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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Dinar Updates Chat  11-27-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Dinar Updates Chat Room 11-27-15  Part 2 of 2

dovi says just got here...looks like we have some significant news...may I have a preview please?

kazorchian says dovi the cbi has some kind of meeting tomorrow
kazorchian says supposed to discuss monetary policy
dovi says to kazorchian now you're talkin!
kazorchian says finances
dovi says to kazorchian alright!!
dovi says to kazorchian so what time is that here? CST
subgirl says to dovi here is the link to the conversation tonight...
kazorchian says to dovi like 1 am
Pablo says BGG doing a call this weekend?
subgirl says to Pablo I am not sure. He has not been in the room too much lately. We shall see about tomorrow and Sunday???
subgirl says to Pablo I hope soo!!
Pablo says So, are we looking at an RV this weekend? :D
subgirl says to Pablo wouldn't that be wonderful!!!! :)
kazorchian says probably not
kazorchian says i think they are waiting for iran
Pablo says I know, I'm just making jokes.
Pablo says Iran?
kazorchian says iaea report supposed to come out by 15th
kazorchian says then they revalue
kazorchian says ):probably same time as iraq
buck says to kazorchian you have info on the iran schedule>>??? when are the last of the sanctions lifted, if not already??
Pablo says I doubt that they would RV that much, Iran is not as wealthy as Iraq.
kazorchian says they have a meeting on the 8th
kazorchian says report is supposed to be out december 1st or 2nd
kazorchian says timeline is anytime after 15th sanctions are supposed to be lifted
Pablo says You think that both of them will go at once?
kazorchian says( yep
buck says to kazorchian who is kj?
Pablo says Why would they do that?
kazorchian says kj does news and info on iran
coco1 says to kazorchian( Was that Nov. 15th timeline or is it Dec 15th?
kazorchian says
kazorchian says 15th of december
coco1 says Thanks!!
Pablo says( Why would both countries go at once?
kazorchian says gcr going to be a basket of currencies going
kazorchian says indonesia vietnam iran iraq zimbabwe
Pablo says Are going and silver going as well?
Pablo says Oh great, I was hoping that they would all be staggered.
kazorchian says kj brings on an investment banker miss jw she deal with 1 billion plus deals
Nadita says kazor... I am learning lol
kazorchian says shes very knowledgable
Nadita says kazor.. are you saying dinar and rial will go together on 15th December
RickeyT says to kazorchian how hard did she laugh when the dinar was mentioned?
kazorchian says anytime after dec 15th
Nadita says kazor.. didn't Iraq go on recess till Dec 8th...?
buck says well i am doubtful over the "basket "scenarios, but i have never listened to them so i will see how it goes. thank you...
kazorchian says dec 1st the recess until the 8th
Nadita says kazor... thank you
Pablo says Is this the 11/25 show?
Pablo says 26th, pardon me.
kazorchian says 11/25 they put the 26th for some reason
sassy says buck like me I do not buy the basket theory at all
Pablo says Okay, I will listen to that tomorrow.
dovi says to kazorchian the 15th is past my birthday shucks
kazorchian says mon wed fri he does calls
Nadita says( kazor... what call are we talking about..?
kazorchian says(9:12 PM):kj
kazorchian says
dovi says to kazorchian was hoping to have a nice birthday Dec 12
buck says it is almost 4 hours long.... what is up with that
Nadita says( kazor.. that call is 214 minutes lol
dovi says to Nadita( umhmm
Nadita says(9:13 PM):kazor did you listen to it.. ?
kazorchian says very long calls goes over news and miss jw comes in and they do questions
Nadita says kazor... can you give me the jist of the call..? I know you guys are talking about it.. :) thanks
kazorchian says not really just that iaea reort is due they say dec 1st or 2nd
Nadita says what is iaea...??
kazorchian says( ):then theres a meeting on 8th about it
kazorchian says international atomic energy agency
Nadita says and why is it important...?
