mj: If the 50k note is to reduce the number of physical notes then what does this accomplish? Why does it matter how many physical notes are circulating? How does less physical notes but same number of dinars increase or decrease supply? Or for that matter demand?

Answer:  Hi mj. It accomplishes two things.

1) it allows them to get the 3 zero note count down (draw them in  to the CBI prior to a rate change) Why would people even do this exchange now? Because the 50k notes are easier to use and carry around. Also the merchants like them since they are not worn out as much and have new security features meaning less likely to be counterfeited. So there is some incentive.

2) they want to put these notes into circulation since you can’t just give the banks FREE money. You have to exchange the notes for something of equal or more value…right? So then later when the citizens bring back in these 50k notes once the rate increases to exchange for the lower denominations the banks will hold on to them, collect them and just use them going forward for  in the long-term for large inter-banking transactions. Remember this process can take many years to come. Remember they told us these 50k notes will be part of the NEW currency since they will need a very large note like a $50,000 going forward after they launch the lower denominations. The highest lowest demon is only a $500 note. Get it now? So this 50k being launched now is very, very good news and it all ties together with the overall long term strategy of the project “to delete the zeros”.

Please, please go back and re-read all my news letters dated 11/16 through 11/23 its all in the news letters. I will NOT address this type of question again to anyone in the future. We all have eyes and can read?

Question: GJ: I do have two questions/concern: when will Maliki be arrested/hung and when will the required Accountability/Justice law be brought before Parliament for final vote and implementation? I think this will finally get me excited for the final countdown. 

Answer: No one knows when for sure but we do know one thing –he will NOT escape accountability and justice for his actions and input into the Streiker AFB massacre. This was a n outright crime against humanity and the UN and the USA will simply not let this one get brushed off.  My personal opinion is the ICC will eventually get him and his goons. I think that if they shoot their mouths off again and make another major disturbance in Abadi’s reform plan this will happen much sooner than later. When we see the final breakdown of the Dowa and State Law parties (as the were under Maliki control) we will see Maliki fall.

As far as the expectation to a “final countdown” – we are now in it.  You can chose to believe it or not. I don’t care. I can not present you with any more evidence than I have done over the last month. Simply put –if you are not yet excited by now and if you do not believe by now that this project to delete the zeros is underway you are not listening to the right channels or are you just so “numbed” up?
Question: YRMALL: I have one more question, since you said to not travel with the dinar notes to exchange. It will be possible to exchange in any location of the world? Like the BRICS countrys, mexico, germany, japan? Because i am not a us citizen and do do not live in the US.

Answer: Yes any bank dealing in international exchanges will exchange it for you. That is the law. DO NOT travel with dinar through customs or airports ONCE THE VALUE INCREASES. So now is the time to plan this all out.

So what do you do if you will need to exchange and you local banks do not have exchange? First question is this – do you own a car or are their trains running where you live? Can you locate a large main bank office in a large city and travel there without hopping on a plane?

Next question is how much dinar do you have? If you have less than  $10,000 worth (your countries value not Iraq value) pre-RV you do not need to declare it (check with customs). If you have more than that you can still fly with it just declare it first. There are custom agents at every airport. Its just a matter of filling out a form and showing them the currency. Bring all your receipts too to show them.

You can also NOW (before the RV) contact a customs office and ask them what to do and how you can safely get it to the bank.

The points are: 
1) do not try to break the law or hide the currency  in any way
2) do not travel with it post –rv since if you do get caught you might get jailed but worst yet get the currency confiscated and you will lose it all. The agents will be on high alert and looking specifically for the currency.

So plan NOW before it RVs. You seem to be thinking about it now and that is good. I hope I gave you some pointers. Remember all these intel calls and forums don’t have all the answers. You must rely on your own THINKING.

But if you have an issue and can’t think clearly on handling the money now then what will you do in handling it post RV?  Seems you better find a good, honest wealth manager to help you. 

Think about it. Sounds like you need some serious help in the THINKING process. Luv ya dear and not meant to be condescending in any way. Just want to see you succeed. XOXOXO

Gosh I feel like a Dear Abby…lol…..

Question: Butterfly Contessa: Do you know anything about supposedly "quadrillions of overprinted dinars"? I recall quite some time ago there were stories about counterfeit dinars and that seems to have been resolved; but now some people are talking about "quadrillions of overprinted dinars" and that some purchasers may have the overprinted ones and will be s.o.l. come time to exchange. What does "the goat" have to say on this topic? (You're the only one I trust.)

Answer: Hi Butterfly! Have you been reading all my news letters? Shame on you since I reported many times on the efforts of the CBI and the IMF to combat money laundering and the counterfeiting schemes. Many have gone to jail already. Most of this currency never leaves the middle east.

Yes  to answer you question that there are enormous amounts of dinar that has been confiscated to be found to be counterfeit. They simply burn it. Simply put – check you dinar yourself if unsure. Do a google search and you can find the security features. Also most dinar seller sites have the features to check. A black lite also will show them if you have a hard time seeing them. If even one feature is missing it is not good currency.

Where did you buy your currency? Most USA dealers have checked the currency and only purchase from the CBI auctions so it should be all good currency. Also remember there are these constant thorns in the @ss people that keep surfacing. Their goal – to get you in to a FEAR based mode. They tell you half truths and you believe them and go off half cocked all worried and stressed. Why do they do it? The only reason I can suggest is they are IDIOTS and have a hidden agenda. Maybe to sell you more dinar or maybe a black lite or something. Relax if you bought it from a reputable currency broker in the USA or from a bank you are safe. If you bought it from a shady offshore source online then you better worry and check each one out. 

Questions and Answers Ends Here

So please feel free to ask questions from my news letters. GeorgeH was so kind as to volunteer to forward them to me to help you in my future news letters. But this will not last forever only for the next  week. I will try to keep this section open in the news letter for you.

So ask away! I hope I helped further today.

Link to Part 2

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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