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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wealthwatch Tuesday Night Chat 11-17-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room  11-17-15
New With Links & Discussion

Wealthwatch Tuesday Night Chat 11-17-15 Part 1 of 2
chattels: "The Federal Court decided on Tuesday to postpone consideration ......................... to challenge the decision of the abolition of the post of Vice President to the 24th of this month."
chattels: Joel Wing ‏@JoelWing2 4h4 hours ago Iraq VP salaries suspended their future still up to courts
TxBrand: good news for us ..I think
 TxBrand: End of ISIS? Putin ‘sending 150,000 soldiers to Syria to WIPE OUT evil Islamic State’
chattels: Progress in / near Fallujah : " People crowd reopen and secure the strategic road along the 20 km north of Fallujah "
chattels: [T]he Iraqi Central Bank denied, the news about the disappearance of $ 10 billion of it.
 chattels: Finance Committee: the central bank to issue any financial category offset by the withdrawal of classes 10 and 25 000 dinars November 17, 2015 " He disclosed that a new class is issued by the central bank in return will withdraw the class 25 000 or 10 000. "
chattels: " He disclosed that a new class is issued by the central bank in return will withdraw the class 25 000 or 10 000. "
chattels: The content of the foregoing statement has a certain " puckering " effect upon one's person, eh ?
TxBrand: just hope they are still good
TxBrand: do u think the 50s are still good ?
chattels: ‹@TxBrand› I really have no idea what to make of the currency related articles at this point.
chattels: The price of gold has been in steady decline this month and is at 1,068.34. which is a five year low from what i see on the charted price(s).
MichelleL: what is happening in dinardom? I feel like its still Sunday - husband has been off 2 days. Wonder how well I'm going to adjust to his retirement
MichelleL: I don't understand the currency thing I missed above, any cheap interpretation will be appreciated lol
TxBrand: cant wait to find out what happen between the governors and O
MichelleL: we may never know the extent of threats
BOBBY: There saying Russia sent a large number of troops into Raqqa
MichelleL: I haven't even glanced at md for so long, I can't remember - but Frank26 or whatever is giving us an ri transferred into an rv any ole day now lol
MichelleL: ‹@BOBBY› he's still sitting on a broken blue couchframe lol but seems pretty harmless compared to many
faith: " He disclosed that a new class is issued by the central bank in return will withdraw the class 25 000 or 10 000. " Chattels what do you think? Quite a few articles along this one. Is this good news?
faith: I'm so confused!! :sideways:
BOBBY: no shortage of opinions on the sites
chattels: ‹@faith› If these notes are " withdrawn " in like manner to the 50 dinar note, i.e., no exchange for value, then it does not appear to be good news to me.
Donnie: ‹@chattels› Ditto
chattels: But, what Iraq says that it is going to do and does is often not the same and I do not profess to know.
faith: That is my fear but I wasn't sure if I was looking at it correctly. So unless there is a "revalue" that happens first, we could be unhappy campers?
chattels: ‹@faith› I would be disingenuous to suggest otherwise.
chattels: The prospect of a less than happy ending is a potential reality for us all, IMO.
Donnie: ‹@chattels› agreed. either we are the same as now or rich from revalue or same as we are now and our Dinar becomes worthless. We wait and see.
faith: I have often heard that Turkey revalued it's currency and that Iraq is following that master plan so to speak. Do you know if that really happened? Did Turkey revalue its currency?
TxBrand: at one time one of the dinar dealers said he would get out dinar exchanged for the higher denom... but he is not around anymore
chattels: ‹@faith› Turkey " lopped " is my understanding.
Donnie: ‹@chattels› ‹@chattels› ‹@chattels› sorry to point out the obvious but someone has to do it. :)
chattels: a redenomination
faith: So much for that master plan!  :blink:
TxBrand: ‹@Donnie› I have been afraid this one happen ever since they pulled the 50s
TxBrand: would happen
Donnie: nothing to be afraid of or worry over because we have no control of it.
chattels: I must / will say though that redenomination is usually a function of hyperinflation
chattels: Iraq does not have an inflationary problem to date.