Nadita says by the way.. Was Iran out of sacntion yet..?
kazorchian says they clear iran of all requirements
kazorchian says for sanctions to be lifted
Nadita says( kazor.. the iaea will clear Iran of sanctions..?
kazorchian says( once sanctions are lifted they go back to old rate before sanctions 3.41
Nadita says kazor.. are you serious.. Iranian Rial was 3.41
Nadita says I will be rich lol
kazorchian says( yep thats what it was before sanctions
kazorchian says plus inflation
kazorchian says they are saying 3.59
kazorchian says yeah i have alot of rial too
Nadita says( kazor. if Rial goes to 3.59 and they don't have as much as Iraq... wow.. dinar will go higher than that...
buck says can we legally own and buy rial from iran???
kazorchian says yes you can
Nadita says ):Buck... you can buy them here in USA...
buck says but is it legal....
kazorchian says yes
buck says thank you
kazorchian says ebay has it around $75 per million
Nadita says I guess is not doing business anymore...????
kazorchian says nope
Nadita says kazor.. what happened to them...???
kazorchian says they discussed that on call
Nadita says what did they say...?
kazorchian says they just disappeared
Nadita says now there is a new site lol
kazorchian says didn't know why
kazorchian says( ):i listen to everybody
Nadita says kazor.. lol
Nadita says you cover all the bases
kazorchian say i try natida doesn't hurt listening to everybody
Caravaggio says And waste a lot of time.
Nadita says I only read if it's interesting :)
buck says some of his calls are more than 6 hours....that is nuts
Nadita says buck lol
kazorchian says yes buck he did a marathon call when negotiations were finallized
_firefly_ says NOBODY has exchanged. That's the sillyest tale in Dinar land
samson says totally agree firefly
Nadita says firefly... yes they did :)
_firefly_ says not only silly but illegal. How can one exchange with no rate
Nadita says( I know some people who did :)
Loopback says Well I know a couple of people who did exchange... but at around 20% loss.
Nadita says firefly.. I like your comment about 10 cents lol you just debunked AM
dovi says to _firefly i need to know what time that is US
Nadita says ):I would not say it otherwise :)
dovi says to Loopback( based on what amount for exchange?
_firefly_ says to Nadita Not trying to debunk anybody, just tired of all the BS out there
Nadita says( firefly.. I hear you
Nadita says but I know :)
Nadita says the bottom line is who you know :)
dovi says to Loopback how can they exchange at a discount when there isn't a rate
Loopback says to dovi( about 820.00 per million.
dovi says to Loopback LOL Ok
Loopback says to  They sold it back to the dealer they purchased from.
dovi says to Loopback I got that!
_firefly_ says to dovi Loops is talking about selling their dinars back to the deakers :)
dovi says to _firefly yep no rate nothing to exchange
samson says anyway grandkids have arrived so must go and will leave on in case Millie pops in
Loopback says to dovi ):Correct.
dovi says(9:41 PM):the meeting tomorrow that we're watching for...10:45 is their time or ours?
Nadita says(9:41 PM):wow.. that is really stupid but again.. people who are desperate will do this and they think it will never rv...
Nadita says(9:41 PM):dovi.. theirs
dovi says(9:41 PM):so what time will that be for us
dovi says(9:41 PM):est cst anything
buck says(9:41 PM):they are 8 hours ahead of central time
dovi says(9:41 PM):are they nine hours ahead?
dovi says(9:42 PM):so about 2 am?
dovi says(9:42 PM):ish
kazorchian says(9:42 PM):yes
dovi says(9:42 PM):thanks
tman23 says(9:42 PM):I was at a Travelex in Miami and purchased 2 million IQD from a man and women who were selling back..... travelex sold the IQD for $1005.00 per million and the exchange back to USD was $678.00..... The $678 rate is the same that was going in Dubai and also in Iraq from currency traders......
dovi says to tman23(9:43 PM):I think I paid more than you did..2012
dovi says to tman23(9:43 PM):and 2013
Nadita says(9:43 PM):tman23.. you are saying that you can buy iqd at the airport...?
Nadita says(9:43 PM):travelex is a money exchanger, right..?
Nadita says(9:43 PM):dovi... me too.. I think I was paying 1250 per mil
Loopback says to tman23(9:43 PM):ouch
dovi says to Nadita(9:44 PM):I think 1050 to 1150 depending
dovi says to Loopback(9:44 PM): right
dovi says to Loopback(9:44 PM):ouch
Nadita says(9:44 PM):dovi.. later in 2013 I paid 1100
dovi says to Nadita(9:44 PM):sounds right
Nadita says(9:45 PM):2011 was 1250 :)
dovi says to Nadita(9:45 PM):ugh
tman23 says to Nadita(9:45 PM):Some Travelex YES...... Miami.....Orlando..... Denver..... that I have been at and inquired.......
