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Thursday, November 26, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 11-26-15 Part 1 of 2

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 11-26-15 Part 1 of 2

Parliamentary committees: the media to expose corruption cases part of the People supervision to prosecute those involved 
BAGHDAD / long-Presse    It confirmed the legal and financial committees both parliamentarians, yesterday, the need to disseminate corruption cases as part of the People's Control "stimulate" the judiciary to deal with these files.
Committees revealed that there is coordination with the government and the judiciary and the central bank to follow Chalabi files, and threatened to resort to the fourth power in the event of failure to take appropriate action.

And published (range) the files of corruption in the currency auction and the involvement of dozens of local companies and banks in this file that Juma, Chairman of the Parliamentary Finance Committee late Ahmad Chalabi before his death, blessings and copy them to, inter alia, the long Foundation for Media, Culture and Arts. The (long) hand over the entire file to the Judicial Council, which has formed a committee to investigate the files. 
The legal committee of parliamentary position in response to the remarks fired by the Central Bank president, on the Keywords, last week, in which he criticized the deployment of these files in the media because it "secret" was detrimental to memorandums of understanding signed with some countries. However, the financial parliamentary responded to the Keywords saying that "files formal and non-confidential and not secrets of war or intelligence."
He said the legal committee member Slim Shawki, in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that "corruption can not be kept secret," adding that "Media revealed to those issues, especially those related to money laundering, is necessary as part of the People's control of the judiciary and to stimulate the pressure on him to move against it and take the necessary actions against the perpetrators."
He said Shawki that "the late Ahmad Chalabi him important files relating to the corruption of Mali to more than one party, including the Attorney General and the Integrity Commission and political leaders, as well as institution-range of information, culture and the arts," adding that "the move bore those actors responsible for the need to pursue the corrupt private that crime does not statute of limitations.
"He said mass citizen member of" The Iraqi judiciary is still weak in front of the heads of corruption and its networks, "noting that" the judiciary will not be able to take the necessary decisions against powerful state. "In contrast, emphasized Masood Haider, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, said that his committee" continuing with the government and the judiciary and the central bank to follow up the files of corruption in the currency auction, "and threatened to" resort to the fourth power to detect important files if you did not take actions on those files.
"The MP said Haider, in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that his committee" special files have to sell the currency at the central bank auction, which is in touch with the government and the judiciary and the central bank on them to block the mafia in this sector, "noting that" the Commission will resort to the fourth power in the event of lack of response from those agencies and take the necessary on those files action , to mobilize public opinion and force them to it.
"The member of the Finance Committee that" the Committee and other corrupted files many, including the issue of Real Estate State which Sthrkha soon, "calling on regulatory and judicial concerned to" hard act to take action against the corrupt, lest Committee have to detect public opinion. "  LINK
tlm724:  Committees revealed that there is coordination with the government and the judiciary and the central bank to follow Chalabi files, and threatened to resort to the fourth power in the event of failure to take appropriate action.
tlm724:  The legal committee of parliamentary position in response to the remarks fired by the Central Bank president, on the Keywords, last week, in which he criticized the deployment of these files in the media because it "secret" was detrimental to memorandums of understanding signed with some countries. However, the financial parliamentary responded to the Keywords saying that "files formal and non-confidential and not secrets of war or intelligence."
tlm724:  was detrimental to memorandums of understanding signed with some countries.
tlm724:  wow this corruption goes deep !
tlm724:  "He said mass citizen member of" The Iraqi judiciary is still weak in front of the heads of corruption and its networks, "noting that" the judiciary will not be able to take the necessary decisions against powerful state. "In contrast, emphasized Masood Haider, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, said that his committee" continuing with the government and the judiciary and the central bank to follow up the files of corruption in the currency auction, "and threatened to" resort to the fourth power to detect important files if you did not take actions on those files.

