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Friday, November 27, 2015

Mnt Goat Friday Update - "The CBI Halted the 50k Note Distribution - Why?“  Part 2 of 2

Update: Nori al -Maliki Saga

Today I am presenting you with an article that tells us where the case against Maliki stands in the court system of Iraq. Here is the juicy part of this article below-

I quote directly from the article– “According to judicial sources private Iraqi, he 'was an implicit agreement to freeze proceedings against al-Maliki, which led to the overthrow of three prominent judges, and refer them to retire, after they refused to comply with the recommendations of the government and parliament”.

In other words now we know why the proceedings against Maliki were stalled in Iraq for his actions concerning Mosul. Basically three of the judges froze the proceedings and refused to hear the case further. So we now see these judges are being forced into retirement. Seems to me they want to (and will) move forward with this case.

They are also telling us the evidence is overwhelming against Maliki.
I quote from the article – “'once you enter the al-Maliki of the Court, it is impossible to go out without a conviction.” 

So now we watch and wait to see what happens next…..stay tuned to more on this saga…..

Remember no prosecution of Maliki then NO RV ! I have said this dozens of times already and will stand by my strong conviction.

Why do I keep telling you this? Is it because I am a pessimist?  Is it because I dislike Maliki so much?  Maybe it’s because the USA govt itself told me this is mandated to complete the elimination fully out of Chapter VII sanctions?  When only left Article 8, currency reform remains. You decide why then prosecution Maliki ordeal is so important now. The ICC already spoke up and told Iraq either you take him down or we will.

So if they move forward with this case it will only add to move the RV forward.

Article Begins


Wednesday, November 25.2015

Wrote Osman chosen: a sudden, I stopped four files a lawsuit against the former prime minister Nuri al-Maliki, in the tribunals Rusafa first second and Karkh in Baghdad, as well as the court of the Iraqi High Criminal, and the Iraqi integrity, and that all charges' involvement fall of Mosul at the hands of the organization of the Islamic State ( Daash) ','altort crimes and sectarian killings in Kirkuk, Anbar and Nineveh', and'akhva forced his opponents in Baghdad and Diyala ', and'amilit financial and administrative corruption, notably the arms deals with Russia, Ukraine and Iran. " And rejects the Supreme Judicial Council in the country to address the cause of stopping judicial proceedings against al-Maliki, is also committed to parliamentary political blocs silence, and avoid government Haider Abadi, responding to reporters' questions, including 'Arab reporter new', were three questions on the subject, through the communication window to the Prime Minister directing with journalists through its website. 

According to judicial sources private Iraqi, he 'was an implicit agreement to freeze proceedings against al-Maliki, which led to the overthrow of three prominent judges, and refer them to retire, after they refused to comply with the recommendations of the government and parliament'.

The leaked local SITES conflicting about the threat of al-Maliki to partners yesterday to disclose their files in case they paid for the trial. Experts Iraqi law and asserts that 'once you enter the al-Maliki of the Court, it is impossible to go out without a conviction.

 "In this context, says Iraqi minister prominent, that' al-Maliki promised to drag everyone with him in the case issued a judiciary warrant for his arrest, a sufficient reason to freeze issue '.The minister adds that 'talk that Iran opposes the trial of al-Maliki, which greatly exaggerated, the fact that the man has become a paper burned and fell popularly even in cities that he enjoyed strong popularity. But why stop the judicial proceedings against him is that al-Maliki, the leaders of political blocs have threatened that he would not go to court alone, and will open another corrupted files affect ministers and political leaders and members of senior men in Iraq.

'Reveals that' al-Maliki waving move a lawsuit corruption precedent against al-Abadi, when he was minister Telecom '. The minister shows that the 'al-Maliki threatened to drag others with him by revealing files and documents corruption affect everyone gag calling by referring to eliminate the campaign.

"He also points out that' the inauguration of Bashar al-Araji, the son of director Maliki's office, the team Farouk al-Araji, the position of the first judge, then promoted to the post of President of the Court Supreme terrorism, although that did not exceed the 32-old-year-old, was among several taken by al-Maliki fortifications to protect itself through intimidate others to open corrupted files against them, or to silence honest issues through malicious move against them '. The minister points out that 'al-Maliki apparently succeeded in doing so.'
Tried to Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari last week, dodging the question of a journalist in the Saudi capital Riyadh, while attending the South external America ministers and Arab Conference, about the fate of al-Maliki. But Jaafari finally answered, after the urgency of the journalist, saying that 'the judiciary in his country is the owner of the upper floor in the classroom in the involvement of Nuri al-Maliki or not', stressing that 'there is no Iraqi official over justice'.

