Don't WAIT!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Late Fri.PM/ Early Sat. AM

Early Saturday Morning:

Dinar Updates: 

Q:  [u r talkin Dec to enter the world market?]

wmawhite : The translation from the IMF came out a couple of different ways. I read it has an expectation the IMF has that Iraq will be re-entering the global markets sometime within the first half of 2016. In order to do so what does Iraq need to have?

Answer: a currency it calls its own with a value that reflect the true wealth of Iraq.

I don't think they are waiting on is evident that the CBI/GOI/IMF plus a few we don't know about have been working together to the IMF said, bring Iraq back into the economic markets by sometime during the first half of 2016.

Iraq wants the world to know...they want all folks to see them as a great place to invests. They want the IQD to be used worldwide...because that runs the value of the IQD up.

tman23  No idea what rate...only that they are talking about lifting the 3 zeros and hope we have the opportunity to catch the window of exchange before 3 zeros are lifted from the exchange on the nominal value of the notes themselves. 

The 50k notes are a real concern...And as I said IMO...they are not good for matter who tries to spin it, it doesn't spin!

But glad to see they held off on the release of the notes...which is good for us IMO.



Duke:   Russia adds yuan as currency reserve .....



Toyvp:  British newspaper: reduce salaries trimmed the support of Parliament and the reference to reforms Abadi

Translation term

After three months after promising reforms, he is still prime minister Haider al-Abadi wrestle with the opposition that threatens his authority on the one hand and fight with Daash on the other hand.

With the approach of the restoration of Iraqi forces from the city of Ramadi, al-Abadi, he said that the fight against corruption and focus on reforms have begun and will continue. However, the measures, which came after popular protests against corruption and inefficiency has declined.

For his part, the Iraqi parliament to support those actions unanimously in August but then demanded more consultation before any action. One of those measures - reducing the salaries of civil servants - drawing criticism Shiite religious authority and even the Dawa Party, which belongs to al-Abadi.

He says Saad al-Sabri, a spokesman for the prime minister, "the opposition came from two sources; some people who damaged their interests, and the mafias of corruption that has good relations with politicians.

"Some of the reforms - such as the abolition of the posts of Vice President and the Prime Minister - has faced challenges on constitutional grounds. The Nuri al-Maliki, who lost his post as deputy president of the republic, of the most prominent critics of the reforms, and it holds more than a senior position and has a political base in a wider range of Abadi Dawa Party.

And received a lot of procedures, especially the abolition of privileges of members of parliament and senior officials, large popular support. The salary of a member of parliament up to nearly 30 thousand dollars a month, the highest salary paid to a member of parliament in the world. However, the reduction of hundreds of thousands of employees' salaries, including university professors, doctors and others, to make them feel that they are paying the price for years of corruption and mismanagement.

He says Farhad Aladdin, Political Advisor to the President of the Republic Fuad Masum, said that "a lot of the people believe that corruption is the main factor in everything that happened in the country, including the emergence of Daash and corruption in the security apparatus and the financial system, and others.

Reforms should target corruption and give priority ".oolgt four ministries and other reforms were merged and canceled 300 as a senior. And complaining, members of parliament from the cancellation of these positions was imposed on them, says MP Masood Haider, a member of the Finance Committee, "We did not disrupt the reforms, but we have withdrawn the powers which we gave to Ebadi,
because the procedures were not constitutional, that Parliament ignores."

falling oil prices, and the war in charge of the Daash and dwindling currency reserves, are all made ​​Iraq is facing the biggest financial and economic crisis since 2003. It also Abadi paid to try to overcome the political

treachery., says a senior government official, who declined to be named, said: "The biggest challenge Abadi is facing hostility and hatred from within his own party, as the Dawa Party is divided between support Abadi and support for al-Maliki - who still believes he is the only one who gives permission.

"He says members of Parliament - who Ansjmwa perhaps for the first time since 2003 with the feelings of public opinion - that the sentiment has changed, says MP Ammar Tohme of the Virtue Party "Because of the massive protests and large pressure on the Parliament we asked the Abadi to continue his way, however, that the decision to reduce salaries heart of the street against Abadi again."

It seems that the Prime Minister also lose the support of the Shiite leadership. That as the supreme authority Ali al-Sistani to support reforms made ​​it impossible for the Council of Ministers and the Parliament opposition, but the Friday sermons in recent weeks, criticized the reduction of salaries, and the failure to meet Abadi Repertory top, during his visit to the city of Najaf, which was aimed at appeasing the religious scholars there, It shows discomfort supreme authority or that the prime minister lacks political experience.

He says one of the officials "supreme religious authority disturbed by Abadi, because it gave him support did not stand by any other politician."

Most politicians are believed to be al-Abadi will remain in office in the absence of a capable substitute, But he will face more difficulties in the implementation of major reforms.
for: Financial Times ... %AF-%D8%A7

Late Friday Night:


Wilbur Grodan:  MARKET ACTION - Extreme SANTA advisory early MONDAY


Starchild:  Forex 1080

Iko Ward:  Star, just saw it too.

BuddyDog:  So, Iko, what are your thinking now?? I so appreciate your insight

Iko Ward:  Maybe somebody said please, please let me make one more killing before Monday. OK,done, put her back down to 1080 and let them have it. I have no idea what just happened. That;s probably a good thing.

Greentree :  Iko....any chance another move at 8pm?

Iko Ward:  Yep, usually doesn't do a final post until 8PM, but we are no longer in "usual" territory.

Plogmy577:  wow 1080.3 now....................


Iko Ward:  OK, they're leaving it at 1080.3. Now we wait.


Humor-While we wait: 

Sabickford:  Dear Santa, For Christmas this year I want a big fat bank account and a slim body. Please don't mix those two up like you did last year!

Have you ever just looked in a mirror and said "OH Hell NO... That can't be right!"

If you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain.

First rule of Cleaning House while listening to ballads: The Toilet brush is not a Microphone

When I get bored I like to call in sick to places I don't Work. Today I'm being written up at Kohl's.

Just burned 2000 Calories. That's the last time I leave brownies in the oven while I take a nap.

Auto Correct has Become my Worst Enema

I meant to behave, but there were too many other options

Common Sense is not a gift, it's a punishment, because you have to deal with all those who don't have it.

I had a really bad Day. First, my Ex got run over by a bus. Then I got Fired from my job as a Bus Driver. Bummer

90% of all Americans feel the need to exercise and workout the other 10% lie down till it passes!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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