Made in Iraq} .. identity of sovereignty and the standard of citizenship

11/26/2015 0:00    Mohammed Sharif Abu Mayssam -  what from a local producer and that he had the pan-marketing elements to achieve a sales come-profit margins that could lead to the achievement of economic feasibility standards in light of unbridled competition and unequal market with cheap imported goods
Imn..ovi the same time may not result in attempts to adjust the market suddenly -mn through customs tariff laws, the local product protection, competition and antitrust, consumer protection - to the actual results unless it provides adequate support for some of the inputs and outputs of the production process in the real sectors of the country that has suffered and is suffering from service and security imbalances and economic harmed industrial categories and agricultural purposes without etc .. as the power outages,
for example, was the cause participants with dumping commodity in stops a lot of small and medium enterprises, which was stopped is the other reason for the stop projects for products Aloseth..obaltala the re-life programs for national products can not achieve the desired goal unless not consistent in one batch takes into account the effects of the movement of the market and rates of prices and consumer interaction as the most important element in the marketing process in a country where financial flows value range for the financing of foreign trade at 150 rates to 200 million dollars a day, according to the foreign currency auction at the CBI data ..
Hence the importance of the incorporation of the implications of the application of relevant laws in the first instance, where these applications will leave voids vast demand space, and negative effects borne by the citizen at first glance by the high prices here or there.

which will give the media which swore hostility to the country an opportunity to pounce on this reform project is important, and create more chaos in order to Securities mixing and undo the application of these laws which we desperately need ..
and this is what motivates us to demand that government agencies and civil society institutions and all Iraqis according to their support campaign «Made in Iraq» through available of media, institutional and personal tools and through social media family and the stimulus to the acquisition of the local product.

The say the man who said that it's not that easy, as the secret behind the lack of entry into force of the customs tariff law in spite of legislation since 2010, lies not in the succession of crises Political coinciding each time with the date of application of the law and,
but also the difficulty of law enforcement in all border crossing points, because of the lack of employees in response to the incident under the authority of the Kurdistan region of border crossings to enforce the law because out of these ports for control of the central authority,
which makes its application and other outlets Oktherr harmful than the case of non-application, and therefore this say a lot of accuracy in diagnosis, which requires a strong will from the central authority put through an end to the entry of goods from the provinces that this law does not apply in the wild outlets or air, sea, and make local governments for those provinces or to the region are responsible for this reaction and the effects of its implications.

The matter requires a decisive and strong resolution also with a view to the application of competition law and antitrust No. 14 for the year 2010 as it may require the establishment of the Council of «competition and prevent monopoly» stipulated by this law to bluster may not finish consensus to represent this political entity or the other in the Council mentioned what might prolong the waiting period for entry into force of this law,
and it applies here on the consumer No. 1 protection for the year 2010 law that needs to form a Council of consumer protection, as well as the importance of direct support and monitoring mechanisms and especially the support actor award through specialized banks bank loans within the project of the central bank loans,
for fear that dominated mafias corruption and the armies of commentators on lending outlets, next to the importance of activating the marketing loop in the public and private sectors, and pay particular attention to the advertising, promotion tools and means to elevate the level of the means by which promotes similar items or alternative coming from abroad ,
which requires the presence of advertising companies a high level of professional and professionalism pervades the market and studying the elements and the nature of the psychological effects on the Iraqi consumer in order to draw domestic goods after they dominated the imported goods on the domestic consumption pattern over the past twelve years.
The establishment and promotion of the slogan «Made in Iraq »adopted by the Ministry of Industry if it is to reach its goals in the rebirth of national industry, it must be based on the national ground include pan-Iraqi products from the public sector and the private sector, and must combine the sincere efforts to rein in consumption pattern which is most common in the country after 2003 and which formalized business units within the domestic market and abroad, and these formations will not be easy withdrawal from the scene to dominate the market,
 because the existing capital upon maturity and grew by uncontrollable market and by the absolute dominance of imported goods, and these modern selection of capital behind it mafias of Men Politics, business and Tarian on trade and influential, and all these people will not easily give up and will hire all their potential, particularly the satellite wage and styles illegal to stand in front of the slogan «Made in Iraq» ..
and not in front of us, but the hard work and stick with the support of national products that will bring back the confidence of national identity and sovereignty of the country.
tlm724:   to stand in front of the slogan «Made in Iraq» .. and not in front of us, but the hard work and stick with the support of national products that will bring back the confidence of national identity and sovereignty of the country.