However, the leader of the 'Iraqi Forces Union' Hamid al-Mashhadani, a statement said al-Jaafari as a 'patent instrument for the owners, because the judiciary is subject to the authority of al-Maliki and still'. He adds al-Mashhadani, saying that 'al-Maliki threatened everyone, even the people closest to him, within the Dawa Party, as Segerhm all to the court, and sent to each document a large financial corruption against them, even if Abadi Pat avoids mention paragraph bring corrupt to eliminate or course of the inquiry the fall of Mosul'.

From For his part, indicates' the Sadrists' member of the Basra province visual Hussein, that 'al-Maliki could escape punishment now, but it is certain that he will not succeed in this until the end. " He continues, 'We all know what he did in Iraq, al-Maliki of sectarian killings and financial corruption and bankruptcy of Iraq because of him, and causing the entry of Daash, but who wants his trial is also corrupt like him.

Consequently, there is cover in the subject'. The Supreme Judicial Council in Iraq and refuses to disclose the course of the cause of the fall of Mosul and the rest of the charges against the owners, stressing at the last journalist to clarify his published by the Iraqi government channel end of last month that 'all the issues under scrutiny before starting any action in accordance with the internal legal system in due process in Iraq. "

Article Ends

Beginning of Questions and Answers

Question: MDC – “It seems that another has reported that on Iraqi TV it was apparently stated that the 50K Dinar Note's launch was being postponed until "early 2016" - I know that a number of us are wondering what you're thoughts are about this apparent announcement?”

Answer: This was an excellent question and I have it covered in my explanation above under the currency reform section of this news letter. Thanks

Question: 50 Now – “Wait I guess I do have a question sorry, what are you going to do when this is over. I hope you never forget us small people. I hope you continue to help people with your talent. Like I said in the past you should write a book, you are very good at what you do.”

Answer: After the RV I will continue on with my life as I am today. I too am a small and simple person. I will address getting my two girls into an excellent ivory league college maybe sending to USA and pay out of RV money. I still have many relatives in USA since I am a USA citizen   I can travel freely and will make many trips to visit.  Sorry no books or aftermath on this saga. I am strictly  here for the time being to help sort out this dinar RV intel mess since most can’t. I witness many getting hurt such as losing money, getting scammed and all hyped up with anxieties and stress over absolutely nothing. I stepped in years ago and so that is all I intend to do. Sorry.

I want to address something in this regards that really bothers me too. You know we are all heroes in our own small way. We often think of ourselves as “small” and insignificant but in fact with all have huge hearts and we can make a difference. We all really want just to be happy. Some find artificial happiness in drugs and alcohol. They think they are insignificant. In reality they just want to be loved.

We are all on this planet for a reason as we traveled from our spiritual home through the birth cannel and popped out into this world. We must live out our destiny. But what is this destiny? It is simple. It is not complicated. It is living out our lives using our fullest of talents the best way we can. This is it and it could not be any simpler. So if you are good with wood - be a carpenter, if you are good with the soil and growing things - be a farmer, if you are good at homemaking and enjoy having babies - be a mother, etc, etc… there are nothing bad about anyone destiny. Do not be ashamed or think of what others say. It is yours and so own it! It is truly the only way you will ever find TRUE HAPPINESS.  No social taboos, rules or class structure can effect your happiness.

I get bashed all the time because of my simple life’s passions. I have an enormous attachment to the Apline mountains. This began when I first visited my Hubby’s village in Bavaria. That day I fell in love with the village and its people. I was already in love with him and so it was a perfect match. You see my destiny to be here in Bavaria and with him making our own little family and living out a simple life. Oh my family said I was crazy. They asked why move to Germany? They told my I did not even know the language. They told me I could do better with my life since I was smarter than most, etc, etc. This was all of their reasons for me not to do my passion. But what about me? How did I feel inside about it all? So I had to ask myself  this – is it my life or theirs?  And so I want everyone please to remember this today when you have all this money. It is not the money that should guide you but instead allow it to give you the OPPORTUNITY for living out your destiny, your passions and your dreams. 

Question: TJP- Should we expect to pay up to 50% of our Investment, post RV in taxes to the Government. I've heard some say, because this is an exchange we won't be taxed, however I don't see how we would escape the tax man. If, this is not a question for you I won't be offended if you choose not to answer it. 

Answer: First of all saving 50% for taxes is a just in case and be SAFE scenario. Obviously you are not listening to what people are telling you. You listen with only one ear open. They are not saying you will be paying 50% in taxes. They are trying instead to help you so you don’t spend all you money then later have the IRS come after you for the taxes that you already spent. So better to be SAFE than SORRY. Get it?

