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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Dinar Updates Chat  11-27-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From DinarUpdates Chat Room 11-27-15  Part 1 of 2

Pablo says to wmawhite():  What do you think Maliki's going to do now in light of the recent judicial decision?
wmawhite saysHere is a very good new media outlet from Kurdistan. I check it every morning:
wmawhite says to PabloI expect that he will continue to debate and negotiate until something concrete is decided concerning him. Remember: it is not over until it is over............some great NY Yankee catcher said that once...........I think.........
_firefly_ says to wmawhite: Reduction of 6 trillion dinars from the budget ceiling and the adoption of US $ 40 as the price for a barrel of oil - November 25, 2015
_firefly_ says Parliamentary Finance Committee announced the drafting of a parliamentary proposal to cut about 6 trillion dinars of the total expenses of the general budget for the new year 2016,
_firefly_ says and the adoption rate of $ 40 per barrel of oil.
tman23 says Parliamentary Committee on the economy and investment, chels, set up committees to investigate the decline in Central Bank reserves. Knight said "no worries for Iraqi economic situation for 2016 ″, stating that" there are calls for the formation of committees to look into Central Bank reserves decrease of 76 billion to 60 billion dollars, where this amount went? ".
it is not permitted to use the reserve, but there are areas in the Act for the protection of Iraqi monetary and economic stability, but they are few. ((( 76 billion in reserves..........DID YOU KNOW......20% OF THE CBI RESERVES ARE IQD ????? TAKE 20% FROM THE 76 BILLION..... ))) .....
Pablo says to wmawhite He'll negotiate from Iran, or will he just stay there for 'medical reasons?'
_firefly_ says He said committee member pros Hamadoun said in a statement seen by our economy news agency that "the Finance Committee has not yet been possible to reach the final ceiling to reduce the total allocations and expenditures of the general budget in 2016".
She noted that "the Committee's deliberations are still continuing to discuss the ministries and sectors and government institutions expenses."
She explained that "there are drafting an initial proposal to reduce the parliamentary about six trillion dinars of the total ceiling of the general budget by reducing capital expenditures and a portion of operating expenses."
wmawhite says to _firefly_More evidence that the IMF is actively involved with Iraq as they prepare the 2016 budget the "old fashion right way"...................IMO