World Bank: external borrowing Iraq will remain a fiscal deficit of {}

11/26/2015 0:00  Baghdad Al-Sabah Omar Abdel-Latif   while the Council of Ministers approved the amendment to the draft budget law next year, based on the recommendations and proposals of the Legislative Council, the World Bank stressed that excessive reliance on local funding would adversely affect private investment and undermine growth.
"MP" Kurdistan Alliance "Sarhan Slevana, a member of the committee" money "parliamentary member, stressed that" the budget in 2016, only operational ", adding that any talk of selling bonds, is just speculation.
He Slevana in a statement the" morning "yesterday:" The shortfall In next year's budget is much like that which happened in the current year budget, "noting that" the deficit in Almoisntin not yet treated, although there are many ways to do so.
"On the reports of official attitudes to borrow from abroad to cover the deficit in the budget, he replied:" Although the deficit existing in Almoisntin .. Iraq not sold any external or internal bonds, "stressing that the call so just" ink on paper.
"Kurdish lawmaker, disclosed that" the budget next year would fill salaries of employees, retirees, and the ration card, and medicine, and there is no nothing else.
"He noted that the Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, the Finance Committee briefed on the results of his visit to Turkey, Britain to negotiate the sale of bonds, where the minister said that the lenders demanded in the amount of 12 percent of the loans that will be granted to Iraq value, and such a thing can be straining the Iraqi economy.
He criticized Slevana "the absence of clear-cut and long-term strategy for the advancement of the economy," saying in this context: "There is now only the vessels proposals, and we'll see then where to reach its findings to the economy deteriorating."
He also noted that "the conclusion reached by Iraq was due to the wrong economic policies, "noting that" the national economy does not rise, but the elimination of the corrupt and the corrupt and return the money stolen and smuggled abroad and accounting of stolen and squandered.  
"In a related development, predicted," the World Bank "Iraq heavily dependent on external borrowing to cover the deficit in its budget. He said his representative in Iraq, Robert Abu quality, in response to a question from the "morning" to him via the Internet: "The 2016 draft budget provides for the fiscal situation," estimated change in the financial balance of the total between 2015 and 2016, at 7.7 percentage points of GDP GDP. 
He referred in this context, that "this balanced figure widely between improving revenue mobilization, and reduce costs, including the prioritization of investment spending, the staff costs." 
He also predicted Abu quality, that "the fiscal deficit of the gross domestic product the total up to 10.7 percent, as well as the biggest focus will be on the external borrowing in the financing of the fiscal deficit in the Iraq strategy in the future. 
"He also confirmed that" excessive reliance on local funding would adversely affect private investment and undermine growth, "Abu quality" suggested the government seeks to mobilize external financing, and this includes borrowing from bilateral and multilateral sources and from the international capital market, to reduce these risks. 
"He urged the representative of the World Bank, the government on" the implementation of structural reforms protracted, and lack of dependence on borrowing from state-owned banks, "explaining "In the future, it would require a major economic reforms to make spending and revenue side measures and diversification of the economy, and the general economic situation calls for stimulating development in non-oil sectors of the national economy."
Tlm724:   "He urged the representative of the World Bank, the government on" the implementation of structural reforms protracted, and lack of dependence on borrowing from state-owned banks,
"explaining "In the future, it would require a major economic reforms to make spending and revenue side measures and diversification of the economy, and the general economic situation calls for stimulating development in non-oil sectors of the national economy.
Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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