About the next question - Listen to me TJP, and everyone else reading, for the last blasted time. STOP LISTENING TO THESE INTEL CALLS. There will be NO TAX BREAK. Did you read my lips this time – NO TAX BREAK! You should consult a tax professional post RV and we should not even be discussing this matter or asking these kind of questions to any except licensed professionals. What do they always tell you? – “Go consult a tax attorney?” Right? So do you think I am a tax attorney? So them why do you ask me this question now? I am telling you I only run a modest bed and breakfast Gasthaus in Bavaria and so I can not help you. I also live in Germany and will be taxed under German tax law. I will however give you my sincere opinion if you want one for USA citizens standpoint. 

You will be following the current tax code as is of the USA if you live in USA. If you really listened to what was being said to you on these intel calls many already told you that the current IRS code has casual amounts only of foreign currency exchanges up to a certain very low limit (something like $250 equivalent in USD after exchanging) that may be non- taxable. This provision is for tourists coming back from vacations with left over “incidental” foreign currency and just want to get rid of it.

So poo poo to anyone making blank statements about this investment being a non- taxable event in USA.

You tell them they are full of doggie poo. Don’t be afraid to challenge them on these so called “intel calls”. Keep challenging them until you get an answer and not some run around answer to your honest and heart felt question. Who cares if you create controversy and maybe they hand up on you or put you on mute. In the long run you will help so many others because they too will begin to snap out of the brain washing done to them now for years.  Somewhere we must draw the line.

It has to start with each and everyone of you!  Don’t be afraid to challenge them, many of which know far less than you do since you have been reading Mnt Goat and you know much better now, don’t you? 

So you tell me how in hell anyone is going to meet this non-taxable event exchange provision in the IRS code when any of the three zero notes (exchanging at a $4.00+ exchange rate)(1,000, 5,000, 10,000, or 25,000. Do the math. Go ahead and let me know. I am listening!

Even at a $1.00 exchange rate if you hold just one of these 3 zero notes it does not qualify. So let’s take the smallest of them all the $1,000 dinar note. If you exchanged just one notes (cause someone gifted it to you) this would be $1,000 IQD to USD if exchanged to USD. Does this meet the $250 limit? So you see just how silly this entire TAX FREE stuff is.

Even the smallest one the $1,000 note will be worth $1,000 USD (but most don’t even have these notes anyhow since they will be remaining in circulation). So you listen to this and selectively pick out ONLY what you want to hear and not the entire statements of what is really being said to you. Why are you relying on someone other than a professional anyhow –like asking me. This is the problem with many of you investors. You say you want only professionals on your team but you don’t act like it.

But this is the fault of these so called “gurus” too since they don’t always offer the entire story to you either. But now you know it. Can we please put this one to bed. Just another useless rumor. I do not want ANY more tax questions. THERE WILL BE NO TAX BREAK!  You will be paying SHORT TERM AND LONG TERM CAPITAL GAINS on the profit gained from the exchange. Of course I am not a tax attorney and you should consult with one.

So why do these gurus (intentionally or unintentionally) keep this tax issue alive?

These gurus keep this tax issue alive since it is ONLY USED TO KEEP YOU HYPED UP AND SUCKER YOU IN SO YOU KEEP DIALLING INTO THEIR SO CALLED INTEL CALLS. They want you to keep asking about the currency status of any changes in the taxes. This was they keep you engaged. What happens by doing this?

They do this so the called intel “gurus” can get there click count up to sell more space for advertisers or maybe get you to donate to their sites.

Question: HARZION- “you talk about MIDLE EAST --does that include ISRAEL when you talk about RV and Exchange rates in your last letter? “

Answer:  If you are referring to the expiration of the three zero notes timeline applied to Middle East this does means the ENTIRE Middle East. Your banks in Israel should know the timeline since if they did happen to exchange these notes after the timeline then tried to bring them to Iraq CBI for payment they would be rejected and your account would be debited for this amount.

If you already spent the money you will still be liable to the bank for the full amount and have to return it. Kind of like bouncing a check. Basically you get screwed. THIS IS WHY I AM WARNING YOU NOW! Get it ? 

On a global scale is Israel part of the Middle East compared to the western world? Well –there ya go!  Can it be any clearer? Not the banks fault you have so much terrorism and violence in the Middle East ! Clean up you act and  maybe they wouldn’t have had the restriction on it in the first place.   

Question: RV Please- “I have a question Mtn Goat... Doesnt IRAQ have to be in Article 8 for their currency to be international? and... According to IMF rules.. once an RV occurs...Isnt it true that they can only increase the value 2% every 90 days... or 8% a year? So..for instance..if they RV at a Dollar.. the most it could be the next year would be 1.08... Correct?“

Answer:  Hey RV Please I am going to give you good rap over the head….lol….Did you read my last couple news letters? Please go back and re-read them (LINK) cause you are making me mad. 

I have addressed this question very clearly in many, many news letters already and if you have been reading them you should know better than to ask this question. Did I not say the initial rate to launch the lower denoms is NOT THE RV and the RV would happen 4-7 days or more later? This initial significant increase in  rate for Iraq is only  draw in the 3 zero notes and the USD off the streets as the final step for Iraq.

