Don't WAIT!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thurs. Mnt Goat Post - "Plan to Launch Lower Denoms-Hurray!"  Part 1 of 2

UU6837 – "Plan to Launch Lower Denoms- Hurray!"  by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to update you on the process of the “project to delete the zeros” as I described to you in my 11/16 news letter (LINK).

On 11/17  I sent you another news letter (LINK) and everything looked so good that we thought MAYBE the CBI might even begin this process prior to early December, as they originally announced. 

So today we have our GOLDEN NUGGET too. It is exactly what we have been waiting and was announced  much early than I anticipated. They are moving ahead very fast. See if you can find the golden  nugget….lol….
Today’s News

Today is Thursday November 19th.  What? – Still No RV. As I have said many times over and over to watch for the project to “delete the zeros” and other signs and our RV is close at hand. Now we are witnessing these signs and so the probability of the RV increases as each day passes.

No “secret” sources or “boots on the ground necessary to tell me this. Since they have hardly been correct anyhow over these past years.  I have learned too that using them as sources are not reliable and really are not much better that if you or I were speculating  and interpreting what was going on. The MOST reliable source of information by far are the ARTICLES and our common sense in applying them. The news from them may be a week or days late at times but even with this delay they are still far better than this GARBAGE we are getting from many of these so called intel “gurus” who rely solely on these kind of sources.

It all boils down to just plain old common sense and being diligent enough (not lazy) to get off the couch, and instead take the time to read the articles and the news that the CBI and the Ministry of Finance from Iraq are telling us. Yes – they are actually telling us the process. Are you listening?

So today’s news is all TERRIFIC and EXCITING !

Update: Currency Reform


Many already know this fact since we have seen the 50k notes on ebay for sale already. How did they get there so fast? This is a puzzle to me and most but anything is possible in Iraq.

But this is an excellent sign too that they have in fact launched the project to “delete the zeros” already and the process is now underway once again. It only confirms other news we have heard.

They are essentially picking up where they left off in 2012 (due to Maliki) and then again haD to postpone it in 2015 (due to ISIS). 

Next Steps:
We simply have to wait and watch for news of the amounts of the 10k and 25k notes collected. This could take a  week maybe a month. But I am hearing it will sooner than later. Why? See article #1 below.

Article Begins

November 17, 2015

Our economy / Baghdad
Detection of the Finance Committee member Abdul Qader Mohammed, Tuesday, for the withdrawal of 25 thousand dinars compared to the category of the new category issued by the Central Bank, as he emphasized that the issuance of the fifty thousand category will make it easier to deal in Iraqi dinars at home to reduce the trend towards the dollar.

Mohammed said: Pentecostal group that issued by the Central Bank does not have any negative impact on fiscal policy in Iraq.

He stressed that the Iraqi currency dealing will be closer to deal private dollars for businesses which use large amounts of money where it is most dealing in Iraqi dinars existence of 50 thousand class.

He added that the issuance of this category will make it easier to deal in Iraqi dinars to be at home in the biggest turnout of the dollar, which have an impact on reducing the trend towards last.

He disclosed that a new class is issued by the central bank in return will withdraw the class 25 000 or 10 000.

Little, the central bank announced in November 201 511 for issuing banknotes category 50 000 dinars dimensions of 65 mm width, 156 mm length and predominantly light brown except Framework decorations that took bold color were printed using the superior quality of the printing paper with A number of security and the technical marks.

Article #1 Ends

Why will it be sooner than later?
Because they already collected nearly 80-90% of the 10k and 25 notes. Remember the statistics the CBI has give us in past ARTICLES?  Their words not mine. NO Hype, NO Rumors just the FACTS.

So now by the exchanging of yet more of the 10k and 25k notes for the 50k notes this will decreased yet more of the 3 zero notes out of circulaiton. At the same time the effect of the process is to decrease the money supply. Going back to simply micro-economics – if you DECREASE THE SUPPLY and  INCREASE THE DEMAND then what happens?

I quote from article #2 below – “CBI had announced earlier issued a new banknote fifty thousand Dinars category in order to complete the Iraqi Securities monetary structure, and the DEVELOPMENT OF HIGH VALUE IN THE TRADING CATEGORY.”

So we see this was the purpose of launching these new 50k notes. The CBI told us themselves

Of course the VALUE would INCREASE rise.  What is the value of the dinar? The value is expressed in terms of it’s RATE. Do we not all want a RATE INCREASE?

So at some point in time soon I expect they will hit a point they need and then pop out the new rate. Part B to their plan.

Remember I told you this will be sudden and excepted. This process is NOT a currency FLOAT as many have alluded to will happen. They will simply go from the 1166 rate to a 1:1 rate with the USD. The IMF is now  working very closely and monitoring it very closely.

Some say – “but they are only introducing yet more 3 zero notes into circulation so how does this delete the zeros?”  Won’t this cause yet more hyper-inflation? See article below.

No- it will not cause more hyper-inflation. Hyper inflation is cause by too much currency in circulation – way too much. Because you flooded the market SUPPY INCREASES and so the individual VALUE DECREASES.
We have witnessed this is Zimbabwe with their currency. If they ever reorganize that currency they will have to eventually do a “lop” to drop the zeros off their currency to exchange them.

