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Thursday, November 26, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm 724 News & Comments  11-26-15 Part 2 of 2

BLC Admin Tlm 724 News & Comments  11-26-15 Part 2 of 2

Many factors hinder the increased production of state employees
11/26/2015 0:00  Baghdad Rula confident --  appeared on the face of resentment Mustafa he talks about dealing with state employees when reviewing one of the circles to complete a transaction by saying (go reluctantly and I'm nervous), I understand from the outset underestimated citizen stall and style.
 He admitted Mustafa Nasser with the forty-year-old, that this case does not include all the staff but the majority of them have these qualities, Fterahm arrive fairly begging to get a job and when sitting on her chair dragging their heels to work and neglect their jobs,

​do not produce in their jobs but very few transactions are not commensurate with the working hours specific to them, Venriham sometimes ate their food for over an hour, and at other times visit one another in the rest of the sections, or put the timing of the work for themselves in line with their mood. 

says economic expert on behalf of Jamil Antoine: The «United Nations estimates based on economic and account numbers minutes divided GDP Iraq on the contribution of 4.00025 million thousand employees to the extent that they provide to show that per employee productivity be between 1 017 minutes of work a day out of 420 minutes ».
commented psychological researcher Dr. Naz Badrakhan Sindi on terms of employee productivity:« divided nature of the functions into two types administrative functions and function of a teacher and a teacher and university professor, and quite different judging their production », noting that« judgment must be according to the quality function of each employee, as well as vary the specific working hours,
Valmadrs will stick to the agenda and times of quotas and in this case it must be produced in accordance with , it is a specific timetable shall be liable where all rooms, students and supervision by the management, production is longer ratio and proportionate ».
It continued:« As for the administrative officer of the various state departments Vantegh follows the psychological state experienced by », stressing that« the physical motivation important very, issue of salary may be not the amount desirable, or that he does not feel that his performance is proportional to the amount of his salary, as well as placed rewards, as began less and less,
especially in light of the austerity experienced by the country, deemed to be a financial factor is very important that the affect in the psyche of the employee more production and introducing more hours at work, as there is no greater motive, what will reduce submit the correct performance ».
The official spokesman for the Ministry of Industry and Minerals Abdul Wahid al-Shammari, said the« ministry includes nearly 76 public company, These companies have had a significant role in Iraq's industry before 2003, as they contribute to supplying 15 percent of the gross income budget ».
He adds:« After the year 2003, the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and the entry of many imported goods from neighboring countries led to the Iraqi industry deterioration , and this is what touched also the Iraqi citizen on the street », pointing out that the ministry has developed a reform plan, whether financial or administrative or human resources or development.

