Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

More News, Rumors, and Opinions Late Wednesday Morning 11-18-15


JenneferV:  I heard just now from a friend.........they went to buy more currency from a local small bank (probably tier 4) and they said they no longer can sell ANY foreigner currency. I thought that was a good sign....

Buckmaster:  Jenn , lets hope that there is some meaning to that in our favor ..... That would be a great indicator for what we are waiting for

JenneferV:  Yes, buck! She told me that she talked to the teller on Monday about buying Rupiah. The teller said to come in and she would order it. When she went in yesterday to order, the same teller said that they are no longer able to order or sell any foreign currency.

TBirdd:  was it a big-4 bank?

JenneferV:  No, Tbird......small regional bank....but they had been selling prior to yesterday.
Iko Ward:  Already back to 1165. Third time Forex has paired off in 24 hours. Nothing's different? For those of you thinking so take off your blinders and see the world. You're about to be part of it.


Desmo:  I remember a year ago we were all excited about having Christmas money for Black Friday and how the politicians wanted this to claim for the election.......funny how far off they really were from having a stable country over much has been accomplished....I hope this time it is enough


Today’s Landa Global Conference Call:

Landa Global has been hosting a dial-in conference to inform holders of assets and intermediaries of the current status of the historic bond processes, and general information in respect of procedures.

In addition, Landa and Humanus host Guest Speakers that offer a glimpse into the various Project sectors Humanus is actively supporting, as well as funding.
To access the weekly conference, please observe the following information: 
Date:  Each Wednesday

Time: 4:00 p.m. CST (USA) or 5:00 p.m. EST (New York)
Conference Number:   641-715-3580
Access Code:   484-959#

   See international call numbers below.  Access code is the same as above.




Rual12:  This post is directed towards aggiedad77 also known as Randy,

Dear Randy,  A question or two. In Franks cc notes paragraph #9 he said and I quote, you know what the 50k mission is.....this 50k is on a suicide mission to collect all the 000's and it is very obvious it has done it's job.

Paragraph #12, If we cancel the 25k at 1166 then they have to exchange at 1166.
In summation, I don't think Iraq is worried about us US investors as we are a very small amount in $$$ however, I am thinking about our government who holds many millions of dinar from the BUSH era who stand to lose the most. Would our government stand for this?
What do you think Randy. I appreciate your input and knowledgeable expertise in these matters.

Aggiedad77:  Good question our government nor any other government that holds their currency in large quantities would probably not stand for any kind of exchange at 1166.....that is why further into paragraph 12 you see that Frank mentions that it appears.....IHO.....they will choose a float....

But at what number will they choose to start the float further down a bit like paragraph 15 I believe.....they want to put fear into many get them to react now out of not be led into that rabbit hole is what we are trying to tell you.....

Frank has stated several times....their currency is headed increase in strong....then be stronger....this is late in the 4th quarter and we (the home team) are up by 5 points.....we can hold this lead as long as we don't lose our together.
KTFA Cont......

Tomsrunner:  RE:  MEETING ON NOV 10TH.....

It sounds like you had eyes and ears in that meeting. If so I am thoroughly impressed......I am surprised that their still deciding on the type of regime (float vs fixed), and still negotiating the price in which it will hit the market....Would have thought these would have been decided long ago....Just my thoughts....


Frank26:  It is our duty as a coalition to protect Iraq 24/7.

It is the propagative of Iraq to pick the MR ............ When they want.

HENCE !!! ............... Why You NOW see their Plan.  Just a thought?

No ........... A Masterful Plan that was culminated in an agreed union of mutual work and help on that 10th from YEARS YEARS YEARS of study with the USA.

Then nano seconds within ...........An SDR started loading the remaining Powers also in commonality.

I have what we call FIRE FLIES.  You do not.   Therefore I share.

Like last night .......... I went off on THE VND.

Tonight .................. Business Promo CC then DESSERT ( COOOOOOOOOOOOKIES )

C U tonight...... Aloha \m/   KTFA     Frank


Frank26:   Hmmm................ ............... ............ $#@!%& YES !!!   (See article below) 

Walkingstick:   Vice calling on the government to get the oil and gas law and send it to Parliament

Economy and Tenders Since 11.18.2015 at 11:55 (GMT Baghdad)

BAGHDAD - scales News
Called the National Alliance MP Haider Alfoada, the government has to complete the project oil and gas law and send it to the House of Representatives for approval, towards resolving the economic crisis.

He called Alfoada, in a statement received / scales News / copy of it on the government to "think seriously about solving the economic problem and the solution is to send the oil and gas law to the Parliament and the distribution of part of the oil and gas revenues to the Iraqi citizen, without any exception."

He added that "this method will improve living conditions for the Iraqi people, and also help to rationalization by the citizen."

Alfoada and pointed out that "improving the pension situation for the Iraqi people by giving a share of oil revenues, will allow the government to adopt the imposition of Statistics taxes on the citizen, which it will receive all the open-mindedness on the grounds that the value of these taxes will not affect his pension as the income of more than tens of times these taxes. "

He stressed the need to "invest the investment budget for the next year in all sectors, to be Assistant to the oil resource and maximize resources," pointing to "the need to take care of real partnership between the public and private sectors to stimulate investment" .anthy 29: W 23 ... 8%A7%D9%86


Frank26:  %#@!$% YES !!!      KTFA   Frank   (See article below)

Walkingstick:   The central bank is likely near the legislation and the law of bank deposits confirms: revive the national economy

Author: ASJ, BS
Editor: BK, BS 2015/11/18 11:50 N

Long-Presse / Baghdad
An informed source at the Central Bank of Iraq, on Wednesday, for "near the adoption of" the Law of the Parliament of bank deposits, and expected that this will contribute to "the return of confidence," Iraqi banks and the recovery of the national economy.

The source said, in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that "the Iraqi Central Bank already prepared a draft law on banking deposits nearly a year ago, in order to protect a deposit every customer puts his money in a bank," adding that "the project passed through the Council of Ministers to Parliament".

The source, who is familiar with, who asked not to be named, said: "The project was discussed about extensively with members of the parliamentary finance committee, and representatives of the Central Bank of Iraq, and reached the final legislative stages after the addition of points that will support citizens," noting that "the parliamentary Finance Committee promised Bank Central project being put on the agenda of the House of Representatives sessions schedule during the current month, to be discussed and voted on. "
The source added, that the proposed project will encourage citizens and owners of capital on deposit in banks after the assurance of protection insurance crisis of her loss, what will revive economic activity, "he returned to" re-establish law about great confidence to the Iraqi private banks. "

The Financial experts and economists, confirmed in (the 18th of September 2014 the past), that the volume of financial deposits owned by the operating banks in Iraq, whether governmental or civil reach up to 70 trillion dinars, and argued that the total of Iraqi private banks' capital increased from $ 30 million a year 2004, to one billion and $ 600 million year-end 2014 the past, except for branches owned by Arab and foreign banks operating in Iraq, and the number of private banks operating in Iraq rose from 17 in 2004 to 31 year-end 2014, while the number of branches has increased in Baghdad and other provinces from a hundred to more than 600 branch to compete in the number and level of services Rafidain bank branches of government and governance. ... %88%D9%86-

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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