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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wealthwatch Wednesday  Chat 11-25-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room  11-25-15
News With Links & Discussion

Wealthwatch Wednesday  Chat 11-25-15  Part 1 of 2
disciple7: XE: IQD 1110
MichelleL: looks like we're going in the wrong direction disciple? hello friends
MichelleL: we should be at at least 999 by now lol
disciple7: ‹@MichelleL›  :smile: better than 2 months ago.. baby steps
disciple7: hopefully they learn to walk here soon
TxBrand: comment: This is serious. Because we allowed turkey to become part of NATO (so we could use Incirlik Air Base) in our bombing of Iraq) we now have a nation dependent upon us for protection which has attacked the most dangerous fire-ant hill on the planet. This is imminent nuclear WWIII.
BOBBY: TxBrand....... hello...... no doubt a very serious situation brewing
chattels: Maliki heads tomorrow to Iran for the purpose of treatment
chattels: TIMING ! ? - decision of constitutionality & legality of sacking VPs ????????
chattels: How renewed Turkey-PKK conflict threatens the KRG ➡ The stability of Iraqi Kurdistan might again be at risk after the Turkish government, led by the AKP, launched their most extensive raids against PKK positions in years. Read more:
chattels: The escalation of the conflict between Turkish security forces and the PKK has put the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq in a tough position, adding another potential element of instability to the difficult circumstances it is already grappling with. The Iraqi Kurds are faced with the threat posed by IS along a frontier of over 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) and are gripped with a serious economic crisis. The spillover of the PKK-Turkish conflict into Iraqi Kurdish territory presents another major challenge for the KRG. Read more:'
chattels: Relations between Iraqi Kurdistan and Turkey have improved dramatically in recent years. While as recently as 2008 Turkey made threats against KRG authorities for the PKK's presence on Iraqi Kurdish soil, now Turkey is the main route for KRG oil exports and its major trade partner. Read more:
 chattels: "The reality is if Erdogan continues to go to war with its Kurdish population," Pollack said, "it is going to make it incredibly hard for the KRG. How on earth can the KRG cozy up to Ankara when it’s going to war with its own Kurdish populations?" Read more:
Tootsie: Gottta LOVE this sentence from announcement re M going to Iran for treatment ~~~ the former vice president Nuri al-Maliki tomorrow heading to Iran.
Tootsie: FORMER VP
lonegunman: ‹@Tootsie› FORMER !!!!!!!!!! we can only hope .............
BOBBY: So what is Maliki s official title/position?
Lauren305: wasnt the decision from the Federal Court regarding the abolishment of the VicePresidents' posts due today 11/24?
chattels: ‹@Lauren305› true   chattels: no new report yet
chattels: “Nevertheless, to keep a good conscience, and walk in such a way as God has prescribed in his word, is a thing which I must prefer before you all, and above life itself.” ― William Bradford
chattels: Currency Auctions Announcement No. (3081) The opening offers the sale and purchase of foreign currency in the window of the Central Bank of Iraq on 25/11/2015 and the results were as follows: DETAILS              NOTES Number of banks               26 Number of remittance companies        18 Auction price selling dinar / US$ 1166 Auction price buying dinar / US$        ----- Amount sold at auction price (US$)          203,636,564 Amount purchased at Auction price (US$)       ----- Total offers for buying (US$)     203,636,564 Total offers for selling (US$)               -----
chattels: 3081 ............ 25-Nov .............1,210   chattels:
Doug_W: GM Gang
Doug_W: Happy Thanksgiving eve day
disciple7: XE: IQD 1108.1806
chattels: accused the Crown Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, in turn, direct the emergence of organizing Daash.
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 24h24 hours ago In context of Turkey's action against Russian jet, worth noting Turkey itself regularly violates Iraqi airspace …
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 5m5 minutes ago Reidar Visser Retweeted Yaroslav Trofimov Maybe consequences for trade & tourism. On the whole, Russian response to Turkey seems measured & not at all WWIII
disciple7: ‹@chattels› al-assad and maliki blamed for daesh? big words.. well their trying to oust assad.. gotta wonder if maliki is next.
Doug_W: what food is a nuclear waste land to anybody
chattels: Maliki heads to Iran for the purpose of treatment
chattels: TIMING ! ? - decision of constitutionality & legality of sacking VPs ?????????????
chattels: ‹@disciple7› ??????????
disciple7: wish they were more specific on which kind of treatment?
chattels: ‹@disciple7› politic_l gr_ce
disciple7: I hear ya
chattels:  Jabbar Yawar: Baghdad has not allocated so far for any amount Peshmerga
chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / Secretary General of the Ministry of Peshmerga team Jabbar Yawar announced that the federal government has not allocated so far any amount annually as a budget for the Peshmerga forces. He said in a statement, that despite the existence of a paragraph related to the Peshmerga Kurdish forces budget within the Federal Budget Law Since 2007 until this year,
different contents in each year, but so far the Iraqi government has not allocated any amount annually as a budget for the Peshmerga forces, in addition to that is not any kind of weapons and military equipment and supplies by the Ministry of Defense of the Peshmerga forces insurance.

