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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Wealthwatch Thursday  Chat 11-26-15  

Post From Chat Room  11-26-15
News With Links & Discussion

Wealthwatch Thursday  Chat 11-26-15  
chattels: no report yet on the Iraq federal supreme court decision on the constitutionality & legality of sacking VPs chattels: no report yet on the Kurdish delegation in Baghdad  no " RV " yet either :)
chattels: Najib reveal a joint meeting between the governments in Baghdad and Erbil for the application of the customs tariff (unable to fix link)
   Butifldrm: Hi everyone I just want to come in and say Happy Thanksgiving. Hope everyone has a safe and Lovely Holiday.
Donnie: Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!
Donnie: i still have hope that Iraq Dinar will increase in value - substantially - before I die
Butifldrm: I am great doing well.. Texas use to be a an oil dependent state like Iraq, but now even oil at $45 dollars a barrel we have diversified and we are surviving
Butifldrm: ‹@Donnie› I think we still have hope
Butifldrm: now they are playing the IMF game
ladyfox: are we in an inflation state, here in Texas currency place you can purchase 100000 in dinar for $50.00
ladyfox: Donnie yes
chattels: Adviser to the Prime Minister: we are preparing to launch a genuine reform package 11/24/2015
ladyfox: hummm
chattels: reforms not done - arguably not started - legislatively speaking
chattels:  chattels: committee work - yes
chattels: and in the budget ! :)
Donnie: i feel any Iraqi Dinar news "guru" (and i use that term very loosely) needs to start giving us their Dinar each time they make a prediction that doesn't come true. make them put their Dinar where their mouth is
chattels: 11-25-2015 Intel Guru SteveI [Praying for a Dec 1 RV!] I do not think December 1st because they need to wrap up controlling ISIS in Mousl. But once that is done, start looking...  chattels: Mosul *
chattels: head of the Iraqi Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim stressed the need for legislation of laws for government reforms.
chattels: MP Ali Sharif al-Maliki, called on the government to speed up the dispatch of the laws relating to reforms to Parliament in order to read and vote on them. (unable to fix link)
chattels: Parliamentary Economy: delete the zeros need a safe environment
chattels: " the Iraqi Central Bank completed the previously all preparations for the project, indicating that it " has been postponed because of the situation security is stable "in what it said that" the application of the project to delete the zeros needs to assign by the government and parliament to make it a success after the stabilization of the situation in the country because the ground current is suitable for the implementation of such a project. "
chattels: " ........... deletion of zeros is linked to the security situation closely ......... "
chattels: " ........... the decision to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency requires a political and security are conditions stable, ...... "
chattels: " The project needs a period of time may extend to two years or more. "
chattels: (unable to fix link)
chattels: " ..... to make it a success after the stabilization of the situation in the country .... "
chattels: ink with a link !
chattels: but the pundits say that daEsH is not an issue   chattels: bovine scatology  disinformation i suppose
 chattels: shabbibi himself called or security / stability chattels: hear it or yourself -
chattels:  (unable  to fix link)
chattels: "Maliki said," The Erdogan serious personal threat to world security and international peace, "and called on" the Iraqi government and the countries of the region and the Security Council to take the necessary measures to stop this threat. "It is said that the relations between al-Maliki during his government for the past eight years have been strained with Erdogan and trading accusations of supporting terrorism and interference in the affairs Aldakhalih.   :
chattels: I consider the leader of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki, that "Erdogan's policies put the whole world on the brink of a third world war."
chattels: " Erdogan claims that a Russian plane penetrated the atmosphere of Turkey for a few seconds, forgetting that its aircraft violated Iraqi airspace and Syria daily, ......."
 chattels: The spokeswoman for the Coalition ( Sunni ) Maysoon al, in a statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where], a copy of "national coalition The draft amnesty law currently stands, and presented by the government to the House of Representatives, substandard, does not meet the aspiration of the Iraqi street for justice."  chattels:
 chattels: Search President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani in Irbil on Thursday, with the Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi liberalization process of the city of Mosul Daash terrorist gangs.
chattels: Currency Auctions Announcement No. (3082) The opening offers the sale and purchase of foreign currency in the window of the Central Bank of Iraq on 26/11/2015 and the results were as follows: DETAILS              NOTES Number of banks               23 Number of remittance companies        18 Auction price selling dinar / US$  1166 Auction price buying dinar / US$       ----- Amount sold at auction price (US$) 223,269,000 Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) ----- Total offers for buying (US$)               223,269,000 Total offers for selling (US$)               -----    chattels: 3082 .......... 26-Nov ..........1,210