_firefly_ says( She noted that "members of the parliamentary finance committee unanimously to adopt a price of $ 40 per barrel of oil in the budget to address the risk of falling prices on the world market rather than the price at which the law was adopted by the government of $ 45."
_firefly_ says Hamadoun considered an MP for the coalition to Iraqi forces, "the federal public budget prepared by the Council of Ministers, digital only and not differ much from the budgets of previous years."
_firefly_ says :HUGE !!!!!!!!!!!
wmawhite says to Pablo Maliki has very little to negoatiate with has the culture of Iraq's "old guard" starts to change and move forward.
_firefly_ says Did I mention HUGE?
_firefly_ says This move realigns the budget in accordance with world market crude prices.
Pablo says to wmawhite Very true.
_firefly_ says Will allow them to turn a profit immediately
_firefly_ says HUGE !!!!!!!
Pablo says Very good news firefly.
MadDScout says I'm diggin' it
 Pablo says Will they vote on the budget before the recess?
tman23 says MP of State of law coalition , Haider al- Mawla confirmed on Thursday that the federal government will resort to external borrowing  in order to address the budget deficit of next year.
Al-Mawla said in a statement received by Shafaq News, that the government will rely on borrowing from the World Bank , the Japanese Agency and other banks, which will help Iraq in allocating funds for the implementation of infrastructure and services projects through payment on credit, noting that other loans that the government will restore to is internal borrowing from banks in the country......
This appears to END any debates......It also appears they understand that to build and rebuild they will have to go in debt which means CREDIT.......AND for the "World Powers" to invest by granting credit....they have an input on what is required from you..... AND the best thing for Iraq is.....when your money is in their basket.....they will protect their interest !!
Pablo says They need to resort to an RV!!!
_firefly_ says to tman23 Correct, CREDIT is VERY important for any country
wmawhite says This is in keeping with what the IMF stated three (3) weeks ago..................."Iraq will re-enter the economy markets prior/before the first half of 2016."
Melissa Taylor[2259820848@twitter..] says : What some don't understand is that even if they RV'd today it's not going to be a quick fix for Iraq. They still need money now. Just saying... :D
TexasProud says to Melissa Taylor[2259820848@twitter..] well if it did RV at near or over a dollar and we can exchange it wont matter
Melissa Taylor[2259820848@twitter..] says True. It won't matter to us but it will matter to them. :)
mudder says And the freedom
_firefly_ says Problem is ... people are still living in the past. Still have the Maliki regime mindset. This is no longer the case folks. Abadi has done a complete 180 in Iraq since he became PM. This is and always has been a process. Be thankful you are a part of it !
mudder says to _firefly You could copy that statement a 1,000 times in chat and still some people wouldn't understand....
_firefly_ says to mudder True, and a real shame
Baxter1243 says firefly.. what did Iraq do today concerning the budget.. ? I couldnt read up cause chat hasnt been copied... Did they lower the per barrel price?
mudder says to _firefly_ :And the real reality is people want to know when.... And when the time comes I think some will be SO LOST on how to handle the life change they will be able to start a TV show called HOW I LOST MY FORTUNE yup
jtank says WMA u r talkin Dec to enter the world market
Baxter1243 says Ok..thx.. what did they lower it to?
mudder says to Baxter1243(3:17 PM):40
Baxter1243 says ok..thx
_firefly_ says to Baxter1243 Reduction of 6 trillion dinars from the budget ceiling and the adoption of US $ 40 as the price for a barrel of oil
_firefly_ says to Baxter1243 the parliamentary finance committee unanimously to adopt a price of $ 40 per barrel of oil in the budget to address the risk of falling prices on the world market
Baxter1243 says Well.. thats closer anyway...
quicktolegit96 says i get the feeling iraq is exporting oil to USA from here on out....i could be wrong
wmawhite says to jtank(3:32 PM):The translation from the IMF came out a couple of different ways. I read it has an expectation the IMF has that Iraq will be re-entering the global markets sometime within the first half of 2016. In order to do so...........what does Iraq need to have? Answer: a currency it calls its own with a value that reflect the true wealth of Iraq.
tellmemore says wma can they wait much longer
wmawhite says to tellmemore I don't think they are waiting on is evident that the CBI/GOI/IMF plus a few we don't know about have been working together to the IMF said, bring Iraq back into the economic markets by sometime during the first half of 2016.
wmawhite says Folks,...remember, when gurus would tell anybody who would listen that this investment was a big secret? Or, they are telling us "smoke" because they don't want us to know?......what a butch of bull!!!! Folks, Iraq want the world to know.....they want all folks to see they as a great place to invests. They want the IQD to be used worldwide.......because that runs the value of the IQD up.
jtank says for some reason seems they want outsiders to own iqd
tellmemore says wma i think we are in agreement - just wondering why it is taking so long now that they have the laws passed and malarki is out of the country
wmawhite says to tellmemore It is only "taking so long" if we truly knew when it is to change in value. If the CBI/IMF have not gotten to that point in time where they are ready...........then it is not taking so long.
tellmemore says(3:48 PM):who knows maybe they are taking a week off to celebrate :)
crank7 says( wmawhite: Prior to the first half of 2016..... or sometime during the first half of 2016?
wmawhite says to crank7 Yes,..........the oath came from the IMF head for North Africa and the Middle it had to be translated and that part is difficult to understand the true intent.
crank7 says wmwhite......... yes, indeed!! Very confusing. 8-|
Baxter1243 says it doesnt look promising.. since its already newstime.. but.. hang on.. you never know.. (y)
jtank says ERBIL, Kurdistan Region— More than 90 percent of food consumed in the Kurdistan region is imported, according to data compiled by the region’s ministry of agriculture.
“The population has grown and our production has not,” said Anwar Omar, general manager at the ministry.
The need for food products will be even higher in 2020 when the population climbs to 6 million people from its current 5.4 million, Omar added.