He noted the Executive Office member of the General Federation of Trade Unions in Iraq, to« it is essential to distinguish between administrative institutions and productivity; Valadarih have disguised unemployment It is possible that their productivity is very low, but productivity institutions and industrial companies can not be a non-productive »,
adding:« if I worked these companies real cards with productivity will more than the stated ratios many times », regretting the disabled productive enterprises For more than 10 years. the principle of reward and reward and continued Mustafa: «repeated my visits to government departments from time to time for the completion of the treatment and I'm having almost the same actions by the staff and I am looking for an answer what to do employee during office hours seven Is required from him in charge of the quantitative work done?
Until I met by chance an old friend I did not see him for a long time in one of the circles and after asking about the case asked him to clarify the employee work during working hours and Tmlmlh of the performance of his duty, he laughed out loud and said simply: «There are many things and I will talk to you about myself, began working career with all the commitment and dedication and watched amusingly staff around me perform their work with all fidget and indifference ».
He adds my friend and I express to know the reasons:« did all in charge of the work done and another employee it to be the same that I do and ends with a month and did not accomplish in the end he gets a letter of thanks and I am waiting and there are many other things other makes of employee neglected and do not care to his work, and over time I joined the list of well-known staff among citizens and you are of them ».
This is illustrated by Sindi saying: The« employee sometimes need to be strengthened, Vbaalm self there (the principle of reward and reward), It is very important, as it is a kind of reinforcement, as books Thanksgiving or a good word from the Supreme official encouragement for its employee from work, there is another important aspect stimulates factor to increase production is to his place of work and kind,
sometimes place reserved for him be uncomfortable and boring no minimum comfort requirements are available in it so that he can sit in it for long hours, as well as kind, as function may be boring and annoying or employee Muhanna exercise is not of competence, it is known to us that the appointments most are not within the jurisdiction and do not serve the school years, which reduces the production ».
She stressed that« there is another problem experienced by the employee is discrimination between employees in the same department or section, as sometimes biased Director to certain employees for personal issue or has its own relationship or benefit from the work does not belong to function even if the other employee still potent and doing his job as required and produces significantly,
 but still notes this distinction certainly will decrease production and falls this within the moral side, as the employee was unable to obtain from his employer the encouragement it deserves », stressing that the reward moral sometimes more important than the physical, as It is possible that a good word affect the increase in production for more than 50 percent.
She explained that all of these issues affect the employee and production performance, which is why we note the lack of production and we see restless and upset and hates his job, noting in the event of a statistical see that the majority of employees hate the job that they practice. solutions to increase production and suggested
Antoine a balanced economic program to solve this problem is based on activating the role of the private sector and the adoption of a law for retirement and social security for workers in the private and mixed sectors to Astqtaba existing staff in government departments to ease the recruitment circles State requests, as well as activating the core such as agriculture, industry and tourism productive sectors and services to receive this huge number of employees,
stressing that this program will increase the gross domestic product and develop other productive sectors, what makes us dispense with imports and reduce dependence on oil revenues, which the source has become the basis for financing the state budget, expressing hope need to activate the balanced economic programs to activate the role of the private sector and to accelerate the application to find a solution to that and increase the Iraqi individual productivity which became the lowest productivity comparison between the world staff the whole.
sees Shammari said a former employee in the Ministry of Industry had a lot of experience in the industry, and these experiences can not neglect, it is imperative that we place in the right way there was the plan were adopted, as we get Cabinet approval to merge the Ministry of Industry and Minerals circles to become the 32 companies, in order to resume work and re-value of the employees working in these companies, as the staff began to fidget from a lack of production and work, as well as the lack of investment opportunities It is the lack of contracts concluded with the Ministries of State.
And: «Accordingly, the opinion makers agreed to activate incentives to employees Winning companies in the ministry, as well as the adoption of coordinating committees and this would transfer staff requests for all their companies based on employee or two to represent the company and meetings are continuing with the Minister for this coordinating committees and direct access ».
stressing that« the employee working at the Ministry of Industry and Minerals problem is the salaries and we were able to overcome this problem and began they receive the time specified ».
However Shammari: The« key factor for the protection of the domestic product is to reduce imports from abroad and rely on the product local employee motivation to increase production », adding that« it is hoped in the middle of next month, a major conference in support of the national product under the auspices of the President and the Cabinet in order to pass laws to protect the Iraqi product and activating the law of customs tariff on goods entering the country,
noting: «in case of activating the law We will be able to compete with the imported product », indicating that our products are present in the markets, regretting the absence of a law protected, pointing out that the ministry has introduced investment opportunities to contract with the Iraqis, Arabs or foreigners simple terms for entry of investors in partnerships with the Ministry for the purpose of increasing production and keep up with the current development for for goods and services.
yolk between the real production projects in state institutions in general convergence of the (200) Foundation and the company is capable of production, it must be there volunteering in production sectors to be operated fully and increase production, as well as ease-winning inflation in administrative jobs as a result of poor planning and a lack of a clear vision of economic and social borne by the state, and preference for government employment guarantees provided and the pension that guarantees their rights to industrial companies.
After what he heard Mustafa hit Stop the palm on the reality of jobs, hoping that the state pay attention to the reopening of Iraqi factories to work and value the efforts of staff actors, to perform their work conscientiously and guarantee access to what we have reached the rest of the countries of evolution.
tlm724   :The «United Nations estimates based on economic and account numbers minutes divided GDP Iraq on the contribution of 4.00025 million thousand employees to the extent that they provide to show that per employee productivity be between 1 017 minutes of work a day out of 420 minutes ».