Nadita says(9:45 PM):dovi.. you can buy now from dinarians for 750-800
dovi says to Nadita(9:46 PM):I was standing at my Dad's casket at the viewing when a man he knew approached me for my phone number called me late and sold me my first $200 purchase. After that by the mil
dovi says to Nadita(9:46 PM):I'm not want another dime of it.
dovi says to Nadita(9:46 PM):mine will have to do
kazorchian says(9:47 PM):i'm done buying currency have enough too
dovi says to Nadita(9:47 PM):just hope its all good
kazorchian says(9:47 PM):now we wait
Nadita says(9:47 PM):dovi.... me too
dovi says to kazorchian(9:47 PM):yep I may buy 1 mil of Rial next week but am done
Nadita says(9:47 PM):kazor you got it right
dovi says to Nadita(9:48 PM):(y)
dovi says to kazorchian(9:48 PM):yes now we wait
kazorchian says(9:48 PM):yeah iran has a good chance of a good return cheap right now
dovi says to kazorchian(9:49 PM):I can get it at a small local bank, takes few days to get it but price is set when I order
kazorchian says(9:49 PM):i bought mine on ebay
dovi says to kazorchian(9:50 PM):if you have a relationship with a reliable dealer why not
dovi says to kazorchian(9:50 PM):I have to check again to see their price..might balance out by avoiding shipping
kazorchian says(9:50 PM):yep never had any problems free shipping too
tman23 says(9:51 PM):So when you take $678 per million and......divide 678 by 40 notes = $16.95 per note...... When you take 25 and divide it by 1.5 it equals $16.66...... So we see that there was a discussion of 1500 -1 in the 2016 Budget...... AND an economist from the CBI in 2012 that discussed a study and exampled using the 1.5 IQD to 1 usd...... Interesting...BUT.... one could speculate all day long on rates and possibilities playing with numbers.......all we can do is wait and see how this evolves before 2016
dovi says to tman23(9:52 PM):but it fills up the time and boredom so its good to speculate a little
dovi says to tman23(9:52 PM):at 1.5 I'm done
dovi says to tman23(9:53 PM):at least a couple milllion anyway
tman23 says to dovi(9:54 PM):I;m all in ...... IMO...if you can get 16k usd for a note that cost you $28usd.....get it and run....the notes will not carry those zeros for long IMO.....
cjquade54 says to dovi(9:55 PM):that's about 67 cents isn't it?
dovi says to tman23(9:55 PM):got it thanks
dovi says to cjquade54(9:55 PM):IDK
cjquade54 says to dovi(9:56 PM):IDK ?
dovi says to cjquade54(9:56 PM):IDK = I don't know :D
dovi says to cjquade54(9:56 PM):learned from the grandkid
cjquade54 says to dovi(9:57 PM)::D
Mark McKinnon[10207217982511337@facebook..] says(9:57 PM):no one knows..... LOL
dovi says to Mark McKinnon[10207217982511337@facebook..](9:57 PM):LOL amen
dovi says to Mark McKinnon[10207217982511337@facebook..](9:57 PM):but those seem to be some of the most difficult words to utter in public
cjquade54 says to dovi(9:58 PM):if 1.5 IQD = 1 USD then 1 IQD = .67 USD (approx)
dovi says to cjquade54(9:58 PM) can't prove it by mean LOL But I'd let go a mil for 67Cents about now
Nadita says(9:59 PM):tman23... I am all in at 1.5
tman23 says(9:59 PM):The salary ladder they announced and retirement pay would be about $2.66 as a rate to meet international standards.... standards being generalization as to what other countries pay their employees......
dovi says to Nadita(9:59 PM):are you interpreting 1.5 as 67 cents?
cjquade54 says to Nadita(9:59 PM):= 67cents
Nadita says(10:00 PM):dovi I was interpreting it 1.5 dollars..
Nadita says(10:00 PM):cj at 67 cents, I will exchange a couple mil
Nadita says(10:00 PM):and ride it
dovi says to Nadita(10:00 PM):ditto
cjquade54 says(10:00 PM):me too ... 1 mil anyway
Nadita says(10:02 PM):tman.. are you saying the rate will be somewhere 1.50 - 2.66
RickeyT says(10:09 PM):.67 and I am gone....
