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Thursday, November 19, 2015

KTFA Wednesday Night CC "Dessert Notes" by Aggiedad77 on 11-18-15


Aggiedad77:  Well, here are the notes from last night’s CC Family. I know of Frank’s concern….but I also believe what we face is a short time frame, and I understand how important these notes can be to some of you that are not able to make the CC, plus your day is crammed with so many events you can’t slow down to listen….so enjoy reading. We are good Frank….thanks for the concern.   Aloha   Randy

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

Frank26:  Greetings Family

I hope you were with us last night for that is one of the few times I have opened up about the Vietnamese Dong. If you missed it we have recordings of the call in our archives, we also have notes.

On Monday night we told you that Dr. Shabibi is ready to launch the monetary reform of their currency from the reinstatement stage into the revaluation stage.
This stems from the meeting on the 10th. So this meeting was where they came out to declare we are ready to add value to their currency… removing the 000’s from the citizens….and also from you…..they introduced the 50k and will introduce the 100k next year.

Many looked at this action and believed it to be a LOP and they sold what they had and got out. It worked, what the CBI is doing is masterful and brilliant…but I’ll be honest with you it isn’t that important….what the citizens have is small….there is no liquidity remember….what you have when all added up is like a fraction…..but it has more to do with the principal of it all.

No one in the Middle East wants anyone from the west to be making money off of them, especially from their oil.

Why do you think the Ayatollah Komenani in Iran captured our embassy when Jimmy Carter was President. They saw what we had done in Saudi Arabia 10 years before. Get someone in the US Embassy and let’s stop them.

This is our oil this is our business, keep them at bay. What SA did that was their business….what Oman did that was their business. We are not going to bow to these infidels. This concept was actually introduced about a year and half ago. It’s original true purpose was to suck up the 000’s….but there are not many left.

That is why this whole process is speeding up so much now….when we told you the LD’s came over from the US….when we told you that Dr. Shabibi was moving these LD’s out into the banks… they announce to us we are going to start our taxes and tariffs next month….they’ve been saying that month after month….NO….we are going to because we have started this process of lifting the 000’s…..and we have decided on a float.

I like a root beer float… I have no problems with how they will do this….it is brilliant… is nothing like what happened in Kuwait.

We explained that 1166 is a program rate….we explained the Marshall Plan. Then the IMF yesterday changed the rate from 1166 to 1500…..TA-DA….even the IMF is helping….we took the rate from 1166 to 1500…..isn’t that ok….the whole world started to scream about it….it’s a LOP….it’s a LOP….knock yourself out LOPSTERS…..they tricked you once….they trick you again……

You see that is a program rate….the IMF can say whatever they want about the program rate…..but that is not the same number for Iraq….Iraq’s goal is to leave the program rate…..not retard itself further back into it.

NYT(New Your Times) …..this attack in Paris… started a chain reaction….the LD’s literally were within 24 hours of this attack.

WSJ (Wall Street Journal) ….the US Misjudged the Islamic State Reach…”of evil”…..not sure we miscalculated it….what do you mean…..we trained ISIS….we know more about ISIS than anyone else….they are like a sponge to bring in intel…..but they just killed so many…..yes they went after the cowards and weak….this is terrorism…this is not warfare… did we miscalculate this….I don’t know but I do know we calculated it.

I told you 2.5 months ago you will see a new philosophy and no one knew about it…..first to talk to you about a new coalition of forces….wink…wink….wink….no one else talked about that…..we are calculating how we can just have one enemy….if we can do that….wow.

NYT…..a French US Anti-Islamic Alliance……TA-DA…..why are you talking about this tragedy Frank….you know me by now….when this unity was created about 3 months ago….ISIS got very ticked off.

WSJ…..Night of Chaos Caused a Re-Think in the West…..we already thought about it…..that is why we created this new coalition…..ISIS is jealous, they are cowards….reacts and sends their women and children to do things for them…..they say they wanted to attack the US….but instead they stopped at the French Airport….because security was not as tight…..we decided let’s pick on a Russian airplane….it mattered not who it was….it was all part of the new coalition…..that new coalition angers ISIS…..the coalition has a new philosophy….unity and more…..get ready ISIS.

US Today says The US Must Unite in the Fight Against ISIS…..then today they come out and say…..To Defeat the Islamic State you Must Know the Nature of This War.

What did I tell you Monday….did I tell you the name of a gentleman from France who went to the UN and declared that he was invoking Article 5….I’m giving a declaration of war…..Article 5 says you all must come in and fight with us….no one will be unaffected…..everyone will be against one….that is unique on this planet….very rarely does it happen…..the last time was against Hitler.