tlm724: *slap* lazy azz bums

Ministry of Finance: International Monetary developed a program to assist Iraq in the financial management to get soft loans
BAGHDAD / Ibrahim Ibrahim   Confirmed experts economy, on Wednesday, the IMF does not give money in the form of grants without setting conditions to ensure repayment of the loan with interest in addition to the intervention policy of the country's economic which will reflect negatively on the rise in transactions in the local market, while the Ministry of Finance revealed that Iraq will take over one billion and 200 million dollars a loan from the International Monetary Fund without preconditions.
The economist said Bassem Jamil Antoine in an interview for the "long", said that "Iraq is going through a financial and misses a crisis of liquidity and bridging the budget deficit in 2016 of $ 23 trillion dinars."
He added, "The financial crisis has prompted the government to develop a plan to reduce the budget deficit by borrowing from several bodies including the International Monetary Fund and the amount of one billion two hundred million dollars to cover some of the necessary expenses of the country.
"He explained that" the amount of value that does not require setting impossible conditions imposed on the Iraqi government as well as the stated agreement was containing proposals can be implemented in the future.
"He said "Providing the money to meet the annual deficit process requires the government put a solid management can negotiate during the agreement on various foreign loans and the method of distribution in accordance with the actual moment of need."
He revealed Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, on Wednesday, that Iraq will take over one billion and $ 200 million loan from the International Monetary Fund , and among the latter does not have the conditions for lending to Iraq.
Zebari said during a joint news conference with the governor of Karbala, Akil Turaihi and chairman of the province of Karbala Nassif rhetorical, in the governorate building and attended by the (long-Presse) that "the International Monetary Fund does not have any requirements on Iraq to give him loans financial but has a program to assist Iraq in the financial management and the economy, and this has helped us in that we get soft loans from some international organizations, "stressing that" Iraq will take over soon billion and $ 200 million a soft loan from the International Monetary Fund.
"The condition of the International Monetary Fund to raise support for electricity and the ration card to lend to the Iraqi government and enable them to bridge the expected deficit in the next 2016 budget, while expressed "serious reservations" on the size of salaries paid by the government for the staff, invited her to re-examine them.
The International Monetary Fund announced on Saturday (the 14th of November 2015 current), the determination of the Council of Ministers amend the next 2016 budget, in line with the macroeconomic framework of the program watched by the Fund.
In turn, the economic Abbas Ibrahim Bahadli expert in an interview for the "long", that "the IMF is considered profit organization in content and public agitated policies World according to the control of the economies of the countries through continued lending system.
"He added that" the country's economy is going through the throes of Asir requires the development of alternative plans to the process of falling oil prices by finding local alternatives to increase imports financial state without resorting to marginal loans do not help in overcoming the financial crisis, but put restrictions conditional may take many years to come.
"He said Bahadli" The IMF does not give money in donations without setting conditions to ensure repayment of the loan with interest in addition to the interference of internal and external policy of the State. "
He said the" step to sign the IMF loan in the immediate phase experienced by the Iraqi economy will lead to reduced government support towards some key services such as fuel and the ration card and the demobilization of staff and the Ministry of Industry companies causing raise domestic prices by about rising ".
He warned Bahadli against" the continuation of the central bank sold the dollar auction daily currency which sapped currency funds derived from the sale of oil, prompting the government to borrow from the IMF, which in turn is opposed to the sale process and described as random. "He added that" continuously sell the dollar at the central bank auction threatens to decline foreign exchange reserves, which is owned by the state to dangerous levels as indicated by the IMF in his recent statement ".
Previously, the International Monetary Fund, and to give Iraq worth one billion and 250 million dollars in emergency aid, but Iraqi officials have reservations about the amount that said the government is seeking to borrow from the International Foundation which is based in Washington based.  LINK
tlm724:  Zebari "the International Monetary Fund does not have any requirements on Iraq to give him loans financial but has a program to assist Iraq in the financial management and the economy, and this has helped us in that we get soft loans from some international organizations, "stressing that" Iraq will take over soon billion and $ 200 million a soft loan from the International Monetary Fund.
Tlm724: thats something to be thankful for !!!
Tlm724: economic expert Abbas Ibrahim Bahadli says warned Bahadli against" the continuation of the central bank sold the dollar auction daily currency which sapped currency funds derived from the sale of oil, prompting the government to borrow from the IMF, which in turn is opposed to the sale process and described as random. "He added that" continuously sell the dollar at the central bank auction threatens to decline foreign exchange reserves, which is owned by the state to dangerous levels as indicated by the IMF in his recent statement "