RickeyT says(10:10 PM):.10 and I am gone
dovi says to RickeyT(10:10 PM)::P know what you mean
Nadita says(10:11 PM):rickey.. yep...
tman23 says to Nadita(10:11 PM):No idea what rate.......only that they are talking about lifting the 3 zeros.......and hope we have the opportunity to catch the window of exchange before 3 zeros are lifted from the exchange on the nominal value of the notes thenselves........
Nadita says(10:11 PM):tman23... at this time, it's in the air
tman23 says to Nadita(10:12 PM):It's been in the air since the first day we bought in
Nadita says(10:13 PM):tman yep
Nadita says(10:14 PM):tman23.. I read your stuff at dinar guru.. I like what you got to say :)
dovi says to tman23(10:14 PM):hasn't it though
tman23 says(10:15 PM):The 50k notes are a real concern........ And as I said IMO.....they are not good for matter who tries to spin it, it doesn't spin !! But glad to see they held off on the release of the notes......which is good for us IMO......
dovi says(10:15 PM):if the window is that narrow and the traders are gone that we dealt with will we be going to banks
buck says to tman23(10:15 PM):.and hope we have the opportunity to catch the window of exchange before 3 zeros are lifted from the exchange on the nominal value of the notes are you saying eventually they will lop the value....???
dovi says(10:15 PM):if we don't have the notes does it matter to us? 25K is highest I have
Nadita says(10:16 PM):tman23... I don't think they need to take out 50K notes if they are going to rv
Nadita says(10:17 PM):tman23.. I feel it's 50/50 to go either way
dovi says(10:18 PM):oh...they haven't released the 50K
dovi says(10:18 PM):well I have been very plain about it all along...the most I know about $$ is how to spend it and how to save it.

Nadita says(10:19 PM):dovi... hahaha...
tman23 says to buck(10:19 PM):Lets play devils advocate......You live in Iraq, you have 4 ...25,000 notes under your mattress for savings...... $80 usd !! The rate comes out at $1.00 now have something worth $100,000 usd.... How long are you staying in Iraq with your family.....and uncle Ali has 30 of them notes under his mattress.......
buck says to tman23(10:19 PM):ok
Nadita says(10:19 PM):tman23... don't they all like to go shopping?
buck says to tman23(10:19 PM):go on
dovi says to tman23(10:20 PM):we gotta move fast whatever it you said
dovi says to jeffusa(10:21 PM):no like Dubai
_firefly_ says(10:21 PM):Who is saying a LOP now? :D
Nadita says(10:21 PM):dovi.. once the situation changes there, they will want to stay
graylnjo says(10:21 PM):Nobody......and I mean NOBODY knows squat about any rate or date if there ever is one because we are dealing with the biggest LIARS on the face of this planet!!! JMO({)
Nadita says(10:21 PM):firefly not me
dovi says to Nadita(10:21 PM):but enough would leave to effect the economy
RickeyT says(10:21 PM):tman23 , like I said the other day
dovi says to graylnjo(10:22 PM):but I will take an educated guess any day and that's what we're getting here tonight
Nadita says(10:22 PM):dovi.. I guess it depends on each individual
dovi says to graylnjo(10:22 PM):thanks tman
jeffusa says to _firefly_(10:22 PM):ISIS lopped the ears off their people that did not stay and fight
_firefly_ says(10:22 PM):ISIS who?
Nadita says(10:22 PM):jeffusa.. you are joking,r ight..?
Nadita says(10:22 PM):firefly the blue monster lol
cjquade54 says(10:22 PM):doesn't the IMF have some sort of rules about this? they can't just do whatever they want .. it must be justified if they're going to be one of the international players
jeffusa says to Nadita(10:23 PM):Source: ISIS cut off ears of 70 of its elements in Nineveh
( Nineveh – A source in Nineveh province said on Thursday, that the ISIS has cut off the ears of 70 of its elements in Nineveh, because of cowardice and leaving the fighting fronts.
dovi says to cjquade54(10:23 PM):I think we're dealing with however they feel they can best pull it off within the rules
_firefly_ says(10:23 PM):Yeah I saw that
jeffusa says to _firefly_(10:24 PM):thats the ONLY lop in Iraq
_firefly_ says(10:24 PM):If that lol
dovi says to cjquade54(10:24 PM):you're making my case for women and children getting out and the men if they can'
jeffusa says to _firefly_(10:24 PM):you saying that's just HEARsay ? lol
dovi says to cjquade54(10:24 PM):I would get high-behind and outta Dodg
_firefly_ says(10:24 PM):I have VERY good reason not to believe many news storys
quicktolegit96 says(10:25 PM):whas the news
Nadita says(10:25 PM):firefly.. shooit it :)
_firefly_ says(10:25 PM):personal experience
dovi says to _firefly_(10:25 PM):what reason?