The combination of what happened and indirectly affecting the MR….IMO….to cause it to speed up even more is good….then my Toledo newspaper says……”France Bombs ISIS Sites in Syria….wait…we are bringing Syria into this now…..Russia I thought you had this covered…..well….we do what we want.

US will you be willing to take some of these refugees from Syria…’s being re-thought….but Putin comes out on Monday and says shame on you US….why don’t you take these Syrian refugees.

Putin….be quiet…..there are 20,000 refugees in Texas…there are thousands of refugees in Michigan….Putin….why don’t you take some yourself.

What did we tell you on Monday…..we said….and look at Randy’s notes… attention to the air strikes….we said that on Monday….yesterday but mainly today…there are a bunch of air strikes… you see the proof of the bombing… did we clear out the cities in Iraq….by bombing them….quickest way to sterilize them… we see this declaration of war…..yes those are your Monday notes.

Defeating ISIS with the air strikes will work…but look here….”These Air Strikes, We Need More”…..we need the cooperation of the coalition force….by doing this they will get rewarded…their economy and their currency will improve.

During the last three years Texas has taken in more refugees than any other state….when on Monday Texas Governor Abbott wrote to President Obama that he was closing the door to Syrian refugees, it muddied the waters, there are over 20,600 refugees in Texas.

So let’s just hope they start to do their part now and start to help out.

This alliance now…IMO… moving currency into a power position…why….because that is how you win a war…they have declared war…..I hope you can understand the definition and what this means….and how this aliiance is emerging against terrorism….yes….but the truth is….towards a unity of many countries that have never ever been together like that before.

You may understand this better next year.

An Islamic lecturer says, “ISIS is basically doing evil for Saddam from the grave.” It is just plain ugly.

This is interesting because it is causing a chain reaction….IMO….with currencies.

Yesterday I poured my heart out about the VND….”Made in Nam” we called it.

Today….we see…..”China – Capital Is Flowing Into China After a Hiatus”…..well I think it is because China is in the basket or will be in the basket….that is going to fight terrorism.

China Defaults Continue to Rise…But They Keep Selling Their Debt”….just like the US did…they mirror image the US.

China’s Economy is Growing on Purpose….they tell their citizens to turn themselves into rabbits…..already there are 4.5 billion….go ahead and start having babies….wow….9 billion….they will double….it won’t take that long to double their population.

Next month we walk into the RI into the RV and that will see this into next year in a float….these are the end times.

Another article says that China debt is a time bomb….but we are all in the same basket now.

WSJ…what will the oil industry look like in 5 years…..well what do you think….in 5 years…..for the next 2 years oil will be about $40 a barrel….then it will explode….so they ask in the next 5 years…..2 years hold….then explode……oil prices are falling amid ample inventory……

Hillary told you….you have to get in there….you have to get in there, if you aren’t in there by now it is too late….what does she mean…..the latest strategy is it to sell oil or is it to buy oil firms… have to get into these places long before things peak…..long before now…..she went in….look it up….they were desperate for any form of money….she didn’t buy oil….I would have bought oil refineries.

It says here “Obama Faces a Crossroad….but let me change this….After 8 years of this leadership I live here in the US where it has evolved that I cannot say anything about my religion or my beliefs, I can’t say anything about gay marriages, I could be sued…..let me change this “Obama Faces a Cross.

Even the newspapers are saying “Wake up Mr. President”…..sorry too late.

But the bedfellows are interesting…..dancing with dictators against Islamic State….yes we had to do this….it is a byproduct and a tangible with the movement of the Iraqi currency….and the other currencies in the basket doing the same thing.

Yesterday we talked in depth about China and also the VND.

Japan…..their economy continues to shrink further down….sorry Japan are you being treated like Vietnam……because in all honesty what is happening….the IMF shift on the Yuan is a boom for China….sorry Japan and you other little countries…..well we talked about that yesterday.

These are powerful movements of currencies….the SDR is going to do much to reward the economies that are a part of the coalition unity against one.

Terrorism Clouds Obama’s Visit in Asia… our President is in Asia….in his 8 years only one time he went to the ME…..what is he doing.

This coalition….the many tangibles……the unity in the same basket….many fighting against one…..will sell the oil.

US Today….Russian Strikes in Syria Could Lead to US Cooperation….what did we tell you on Monday night…..Russia/Putin….can we help… I said…..Putin is going to ask Obama….get in here and help me…..and today he asks Obama to take the refugees.

Today we see the dollar revival poses a new threat….to who….to those who are not in the coalition.