Fire "eat up" file corruption .. and Parliamentary Integrity proposes the formation of a supreme committee to investigate incidents
BAGHDAD / Amer supporter    It proposed for the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, on Wednesday, the formation of a supreme committee to investigate fires that break out in the task of government institutions, departments, and while confirming that the committee will work under the supervision of the Council of Ministers, the Baghdad Provincial Council pointed out that coordination with the departments of civil defense constantly to avoid such incidents.
A member of the Integrity Commission, the parliamentary Turaihi flowers, in a statement to the "long" that "these incidents are repeated, especially in the ministries and places for registries, such as registration and real estate areas of the Ministry of Industry of contracts and other accidents," pointing out that "The more you move a file with a suspicion of corruption do not see But combustion place after two days or one day under the pretext of seeking the electric "?!
and was amazed Turaihi of" of electric Tmasat in the Ministries of Interior visits and Industry and Foreign Affairs in other times, "claim that" there is a higher committee to investigate these incidents and no committees formed from within the ministries or offices Inspector General.
"and demanded that" the special investigation made ​​up incidents from the Cabinet Committee in cooperation with the Commission on Integrity out the results of a transparent and realistic is that determine the time periods for the investigation of any incident, and that the Commission enjoys a high level of expertise and precision.
"She Turaihi" we approached the Council of Ministers to form this The Commission will send a written request for approval of the establishment of this committee. " For his part, said a member of the security committee in Baghdad Provincial Council, Fadel Shuwaili in an interview for the "long" that "there are fires occur from time to time and some of them in official institutions and this is intended to hide some files and on the whole, all the fires that occur should be opened investigation To find out the reasons.
"He added Shuwaili that" the winter when many of the problems that caused fires occur for several reasons, the most important weakness turn off the heaters and things that pertain to heating the private community awareness, as well as leaving some heaters working, although they came out of the house.
"He explained Shuwaili that" Civil Defense to develop a plan to address this matter and this formation is important in the Interior Ministry attend all meetings held between the provincial council and the Interior Ministry, in order to be fully informed of the plans and recommendations that are placed to reduce any security crisis in the capital.
"A source in the civil defense said in a statement "long" that "the main problem in the lack of directorates of civil defense and turn away many of them from residential areas," noting that "the late arrival of fire trucks to the fire area is the reason not to control it sometimes," pointing out that "The other problem is the lack of know a lot of citizens extinguishing number and therefore this is another hamper the arrival of a car fire engines to the scene of the fire, "stressing that" the important issue that must be deployed with the approach of winter is fire numbers for easy contact them in case of any accident.
"He explained that" there are some Fire disappear, including the features of the reasons due to the fire power, but at the same time there are places is prevented investigated and the reason goes back to the mean fire work in this institution because of some serious files you intend to burn it.
"She attributes most civil defense reports the causes of the majority of fires in the country to contact electric because of the weakness in the electricity networks or obsolescence.
and the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers on 25 May 2013 a set of recommendations to reduce the recurrence of "fire accidents" in government buildings, insisting on raising excesses for electrical networks, claim the need to speed up the enactment of the Civil Defence Act.  LINK

tlm724 : the formation of a supreme committee to investigate fires that break out in the task of government institutions, departments
Iraq is seeking to produce 6 million barrels of oil a day 
BAGHDAD / long-Presse    -  Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, Iraq sought to reach a daily production rate of crude oil up to 6 million barrels by 2020, as pointed out that the current production quantities rate stands at 4.3 million barrels per day.

Said Abdul-Mahdi, told the Iranian Shana, and I followed (range Press), on the sidelines of the Forum of Gas Exporting Countries held in Tehran, he said that "Iraq's oil production now stands at the rate of 4.3 million barrels per day," adding that "Iraq will continue forward to double production rates over the coming years. 

"He stressed Abdul-Mahdi, said that" Iraq is planning to reach a production rate daily of crude oil about 6 million barrels and that by 2020 ".

In the same context, he stressed Iraq's oil minister," the need to proceed Baghdad Tehran and towards the development of relations and the promotion of cooperation agreed between the two countries. " LINK

tlm724   "He stressed Abdul-Mahdi, said that" Iraq is planning to reach a production rate daily of crude oil about 6 million barrels and that by 2020 ".
tlm724: dayum !! Basically will double their oil revenue

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