jeffusa says to _firefly_(10:25 PM):heck I don't believe our press
quicktolegit96 says(10:25 PM):FF ITS SMOKE IMO
cjquade54 says to _firefly_(10:25 PM):the best advice is ... question everything
dovi says to jeffusa(10:25 PM):ditto
_firefly_ says(10:25 PM):It will end up on Guru if I say it lol
dovi says to _firefly_(10:25 PM):well thats the price of celebrity :) 
Nadita says(10:25 PM):firefly promise it will not.. subby can take it out of the chat.. just for us lol
buck says to cjquade54(10:26 PM):why should i think that is the best advice????
dovi says to _firefly_(10:26 PM):cmon firefly I didn't buy that
dovi says to _firefly_(10:26 PM):whats your reason??
buck says to cjquade54(10:27 PM):i was just questioning everythng lol lol
Josie says(10:27 PM):Question: Does anyone else remember over the years that "some" would say that we would see gold prices fall prior to a revaluation ? I can remember reading that many times. Anyone else ?
 Josie says(10:29 PM):Was struck that on the CNN home page there is an article that gold is at a 6 year low and falling. Not saying it means anything, but it made me remember what I had heard some say would happen as a revaluation would near.
cowboywads says(10:29 PM):I REMEMBER THAT JOSIE
Nadita says(10:30 PM):Josie.. I remember that too...
quicktolegit96 says(10:30 PM):josie great is near
quicktolegit96 says(10:30 PM):Nadita true
firefly... I am waiting
quicktolegit96 says(10:30 PM):okie spoke up for the first team in like a year the other day....
dovi says to quicktolegit96(10:31 PM):what did he say?
quicktolegit96 says(10:31 PM):really?
quicktolegit96 says(10:32 PM):dovi okie has landed

dovi says(10:33 PM):I thought you were going to tell me he ran out of petrol
dovi says(10:33 PM):and crashed
dovi says(10:33 PM):Okie always has plenty of fuel
quicktolegit96 says(10:34 PM):ran out of patrone, yes he did
dovi says to cjquade54(10:35 PM):they are knocked out already :P
quicktolegit96 says(10:35 PM):biggest news piece of the day?
dovi says to quicktolegit96(10:36 PM):whats that? The cbi meeting?
quicktolegit96 says(10:36 PM):im asking the audience
dovi says to cowboywads(10:37 PM):just when I had it figured out here you come with your monkey wrenh
cowboywads says(10:37 PM):SORRY LOL
dovi says to quicktolegit96(10:37 PM):thats my answer then...the CBI meeting at 10:45
dovi says to quicktolegit96(10:37 PM):am
dovi says to quicktolegit96(10:37 PM):I mean their announcement
quicktolegit96 says(10:37 PM):meeting over what
dovi says to quicktolegit96(10:37 PM):finances
dovi says to quicktolegit96(10:38 PM):ask subby for the link
dovi says to quicktolegit96(10:38 PM):its rolled off to chat discussion about it
cjquade54 says to dovi(10:38 PM):what announcement? I thought they were just announcing a meeting
dovi says to cjquade54(10:38 PM):I thought I read announcement but that's me
cjquade54 says to dovi(10:38 PM):not a press release after
dovi says to cjquade54(10:38 PM):better read it yourself
dovi says to cjquade54(10:38 PM):ok probably
dovi says to cjquade54(10:39 PM):subby got me the link and that's what I thought
cjquade54 says to dovi(10:39 PM):I could be wrong but that's how I read it
dovi says to poppy3(10:39 PM):invention?
dovi says to cjquade54(10:39 PM):thanks hon
dovi says to cjquade54(10:40 PM):straightened me out
dovi says to poppy3(10:40 PM):what did okie invent?
firefly_ says(10:40 PM):He meant intervene :)
dovi says to _firefly_(10:41 PM):oh thanks
dovi says to poppy3(10:41 PM):sorry hon understand now
dovi says to poppy3(10:42 PM):wow
dovi says to poppy3(10:42 PM):thanks for that info
cjquade54 says to poppy3(10:42 PM):Okie has been mocked but many have great respect for him 

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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