 chattels: "The Peshmerga Kurdish forces and all the protection of other territory forces which are part of the security and defense system in the State of Iraq, federalism, according to the fifth paragraph of Article 121 of the Iraq Constitution of the Federal,
carried out the tasks and duties with devotion and dedication to the defense of security, stability and the protection of the Kurdistan region against any threats, especially after 10 / 6/2014, and battles against the terrorists Daash, and for that provided these forces So far in 1288 martyrs and 62 missing and 7544 wounded.   chattels:
chattels: Cabinet approves the amendment to the budget bill
chattels: Al-Monitor spoke with the nephew of Barzani, Gen. Sirwan Barzani, who is now manning part of the front line in the battle against the radical group. The text of the interview follows:
chattels: Al-Monitor: What role do you see for the peshmerga in a possible operation to regain control of Mosul? Could the peshmerga do this without coordinating with Iraqi forces?
chattels: Barzani: We might launch the offense without the Sunnis, but how can we control the area without them? Also, if the local population is not happy with us and helping IS, this will not be easy. We do not yet know what the people in Mosul think, and there is no official plan to take over the city. 
chattels: head of the Iraqi Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim stressed the need for legislation of laws for government reforms.   chattels:
chattels: 11-25-2015 Intel Guru Frank26 last week...I talked about...The 50k’s have a lift the 000’s from the citizens...we thought they were coming in, exchanging their 2 25k’s for a 50k but something didn’t seem makes no sense. So why put the 50k’s was a stupid mistake by some stupid man. Wasn’t this Dr. Shabibi’s idea to bring in the 000’s... Then sure see an article from Dr. Shabibi...what does he say...that he’s postponing the distribution of the 50k’s in 2015
chattels: " something didn’t seem makes no sense "
chattels: " we thought they were coming in "  chattels: " a stupid mistake by some stupid man "
chattels: " some stupid man "   chattels: more " B._hit "  " article from Dr. Shabibi....... " ???
Donnie: What article? lol
chattels: very tiring    chattels: no integrity
Stash: 1108
Donnie: Iraq Live Update ‏@IraqLiveUpdate 21m21 minutes ago 'Saudi Number Plate' found on seized Daesh vehicle in Salahuddin #Iraq
Donnie: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 2h2 hours ago Reidar Visser Retweeted Yaroslav Trofimov Maybe consequences for trade & tourism. On the whole, Russian response to Turkey seems measured & not at all WWIII
Doug_W: is anybody traveling tomorrow?  Doug_W: we are staying home
MzDiva: ‹@Doug_W› i will be here of course  MzDiva: doug you can fedex me a plate if you like   MzDiva: im not able to cook just yet
Tootsie: GM, just read article in respect to M going to Iran for treatment. Ran it through bing, and it stated diabetes and a "clot" - other translations did not mention "clot" `- like a roach, hard to get rid of!

Tootsie: Have a great day shopping / preparing / traveling for a day of Thanksgiving ~ Tootsie: poof


Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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