With the Iraq dinar what they are doing is not a “lop” and they even call the project to “delete the zeros” meaning to delete the 3 zero currency out of circulation prior to a rate increase they driving up the rate and thus not do a “lop”. The CBI has told us this too. So relax all you worry warts out there………

It “deletes the zeros” because to make up a 50k note you have to use combinations of the 10k and 25k notes. For instances see examples  (2 x 25k = 50k),  (5 x 10k = 50k),  (10k+10k + 5k + 25k = 50K) etc..I really like this last example since it demonstrates that they collected 4 of the 3 zero notes and gave them back only one notes. This is a 4:1 reduction overall and a 3:1 reduction for the project (since the 5k notes are remaining anyhow we really can’t count them ).

Eventually, when the rate does change, many citizens owning these 50k notes will go the bank and exchange them too since the rate will be worth the exchange for the lower denoms that will have a higher value. So they will collect many of these 50k notes back anyhow in the long term. But you must now look more at the short term goal they are trying to achieve.

Eventually the CBI will have to tell the banks to begin launching the lower denominations into circulation  Some say this has already occurred as I write this news letter. Really?  See article #2 below. Maybe the article is late and they have already done this? We wait for the impact. Do you agree this article is our GOLDEN NUGGET of the day? It is like a WOW factor. Do know how long we have been waiting for this news. It is like manna from heaven when you are starving…..ahhhhh !

Article #2 Begins


Najib: New plans to issue new currency less than 250 dinars coin

November 19, 2015

A commission of economy and investment plans for new parliamentary Central Bank intends to implement is to issue less cash currency of category 250 dinars, and a new edition to the category of 500 dinars. "

He said committee member Najiba Najib said in a statement seen by the agency of our economy news that "the central bank has new plans to issue a new currency less than the category of the 250 Iraqi dinars to fill the Iraqi market needs, as well as to issued a new edition of the Currency 500 dinars category."

The CBI had announced earlier issued a new banknote fifty thousand Dinars category in order to complete the Iraqi Securities monetary structure, and the development of high value in the trading category.

Article #2 Ends

I personally have not heard of any significant increase in the dinar value so my common sense tells me this has not yet occurred. But we know it can’t be long since eventually, and shortly, they will get to point when they must increase the incentive to begin collecting yet the USD too.

Remember the IMF does not want Iraq to be a USD based economy and right now it is nearly 80-90% running on USD. So they must draw-in this currency too and they will not do it with out at least a 1:1 or a bit higher rate for the new lower denominations. This is part C to the plan and the launching of the lower denoms will initiate it. 

When these lower denominations are launched you can buy your bottle of champagne and put it on ice since it is not long before we, as outside investors, are at the bank.

So if anyone comes out with PROOF not rumors or conjecture that these new lower denoms are launched and in the hands of the citizens, please let everyone know ASAP. This is VERY significant.

Even if this plan is not successful (but I believe it will be) in accomplishing all of its goals we know that they have decided now is the time to move forward with this project to “delete the zeros”. We know the basis parts of the project and they may change directions but this is all VERY GOOD news for us anyway it goes. 

At least we see some significant movement in the right direction…..FINALLY after all these years of waiting ! 

To answer many other questions as to what do they do with these 50k notes afterwards ? 

These 50k notes are being used as a  temporary tool to collect the remaining 10k and 25kk notes. That is all for they are intended to do as part A of the plan.   

Then once more of the 10k and 25k notes are sucked out of circulation this will justify a rise in the value of the dinars (as the money supply decreases) of which the remaining supply will be mostly now the 5k and 50k notes.

They already recalled the $50 notes early last spring remember? The 5k (also a 3 zero note) will remain in circulation going forward.
Article #2 Begins


17, 2015 November 17, 2015

Our economy / Baghdad
Considered the economic and investment commission in Parliament to issue a class of 50 thousand dinars, contrary to what was approved by the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank on the deletion of zeros from the currency.

The Deputy Chairman of the Committee Harith al-Harthy said in a statement seen by the agency of our economy news today, there are large errors in monetary and fiscal policy in the country, noting that the issuance of the currency of 50 thousand dinars category was contrary to what was approved by the Ministry of Finance, and the Governor of the Central Bank of the deletion of zeros from the currency.

And that when you grow up where the currency will be weak, and will use some of the smugglers to draw them out of the country, and that will affect the strength of the Iraqi dinar.

He explained that the issuance of the 50 dinars category will contribute to an increase of inflation in the country, likely cancel after the end of the financial crisis that has plagued Iraq due to lower oil price.

Article #2 Ends

So I mentioned this upcoming bond drive to in previous article. Now they are telling when they plan to do it again. Can they do this without a currency value? Can they get the kind of credit rating they need to make these bonds profitable prior to this timeframe?

Maybe now with the backing of the WTO they can pull it off and payout less on these bonds?

Just some questions we need to think about. But the timeline is significant.

Link to PART 2

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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