Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

More News, Rumors, and Opinions Late Wednesday Afternoon 11-25-15

Martha  DO OR DIE TODAY???

Excuse the title but it sounds like I hit the plan right on. I am hearing that between ALL the banks today ……this should be our day.

The IMF has spoken and it looks like the Chinese added a touch. The 30th of November will be the start of opening doors to the world.

This is the season of giving and perhaps forgiving and giving thanks for what we are about to receive.


I know you hate the moon scenario but the full moon is Friday, November 27th.This is another sign of completion thru a cycle of full moon at end of October till now.

Another interesting note is that 11/11/2015 was a new moon, a birth and rebirth of sorts. Note the master number 11.

The UN operational rate sheet is due on the 27th. Is this the final episode in closing this RV?  I hope so!

On the 29th, normally new money would be released into circulation.

By the way,I fell asleep, again on the Big call. Thanks for the notes I was sent

As of last night's Big Call, the IMF told Iraq to move the LD NOW, which hopefully was done today their time.   Martha




Elmerf123456:  Forex holding at 1080.60 at 9:22est

 My text I just got 20 min ago. sorry I wasn't around yesterday. Very long work day. I just did get a message from contact that we are in a hush position right now and it's exciting times in Iraq shortly.

EdwardK:  Everything you need to know about the arrival of the Heads of State on​ 30 November
The President of the French Republic, François Hollande, and the French Minister of Foreign Affairs and future President of COP21, Laurent Fabius, wanted to invite all Heads of State and Government to the opening of the Conference on 30 November in order to generate political momentum ahead of the negotiations, which will take place first at a technical level, then at ministerial level.

By 24 November, 147 Heads of State and Government had accepted this invitation. This level of participation makes COP21 one of the largest diplomatic conferences ever organized, aside from the United Nations General Assembly sessions in New York. It has been described by Laurent Fabius as “a first” for France.

mcdan » November 25th, 2015, 11:10 am



MLBTR12:   I can't see how the 250 and 500 are better positioned to bring in the three 0's without increasing the note count. If you trade in your 25,000 for 100 250 notes your increasing the note count significantly. With a value change , say 1166 to $1.00 ,

I can't see any benefit. In fact it would be more cumbersome by note count. I just believe we are over calculating.

The absolute best way to bring in the 0"s is to just increase the value on par with the cost of goods sold within the country. As the note count dwindles the value will increase accordingly. All IMO.

sydneysam2 : Frank, are you allowed to say whether the Iranian Rial will be in the first or second basket?


Frank26:              I has expressed as an opinion........... That the Rial WANTS to be in the first basket hence it's speed to become internationally recognized.

They will walk in the same MR Steps as Iraq only ............. FASTER for them.

IMO ......... The Rial and VND will be worth STUDYING next year around ........... June/July.

Aloha Morning my KTFA FAMILY ............... \m/

AGGIEDAD ............ Wonderful CC NOTES from last night !!! !!! !!!

I PROMISE not to talk anymore this week until FRIDAY'S TEAM CHAT CC ..........

MLBTR12 ........... To help AGGIEDAD rest from note taking ......... Think on this UNTIL WE SHARE ON THE NEXT MONDAY CC :


ONLY ONE of these is the FRIEND of THE CITIZENS and ......... DR SHABIBI .

ONLY ONE of these will bring THE CBI what it NEEDS from THE CITIZENS .
OR .......... As we taught last night on BIBLE CC :

Hey ALLACK .......... Your idea sucks........... I DRS cancel it and YOU.

Teach You more on MONDAY CC ........... Time to be Still for the coming days.

Aloha oi...\m/   KTFA    Frank      (100.07/ margin growth started/100.09)


mike100 :always next year gets old after a while. I understand we cant control the timing but the CBI really needs to let it free float alot sooner imho.

Frank26:  MIKE100........... We taught that on December 15 the RI starts.

That there would be the year of our Lord ........ 2015.

ALWAYS THE NEXT YEAR??????????????????????????????????

Ah?     No.     Chillax and be aware.

Pure Aloha from Paradise Found ............. \m/    KTFA    Frank


Scarlet2575 : In the past yes they were stupid on many occasions. But i have to say that this is the first time in 8 and a half yrs since i have been in this crazy investment that things are finally making sense. Iraq will forever have problems even after the Rv that is a given. I truly believe in my heart that things are going to unfold as planned.

I believe in December they will start the ri and late December going in to January they will RV. That is my opinion. Just hang on a little longer for this crazy ride will soon be over.

Frank26:  At the start of this post I was sitting..... At the end ....STANDING OVATION !!!


MLBTR12:   Although the 250 and 500 notes could reduce the three 0's that decision would inflate the note count to an unwanted amount.

We are over calculating the entire event. When they are ready they will increase the value to meet the price index.

This will include the re-pricing of goods and services to meet money supply/value. How ever a robust of economy they develop will determine our value in the end. This is all IMO.

Frank26:  Yes…..nice post…….thank you


Cleitus:  I too was very perplexed at what has happened in the last 48hrs. I must agree with you tomsrunners. There must be another explanation that perhaps even Frank is not fully aware of yet. To say Dr. Shabibi was asleep at the wheel does not make sense to me, especially when the BIG BOYS are in control and watching every move.


Frank26:  I am flabbergasted at the CONFUSION ................ Maybe this will help.

The MR Monetary Reform) of DRS (Dr. Shabibi)  is a Line of Steps.

Then ........... While DRS is removed in 2012 ......... ALLACK tries to ......... Cut in line.

Yesterday REPRESENTS #3 of OUR STUDIES......... No one else's on the net.

DRS ........... TOOK OVER and flushed M and Allack's evil plan of 50K's by the end of 2015 down the compote.

I will stop now and APPRECIATE all postings ............... I am encouraged by all constructive posting.

My deepest apologies if I came across too rough with some ............. It's just the teacher in me.

I Love You Sincerely KTFA FAMILY ................. HAPPY HAPPY TAHNKSGIVING.

Lets see what we can GIVE this year.

Aloha From The Heart............. \m/   KTFA     Frank

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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