Don't WAIT!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thurs. Mnt Goat Post - "Plan to Launch Lower Denoms-Hurray!"  Part 2 of 2

So I mentioned this upcoming bond drive to in previous article. Now they are telling when they plan to do it again. Can they do this without a currency value? Can they get the kind of credit rating they need to make these bonds profitable prior to this timeframe?

Maybe now with the backing of the WTO they can pull it off and payout less on these bonds?

Just some questions we need to think about. But the timeline is significant.
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November 18, 2015
Our economy / Baghdad
The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords Iraq's intention to issue international bonds two billion dollars in 2016 to guarantee from the World Bank for up to half the amount.

 Keywords and said in comments carried by Reuters statements and pursued agency our economy news "value will amount to two billion dollars but the (World Bank) will ensure, say 40 or 50 percent .. will open that market more - make it wider - to attract more investors," he said, adding that the government placed bonds in their accounts for next year's budget deficit to finance the estimated $ 21 billion in size budget of about $ 95 billion.

Keywords predicted to be the new bond yields "a lot less" than 11.5 percent of the revenue that investors request during a promotional tour in Europe and the United States.

Iraq and appointed three major international banks to arrange the release are Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan Chase, but many institutional investors were reluctant because of the risks.

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Update: Amnesty Law 
We are also hearing there are issues with the Amnesty law and these issues may take time to resolve. This law we know is part of the mix too in beginning this “delete the zeros” project. As the USA and UN will not allow the RV without Amnesty (Amnesty bill with certain conditions in it). These conditions are what Allawi has spoken up against in recent new media yesterday. So yes- they can not go forward with deleting the zeros project without Amnesty bill being passed and appropriate/needed conditions within it. 

As usual nothing happens on time in Iraq. We will patiently see if this all works out prior to end of Nov.

The recent news as I complete this news letter today is that these issues are all settled. However, we wait and see. I do know it is very urgent to get  his law passed since if stalled it could mess up the RV process by holding it back.

Update: Oil & Gas Law
Remember I told you about these changes required in the oil and gas law that are needed by Kuristan. They want to have the “official” approval through parliament to sell as much oil and they want, as long as they also meet the Baghdad currency year budget quotas. The contention with the changes are that many politicians want to leave the oil in the ground and limit pumping only to the budget quotas.

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Economy and Tenders

BAGHDAD - scales News
Called the National Alliance MP Haider Alfoada, the government has to complete the project oil and gas law and send it to the House of Representatives for approval, towards resolving the economic crisis.

He called Alfoada, in a statement received / scales News / copy of it on the government to "think seriously about solving the economic problem and the solution is to send the oil and gas law to the Parliament and the distribution of part of the oil and gas revenues to the Iraqi citizen, without any exception."

He added that "this method will improve living conditions for the Iraqi people, and also help to rationalization by the citizen."

Alfoada and pointed out that "improving the pension situation for the Iraqi people by giving a share of oil revenues, will allow the government to adopt the imposition of Statistics taxes on the citizen, which it will receive all the open-mindedness on the grounds that the value of these taxes will not affect his pension as the income of more than tens of times these taxes. "

He stressed the need to "invest the investment budget for the next year in all sectors, to be Assistant to the oil resource and maximize resources," pointing to "the need to take care of real partnership between the public and private sectors to stimulate investment".

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MP for the National Alliance Haider Alfoada, completion of oil and gas law and include a paragraph in which the distribution of part of the oil revenues to Iraqi citizens. He called on the government Alfoada in a statement to "think seriously about solving the economic problem and the solution is to send the oil and gas law to the Parliament and the distribution of part of the oil and gas revenues to the Iraqi citizen, without any exception." Alfoada promise that this method "will improve living conditions for the Iraqi people and also helps to rationalization by the citizen."

He Alfoada to, that "improving the pension situation for the Iraqi people by giving a share of oil revenues, will entitle the government to adopt the imposition of Statistics taxes on the citizen, which it will receive all the open-mindedness on the grounds that the value of these taxes will not affect his pension, considering that his income over tens weaken these taxes. "

Alfoada stressed the need to "invest the investment budget for the next year in all sectors, to be Assistant to the oil resource and maximize resources, pointing to the need to take care of real partnership between the public and private sectors to stimulate investment."

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[Update: 2016 Budget]

Earlier this week parliament had the second reading of the 2016 budget law. They are telling us the want to complete the budget and pass it by the end of Nov. They seemed to be on track to do this by end of Now, then yesterday out pops negativity about how the 2015 budget was handled.   

I quote from the article- “large frustration with the Representatives and the lack of enthusiasm to approve next year's budget because of the government's commitment to the implementation of the last budget items”.