Also their rate is not your rate, unless you are living in Iraq - do you?  So the rest of your question is just trivial and I can not answer. In USA they expect a $4.00+ initial rate. Once the RV does occur world wide (like glabal) and on the exchanges world wide then they will follow some kind of currency regime. We are told a FLOAT would has  already been decided upon and they told us already in two articles. But we don’t know what kind of float (fixed vs float). Probably a float. So now do you see how foolish your question is. I can see nothing but misinformation and worry in your question. These are all things not to worry about. The rate will be excellent and all will be happy. Take the initial rate if you are happy. if not then risk it with the float. Again stay with the FACTS. What we do know whatever the Kuwait rate is at the time of the RV the Iraqi dinar rate will be about 20% over that rate even when it settles down. But remember the Kumaiti dinar can go up and down too. No guarantees on anything since most of the rate adjustments post RV going forward are going to be by software  driven and evaluated by factors and parameters fed into the systems. No one will know one the date or rate of any future RVs. 

And - YES Iraq must meet Article 8 provisions to get fully out of chapter VII sanctions thus a return from the post war “provisional” currency to their right full “permanent” currency.

Question: WER- “have a question about Maliki claim that sacking the 3 presidents is unconstitutional do you think this. could wreck Abaidis reforms”

Answer:  How long has it been already since Abadi announced the sacking of these 3 positions? Didn’t he do it last August?  That makes almost 3 months already. Do you witness it holding up any of his reforms so far? Don’t you think if it was improper he would have been stopped dead in his tracks politically over this issue? Don’t you think this would have wrecked his career by now as he would have been perceived as  the “new” dictator replacing Maliki as Maliki claims he is? Did he not go to the parliament and they voted too on this move? Did Iraq already get passed 3 pay periods not paying out any salaries too over these positions? Why is Maliki singing the loudest over this move? So what is your question again ….lol…..

Obviously I need all you folks to begin to THINK for yourselves. You all have the answers only you don’t trust yourselves and that is bad. I always said - if you can’t trust yourself who can you trust? Most of you have been on these calls and read these forums and articles. So why don’t you apply your knowledge then? Why always depending on someone else to give you all the answers? Where the heck do you think we, as intel providers, get our information?

Question: TOM – “I need to find out how I can get hold of you IF I have any questions AFTER RV? “

Answer: So just what “questions” will you have post RV?

Any questions you may have post RV should be handled by LICENSED PROFESSIONALS and not people like me anyhow. How many time must we tell you?  Get it into your head. Trust only LICENSED, EXPERIENCED, PROFESSIONALS  to help you with this money afterwards. I luv you all but give me a break I am not about to be bombarded with everyone afterwards. Just appreciate that I am now providing this much to you….lol….

Now if you wanted contact info because you wanted to relate to me on a personal level? All I can say is I get hundreds of emails every week of people attempting to contact me personally. Again I don’t know any of you from a hole in the wall. Many of you in the past made nice gestures until I challenged your info. Then you got mean and nasty to me as the bashing began. Same people over and over again spoil it for everyone. Do you really believe for one second I am going to share my home address or even a personal cell phone number with you or anyone? I am not that crazy – Sorry folks. I luv my family and will protect them. The world existed long before I was born. I do not make the world but  I must learn to live in it.
Update: Fighting ISIS

Article Begins


Alsumaria News / Baghdad

The leader of the Supreme Islamic Council and Transport Minister Baqir al-Zubaidi, Tuesday, that Iraq will witness the last breath to regulate "Daash" over the next six months.

Zabdi said in a statement Alsumaria News received a copy of it, that "the Middle East region, particularly Syria, Iraq and envelope on a Hot Tin".

He added that "Daash in continuous collapse of the international coalition succeeded fragmentation of this terrorist organization economically and militarily after the entry of the French and the Russians strongly is clear and progress achieved by Iraqi security forces and the popular crowd," adding that "Iraq will witness the last breath of Daash in Anbar and Mosul during the next six months." .

It raises attempts to "Daash" to impose its control over Syria and Iraq concern to the international community, as expressed several countries, including Arab and foreign "concerned" about the attempts to organize this, before THE INTERNATIONAL COALITION LED BY WASHINGTON with air strikes to sites organized in different parts of the two countries

Article Ends

One more item today:

Let’s not forget to keep praying for the success of THESE IRAQI AND COALITION SOLDIERS. I believe their success is in part some of the acceleration of the process we are now witnessing. 

“May there be a hedge of protection surrounding them and let the Victory be theirs against these evil doers who have no regard for humanity! We will pray until we see Victory! Amen “

All these prayers seem to be working.

Till next time…. Auf Wiedersehen!

Peace and Luv To Ya All, 
Mnt Goat

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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