I like that the USD is threatening to so many…..Monday the USD was around 99.20….yesterday it was 99.75… it was around 99.85… see the IQD value of 1166 on XE or Forex is getting closer to that 1111……I’ll be darned.

So for a long time this RI into this RV was the boy who cried wolf….interesting isn’t it.

Many call and say….I’m buying the 50k on ebay…..that is your business…..I do know there are some dealers who will sell the 50k….I do know these dealers are taking your money….but don’t know if this is legal to do…..some will sell it…..they supposedly have shipments and orders coming in…..does my broker have the 50k….NO….we didn’t order them…..I’ll pay attention to you….if more than 100 say they want it……I will tell my broker to bring in a little for souvenirs… careful where you buy it…..don’t tell me you bought it cheap…circulated.

I love how some of the ministers of Parliament are saying…..I’m angry that we have a new currency….this 50k this rate is about to be lifted for the purpose of our currency….I don’t like it…..makes it harder for you to steal….I like they came out and tell us they are going to raise their value….looks like a float sometime next month.

James2000 asked, why would you be selling the IQD if you know it is going up next month….we don’t…..we told you it will go from an RI to an RV….we told you that you may not see the rate…..that it will take probably take into part of next year….why stop and gamble against our form of income…..would that be wise…..we would be gambling against our own currency… broker has an inventory that belongs to him…..when it happens he will continue to sell the dinar….even the big conglomerates will continue to sell when it starts to rise….that is when the sharks buy…..they have the profit of margin to buy in a higher cost and quantity….smart…..but we as the common joe….we bought long ago……yes we want to keep the status quo……can you imagine….”Frank stopped selling dinars”……is it really here….no we will always continue to sell even when it goes up in value.

Bank story…..BOA story….a dear sister we have known for a while….she got a call from BOA saying they wanted to talk to her about interest free loans….she made an appointment and when she walked into the bank…the manager was a Muslim lady….she walked right up to her and asked when will the dinar go up in value, they just introduced the 50k….the manager asked how do you know that….we don’t even have them….and the lady looked right at her and said….Intel…..the manager said yes they have distributed the 50k’s and they will distribute the 100k’s next year….yes they are in the process of lifting the value of their currency, but we don’t have any information right now….would you like to see some interest free loans.

Where do I cash out Frank…..I know you have questions on that….so let me talk to you about that tomorrow night on our CC….there are many places that you don’t even know about….one interesting place….at airports those kiosks that say “Foreign Exchange Currency.”

There is a declaration of war under Article 5 of the UN…that is a completely different animal… brings in the FBI, the CIA, Interpol….everyone….even Superman if he were alive…..all with this new coalition….this invokement those were our keywords to you….we told you that Paris was another reason why Dr. Shabibi distributed the LD’s….IOO….so today they went into Paris and busted a number of terrorist cells within Paris…..over 1,000 places were hit in Paris….415 people were arrested in Paris….150 people were put under house arrest…..many raids….all in one day….they will continue this because it is a declaration of war.

They call themselves the 8 Knights….they will call themselves the 9 Knights….because they get more people…..they announced they blew up the Russian airplane was done with a soda can filled with nitro……this has only served the coalition to bond closer together…to cement us even stronger and to move the Monetary Reform….not just with the IQD….even China’s currency….going into the basket…..Indonesia wants in mainly for political reasons….this same evil attacked in Indonesia killing many.

Meanwhile the international bonds will be sold again in 2016….to attract more investors…..that will be the third time you put them out….didn’t work the first two times….but as you go from the RI to the RV…..they will work this time.
Meanwhile the Central Bank of IRAN with its Rial….we are working on our interest rates will probably cut them…..the same MR that Iraq is doing…..brilliant blueprint…..I have a feeling it will be used yet again with another country…..

I love the fact that the Iranian central bank just out of sanctions are stating what they want….they don’t care what Iraq is doing….they claimed that Iraq has already mentioned what they doing….so now it is their turn…..

Why are you doing this with your exchange rate Iran……to determine the exchange rate by determining the market mechanism based on the real economic factors… funny…..hilarious…..they can’t even be creative….same words that Iraq used…..let me say….TA-DA.

Meanwhile the CBI says legislation and the laws and of the bank report confirm to review the natural economy….our natural economy….already using our keywords from Monday.

Meanwhile the CBI deals with any fraud in the USD exchange….why….because it is trying to reach out to our currency…today it hit a high of 99.83…..we are docking the currencies….why….to qualify for a basket… be in it together.

Ended with a prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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