Seems once again the govt is not living up to its promises and so support going forward is lessened. My take on this negativity is that there was not enough funding to complete all the projects in 2015 and so some have been delayed. Like in every government there are always the complainers but these politicians are good too since they create a sense of check and balance on the govt. My feelings are this may have little impact in getting support for the 2016 budget once explained and outlines by the govt.

I want also to remind everyone that thinks there is a ton of money remaining in the CBI rolled over from all those previous budgets (money not spent) due to Maliki and his corruption. Let me address this now since I am getting really sick and tired of hearing about this.

All I can say to these thinkers is this. THE REASON WHY THE PROJECTS WERE NOT COMPLETED IS BECAUSE THE MONEY WAS STOLEN by falsified contracts in the Ministry of the Interior etc…

So how can the funding still exist? Where does the nearly 1 trillion dollars that Maliki and his goons are accused of stealing come from?  It comes from an accumulation of years of corruption and pillaging of these prior year’s budget allocations. Remember the budget is allocated, the ministries send in contracts to transfer money to the banks for the projects. The banks release the funds based on documents. The documents were forged and counterfeited in many cases.

At the time the GOI assumed the money was being spent appropriately if audited however time proved otherwise. Anyone who knew about the corruption and tried to expose it winded up dead. So it went on and on until Iraq is  where they are today…missing money, gone!

So please STOP telling everyone Iraq is not really in a financial mess.   

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November 18, 2015

Our economy / Baghdad
The head of the mass change parliamentary Hoshyar Abdullah, on Wednesday, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and Ministry of Finance to pledge to abide by the terms of the budget in 2016 and dealt with seriously, expressing his regret for the presence of a large frustration with the Representatives and the lack of enthusiasm to approve next year's budget because of the government's commitment to the implementation of the last budget items.

Said in a statement reported by the Information Office today: that the House unfortunately is not enthusiastic to approve next year's budget, the main reason for this is the lack Abadi's commitment to the terms of last year's budget, as it unfortunately had a special that applied according to the views and orientations vision, and therefore the application as it pleases , and this has a negative impact on Hamas blocs and the Finance Committee in their dealings with the draft 2016 budget.

Abdullah stressed that the Ministry of Finance bear part of the responsibility for non-compliance with the terms of last year's budget, and that Parliament and the Finance Committee did not Icoma Unfortunately, monitoring the implementation of its provisions at a time when our eyes went to the reforms.

 He said Abdullah: If we look at the budget in 2015 Terms and even simple ones and least importance, we find that the government did not comply with it, have been lawsuits raise about the basic items, and today some wonder about the feasibility of the adoption of the budget for next year and whether there is a need for the existence of budget basically?

 And between Abdullah, he said that in 2014 there were not offset mainly, and in 2015 there was a lack of commitment and lack of interest by the government to implement its provisions, and today we are discussing the budget law with our frustration because we, even if we were able to approval We have no hope that the government will stick to them.

 He stressed Abdullah on "the need to move away the government and al-Abadi for the wrong approach, which treated him with the budget in 2015, both from the selective hand in the implementation of its provisions or other essential steps relating to the financial plan," calling on the Ministry of Finance to "carry out their duties and assume their responsibilities in providing reports containing serious and solutions Processors realistic the current financial crisis. "

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Update: Fighting ISIS

11/18 /15- Intelligence reports say Ramadi may be liberated within 72 hrs.

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November 18, 2015 in Iraq Oil & Gas News

By Simon Kent.
A wave of US aircraft, including A-10 bombers which can fire thousands of exploding canon shells per minute, have destroyed 116 ISIS fuel tankers near the Iraqi border in Syria.

The operation at Albu Kamal (the Iraqi side of the border is Al Qaim), code named Tidal Wave II, targeted a gathering of tankers moving crude oil in a move avoided by the US so far.

To date, the US has been concerned that many of the tanker drivers are Syrian civilians desparate to earn a living, but this time the risk to life was minimised as the US planes dropped warning leaflets ahead of the strikes.

Further US operations now focus on not only destroying ISIS oil infrastructure, but ensuring that spare parts are destroyed as ISIS attempt to repair oil installations.

The strikes are expected to deny the group a significant portion of its income, as Syrians desperate for fuel buy it from ISIS, while unscrupulous traders have also been purchasing it in areas next to ISIS controlled territory.
Source: CNN

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Let’s now keep praying for the success of THESE IRAQI AND COALITION SOLDIERS-

“May there be a hedge of protection surrounding them and let the Victory be theirs against these evil doers who have no regard for humanity! We will pray until we see Victory! Amen “

All these prayers seem to be working.

Till next time…. Auf Wiedersehen!

Peace and Luv To Ya All, 
Mnt Goat

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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