jtank says(6:55 PM):MAINZ, Germany – Germany said it is bolstering its military presence in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region and deploy jets in the fight against ISIS, following a French plea to EU allies after the deadly bombings in Paris.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and ministers decided on extending the German military mission in the war against the Islamic State.
FatherofThunder says  Any idea when we BGG will have his next call?
_firefly_ says to jtank I told you guys that a week ago. Nice to see it in print :)
jtank says firefly- no Md so am surfin
subgirl says to _firefly_ ):(y)wow! I sure like that!! In ink! (y) and already past
 jtank says peeps talkin in other chat that Maliki being head of sol might still be a way to hide from the law
subgirl says well, I don't think IMO that there is a place for him to hide esp in Iraq! that is my opinion only...
Nadita says are the news quiet today...?
Nadita says( what do you think of Iraq postponing the 50K now..?I
subgirl says to Nadita no I think there is some esp in the chatlog...
Nadita says sassy.. you got it right
Nadita says 11-28-2015 Newshound Guru firefly It is definitely a plan and IMO they have run out of time. I'm still expecting a lot of misleading and recycled material this month. Dec should be very exciting. IMO...Do or die.
kazorchian says shabibi is supposed to have an announcement at 10:30 am tomorrow
subgirl says to kazorchian about what?
Nadita says kazorchian... hopefully rv time
kazorchian says(7:39 PM):something to do with finance
subgirl says to kazorchian oh wow! would love that!!!!
subgirl says to kazorchian Sweet!!!!

Nadita says kazor.. I hope he announces the RV..
RickeyT says it's 4:39 AM there right now
diagyAAAE says Almost that time already... how far is Iraq ahead of us, 9 hrs?
sassy says kazorchian did you see a article about it?
subgirl says to Nadita I don't think the rv is coming that way tho. it will happen in the night... IMO
kazorchian says no my friend told me he saw it somewhere
subgirl says to diagyAAAE yep 9 hours ahead!
Nadita says rickey.. we might here it tonight
subgirl says to Nadita yep!
subgirl says to Nadita but we'll see!
Loopback says Development Policy Institute is hosting the Governor of the Central Bank tomorrow

Date: 11/27/2015 16:27   Information / BAGHDAD / ..