faith: Thanks for the info and the link!
chattels: My thinking is that while there may not be a redenomination or significant reduction in the value of the IQD that we hold, there is nothing that says that the IQD cannot continue substantially as it is and the U.S. dollar is used as the " default currency " for international purposes.
 chattels: I am " betting " otherwise, but it is a speculative risk.
TxBrand: it totally doesn't make since to bring out the larger note.. if they plan on revaluing ..i don't care how the gurus spin it
BOBBY: Chattels. ...... always has been..... always will be
BOBBY: Chattels. ... got a question when your ready
TxBrand: wonder what they really mean by dropping 3 zeros
chattels: As I have said repeatedly, I am in it until the end, but everyone must judge for themselves.
faith: It seems out of order. I would think they would revalue first, then bring out the larger notes and pull in the smaller notes.
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› ready as I will likely ever be :)
TxBrand: oh im n till the end also
faith: That has always been my question too....what do they mean by dropping the 3 zeros??????
BOBBY: Chattels. ..... when they talk about reducing the note count, do they mean the amount of bills in circulation?
chattels: It can mean one of several things
BOBBY: using the new bills to draw the lower ones in?
Donnie: ‹@faith› if they revalue then they will need the smaller Denoms and not the larger Dinoms so I don't see a revalue of significant amount in the near future if the larger denoms come out
chattels: the least favorable meaning is that the zeroes are dropped from the face of the note, lopped, a redenomination
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› that is my understanding, reduction in the physical note count irrespective of the face value
BOBBY: better tell the gurus that lol
TxBrand: i still don't get it
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› I am persona non gratis in the " guru group " :)
Donnie: ‹@chattels› so they will remove two 25k notes from the street with each 50k note they release
BOBBY: your better off
chattels: ‹@Donnie› I believe so
Donnie: to reduce the total note count without affecting the total value
Donnie: TY sir
BOBBY: that makes sense
Donnie: ‹@BOBBY› DON'T SAY THAT!!!!
Donnie: ‹@BOBBY› they never do what makes sense lol LOL lol
TxBrand: they have been talking about dropping the 3 zeros.. but then they introduced a larger one  lol 
BOBBY: lol
BOBBY: Chattels. ........ hear anything on those 800 numbers lol lol
Donnie: they will need a new 50 dinar note thus the 50,000 could become the 50 as the 25,000 will become the 25 and the value of each Dinar increases to .86 USD
faith: I think that is half the battle. If we knew definitively what their definition of "dropping the 3 zeros" means, we might be able to decipher this puzzle!
Donnie: and the 10k = 10 Dinar and so on to match up close to the currencies of most countries like the US
TxBrand: why don't we start asking the Iraqs we follow on tweeter lol
Donnie: thats my "guess"
 BOBBY: faith......... we could have instructions to this puzzel and its still a mystery
chattels: ‹@TxBrand› Reidar Visser is very dismissive of Americans and specifically the " get rich quick " notion of investment in the IQD
faith: Oh Scarlet O'Hara...."I'll think about it tomorrow".
TxBrand: ok   TxBrand: ‹@faith› lol

chattels: He and I communicated for a brief time - he told me to stop reading Iraqi gossip news and learn to speak Arabic :)
TxBrand: ‹@chattels› lol
chattels: ‹@faith› " Tomorrow is another day. " - Scarlett O'Hara
faith: That would be pretty useful right about now Chattels!
Donnie: i think it would take less time for me to just wait and see vs. learning Arabic
TxBrand: Scarlett :as God is my witness me and my family will never go hungry again
BOBBY: Dont forget....... alot of people bought into this under the false intel of the guru's,
TxBrand: ‹@BOBBY› i think we all did
faith: Scarlett: "I'll have that dress in the window please".
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› I bought in because I was desperate and felt lucky. I am still desperate.   
BOBBY: TxBrand..... I know i
BOBBY: i still believe in its potential
TxBrand: remember the guy that was trying to explain it to the Iraq people ?
TxBrand: he was an economist

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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