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Friday, November 27, 2015

Wealthwatch Friday Chat 11-27-15  

Post From Chat Room  11-27-15
News With Links & Discussion

Wealthwatch Friday Chat 11-27-15  
OOTW: i still see nothing at the supreme judiciary's site re the decision on the vp's
Doug_W: sooo    Doug_W: we Wait.......
Donnie: Sam Dagher ‏@samdagher Nov 25 In #Kirkuk area alone Arabs accuse Kurds of demolishing more than 50 villages previously held by Islamic State #Iraq
chattels: MAINZ, Germany – Germany said it is bolstering its military presence in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region and deploy jets in the fight against ISIS, following a French plea to EU allies after the deadly bombings in Paris. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and ministers decided on extending the German military mission in the war against the Islamic State.
 “Not only will we bolster our training mission in northern Iraq but we will, among other things, make a contribution to the fight against ISIS terror with Tornado reconnaissance jets,” Henning Otte, defense expert for Angela Merkel’s CDU party, said on Thursday. “Germany will be a more active contributor than it has been until now,” he added.
chattels: the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the popular crowd agree on Thursday in the district of Tuz to evacuate the elimination of the Peshmerga forces and the crowd after bloody clashes two weeks ago.
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser Iraq's supreme court throws out the appeal of ex VP Nujayfi who was sacked, though apparently on a technicality only … SOURCE NOT FOUND
TxBrand: Russia at Syrian
Donnie: Iraq Live Update ‏@IraqLiveUpdate 2h2 hours ago All Smiles.. Another publicised meeting with Hashed Sha'abi leadership.. PM Abadi, Al-Ameri & Al-Mohandess #Iraq
Donnie: Iraq Live Update Retweeted Haidar Sumeri ‏@IraqiSecurity 4h4 hours ago Yezidi fighter killed, not by Da'ish, but by Barzani's KDP mafia. Yezidi-Pesh clashes after Sinjar's liberation.
Donnie: One of the world's biggest and most dangerous pilgrimages is underway Shia Muslims are travelling near Isis-held areas of Iraq for Arbaeen
TxBrand: who are Yezidi?
Donnie:  LINK


They are making their way to the city of Karbala, 62 miles south-west of Baghdad, for the holy day of Arbaeen on 12 December - a journey that has previously been the target of numerous terrorist attacks.
Arbaeen marks the end of a 40-day mourning period following Ashura, the religious ritual that commemorates the death of the Prophet Mohammad's grandson Imam Hussein in 680.
Shia Muslims revere him as their third imam and mourn his defeat at the battle of Karbala, when he and his companions were killed and beheaded by Caliph Yazid’s army.
The city holds the Imam Hussein Shrine, which was the destination of an estimated 20 million people from 40 countries in 2013.
Donnie: Iraq Live Update ‏@IraqLiveUpdate 2h2 hours ago Kurdish Peshmerga & Local Shia led Hashed leadership hold meetings to resolve tension in #Tuz_Khurmatu #Kirkuk #Iraq
TxBrand: gezzz they are Kurdish
TxBrand: ‹@Donnie› did you watch that youtube I posted ?
Donnie: They live primarily in the Nineveh Province of Iraq. Additional communities in Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Iran, and Syria have been in decline since the 1990s as a result of significant migration to Europe, especially to Germany
Donnie: ‹@TxBrand› yes - Russia is kicking butts and not bothering to take any names!!
Donnie: similar to "kill them all and let God sort it out"
Donnie: look at the bright side: the good ones get to go to heaven and the bad go where they belong :)
TxBrand: ‹@Donnie›  :grin:
chattels: Shingal is free, but little excitement among Yezidis for a city in ruins
chattels: Turkey and Russia’s Dangerous Game
chattels: Turkey and Russia will not fight each other more directly, in other words. Just like other powerful states in the region, they will fight each other to the last Syrian instead.
chattels: Joel Wing ‏@JoelWing2 15h15 hours ago Iraq's 2016 draft budget is a total mess …
chattels: Why The Offensive in Anbar, To Re-Take Ramadi, Isn't Going Anywhere Fast
chattels: But one of the biggest problems facing Ramadi isn't military, it is political: Who will run the city after the IS fighters are expelled? Who will manage security? Who can? And who will ensure there are no reprisals and prevent the kind of lawless chaos that happened after several other Iraqi cities were liberated recently?
chattels: UNAMI ‏@UNIraq 8.7 million Iraqis require humanitarian aid: @OCHAIraq #Iraq #humanitarian snapshot (22 Nov)
chattels: Michael Knights ‏@Mikeknightsiraq 10h10 hours ago Solid work in Ramadi: barring an ISIL victory elsewhere in Iraq, we'll enter 2016 poised for the Zab/Mosul campaign
chattels: The Great Zab or Upper Zab (Arabic: (al-Zāb al-Kabīr), Kurdish: Zêy Badînan or Zêyê Mezin‎, Turkish: Zap, Syriac:  (zāba ʻalya)) is an approximately 400-kilometre (250 mi) long river flowing through Turkey and Iraq. It rises in Turkey near Lake Van and joins the Tigris in Iraq south of Mosul. The drainage basin of the Great Zab covers approximately 40,300 square kilometres (15,600 sq mi),
chattels: south of Mosul    chattels:
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 3h3 hours ago #Iraq's defence minister arrives at #Sinjar in first sign of central government involvement after Kurds ousted ISIS …  LINK

 chattels: Kurdish lawmaker: balancing the Peshmerga in 2016 do not cover 10% of its expenses
chattels: " criticized the deputy for the coalition of Kurdish blocs, lack of financial allocations for the Peshmerga forces in the fiscal 2016 budget."    chattels:
chattels: the progress of development policies Institute hosts on Saturday Governor of the Central Bank for the purpose of discussing monetary policy. According to a statement of the Institute received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it "will be hosting the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords tomorrow in the Institute building at 10:30 am to talk about monetary policy and the reserve is located, and other files related." He added that the symposium which will join the elite of finance and economy experts.  
chattels: a student member of the economic and investment commission in Parliament, Knight Knight, the formation of committees to investigate down central bank reserves. Said Knight told all of Iraq [where] "Do not worry on the economic situation in Iraq for the year 2016," noting that "there are calls for the formation of committees and research in low central bank reserves from 76 billion to $ 60 billion, where he went this amount?".   chattels:
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region— A delegation representing Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) visited Strasbourg, France, on Wednesday to urge the EU parliament to help rebuild the newly liberated Shingal, which authorities say urgently needs $100 million dollars to provide basic services before some 400,000 displaced people can return.
chattels:  Deputy for the rule of law: simple differences between the components of the National Alliance on provincial representation in the National Guard
chattels: Kurdish lawmaker: exceptions to the general amnesty law exaggerated and all objections centered on Article 4 terrorism
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser Iraq's supreme court throws out the appeal of ex VP Nujayfi who was sacked, though apparently on a technicality only …
chattels: no new report yet
Doug_W: TY "C"
chattels: Michael Knights @Mikeknightsiraq Analyst focused on Iraq/KRG since 1990s. Regular visitor to Mespot. Passionate about Iraqi potential, Kurdish food, and freedom, however defined.
 chattels: Reidar Visser @reidarvisser Historian.
chattels: Joel Wing @JoelWing2 Iraq analyst at Musings On Iraq Blog

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