Hosts the Institute of the progress of development policies on Saturday Governor of the Central Bank for the purpose of discussing monetary policy. According to a statement of the Institute and Agency / information /, received a copy of it "will be hosting the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords tomorrow in the Institute building at 10:30 am to talk for monetary policy and the existing reserve and other files related. "The statement added that" the seminar will involve a group of finance and economy experts ".anthy 25 K.
Loopback says will be hosting the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords tomorrow in the Institute building at 10:30 am to talk for monetary policy and the existing reserve and other files related.
Nadita says loop.. it's not Shabibi then.. still Alak, correct..?
kazorchian says( he said shabibi i think
Loopback says to diagyAAAE Yes it is. I would love to be a fly on the wall during that meeting.
subgirl says to Loopback so Shabs is the one talking in this meeting tomorrow??
Loopback says to subgirl That's not what the ink says.
monique13 says but it's 10:30 a.m. their time? so it's tonight for us?
subgirl says to Loopback oh ok, just wanted to make sure I heard it correctly! (y)
Baxter1243 says Where does it say Shabibbi?
kazorchian says it doesn't
kazorchian says maybe it's not it says governor of cbi
RickeyT says to monique13 it's 4:45 AM there right now
diagyAAAE says ):It does not.... Gov enor of CBI
Baxter1243 says I kind of doubt its Shabs..
kazorchian says yeah i could be wrong
monique13 says to RickeyT thanks
Loopback says to subgirl( :All the article indicates it that Keywords will be in a meeting the discuss reserves, monetary policy, and other files.
subgirl says to Loopback( ok, we'll just see if they put it in the articles who was there??
_firefly_ says to Loopback So I wonder what Shabibi was doing in kuwait and Iraq with Zebari meeting with the IMF
cjquade54 says( nothing about them making an announcement
_firefly_ says Sorry, was meant for the room
_firefly_ says( Pictures don't lie
subgirl says to _firefly well hoping it has to do with this RV???
kazorchian says we'll find out soon enough
diagyAAAE says with PhotoShop, pictures do lie lol
_firefly_ says And the one in Kuwait refeered to Shabibi as the Governor of the CBI
diagyAAAE says Jk FF
sassy says ):firefly Well that is interesting hmmmm
_firefly_ says Just a thought :)
sassy says firefly I like it
subgirl says to _firefly_ oh wow! I like that!! (y)
_firefly_ says to diagyAAAE I know :)
_firefly_ says to diagyAAAE We may never know the entire story
jeffusa says to _firefly_( only 1 story I want to see end
_firefly_ says Remember, we only see what they want us to see !!!!!!!!!
diagyAAAE says FF it's always been a mystery to me, I do however think we are Close, SOOOON lol
_firefly_ says All plans have an end date !!!!!!!
diagyAAAE says thats for sure
Loopback says to _firefly_ I think he still has a lot of sway over monetary reforms in Iraq, but from the side lines. And the fact that the IMF is giving direct input into the goings on at the CBI is very exciting and telling. They are out of money, oil is not going to recover anytime soon, they cannot ramp up the private sector fast enough to be of help. They need to do something very soon to add the need liquidity.
Loopback says to _firefly_ needed..
Loopback says Very exciting times. 
_firefly_ says to Loopback True but we also have to take into account the contracts, agreements and debts that need to be repayed
_firefly_ says to Loopback There WILL be consequences
Loopback says to _firefly Very true.
_firefly_ says to Loopback Also like I said a week or 2 ago, no way in he!! or high water that Germany would jump on board unless they were certain of repayment of loans
Loopback says to _firefly They also have a huge issue with the displaced. That is going to be a major revenue drain.
_firefly_ says to Loopback Yeah, many items in play here that need desperate measures for a resolve
sassy says Loop if they can put them to work with all new jobs that will be coming into Iraq. That would help
_firefly_ says to Loopback Then there is the Paris club debt !!!!!!
sassy says :  Loop Contracts means jobs
_firefly_ says to Loopback IMF WB loans
_firefly_ says to Loopback I could go on but don't think I will
Loopback says to _firefly_ Desperate times bring desperate measure. I sure am glad that there seem to be following the plan that Shabs started years ago. It means they have a chance to right the ship.
Loopback says to _firefly_ ):they seem..
_firefly_ says to Loopback As of today I see no stumbling blocks whatsoever
_firefly_ says to Loopback Sistani has spoken, followed by Abadi and the CBI
Baxter1243 says thats what I like to hear.. no stumbling blocks (y)
_firefly_ says to Loopback That brings peace to me
Loopback says to _firefly_ The Supreme Court really stepped up by throwing out Nujayfi's lawsuit.
_firefly_ says to Loopback( I'm not surprised :D
cjquade54 says to Loopback is that for sure?
_firefly_ says to Loopback They have over 2000 names on that list
_firefly_ says to Loopback 300 plus are / were politicians
subgirl says to _firefly I sure like that!!! :)
Loopback says to cjquade54 Over 11 news sources carrying the story. I would say it is a done deal.
cjquade54 says to Loopback great I haven't seen it but I know we were waiting to hear the result
Loopback says to cjquade54 Some of the article even have the four page ruling posted.
cjquade54 says to Loopback so I guess that's it for Mailiki as well?
Loopback says to cjquade54 It doe set legal precedent, for the other two lawsuits.
cjquade54 says to Loopback that's big news!
Loopback says to cjquade54 HUGE NEWS!!
Loopback says to cjquade54 LOOOOOPOOW NEWS!
Loopback says to cjquade54 IMO

 Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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