chattels: 3 days consecutive    chattels: @ 1,210
Donnie: 19 Nov 2015 13:30 UTC - 26 Nov 2015 13:43 UTC USD/IQD close:1105.7 low:1105.5 high:1117.9   Donnie: past week
Donnie: Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
chattels: Haider Al-Abadi - Prime Minister Dr. Haider Abadi receives leaders in the crowd the popular Mr. Hadi al-Amiri and Deputy Chief of the popular crowd, Mr. Abu Mahdi Mohandes. Was to discuss balancing the popular crowd for next year as one of the prime ministerial bodies under the command of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, Dr. Haider al-Abadi and the importance of providing support him .
He stressed the importance of supporting the popular crowd and security forces face and provide the necessary allocations and directing the fighters heroes and equip them and to stop the waste outside it
chattels: the President of Prime Minister General Commander of the Armed Forces Haider al-Abadi affirmed the support of the popular crowd and equipped forces.
 chattels: the President of Prime Minister General Commander of the Armed Forces Haider al-Abadi provide the necessary popular mobilization of financial allocations. This came during a meeting with Deputy Chief of the popular crowd Abu Mahdi engineer and secretary-general of the Badr Organisation, the leader of the crowd MP Hadi Alamera
chattels: the Council of Ministers agreed to increase the popular crowd allocations in the 2016 budget.
chattels: He said Zaidi "This Parliament amendments also included observations on the relationship between Baghdad and Erbil regarding oil agreement and demand that the government need to provide clarification on it and what are the quantities that have not received from the Kurdistan region or the amounts received by him.  chattels:
 chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 1h1 hour ago In a concession to PMU leaders Ameri & Muhandis #Iraq PM promises them more money in 2016 …
Doug_W: about time Eh "C" ?
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region- Duhok’s Directorate of Roads and Traffic Services have begun rebuilding roads and bridges in Shingal destroyed during the Islamic State’s year-and-a-half reign of terror there.   chattels: ‹@Doug_W› the PMU scares me
Doug_W: yes
Doug_W: are U traveling to family 4 Thanksgiving "C" ?
Doug_W: we are staying home having an elderly Co worker who is alone over
chattels: ‹@Doug_W› no - local
Doug_W: ahh ha
chattels: ‹@Doug_W› we have invited someone also
chattels: nobody should be alone on t'giving, eh ?
chattels: My all possible blessings be yours
chattels: Oil prices fell during trading on Thursday, amid concerns of oversupply in the market
chattels: MP for the National Alliance Haider molar, said the government would resort to external borrowing in order to bridge the deficit in the 2016 budget next year.
 chattels: National Alliance MP Abdul Hadi al-Hakim on the action taken by the President of the Republic to restore national card law sender of the House of Representatives after the vote by majority vote, describing the action as a "violation of the constitution."
chattels: "The re-infallible President of the law is not based on a constitutional basis or legal terms of the Constitution did not give the president the right to veto or veto laws, but that Article 73 - III of the Constitution painted the way for the legislation of laws,
including laws are considered ratified automatically after 15 days from the date of receipt of the presidency if it is ratified by the President during the period mentioned as will come, what constitutes a precedent indicate to overcome the spammers and powers drawn by the Constitution to the public authorities in the state, especially with paragraph III of Article 73 of the Constitution relating to the powers of the president.
chattels: " ..... the Constitution did not give the president the right to veto or veto laws, ..... "
chattels: " ............. laws are considered ratified automatically after 15 days from the date of receipt of the presidency .............."  chattels:   chattels: bbl
Doug_W: be well  --   ok so.....Pies all cooked stuffing made from stale bread "Tom" is in the oven  -  time to relax
Tootsie: There is no racial or ethnic involvement in Thanksgiving, and people who may be very distant from the Christian system can see the beauty and the positive spirit that comes from the holiday. John Clayton ~ Have a safe and loving day , Happy Thanksgiving to all ~~
Doug_W: U 2 Toots
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 39m39 minutes ago Iraq's supreme court throws out the appeal of ex VP Nujayfi who was sacked, though apparently on a technicality only …
RVPlease: any News on the VP Saga....? that was supposed to be on Tuesday... then Yesterday... then... then... then...
chattels: ‹@RVPlease› ^^^^^^^^^^^
chattels: Iraq's supreme court throws out the appeal of ex VP Nujayfi who was sacked, though apparently on a technicality only

chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 2m2 minutes ago Today's promise of more money to the PMUs by #Iraq PM Abadi is a change of policy following pressure from PMU leaders who are closer to Iran

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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